Raven Ch. 02

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"I can’t remember if I'm the good sister or the evil sister".
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Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2021
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This is the second book in the Michelle Series. Please read the first series for background and context.


Kax shifted uncomfortably in the hardback chair. They were in Michelle's small office above the Domain. It had a spartan feel to it. Green paint discoloured by age, a cheap plain desk picked up in a junk shop, a faded poster of an old movie 'Le Demon des Armes' on the back wall.

"I can't say I'm fucking crazy about the idea," he said.

"It's a key part of Mehzin's operation. The girls are treated well, okay, comparatively well, and they know exactly what to expect at the other end. Five years and they are out with documents and a new life."

"You should have said, human trafficking but with health benefits and vacation days. Makes all the fucking difference."

Michelle ignored the sarcasm. "We have to keep changing the routes, so we need to keep eyes on and make sure everyone is behaving themselves. People tend to cut corners."

"No shit." Kax shifted again. "Fill me in."

"Southampton, tomorrow night. We do the handover, pay the final bonus, then take the girls to the Farm. Eshe will run the medical, settle them in. After that, we blend them into chosen locations. You, me and Benjamin will oversee it."

"Expecting trouble?" Benjamin's sole area of expertise was 'trouble'.

"No, but," Michelle left the obvious unsaid.

Some twenty-four hours later, they were waiting in an unfashionable 'clean' car. Benjamin was in the van behind. They had arrived early and done a sweep. No one wanted any surprises.

"Van looks small. You fit all the girls in that?" Kax queried.

"They can scrunch up. It's not a jolly outing to the seaside, Mr Kax."

Kax grunted. The young woman's callousness still managed to surprise him. It also aroused him. He had been out five weeks, and the first week had been spent fucking Michelle's brains out, followed by a selection of girls Michelle procured for him. At the end of the week, Kax considered becoming a monk.

"What you thinking?" Kax asked. He was familiar with her pensive look.

"Nothing much," she glanced at him. "Megan."

Kax immediately lost interest. Michelle couldn't.


Becky had arranged the meet with Megan. She didn't know why Michelle wanted the meet, and it was killing her not knowing, but she did get to kneel naked between Michelle's thighs and happily tongue this exotic woman's pussy, the woman she still thought of as 'Raven'.

For Michelle, Becky was transactional, a means to an end, albeit an entertaining one. Becky knew this, but it only added to her fixation. The knowledge she was little more than a sex toy, to be discarded or picked up when Raven demanded, fed her submissive needs.

Michelle eventually decided on meeting Megan for coffee. What to say, how to start the conversation was making Michelle nervous. In the end, Michelle played it the way she always did when all alternative scenarios were unsatisfying. Michelle opted for the truth.

The biggest surprise was Megan catching on faster than she was telling it.

"Michelle? That Michelle? Oh, god, it is you! You're my big sister!" Then she burst into tears, smiles, then even more tears, and finally, she scooted next to Michelle in the booth and hugged her fiercely. "I knew you would come!"

A few people were staring, some smiling.

"What do you mean you knew I would come?" Michelle was confused, a little tearful, and annoyed that, yet again, nothing seemed to be going to plan.

"I used to overhear mum and dad talking about 'Michelle', I thought they were talking about 'my shell' when I was little, and then I realised it was a name. Sometimes they would argue. Then, I don't know exactly when, I realised they were talking about another daughter, which I found confusing, but I got it out of mum, oh about four, five years ago that dad had, or used to have, another family and another daughter and I had a big sister." Megan paused for breath and took a mouthful of coffee before continuing.

"I was like wow! It was so exciting. Huge for me. I always wanted a sister, and to have a real big sister was like everything. I wanted to know what you were like, but mum said she never met or knew you and didn't want to talk about it, and dad definitely didn't, so I started imagining what would you be like, and I built you up in my head and imagined you would find me and sort of, I don't know, help me I guess. Give me sisterly advice and look at you! You're so glamorous, and wow!" Megan had the same hero-worship in her eyes as Becky.

It was getting too much for Michelle. "We need to go," she said. They scrambled out of the booth and headed for the privacy of her car. All of her schemes, mad ideas for revenge seemed absurd and childish. For the first time, Michelle saw Megan as a person and as a sister.

"This your car?" Megan asked.

"Yes, one of them," Michelle replied absently.


Michelle closed her eyes and did her breathing exercises.

"What do you do? Becky said your name was Raven, and you fix things."

