Raven Ch. 07

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A darkening of Ravens.
6.2k words

Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2021
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Tentatively, Becky cuddled up the naked woman asleep beside her. She had expected Linda to be gentle with her, affectionate, yet the opposite had happened. Becky found herself being used with only some belated consideration after Linda had sated herself.

Even Raven had shown more understanding. No, that wasn't true. Once Raven had what she wanted, Becky almost had to beg for attention, and the more she begged, the more demeaning the sex and the more Becky had enjoyed it.

Clinging to the warm presence beside her, Becky hoped that Linda may come to show her some emotional consideration, at least more than Raven ever did.

On the bright side, Becky now reflected that she had bedded both mother and daughter, which at the very least would be a fond memory to look back on.

Warmed by this titillating thought, Becky drifted back to sleep.


Megan also woke during the night. Slipping carefully out of bed so as not to disturb her new Lord and Master, she padded to the bathroom. Her body ached, her pelvis felt like it was dislocated. Megan envied Michelle having such a man in her life.

Examining herself in the mirror, Megan cupped her breasts. They were bruised and sore. She hoped the bruises would deepen over the next few days, mementoes of the glorious sex she had experienced.

"Oh," Megan jumped as she came out of the bathroom. Judy was waiting in the hall.

"I thought that was you," said Judy dreamily, leaning in to kiss Megan, who responded tentatively then eagerly. Judy had gone down on her after Kax had cum inside her, dropping her exhausted, sheen covered body onto the sofa before ordering Judy to eat her out. It was Megan's first experience of a woman being intimate with her, and it had capped the best sex of Megan's life. She could still taste herself on Judy's lips.

"Come to bed with me," urged Judy, grabbing her by the hand.

"I have to get back to my Master," Megan felt Judy's hand between her legs and wondered if she should touch the woman back.

"Of course, you are Cunt Candy after all." Judy was delighted the girl wanted to continue the 'game'. Michelle would be pleased too.

Whispering a goodnight, Megan returned to the main bedroom and climbed in next to Kax. She loved his warmth and presence, she wanted to please him, please them both if necessary.

Megan drifted back into a contented sleep.


"You should be more attentive to an old woman," said Ms Brody as Michelle poured the tea. They were in Jan's parlour at the Club, Italian opera playing softly in the background.

"I apologise. It's been hectic since my return, and with my daughter--"

"Are you making excuses? Do I give the impression I care?"

Michelle put down the cup of tea, rose and curtsied. "What will you have me do?" She had delayed seeing Jan, primarily to vex her. This was her third visit.

"Ah, that is a good question. You can entertain me with your recent goings-on. Last time you talked about Anaisha, how you prostituted her and bedded her, she is lucky she has such a dear, loving friend like you." Jan's eyes shone with malicious glee. "I'm amazed her parents reconciled the way they did. Harita finally saw what Faris is actually like, and then found she rather liked him!" Ms Body gave an amused bark of laughter.

Michelle ignored the older woman's spite. No matter how many times they fell out or barbed with each other, there was an underlying bond. "Yes, Anaisha is lucky to have a friend that showed her how life could be different. Harita benefitted too. They should be thanking me."

"This tea is weak," snapped Jan, disappointed Michelle didn't rise to the bait.

"Just right, for me."

"This Dr Rosen you mentioned is making you way too reasonable," Jan continued querulously.

"Yes. A bit. It helps to talk to someone who doesn't share our perspective. Stops me being rash."

"I like your rashness, it tends to be delightfully violent. So your sister, who you wanted to destroy but decided to adopt instead. Continue the latest development." Jan Brody hoped this would be more entertaining.

"Well, it seems I was having more of an unconscious influence than I realised. Megan took to playing our little slavegirl game with surprising relish. Mr Kax named her 'Cunt Candy' and is fucking her brains into mush. He is very good at that," said Michelle with a half-smile.

"I'm sure he is, please continue."

"Judy went down on Megan after he finished, which just about did her in for the evening. Mr Kax then shared his bed, our bed, with her, and I ended up sleeping with a snoring fat sow, which I didn't entirely appreciate." Michelle's face darkened.


Michelle shrugged. "She mentioned Mr Kax seemed to enjoy banging Megan's big arse, which annoyed me. It's not even that big."

"And?" Jan's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

"I slapped her." Michelle paused. "Several times. I may have been overzealous. Let's just say Judy's had difficulty walking since."

"Good for you," Jan smiled. "I bet Dr Rosen would not approve."

