Raven Ch. 09

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Fuck with Raven & Kax? They'll fuck you back. With interest.
5.3k words

Part 9 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2021
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Wiping between her legs, Megan ran the tap and washed her hands, wondering if she had time for a quick shower.

"Ten minutes, babe, give the room a quick air and change the sheets," ordered Rachel as Megan exited the bathroom.

No time for a shower then. Megan felt a bit grubby, her last customer had been overweight and sweaty, sprawled on top of her as he fucked her. Her face trapped in an unwashed armpit, his grunting loud in her ear. She had come to enjoy the 'gross' fucks. It was like smearing yourself in filth that would never come off. Corrupting herself beyond redemption, as Raven would say.

She updated her customer log. Raven liked to know how many guys she saw, what they did and how long. Their relationship was permanently anchored in a pattern that Megan could not break; even performing a sex act on her sister had become routine. She felt more Cunt Candy than Megan. It freed her from stress and worry. Raven decided what Megan wore, what she ate, where she should be, who she fucked. Raven decided her life, and Megan was content to hand over control. She was even more content that it allowed her to be close to Lord Kax.

There was a knock, and Sammie came through. Megan liked Sammie. Like her, Sammie was bottom of the hierarchy. That Sammie was a Dog had shocked Megan at first, but she quickly adjusted.

"Appreciate you helping, Sammie," said Megan as they changed sheets together.

The woman just smiled. She didn't talk much. Megan knew there were rules but was a little vague on them and didn't like to ask.

"I'm meeting my friend Becky for lunch. Be the first time we have had time together by ourselves." The last time she had seen Becky, they had put on a sex show with each other at a party hosted by a Sam and Sean. Raven had taken them. The party had been same-sex rules, although there had been some cross over. A cute guy in frock had taken a bit of a shine to her.

Megan chatted away to Sammie, who in turn lapped up the information Megan let slip. That she was Raven's half-sister, the dynamics of the household with Judy. Megan hid behind a blank look when asked direct questions, but with Sammie, she chatted freely and revealed much that went on.

"She sounds utterly horrible," said Sammie to Rachel and Bianca one evening. "this other slave is sixty, and she beats her! I mean, it's gross." She glanced down at Archie and fondled his ear. "Okay, this Judy likes it, as does Megan, who seems happy enough, but Raven is vile. There seems to be little love in her."

"Perhaps, babe, but we don't question lifestyles," said Rachel. She still fancied the idea of fooling around with Raven, with or without Kax. She looked at her wife and wondered how she should go about getting permission. Both were relaxed about extramarital jaunts, but Raven would be an issue, even if it were just business.

"Thanks again, Sammie," said Megan. "If you and Archie ever want to hang and I have a free moment and permission, I would like that. I love talking to you."

"I would like that," said Sammie softly.

Rachel brought Bianca lunch from the deli across the street and made cups of tea. Sammie was resting with Archie, and Megan had gone off to see Becky for lunch.

"Thanks. The girl did well this morning," said Bianca.

"Yeah, five customers, three fuck and sucks, one fuck and one handjob. I can retire at this rate."

"You'll retire your slut ass when I say you can retire it."

"Damn, you are one hard-nosed pimp."

"You got that straight. I didn't marry you, so you can get fat at home while I work to support you. Even Sammie earns her keep."

"Is that any way to talk to your wife?"

"When she is a lazy slut, yes."

The banter was keeping her mind off the session with Raven. Rachel could sense the worry and the excitement.

"If you need me in there, let me know, okay, babe?"

"Yeah, you just want to play with her," smiled Bianca.

"Part of me does," admitted Rachel. "The other part says keep clear. Above all, I want to help the woman I love, the woman who protects our family."

"Thanks, babe," said Bianca, grateful for the support.

A familiar keening came from the other room.

"I guess we all have different ways to take our mind off things," said Rachel.

"You got that right, babe, you've got that right."


Raven tested the neck collar attached to the wall, feeling it could be tighter around her neck. She tensed when Rachel walked in as if readying to pounce. It was purely reactive rather than conscious thought.

Ignoring her, Rachel tightened the fastening around Raven's neck, restricting her breathing. Better the bound woman thought as she watched Rachel examining her naked form.

Silently Rachel concurred with Bianca's immediate assessment. Raven had a defined musculature, her movements fluid, trained. There were odd minor scars here and there, not immediately noticeable but indications of conflict.

"Enjoying yourself?" Raven asked.

The gambit wasn't taken. Rachel continued to ignore her. Raven was tempted to grab her, shake up the dynamic but dismissed the thought as soon as it formed.