"Yeah. I'm on a retainer for a Law Firm, and I work for a woman Mehzin who runs several businesses. I have a year old daughter. Her father is getting out of prison soon." Michelle turned to Megan. "It's kind of fucked up at the moment."

Megan stared, her eyes wide as saucers. "Fuck," she said. "I'm an aunt?"

Firing up the engine, Michelle considered this and realised it changed everything. Her daughter had an aunt by blood. "Yeah, you're an aunt." Michelle liked the fact Amanda had an aunt.


"They're here," said Michelle, her phone pinging with a message.

Headlights flickered through the trees, then a truck pulled into the clearing.

She and Kax got out of the car. Benjamin stayed back by the van.

Two men climbed out of the arriving truck.

"They the ones you are expecting?" Kax asked.

"Yeah, Pete and Khan." Michelle nodded a stiff greeting, and the two men were soon shuffling the young women to the waiting van. Benjamin kept back, watching but not helping. Kax flanked Michelle on the other side.

The transfer was done largely in silence. The women were bowed, only the occasional sharp word and muttered curse from the men punctuating the scene. Once the women were packed into the waiting van, Pete walked over to Michelle. He picked up the duffle bag, testing its weight.

"All Euros," said Michelle.

"Okay, nice to see you, Raven," said Pete. "You're looking good."

"Some of the women look a bit worn," said Michelle, having watched them move across. She found you could tell a lot by the way people moved.

"Nothing serious. They were happy to accommodate for better conditions."

"Mehzin doesn't like damaged goods."

"Mehzin can suck my dick," grinned Pete. "Who's the big guy?" He asked, nodding at Kax.

"He's with me."

"Haven't seen him before. Not a business to be springing strangers on people."

"He's not a stranger, and there is still the business of the damaged goods."

"Focus. That's what I like about you, Raven. Look, the girls are fine, I promise. Cross my heart and everything. You or Mehzin have any complaints let me know, okay?"

Michelle nodded. "We will. Count on it."

"We good to go?" Kax interrupted. He wasn't in the mood for chit chat.

"Yeah, we're good." Michelle retreated back to the car with Kax following. Benjamin was already in the van waiting patiently. They set off.

Digging out her phone, Michelle sent a one-word message and then gave Kax a different route, using a small folded map as a guide rather than use the Sat Nav. Satisfied that Benjamin was following, she started to relax.

"You could have warned me about that cunt," said Kax.

"Pete? He's got a mouth, but he's reliable."

"You should have told them I was going to be there," continued Kax.

"Next time, I'll send out embossed invites. Pete knew you were going to be there, he was just fucking with us, trying to deflect from the girls."

Kax grunted. "Cunt."

It was gone 3:00 am when the two of them got back to Kax's high rise flat in Lewisham. He dropped his envelope with his wedge for the night's work into the bread bin and walked into the small lounge. Music was playing in the distance. The block was rarely quiet.

In choreographed silence, Michelle dropped her jeans and lent over the cheap dining table in the corner of the room. Then, parting her arse cheeks, she waited. Kax took his time, opened a bottle of beer and then went over to her. Nothing was said. Only the beat of the distant music intruded.

Finishing the beer, he made a smacking sound as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, then he upended the empty bottle and slapped the inside of Michelle's thighs. She gave a tiny grunt, then reacted as the base of the bottle was pushed against the entrance to her cunt. Dipping her legs a fraction, she tried to open herself; resistance at first, then the bottle slid inside her. Again a tiny grunt.

Slapping her arse Kax rubbed his cock against her slick arsehole, smearing the lube Michelle had applied earlier. He liked the tight feel as he entered her, her muscle clamping on his dick, magnified by the bottle inside her, its hard convex protrusion squeezing him, the table creaking under the strain as he started to fuck her.

He was going to unload inside Michelle; she would be dripping cum out of her arse for a week, he grinned to himself. He could hear her fluttering breath. Michelle was biting her lip, so she made no sound. He had told her he wanted to fuck and hear nothing but the sound of him fucking her, the hard slap of his flesh on hers, the slick, sucking, popping sound of his dick pumping her arse.

"Fucking cunting bitch!" Kax grabbed Michelle, tensed and then slowly relaxed as he came, some of his brutal aggression draining away.

Hooking his fingers into the neck of her top, Kax yanked it hard. Michelle lurched up, choking and then flopped back as it tore. Using the remnant, Kax wiped his dick, then picked up his phone and snapped Michelle bent over the table, her distended arsehole angry and red, the neck of the bottle sticking out of her cunt like an obscene still life.