"No, she would counsel me on my destructive tendencies, get me to try and assert my control mechanisms. She's not wrong, but," Michelle shrugged again.

"But at the time, you enjoyed dispensing just punishment. Were you aroused by it? Did you make her satisfy you?"

"Yes, she was willing. Judy knows the beating was her fault." Michelle could literally hear Dr Rosen in her head saying it was most definitely not.

Jan Brody was not Dr Rosen. "Of course, dear. You said slapping, now it's a beating?"

"Does it matter?"

"To me, no. To Judy, I suspect it mattered a lot!" Jan cackled. "Did you tell Mr Kax about the beating?

"No. He doesn't approve sometimes." Michelle stopped.

"You were going to say something else?"

"Just that I hate disappointing him. I also think Amanda would be disappointed in me." Michelle struggled with that thought.

"She's only a baby."

"Yes, but still. It bothers me."

"Very dull. You disappoint me," said Jan dismissively.

"I'm not a circus turn for you to enjoy," snapped Michelle coldly.

"You are. You're a freak, a freak to entertain me, nothing more--"Jan stopped as Michelle half rose then checked herself.

"Ah, that's more like it, that blank look, that's what I want," continued Jan, her heart racing. But not too much excitement, she thought to herself.

"Don't try and goad me. It won't work," said Michelle. "You're an evil old bag."

"Yes, but I'm you in fifty years. It's why we get on. So how is Cunt Candy settling in?"

"Fine. She's serving us both, allowing Judy to rest up a bit."


"And what?"

"Don't play coy with me, dear. Have you fucked your sister?" Jan leant forward eagerly to hear the rest.


"Should Judy see a doctor?" Megan asked anxiously.

"No," said Michelle.

"Maybe," said Kax. He looked at Michelle quizzically.

"Oh, go and see if she's okay," said Michelle to Megan. "I can get her seen to at St Edwin's if needs be."

Kax looked again at Michelle, who said: "What?"

"Nothing. If Judy needs attention, make sure she gets it."

"Of course," replied Michelle as if this didn't need saying. She ignored his disbelieving grunt and zeroed her attention back to her sister.

"Judy says she feels a lot better, the pain is going, and she said to say thank you to Michelle and to apologise," added Megan with a puzzled frown.

"I knew it," muttered Kax.

Michelle continued to ignore him. She tried her mental exercises, but it wasn't helping. She eyed her half-naked sister, her tits proudly displaying 'Cunt Candy'. Megan hadn't left the apartment in five days and only covering up if Amanda was around. Michelle had strict rules on acceptable dress and behaviour.

"Come here, Cunt Candy," said Michelle softly.

Megan dutifully approached Michelle and knelt in front of her.

"You have been servicing, Mr Kax quite diligently, haven't you?" Michelle continued.

Megan glanced nervously at Kax. "Yes, Raven, I have tried to be a good sex slave."

"No complaints from me," interjected Kax.

"Shut the fuck up, Mr Kax," said Michelle sweetly. She trailed her finger over her sister's breasts. "I think it's time Cunt Candy replaced some of fuck-bags duties.

Megan watched Michelle's finger meander over her breasts. The touch left a burning sensation. She knew this was coming, and she had been working out her response.

"May I speak, please."

"Yes," said Kax.

"I understand we weren't brought up together, and I know you have a different standard," Megan stumbled, "and I have thought about this, and I am okay if you fuck me with a strap on or use a dildo on me. But I'm not ready for anything more intimate, not right now anyway, and I hope you understand. Please, Raven?"

"I think that is acceptable," said Kax quietly. "Agreed, Lady?"

With an effort, Michelle nodded and even smiled her agreement. She did appreciate the offer and the effort Megan was making. Michelle did not appreciate Kax's acceptance on her behalf.


"Did you two have words? Did your man slap you senseless?" Jan laughed.

"Yes and no. We had words later. No slapping. Mr Kax was right. Megan was meeting me halfway, and I appreciated that."

"So you fucked her?"



For Michelle, the offer was enough. It had been made. She accepted it. One day, tomorrow, next week, next month, when Megan least expected it. Michelle might take up Megan's offer, she may never take it up. The offer was in Michelle's power, and that was something she liked.

But next time Mr Kax was using Megan, her sister would have to share, and after that, Michelle was reclaiming her man. That opportunity came at the weekend. Megan was kneeling beside Kax as he sat with Michelle on the sofa.