Returning to the kitchen, Rachel puffed out her cheeks. "Feels like we have just chained up a wild animal. You can feel her presence."

Scowling, Bianca didn't appreciate Rachel's undercurrent of admiration.

"What you doing, babe?" Rachel asked as Bianca stripped off her outfit.

"Too cliched, and it feels like it's restricting me, plus she likes black girls, me being naked may throw her off. I have to get in her head." And I think I have the key to that, Bianca thought.

Raven looked up as Bianca walked in, an imposing naked figure in her knee-high boots. She was a gorgeous woman, confident but nervous too.

"A nice surprise, Mistress Black."

"Bianca, call me Bianca, Michelle."

"As you wish." The woman was trying to unsettle her. A promising start. "Shall we begin?"

"No, Michelle, tell me about Megan."

"Megan? What about her? She's a slave, prostituting herself out of your premises for your benefit."

"She's your sister." Bianca caught the brief flash of annoyance.

"What of it?"

"Not big on family. Who next? Your mother, your daughter when she's old enough?"

"Leave my daughter out of this! That's not the brief." The collar and chain checked Raven's fury.

Bianca inwardly congratulated herself. "Fuck the brief. I am the brief," she responded coldly.

"Mention my daughter again, and I will rip your heart out." This time, the voice was flat, expression opaque.

"I am sure she is lovely, and you are a wonderful, nurturing mother."

There was no response. "Of course, leaving her in the care of a batty old woman with masochistic issues is what most mothers will do." Bianca continued.

"Most mothers leave their children with people they hardly know. I don't. Judy would kill to protect Amanda."

Kicking herself, Bianca changed tack. "Still prostituting your sister, having sex with her. I mean, eww!"

"Prostituting your wife? Hooking your best friend up—"

There was a sudden silence.

"With a what?" Bianca came closer. She saw Raven's breathing had suddenly elevated, her pupils widening.


"You can say it." Bianca pressed Raven, alert to any moves.

"When are we starting," said Raven calmly, a calm that Bianca was sure the woman no longer felt.

"We've already started. we started five minutes ago."

"We agreed—" Again, Raven stopped.

"Fuck what we agreed. You want penance, or just penance you enjoy? Like a shemale dressing you as a boy and fucking you in the arse all afternoon. That isn't penance, you hypocritical cunt. This will be penance."

Bianca went to the door and opened it.

"Please," muttered Raven.

Shutting the door almost immediately, Bianca approached Raven.

"Please what, Michelle? What is it that is worrying you, Michelle? What's your fucking name, Michelle?"

"Michelle, it's Michelle."

You poncy cunt with your fucking Raven shite. It's all an act, a show! What is behind the curtain? What is behind that door, Michelle?"

"Fuck you!" The anger exploded. "I'll fuck you up for this!"

"For what? Doing what you asked or for not doing it in a way that you enjoy?"

"Fuck you, you motherfucking cunt!"

"Tut, such language, I hope you don't use that sort of language in front of your family, although I hear your mother is a creepy old slag, whoa there!"

Bianca stepped back, grinning as Raven lunged at her, fury mottling the captive woman's face.

"You should calm down, I hear scratching at the door, think he's getting concerned. Archie is very protective. I should let him in."

"NO!" The scream was real. Anguished. Raven slumped down against the wall, the screaming in her head was threatening to overwhelm her, send her into blackness. She could hear scratching, soft, heavy panting. "Please!" she sobbed as Bianca opened the door.

It was the last thing Michelle remembered.


The words were soft and soothing, the damp cloth on her face felt good. Slowly, Michelle's eyes fluttered open, and Sammie swam into view, her face twisted with concern.

"Are you alright?" Sammie asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Michelle moved Sammie's arm away from her face. She felt rested and peaceful. It was as if the toxicity that built inside had been drained.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" It was Rachel.

"Thanks? What happened? How long was I out?

"About ten minutes, I guess. Not long. You rest up. I'll get your tea. How do you take it?"

"White, no sugar." Michelle swung her legs off the bed. "This the room Megan works out of?"

Sammie nodded.

"Where's Bianca?"


"Can you fetch her for me?"

A mulish look settled on Sammie's face. "No."

"Please. I promise to behave."

"It's okay, Sammie, you can leave us." Bianca handed Michelle a mug of tea. "Pot was already brewed."

"Thanks," Michelle sipped on the tea. She waited until Sammie had left. "I don't like dogs."

"I know. It is a weakness everyone seems aware of, but no one really notices."