"What do you have to say?" Kax grunted.

Michelle lay with the side of her face against the table, her cheek flattened and distended, slurring her words.

"Thank you, Mr Kax."

"For what?"

"Thank you for fucking my whore ass and sticking a bottle up my whore cunt."

"Good, fetch me another beer."

Gingerly, Michelle straightened. She knew better than to try and remove the bottle or even step out of her jeans. Carefully she did a crab-like shuffle to the kitchen, not wanting to risk a fall and potential injury, nor wishing to lose her grip on the bottle. Her ruined top still hung around her neck.

She returned with the bottle just as slowly and stood by the side of his easy chair, arms behind her back, her heavy breathing starting to slow.

Smiling, Kax grasped the neck of the bottle and eased it out. She gave a little shriek as he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. The game was over.

"That stretched me more than I thought it would," said Michelle snuggling down.

"Felt good against my cock, babe."

"So, now I'm babe? I was a cunting bitch before!"

"I like you being a cunting bitch." Kax took another swig of beer.

Giggling, Michelle kicked off her jeans and then stretched in his arms with a languid, almost feral grace. She looked at him, tracing his features with her nail. Kax sensed what she was debating to say. Sometimes he wished she would say it, sometimes he hoped she didn't.

She rarely did.


Shan held the expensive dress against her. It was a blended yellow, short and appeared to be see-through but wasn't.

"What do you reckon, babe?"

"Love the colouring, really suits your skin tone," replied Michelle. "I can't do pastel or light colours justice."

"I think you would look great in it," chipped in Megan to Shan, who barely acknowledged the young girl. Megan bored her.

"You find anything, Megs?" Michelle had put Megan on the payroll, which mainly involved shopping trips, fetching coffees and minding the office above the Domain. It wasn't great money, but it was Megan's first job, and she was thrilled to be working for her big sister.

"Not really." Megan didn't have an eye for clothes, but her confidence was growing, and she was starting to express some individuality beyond jeans and a T-shirt.

"Let's go look at some sexy underwear, get those tits of yours in a sexy bra, Megan," said Shan with a lazy smile. She was either ignoring or prodding Megan.

Reddening, Megan looked at Michelle for guidance, unsure how to deal with Shan.

"Maybe later, hey those tops over there look nice, see if you can pick anything out, and I'll be along in a minute," smiled Michelle.

"Okay." Megan trooped off.

"Ease off, okay?" Michelle said flatly.

"What, babe? Only trying to help," protested Shan with wide-eyed insincerity.

"Fuck you were! You're always digging at Megan."

"Yeah, well, she's a boring cunt. Time was we would have had some sport with someone like her. Yeah, I know, she's your sister," Shan preempted Michelle.

"Just try and be nice, okay?"


Michelle knew Shan was going to ride Megan for the rest of the afternoon. They were both hyped from last night's fight, their first in a while. It was a tag team bout put on by some City types.

Shan and Raven, 'The Warring Whores'. Kax coined the name, emblazoning it on the back of his glitzy bomber jacket, much to the friendly derision of the crowd. Their opponents were older, heavier, 'metal dykes'. In their mind, two young, cock loving whores was going to be an easy beat down.

In reality, they weren't as aggressive as their opponents, and heavy meant out of condition and flabby. Shan and Raven had been quicker and hit harder, 'focus on their fucking guts!' Kax had yelled. It had been over quickly, much to the audience's disappointment, a disappointment that was only partly assuaged by Raven removing her opponents head guard and repeatedly smashing her face into the canvas. "Got to give the crowd what they pay for!" Shan grinned.

The aggression was still in their system. "I'm telling you to back off." Michelle moved closer to Shan, her voice low.

"I'll do what the fuck I like," replied Shan with a malicious smile.

Their eyes locked--challenge, aggression and attraction warring in them. Attraction won.

They barged into one of the changing rooms, mouths glued to each other as the door snickered shut.

"You sick bitch!" Michelle bit Shan on the neck, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her head back.

"Fuck you!" Shan snarled, digging her nails into Michelle's ribs.

Their mouths collided again, kissing and biting.

"Get on your knees, and eat my pussy." Michelle licked Shan's face.

"You're eating me, babe."

"I'm not going anywhere near your skanky cunt."

"Coin flip?" Shan smiled.

Michelle considered for a second. "Deal. Loser eats the other."

