Red Sky at Night Ch. 04


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"That's why I'm doing this," Jane said, handing Hannah her wine. "I was thinking about what you were saying yesterday. About these possibly being our final moments together."

Hannah sipped at her wine as Jane poured her own glass, then swallowed and spoke. "I hope you're not going morbid on me, honey. As I recall, yesterday you seemed fairly confident you could succeed, despite the odds." A pause. "And I believed you."

"I have to be realistic," Jane said, placing the bottle on the table again and sitting down adjacent to Hannah. "I'd like to think victory is a sure-thing, but it's not. And I don't want this to end with any regrets and unresolved issues if things don't go our way." She took a mouthful of wine and swallowed it. "There's been a lot on my mind lately, especially after what you said yesterday."

"What do you mean, honey?" Hannah asked with a twisted brow, hesitating her next sip.

"Well, like you said... these could be our last moments together," Jane said, and her gaze moved from her glass to her mother's eyes. "I think we should make them count."

Hannah tried to read her daughter's eyes to see what she meant. She had the strong feeling that Jane was trying to tell her something, but she wasn't sure exactly what it was. She was about to ask for more clarification, but she noticed Jane's mouth move to speak. Words didn't come instantly as Jane's eyes returned to her wine as she mulled over how to begin her next sentence.

"And... and I also thought about what you said about having somebody there for you in these dark moments," Jane said. "How you said it was important, and that Liara and I had each other." Jane paused before her eyes flicked back to her mother. "And... how you didn't."

Hannah's eyebrows rose as she drank and she slowly lowered her glass. Jane shifted closer and placed a hand on her mother's knee and looked into her eyes deeply.

"I... I just want you to know that I'm here for you, Mom," Jane said. "I can be that person."

Hannah smiled warmly; reaching up to cup Jane's chin and lightly stroke her cheek.

"Oh, honey," Hannah said with deep affection. "Of course you are. You always have been, and I know that."

Jane shook her head a little, her gaze downcast. Her mother didn't understand.

"No, Mom. I used to be there for you in the past. But not lately."

"You had your career," Hannah said. "I didn't expect you to literally always be there for me. But I knew you were always there in spirit, and if I really needed you I knew I could find you."

"You don't understand, Mom," Jane said with a sigh as she placed her glass on the table. "I'm not talking about being there for you as a daughter. I'm talking about being there for you like Liara and I are now. Like we once were."

Jane reached over and took Hannah's wine, placing it on the table too. Edging closer still and turning her whole body towards her, she took her mother's hands in hers and gazed deeply into her surprised eyes.

"I love you, Mother," Jane said. "I love you more than anybody. For all these years I never stopped loving you in that way. All I did was suppress it and push it deep down, but it never left me. I realize now it was my biggest mistake and my greatest regret. I've done a lot of things in order to succeed, be it against Saren's Geth, the Collectors, the Reapers or anything else. Things I'm not proud of, because the ends justified the means. I had to do them to stop whatever evil needed to be stopped. But I don't regret them anywhere as much as I regret turning my back on you, on us, all those years ago."

Hannah was left stunned for a moment at Jane's confession, and it took her a few moments to collect her thoughts and for it all to sink in.

"Do you... realize what you're saying, honey?" Hannah said.

"Yes," Jane said adamantly. "I do."

"Honey, I..." Hannah started, and she bit her bottom lip. "Honey, we can't."

"Why not?" Jane asked.

"Because that's behind us," Hannah said. "And it's wrong, you know it is."

"Why?" Jane asked, squeezing her mother's hands. "Why is it wrong for us to love each other that way? Because society says so? We're not harming anybody with our love. It's not like we're going to create inbred children. What's wrong with it?"

"There's Liara for one," Hannah said. "What about her? You can't cheat on her with your own mother."

"If we get through this, I'll tell her," Jane said. "I swear to you I will. But I loved you before I loved her. My feelings for you are deeper and stronger. If anything, I've cheated on you by seeing her. I shouldn't have got involved with her when I wasn't really over you."

"I still couldn't, honey," Hannah said, tears forming in her eyes. "If it got out it would ruin you. It would ruin both of us." A pause. "That's why we stopped in the first place, remember?"

"I don't care," Jane said, reaching up to stroke Hannah's cheek. "I love you. I really, deeply love you. And if the rest of the universe is willing to ostracize me for loving you after I've saved their asses from the Reapers, then it's not a galaxy worth saving anyway."

Hannah looked into Jane's eyes, searching them. Jane's returned gaze was so intent it was if it was exposing itself fully to her. "You really mean it, don't you?" Hannah eventually said quietly. Her mouth sounded dry the way she spoke.

"More than anything," Jane nodded with finality. "Remember when we last met in February, and just before I left the Orizaba you told me that you'd always be there for me, as a mother or... more if I wanted to?"

