Recreational Activities


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Aubrey was the first to stop, taking her fingers out of her pussy. She held them up and stood, getting herself to walk towards me. Getting an idea of what she wanted, I waited until her wet fingers went in front of my mouth, before licking them partly clean.

Aubrey licked the rest off as I went back to kiss Amy. When Amy was done tonguing and licking my mouth, I broke away to kiss Aubrey. Getting my second wind, my hand went back to work fucking Amy in the process.

"Oh Jesus..." Amy declared after me and Aubrey came apart. My hand went faster and harder while my free right hand went onto Amy's shoulder, rubbing her neck and her blonde hair. Amy squeezed my cock once more, but finally removed her hand from my pants - perhaps too lost in pleasure to help with mine.

But she wasn't too busy to turn her head towards Aubrey. Or lean in closer when she did. Or kiss her when their lips met.

The sight of these two beautiful, funny ladies softly kissing set something off in me. Call me a typical male. But this typical male pumped and curled his fingers even faster into Amy, watching her moan into Aubrey's mouth as I did so.

"Yeah! Oh, that's right there!" Amy babbled. I hadn't worked on her as much as me and Aubrey worked on Aubrey, and she took a while to cum. But who knows what Amy was doing while I was eating Aubrey out. Maybe that and my current work was bringing Amy closer to the edge now.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay..." Amy kept saying. My thumb rubbed her, and then Aubrey reached down to thumb and rub her too. "Oh, fuck, okay!" this triggered Amy to say - and triggered much more than that.

Amy put her hands on my shoulders and leaned on them as she came on my hand. I just stood there and let it happen, not feeling so bad that I couldn't do this with Aubrey. As for Aubrey, she was lowering Amy's pants down lower, probably in case something dripped down onto them.

I pulled my fingers out afterwards, once again ready to lick up fingers dripping with juices and cum. But this time, these fingers were my own and I had a hand in getting them wet. Both Amy and Aubrey were nice enough to let me lick all of it up too.

When the dust settled, I looked at the ladies and could only say, "That's all of us, then."

"Right, so we all got the first one out of the way," Amy snapped back to it. "We're gonna need something better to sit in for the next round, though. Once we all get zipped up again, I know just the set for that."

After Amy and Aubrey got fully dressed again, Amy took the lead and led us through the studio. I followed her and Aubrey pretty much on autopilot, while contending with the bulge still in my pants. But me and the bulge stopped when Amy got us into the next old Parks and Rec set.

This was the set of Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt's living room - complete with a couch that was much more ideal to sit in than the desk and chair. And ideal to sit in for other things, I now figured out.

I went over to the couch and felt it up, pretending to seriously test it. In the meantime, I began to hear stirrings -and things being unzipped - behind me. Steeling myself, I turned around to see Amy and Aubrey getting undressed again - and this time about to go all the way.

In a hurry, I threw my shirt off so things would be more balanced. But I only got my jeans unbuckled and my cock back out before the ladies were just about finished. Aubrey helped Amy get out of her bra just as I dropped my pants down.

The ladies were now standing side by side, fully naked. I'd seen Aubrey halfway naked already, but this was the first I saw of her topless. Her chest was fairly small, yet the shape and texture of her upper body still looked smooth and tight.

Amy was the direct opposite, with her fuller chest, curvier figure and lighter skin. But the contrasts only made the both of them even hotter. Yet they each had the same naughty, goosebump raising smiles and dark, seductive eyes to top it all off.

"You are both so beautiful," I found myself saying truthfully. I knew it years ago, but saying it and seeing it here really drove it home.

I stepped out of my pants as Amy and Aubrey stepped towards me. I backed up towards the couch and sat down, with Amy the first to meet me. Aubrey sat down nearby as Amy bent down to kiss me, and I cupped her breasts in return. When she finished, she said, "Maybe I'm no Aubrey, but..."

Without further verbal explanation, Amy backed off and then dropped to her knees, in front of me and the couch. She settled her body between my legs, then turned her attention to my cock. Grabbing hold of it again, only in open air now, she pumped it and slowly lowered her head down.

Drawing it out, Amy brushed her lips over my tip, then brushed her tongue over my slit. She finally wrapped her mouth on my shaft, before flattening her tongue and rubbing it up and down on me. Afterwards, she stuck out her tongue and licked every inch of me that she could, then went down to tongue my balls.