"Or exploited. Except you."

"Except me, and that was the thought of the dog, not the animal itself."

"Yeah," Michelle closed her eyes. It was an issue she was not comfortable with. "It's a long story. Short version is that me and dogs don't get along. As a rule, they ignore me, and I ignore them." This was partly true, the full truth was shameful to her.

"Maybe they just sense you are uncomfortable and react to that?"

"No." Michelle was not willing to confide.

Bianca didn't pursue it. Instead, she asked: "How are you feeling?"

Michelle thought for a while. "Good. Refreshed. Raven has gone for the moment. Feels peaceful."

"Are Michelle and Raven different?"

"Yes and no. It's hard to explain. Raven is my dominant side, an upgrade on Miss M before her. Michelle is my submissive side. Unfortunately, I've lost Michelle a little bit, or rather circumstances have pushed me into losing her."

"So penance is just a means to get Michelle back, make sure she is still there?"

"Yeah, sometimes as Raven, I act submissive, but it's all surface, a role, I don't feel it, and sometimes I need to really feel it."

"But now you are all Michelle?"

"Yes, it's always peaceful as Michelle. It's like resetting a clock. Dr Rosen doesn't think Michelle exists. It's a construct to hide my true self, but I don't buy that. Michelle exists, and so what if it is just a construct? Does it make a difference? Especially if it makes me happy?"

Carefully, not wishing to disrupt the connection, Bianca asked: "Dr Rosen?"

"Just someone I talk to now and then. Help sort things in my head. Ms Brody feeds one side. Rosen calms it."

Who the hell was Ms Brody? Bianca wondered if Michelle was on meds, or at least should be on meds. The words' mad cunt' scurried around Bianca's head. "What role do I play? What does penance do?"

"Exorcise it. For a time, a day or so. You were partly right about penance. It is just me doing something I enjoy. The principle was fine. The execution was the problem. Thank you. You needed to get in my head, and you did." Michelle smiled. "Nice tea, Don't mention my daughter again. Or my mother. Well, my mother a little bit. Mr Kax is fine."

"Michelle doesn't get a say during this session, remember?" But Bianca didn't contradict her. The acceptance was understood.

"The session is still going then?"

"Yes. For another hour or so or for the rest of the afternoon."

"So, what's next?"

"What is next is what Michelle does best. Serve. I have a wife who would like to play with you and likes having her pussy eaten. Cunt Candy has proven to be very good. Can her sister match up?"

Bianca rose and led a still wobbly Michelle into the kitchen. Rachel and Sammie stopped talking and looked up a trifle anxiously.

"Michelle has offered to serve you, darling," Bianca said, kissing her wife warmly.

"Oh, that sounds nice," smiled Rachel. "On your knees. I came in Megan's face earlier, lets see how you do." she hitched up her short skirt and spread her legs, her pussy, wet and inviting.

Dropping to her knees, Michelle kissed Rachel's slit, teasing the slick flesh with her tongue. There was a tang of strawberry, a byproduct of the lube Rachel used, Michelle guessed. It was nice, the taste, the warmth, her face moistening as she pushed her tongue deep, Rachel spreading herself invitingly.

"Sammie, you too?" Bianca laughed.

"This girl will have to be the in-house cuntlicker!" Rachel giggled.

Michelle stole a glance at Sammie, who had copied Rachel and was sitting with her legs splayed, her fingers teasing her pussy. Sammie, better than anyone, knew the value of using sex as a tool of dominance.

"Shall we make ourselves comfy in reception?" Bianca asked. "The cunt licker can do Rachel, then Sammie and them me. Does that sound good, Cuntlicker?"

Michelle nodded, her face buried in Rachel's snatch. "That sounds lovely," her muffled voice said eagerly.


It was the first time Raven had beaten her. Chastised, slapped, cuffed, yes, but not beaten. Megan studied the bruising on her arse and breasts. She wore the beating with pride, but the coldness with which her sister had handed out the beating had frightened her a little.

Rachel studied the bruising too. She felt a twinge of envy. Michelle the cuntlicker had been fun, but Raven handing out sex and a beating appealed more strongly. Kax fucking her afterwards would be the cherry on top. As these enjoyable thoughts entertained her, she didn't hear Megan's question. Dragging herself back to reality, Rachel sighed.

"No, you can't work, hun. Give some punters the wrong idea."

Ruefully, Megan went back to studying herself in the mirror. She liked the battered look.

Rachel embraced her from behind. "Yeah, it can be sexy, carrying the mark of your Mistress or Master. What did you do to earn it?"