Megan had pulled out two tops and turned back to see her sister and Shan heading for the changing rooms. Frowning, she wondered what the hurry was. Indecision gripped her. Should she follow? She wished Shan would leave, she tried to be nice, but none of Michelle's friends were nice. There was an undercurrent of cruelty that unsettled her. The only one that had been nice to her was Benjamin. He was sweet.

Megan had been shocked when Kax and Benjamin walked into Michelle's office. They were big and intimidating, but she relaxed when Kax introduced himself. So this was Michelle's boyfriend. He had looked displeased when Megan told Michelle would be back in about twenty minutes. She offered them tea and coffee.

Kax just grunted and said he would be back. Benjamin accepted the offer, so she made him a cup of tea.

"Will you join me?" He had a deep rumbling voice. Megan didn't think she had seen such a big man.

Megan made herself a cup and desperately thought of something to say. Eventually, she said: "I like your hat, scarf thing."

"It's a doh rag." He paused and also hunted for something to say. "I like your top."

"Oh, really? To be honest, I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt girl. I'm not that interested in clothes."

This was welcome news to Benjamin. "I'm reading this book. It's about aliens and shit," he stopped. "Sorry."

"That's okay. I love sci-fi, especially time travel and alternative history."

"What's that?"

"Well, it's like alternative timelines in time travel stories, but real history changed by a single event, so like the US is still a UK colony or aliens invade during WWII and the whole of history is changed. I've got some old paperbacks in my duffel. Would you like to borrow one?"

"Yeah, thanks, sounds cool."

They had met for coffee twice, talking about their shared passions. Both were more for Star Trek than Star Wars, and Benjamin was enthusiastic about the alternative history genre, 'anything has to be better than the way this shit turned out.'

Sighing, Megan shelved pleasant thoughts of Benjy and made her way to the changing rooms to show Michelle the tops.

Shan was pissed, but a bet was a bet. Her face was buried in Michelle's pussy, lapping up her friend's juices and the abuse that Michelle rained down on her.

The timid knock at the door was bad enough in terms of timing. The issue of it not been locked was of more immediate concern.

"Oh, fuck!" Michelle exclaimed as Megan's wide-eyed face swung into view.

Shan started laughing as Megan stammered apologies and fled.

"Fuck's sake! Megan!" Michelle shoved Shan to one side and went after her sister.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I really fit into your world," said Megan for the third time. "I'm trying, but you're like this sophisticated, glamorous figure who has staff and runs things and has sex where and when she wants, and I'm just not like that."

Michelle had taken Megan to the Store cafeteria, while Shan had made herself scarce.

"I'm sorry, Megan, I didn't mean for you to see that. I was selfish, Shan and I press each other's buttons, and well, it gets a bit heated."

"That's okay, I'm not a prude or anything. I'm sorry I burst in, look on your face, though!" Megan giggled.

"Yours was a picture, too," smiled Michelle. "But you're right, I was so busy trying to fit you into my world I never even asked about your world, what you want, or like, so for that, I'm sorry too."

"Thanks," Megan paused. "Can I ask something?"


"Why is Shan so mean? I mean, Becky can be a cow, Hale too, but they are nice people at heart, and they look out for me. Shan is, well, cruel."

That was a tricky one. "I can be cruel, too," replied Michelle quietly.

Megan didn't contradict her.

"Ouch!" Michelle said wryly.


"It's what you think. I could say we have to be, I guess, but honestly, it's just who we are, the way we are made."

"I don't understand it."

"Maybe you're the lucky one then."

"You don't believe that."

Michelle laughed. "Yeah, you're right. Truth is, I like who I am, but you are humbling me a bit here, which isn't a bad thing. Ignore Shan, next time she's a bitch tell her to fuck off."

"And have her get nasty? I know you two were fighting last night. I'm not equipped to stand up to her."

"Maybe I can teach you, toughen you up."

"Michelle, I'm an ordinary nineteen-year-old girl. I like wearing jeans and t-shirts. I'm thinking of studying archaeology, and I'm mad about Sci-fi. I'm a bit of a nerd. Training me up isn't going to happen. I'm not you."

"Fair enough. I'll tell Shan to fuck off with the attitude. You're family, and she needs to respect that. Talking of family, you still not told your folks about me?"

"No. They know about Raven, and they know I have a job with you but not who you really are; that is a decision we make together. They seem pleased I'm a bit more outgoing, though. They don't need to know the office is above a Lesbian Club. I still have a job, don't I?" Megan added anxiously.