"Hmm. Aubrey was right on," Amy said. "Makes me wish even more she didn't get a head start, but..." She left it hanging again, then did the rest of the talking by bobbing on my cock. She held the bottom of my shaft while sucking harder and making it all the more wet.

Aubrey was such a whirlwind, it was unfair to measure Amy's mouth to hers. Amy was an energetic ball of sunshine on and off camera, so her enthusiasm here was already no surprise. Yet there was something almost soothing in how Amy sucked me down, and gave me licks and little kisses when she didn't.

The mere fact that Amy Poehler was sucking my cock was still a bit overwhelming, so I just laid back and followed the ride. My hand laid on her hair, but I didn't force her down like Aubrey had let me do. I was lost in my own little world as Amy swallowed, sucked, licked and pumped me, until she took her mouth and tongue off.

After a few more licks up and down, Amy sat up a bit more. Until her chest was level with my wet, throbbing erection. It all dawned on me just as Amy put her round tits around my shaft.

She used her hands to slide them up and down on me, then let go. Taking the invitation, I put my hands on Amy's breasts and jiggled them, my cock still trapped between them. Soon enough, I kept them still and started carefully fucking them myself.

Aubrey then reminded me she was still there by grasping my chin and turning my head around. She kissed me and I eventually joined back in, even with my cock still pumping.

Even with all the sensations I'd felt so far, the feel of kissing Aubrey while thrusting between Amy's breasts was right up there. It was almost topped by Aubrey breaking off and smirking at me while I fucked Amy's tits. But then Aubrey topped it again by reaching out and rubbing my exposed tip at the same time.

She let go long enough for Amy to stick her tongue out and lick my head. Aubrey promptly put her fingers back on my tip to rub it all in. This continued for a while until Aubrey got up and kneeled down besides Amy.

"You ready?" Aubrey asked at least one of us. Amy was the one who nodded and then got on all fours, to which Aubrey responded by putting her hand on her ass. She went down further and inserted a finger into her pussy, just as Amy took her tits off me and put her mouth back on.

Amy bobbled on me while Aubrey finger fucked her from behind, making the technique awfully clear. Once I started to thrust my hips, we were fucking Amy from both sides, although Aubrey kept going when Amy removed her mouth.

"You okay?" I asked. I knew pretty quickly that Aubrey could take stuff like this, but Amy was a wild card.

"Not too shabby," she answered. "That makes two of us," she gazed down at me while saying. She kissed my head a few times and took it deeper in her mouth each time, then plunged down as Aubrey switched hands behind her.

I put my hand through Amy's hair and resumed pumping her mouth, while Aubrey traded hands on her pussy. She was working it pretty hard with both of them, so between that and my efforts, Amy popped off pretty out of breath.

"All right, it's all good! Yeesh...I could use a sit down," Amy said. Aubrey took her hands off and went back on the couch, followed by Amy giving me a final suck and lick before getting on her feet. She then found a place to sit down.

After settling on my lap, Amy raised her hips and I took that cue to place my wet cock under her folds. I almost asked if she was ready, like Aubrey did, yet Amy was ahead of me. She sunk down and let my head enter her, so I now hoped I was the ready one.

I rested my head back, watching Amy take me in and look pleased with herself in the process. "So this was on your final season bucket list?" I had to ask.

"I know. It sets an unfair bar for the rest of it," Amy joked. "But Rashida wasn't available to get back this week, so I didn't get everything. Maybe next time."

I guess adding her was too much to ask for. But... "Next time?" I caught on to.

"Well, you, me, Aubrey and Rashida is out for now. That leaves you, me and Rashida, you and Aubrey yourselves, and you and me. Depends on her what I can do with you next," Amy informed. "But let's cross off what and who's available right now."

The logic got more irrefutable when Amy came all the way down. She rested against me and I put my arms around her as she began rocking on me. She kissed me slow and warm, setting an almost romantic tone into the mix.

Our lips and tongues rubbed together as I began thrusting into her, resting my hands on her ass. They went up her back as all our respective parts went a little faster. Before long, our kisses got deeper and hotter, as Amy's went from sweet to horny in short order.

She rode me harder and broke away to kiss down my neck, like I had done with her. I held her and fucked her tight while letting her lips and tongue rub my neck, until my hands brushed the sides of her boobs. Getting her to sit upright, I put my head against her chest, only this time a bra wasn't in the way.