"Careless talk. I told Sammie I was Raven's sister. She doesn't like people knowing family business. It was my fault."

"Yes, it was," Rachel squeezed the young girl. "What was it like?" She couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice.

"Painful, scary, but satisfying, if that makes sense."

"Yes, Bianca dishes out the occasional punishment. I'm a terrible slut as well as a whore. She uses a paddle on me. Take me through it, what Raven did, what she used."

It dawned on Megan that Rachel's interest was more than casual.

"She called me into her bedroom. Told me I had to suck Mr Kax, which I did, I enjoy sucking his cock. While I was doing that, she told me I had disappointed her, talked about the family to outsiders. I couldn't answer as Mr Kax was skull fucking me, drool and snot everywhere," Megan's voice took on a dreamy tone, she could feel Rachel's hand between her legs.

"She said I would be beaten as punishment, Mr Kax virtually had his cock down my throat, I think I vomed a little, it was getting kind of hazy. Finally, he cum, and I swallowed spunk, drool, the lot. She then made me crawl to her and lick her heels, then made me kiss the leather strap, it was stiff. Mr Kax held me in a headlock while she walloped my arse. I confessed everything, I was crying, screaming, even peed myself, which annoyed Mr Kax, who made Raven beat my breasts. Raven said she was beating Cunt Candy, that Cunt Candy was a slave and a worthless whore. I am worthless," Megan shuddered in Rachel's arms. "I am worthless," she murmured to herself.

"Yes, you are, we are," echoed Rachel, rubbing herself on Megan and replaying the scene in her head with herself in the starring role. She wanted a piece of that, wanting them to have a piece of her, degrade and abuse her.

Rachel was fighting her own nature.


"Well, this is fun," smiled Mary.

They were at lunch. Steven Tandy, John Banks, Tara, and Raven. A neutral venue to discuss handling a complex tax case involving clients of both firms against the Her Majesty's Tax Office.

"It makes sense. We need to do the best for our clients, and pooling resources makes sense," said Tandy, who had brokered the temporary rapprochement.

"Unless, Her Maj., tries to divide us with sweet deals for one side and not the other," said Mary.

"It's possible, but right now, we are all in the same boat. Our clients are aware of all scenarios and have signed off on working together. Don't forget our clients feel this is an attack on their industry, not just them. They are in this together despite their own day to day rivalry," replied Tandy.

Mary nodded. "Any help you need, Steven, I am available. Selwyn is also happy to pitch in." She saw Raven look up at the news.

"Will he be coming into the office? I can vacate his old office if needs be," said Raven.

"Yes, this afternoon at two-thirty, but he is happy to set up outside Steven's office, so he can be on hand."

"I appreciate that especially given what he is going through," said Tandy.

"Going through?" Raven couldn't keep the alarm out of her voice.

"Yes," replied Steven, slightly puzzled.

Mary put her hand on his arm to stop him. "Selwyn is recovering from cancer. He has the all clear and is on the mend, but he didn't want it widely known and asked that we not tell you. He didn't want to worry you."

Raven didn't hear anything beyond this. She rose and stumbled to the ladies restroom, gripping the sink, her face ashen, her eyes black with anger and worry.

She heard the door open. Expecting Mary, she faced Steven.

"This is the ladies," was all she could think to say.

"Cuck's privilege, plus I feel this was my fault. I assumed you knew. My apologies."

All manner of thoughts and emotions ran through Raven's head until she just went to Steven, who held her as she burst into tears.


It took Mead a few moments to recognise the black-haired woman who rushed to him at reception. Not that he was complaining at young women showering him in kisses, but it was in public and somewhat unseemly.

"Daddy," the woman finally said, and then recognition dawned.

"Michelle? My God, you have changed!" She seemed taller, more striking than he remembered. Dropping his briefcase, he held her tightly. "How's the little one, Amanda, isn't it? I have a gift for her if you will accept it."

Mead took the fresh tears as a yes. The security guard on the desk looked at them both as if they were here for his entertainment. It annoyed Mead.

"Ignore him, that's Bill, the man just mops up human interest, especially misery," said Raven, picking up his briefcase and ushering him to the lift. "Your desk is all sorted, and if you need anything, just ask, I'll have them waiting on you hand and foot."

"I take it you heard then," he said wryly.

"Yes, at lunch, and I'm thinking of killing Mary. Then you."

"Cancer had a good go, already."

Raven ignored this. She had been shocked by his appearance, he seemed shorter, the weight loss seemed to have shrivelled him. Only the tan seemed to give any indication of positive health.