Judy was hobbling around the flat, making more apologies to Michelle, who in turn stressed the need for Judy to mind her manners and her mouth. This casual cruelty as ever worked on a fundamental level for Michelle, which led her to seek attention from Kax. She reached into his jeans and freed his cock with Megan looking on wide-eyed.

Michelle could taste her sister on her man, his hardness stretching her jaw as she accommodated him. Sex was a currency for Michelle and one she spent freely. There was no one she would rather spend it on than Kax.

Pushing her head down, Kax was pleased his woman was reclaiming him. The game had been fun for the last few days, but he missed Michelle, her willingness to explore the extremes. She deliberately gagged on him, drool and snot escaping from her, losing herself in his scent, his taste, the power of his hand on the back of her head.

Finally, she looked up, catching Megan's eye. Kissing the tip of his cock, Michelle asked: "Fancy some?"

Eagerly Megan scrambled to take him in her mouth while Michelle kissed and tongued his balls. Kax looked down at the two girls, enjoying the wet, soft mouths of two sisters pleasuring him, with Judy watching from the kitchen doorway.

Playfully the sisters swapped over, a hand jiggling his balls, a finger rubbing his arsehole until he could hold it no longer. Long attuned to him, Michelle took back his cock and accepted the prize of his thick semen, swirling it around her mouth, her eyes fixed on her sister.

Megan leaned over and pressed her lips to Michelle, accepting the gift. Giggling, they shared the spoils, swapping semen back and forth. Michelle spitting it into Megan's face, then licking the mixture that ran down, both enjoying the situation as well as each other.

"Thanks," said Michelle.

"For what?" Megan asked.

"Sharing that moment. I enjoyed it."

Megan nodded. "So did I." Intimacy with her sister had felt right. Enjoyable. Shyly she reached out again and kissed Michelle.

Judy watched with an indulgent smile, then signalled to Michelle when she caught her eye.

"Can we talk, please, Raven?"

"Sure. You know we always can." Michelle was still in the zone, sharing Kax, the cum kissing, it had left a warm glow.

"I know I provoked you, deliberately so, but sometimes it is difficult for me to cope with your reaction. Age, I guess. I am over sixty."

"You want me to go easy?" Michelle's voice cooled. "Perhaps you shouldn't provoke me."

"No. It's more than that." Judy was struggling to articulate her feelings. "I'm willing to suffer, happy to, but there will come a time when I will break, you will break me. You may not mean to, but I know what you are like. I knew early on." she added with a rueful smile.


"I want to commit the rest of my years to you and this family, and I think I would like to train my successor," Judy was looking at Megan.

"I'm not sure Megan is ready or even suitable."

"Oh, I am, so is she. We've had a couple of chats. She wants a purpose, meaning in her life, and loves to serve, be subsumed, and who better than by you and Mr Kax with me to teach her? Megan will do anything for you both. With the right training, coaxing, maybe even a stint at McCraddocks, now it's starting to get the old feeling back."

Michelle looked at her sister, who was back sitting at Kax's feet, an adoring look on her face.

"Megan has been all but naked and not left the apartment for a week," continued Judy. "She's forgotten her friend exists. This is her world, and she is happy in it."

"I wouldn't worry about her friend," said Michelle sourly.

"Make it formal, official--a slave contract for her. We can share my room, or have a cot in your room, or turn the box room into a slave cave for her. She will have to earn money for clothes through services, maybe even contract out her services. Make her see she only has value as a slave, a sexual commodity. It's all mental, in the head. You know that."

"Yeah, I know. And you?" Michelle asked.

"Me? I just don't want to be lonely, and I want to feel alive, even if that means the occasional beating. Megan doesn't really know what you are like, for her, any punishment has to be ritualised and probably administered by Mr Kax or at the direction of Mr Kax."

Michelle looked at Judy. "I'm not that bad."

"Really? You and Mehzin were together for over two years. Want to tell me that in that time no one got hurt?" Judy asked softly. "You think Mary didn't like to chat about you, how much she missed you and what Mehzin was into? Everyone chats to me because I don't matter, and I keep it all to myself. I'm a slave, too--a good one." Judy said with fierce determination and pride.

"You have always been loyal, I'll give you that."

"I'll sign in blood my loyalty to you and this family."

"Bit showy."

"I have a flair for the dramatic."

"Clearly!" Michelle paused. "Is it bad?" It was a nod to Judy's health.

"Do you really want to know?"


"I saw Wendy. She took me to the hospital. I needed stitches in my snatch, you broke two ribs, and my knee is fucked. It will mend, but slowly."