My left hand went down to rub her pussy while I went back and forth sucking her tits. After coming off them, I felt a nibble of my own on my ear - Aubrey reintroducing herself.

"Just a little longer and then I want in. Okay?" Aubrey stated.

"Come on, do you have to put a clock on it?" Amy asked in between her heaving, and my rubbing and fucking. "I'm technically still the boss of you, you know!"

"I'll make it worth your while, trust me. I got you this far," Aubrey reminded. "You might as well do less talking, more fucking in the meantime." She did have a point.

"Well, in that case..." Amy all but rolled her eyes. However, I almost rolled mine for different reasons, once Amy doubled her efforts riding me. She rocked her hips and held me tight all over, pushing me against the couch.

Now it was her turn to kiss my ear, as I held onto her waist and tried to have my hips keep up with hers. It was largely a losing battle. Especially when she whispered, "You like that? You thought about doing that all this time? With her too?"

I let out something close to a yes, or maybe it was a squeak. Either way, it made Amy put her face back up against mine. For this make out session, we started out hot and heavy, and then it started getting slower.

I rested my right hand into her hair while my left found room to hold her breast, squeezing it as our lips kept gliding together. That hand slid back down to her center by the time we finished our longest kiss. Finally, Amy gave me one more lingering lip lock and squeeze around my cock.

I managed to reach up for one more kiss before she started pulling back. "You want to follow that? All yours," Amy announced. She got herself off me and went to my right, sitting down right next to Aubrey, who was now sliding back towards me.

I was still getting the Amy haze out of my brain, unable to focus completely on Aubrey. She didn't say a word, yet she got my attention by putting her hand on my upper leg.

When I looked up at her, she smiled ever so slowly, laid her hand on my cock and bore the full weight of her irresistible eyes on me, putting me back in an Aubrey haze.

That gaze made me give in when she closed the gap between us, kissing me and stroking me all at once. But she let go of my cock, only to put me on my back and put herself on top of the rest of me. "Now you can really fuck me," she let me know.

Aubrey settled herself against me and I managed to start pushing in. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she grinded on me, laying her head against my neck. From this angle, I could see Amy watching us from the other end of the couch.

"Amy, I enjoyed my big show, you enjoy yours right now," Aubrey said. It probably wasn't wise to linger on Amy, so I put my focus back on Aubrey. We kissed and I got my first feel of her breasts, which got easier when she sat straight up to ride me.

"Come on, use those hands on me," Aubrey requested. Per that, I cupped her breasts and rubbed my thumbs over her nipples. "Oh, fuck...little lower," she responded, so my thumbs went underneath her boobs. But I knew she meant lower than that.

I kept my right hand on her chest while my left drifted towards her pussy. It had a clear target to rub and stroke, to go along with my thrusts inside her. Aubrey countered by putting her hands on my chest and nipples, resting on them while pumping her hips against mine.

When both my hands went between her legs, Aubrey let out a guttural moan. I thought I heard one behind us from Amy at the same time. Regardless, I got ready to take Aubrey by surprise.

Once Aubrey took her hands off my chest, I lifted myself up to sit up straight. Putting my arms around Aubrey to steady myself, our hips stopped thrusting as we adjusted to the new position. I didn't stay in it long before I tried to spin myself around and take her with me.

Getting the idea, Aubrey made it easier for me and got off, putting herself on her back. In no time, I laid myself on top of her and quickly thrust back inside her. Going faster than before, I kissed all around her face, ear and neck before landing back on her lips.

Aubrey merely let out a series of moans along the way, bucking her hips back on me. Just as she let out a "Fuck, yes..." I felt a hand on my ass. I couldn't make myself stop, however, so I kept fucking Aubrey all while Amy squeezed and rubbed my ass. Apparently both her and Leslie Knope were butt girls.

She even had room to brush my balls, which only made me pump deeper into Aubrey. No matter what made me do it, however, Aubrey was on board. "Uh huh...just what I wanted..." Aubrey groaned.

"That so?" I teased.

"Yeah...just one more thing before we cum," Aubrey warned. "But I wanna fuck you some more here first." Who was I to object?

Despite being below me, Aubrey moved her hips fast enough to start taking control. She also took over putting her hands on my ass, helping me pump forward. I just watched her face contort and get lost in pleasure - one of the many things that threatened to make my pleasure overflow.

But before it got too close to that, Aubrey said, "All right, that's enough. Time for the one more thing."

Yet again, I made myself slow down and hold back, until I could get myself off of Aubrey. I stood up and let her do the same - then she wound up standing in front of a no longer masturbating Amy.

"I don't think you should do that yourself anymore," Aubrey told her. Amy sat herself up in front of her, only for Aubrey to part her legs, get herself on all fours and place her head between those legs.

"Hold on, are you..." Amy looked speechless for once.

"You're gonna tell me Tina never does this for you? You can kid me, but not all three of us," Aubrey said in her typical deadpan. It seemed to do the trick, at least enough for Aubrey to turn her head back to me. "Now that that's settled, get back there and help me out."

Quickly seeing how she wanted me to help, I stood behind her and slid back into her waiting pussy. After I started fucking her from behind, Aubrey put her head down and worked over Amy in front.

Amy still looked a little nervous - which was way weird on someone like her. Yet when Aubrey's tongue began its work, it all melted away. I could relate, and she looked at me and saw that as well.

"Come on, fuck me harder so I can eat her harder," Aubrey said against Amy. "Amy, you can fuck me harder at any time too."

"Well, at least I have permission," Amy said, sounding like her usual can-do self.

Inspired, I grasped Aubrey's hips and pumped my cock deeper into her, while watching her back her ass against me and watching what I could of her eating Amy. Watching Amy start to give in and put her hands on Aubrey and her own chest also helped me along.

Amy arched her hips up soon after, as we were officially fucking Aubrey from both ends like Amy went through. Of course, my position was a little different, but it was still a good different. Especially with Aubrey clenching my shaft and making loud, muffled noises on Amy's center.

"Come on, fuck me all over. I want do too," Aubrey got out, staring intently at Amy and then me.

"She's got us there," I dared to suggest to Amy.

"Don't tell us what to...oh, fuck hell," Amy moaned, thanks in part to Aubrey. "Okay, now I'm telling you, fuck her hand. We both want it hard..."

Putting a hand under Aubrey, I rubbed her while I fucked her harder, trusting it would make her devour Amy harder. From the sounds Amy was making and from her moving hips, it seemed like the theory was sound.

Yet Aubrey was making the bigger noises. "Oh, that's it, fuck me!" she said before loudly eating Amy again. "With the hard cock, wet pussy, whatever!" Well, it would certainly be hard to think of her as emotionless and energy free again. Among other things.

"That hard cock ready to go yet?" Amy asked.

"Gonna get there at this rate," I groaned through. Aubrey's bucking certainly helped make it a conservative estimate.

"Okay, pull out," Amy instructed. Before Aubrey could object, Amy put a hand on her hair and pushed her hips up. "She got all your cum already. I...fuck, I think you should share it this time. But first things first...get those fingers up there and follow my lead this time."

It seemed Amy was putting herself back in charge - something one questioned at their own peril. I didn't feel that foolish, so I took my cock out - which was probably the best way to keep it contained - and put my fingers in instead. I finger fucked her while Amy grinded herself onto Aubrey's face, which muffled any complaints or groans.

"All right, you got it," Amy praised. "Now make me cum. One of you is gonna make me cum...Aubrey, you got dibs..."

To help her along, my fingers curled into her while my free hand rubbed her ass. A brief little spank made her muffled groans louder, so I felt free to give her a few more taps. Before she asked for more, I put that hand under her and tweaked her nipples next.

"Now we're talking!" Aubrey brought her head up to catch her breath.

"Save the talking after the cumming!" Amy ordered. To that end, Aubrey went back down on her and then held onto her tits. She squeezed them and gave Amy the extra push forward, while I hoped my fingers and pinches did the same for Aubrey.

"Oh, crap on a...both of you...fuck me, fuck me, yes!" Amy called, seeming to make a breakthrough. I let myself watch for a moment, burned it into my memory and then removed my fingers. As Aubrey lapped up Amy in front, I would do it to her from behind.

Getting on my knees behind Aubrey, I pressed my face into her and ate away. I hoped that this maneuver, combined with Aubrey receiving Amy's juices, would push her over to release her own. Grasping her hips and wiggling my tongue all over her hopefully helped too.

I heard deep breathing from Aubrey, so perhaps that was a good sign. However, a much better one came and went all over my mouth a short time later.