"You tell Wendy what happened?"

"No. I don't blab. But Wendy knew. She isn't stupid, and like it or not, you have a reputation."

"You shouldn't provoke me," repeated Michelle.

"Seriously? That's your response? Yes, I provoked you. I like teasing you, and I accept the consequences, but as I said, I'm over sixty, you think I'm going to survive your idea of what is an 'acceptable' response to teasing? You think Megan will? That's why you have to leave punishment to Mr Kax."

Michelle pushed Judy into the kitchen, closing the door. "Okay, maybe I go too far, and no, I won't do that to Megan. She's family, she's my daughter's aunt. That doesn't mean I won't treat her like a sex slave if that's what Megan wants."

"She does, but lead her in. I think you will be surprised how far she will go."

"Then keep suggesting it to her, show her the benefits, the fun and what it means. Then if she comes to us, we know she's ready."

Judy nodded. "And me?"

"What about you?"

"Fuck's sake," as placid as Judy was, anger spilt into her voice. "Have you listened to anything I said or did you just hear what you wanted about Megan and to hell with the fuck-bag!"

Michelle looked at the older woman, then picked up a dishtowel and dried Judy's tears. "I heard."

"Good!" Judy sniffed. "I'd best get on preparing lunch."

"I'll send Megan to help."

"Please. At least there is one Leason girl who can cook." She gave Michelle a defiant glare.

"I should beat you for that."

"Do what you want. You always do."

"But I should treat all members of my household better."

Judy picked up the dishtowel, wiping the counter aimlessly. "Yes, you should."

"That's settled then. I'll give it ten minutes before I send Megan in."

"Yes, that would be fine. Thank you for listening.

Michelle hesitated. "I did intend moving back in with Mr Kax, but perhaps I'll do that tomorrow and spend the night with you."

"That would be nice."

Michelle caught the hope warring with concern in Judy's voice. "We can chat, have a cuddle. I guess I wasn't the best company the past few nights."

A smile flitted over Judy's face. "You have been a bit unapproachable. It would be nice to spend some time in your arms. I've always looked up to you, admired you. I mean what I said about devoting my life to you and your family."

"Then we should formalise your duties, same with Megan. Keep the family together with everyone knowing their place." Michelle emphasised 'family' as she looked at Judy.

Judy went bright pink, looked away and nodded while furiously scrubbing at some invisible spot on the counter.

"That's settled then." Michelle shut the kitchen door behind her allowing Judy to enjoy a good cry.


"So what were you up to with Mehzin? Out of the four, she was always the most unpredictable." Jan asked.

Michelle had edited out some of the precise details of her conversation with Judy. "No one's business but mine."

Jan hadn't really expected an answer. "So why didn't Megan have to worry about her friend? Are we getting to the real reason why you were in an odd mood?"



With Megan learning at Judy's side and Mr Kax having an afternoon siesta with Amanda lying on top of him, Michelle was parked outside Linda's, knowing she should have messaged first rather than drop in unannounced. She and her mother had a code, and it didn't involve trying to catch the other out.

Michelle let herself in and shouted in the hallway. Linda appeared from the kitchen in T-shirt and knickers, looking calm and unflustered. Did no one wear pants anymore? Michelle thought irritably.

"Nice of you to drop in," smiled Linda, kissing her daughter on the cheek. "No, Amanda?"

"Mr Kax has her. I took a pic." She showed Linda a picture of Kax lying on the bed with Amanda sprawled on his chest. She seemed to be trying to catch his finger.

"Lucky, Mr Kax. Cup of tea?" Linda asked, going back into the kitchen.

"Thanks." Michelle was half expecting Becky, but the kitchen was empty.

"You and Megan having fun?"


Linda waited.

"Are you and Becky?" Michelle eventually asked.

"Well, we have two choices. The first is that Becky went back to London as Megan seems incapable of replying to messages or answering her phone." Linda gave Michelle a pointed look.

"And the second?"

"The second is that Becky is strapped naked to the bed upstairs. It is your choice which you believe."


"And what did we agree about popping in? We message first. Yet here you are with that disapproving look on your face because you don't like my lifestyle choices. It's getting to be a little wearing, dear, but you know what? Fu-fudge it. For once, I'm not apologising."

"Okay, I know, I can't help myself, and I hate doing it!" Michelle responded with irritation.

"Then don't do it. Your moralising on the subject of my love life is wearisome."

"It's only the girls, I have no problem with Roland--"