Hannah nodded slowly and Jane squeezed her hands a little tighter in response. "I want you now," Jane said. "And I want to be there for you now too. As mother and daughter, but also as something more." She paused. "Like we were before."

Jane reached out and cradled her mother's chin again, shifting closer still. "And I can see that you want it too... don't you?"

Hannah stared not only into her daughter's eyes, but into Jane's soul as she slowly nodded in response. Jane smiled at this, a warm, caring smile filled with love. In her eyes though Hannah saw something else: a hunger and desire that she hadn't seen for over ten years now. Jane's face slowly filled her vision and Hannah leaned in slowly, closing her eyes. She felt Jane's nose gentle tickle along the edge of her own and her daughter's warm breath upon her lips before their mouths met. Jane pressed her lips firmly to Hannah's, and then eased her tongue between both pairs to meet with that of her mother's. Hannah let out a moan that was beyond mere satisfaction, as if she'd been holding onto it for that whole decade since they last kissed. For almost five minutes the two Shepard women just sat before each other and explored each other's mouths, running their hands through each other's hair and stroking the other's face. When it ended, Hannah opened her eyes and saw that same look in Jane's eyes and a contented smile upon her face.

As she looked at Jane, Hannah still felt uneasy about the whole situation, but older and more primal feelings were coming back. Memories of their most intimate times together rushed back, along with the sensations of them being the best times of her life. Kissing Jane was like taking a drug again that you had once been addicted to and had to give up. Everything about the moment was calling to Hannah to give in, from the tingle she felt in her lips, to her rapidly beating heart and the gaze on her beautiful daughter's face. Fighting against this was like fighting a losing battle she really didn't want to win anyway. Hannah wasn't even sure this was real. For all she knew it could be a dream and she may never have woken up that morning. But it was too vivid and real to be a dream.

Jane trailed her hand from Hannah's face and down her mother's arm, then began to stand up. Turning to walk away, she gently tugged on her mother's hand as her own reached it, before sliding her fingers free as she slowly walked towards the foot of her bed. With a sultry, come-hither glance over her shoulder, Jane stopped before her bed with her back to Hannah before reaching up to unclip the dress at the silver clasp just below her throat. The fastener loosened, and Jane's eased the top portion from the dress from her shoulders to expose her bare back to Hannah, the elder Shepard found herself going from aroused to sadness in a split second.

"Oh, honey!" Hannah exclaimed as she rose to her feet and approached Jane with wide, wet eyes. "What happened?"

Jane knew her mother was referring to the scars that now lined her back of varying depths. There weren't too many of them, but when they had last been together Jane's back had been flawlessly smooth. Jane made a noise of regret as Hannah examined them more closely.

"The price I've paid over the years I suppose," Jane admitted. "The big angular one came from a krogan that charged me on Virmire. The almost dead-vertical dark one from a piece of Sovereign's shrapnel on The Citadel after it exploded." Jane paused. "Sorry I'm not as attractive as I was before."

Hannah didn't answer verbally for a while to that, but Jane felt her mother's finger make contact and slowly trace along the largest scar. It was a light tickling sensation, but it also sent a shiver down her spine. She felt Hannah draw closer before a kiss pecked her right shoulder.

"No," Hannah said. "Don't apologize for these." Jane felt Hannah's arms wrap around her waist and her mother press into her. "They are a testament to what you've done for the galaxy and what a hero you are. They're not blemishes of shame, but badges of honor."

Jane turned to look at her mother's face peeking over her shoulder. Hannah's smile was pained yet proud as she gently encouraged Jane to face her with a single index finger to the cheek. "You are no less attractive or beautiful for having them. Not to me."

Jane managed to smile back and Hannah kissed her on the lips softly. When Jane opened her eyes, she saw the look in her mother's had shifted from reassuring pride to hunger. She felt Hannah's fingers slip under the edge of her dress and slide it further from her torso, and then her mother's face disappeared from sight. As the dress descended down her body, Hannah followed suit, and Jane felt the warm wet sensation of her mother's tongue as it pressed against the summit of the dark vertical scar she'd mentioned and slide its way down. Jane let out a contented moan, and no sooner had her breasts been freed from the dress before they were covered again, this time by Hannah's palms. Hannah squeezed Jane's globes together and upwards, gently squeezing the two pink nubs at their peak and rolling them between her fingers.

"You don't know how much I've missed this," Hannah breathed into Jane's ear from over her shoulder. Her voice sounded almost insane, as if their decade apart had nearly driven her to madness, while also being thick with lust. "I've hungered for this for so long. For you. I always wished you'd come back to me."

"You did?" Jane said with a gasp and Hannah nodded and suckled at her neck for a moment before running her tongue up to Jane's ear.

"For years you haunted my dreams," Hannah responded. "Always there, always beautiful and loving. But always out of reach, and never really mine."

"I'm sorry," Jane said in a concoction of arousal and apology, eyes watering while she reached back to stroke Hannah's hair. "I wish it had been different. I wish we could have stayed like that."

"I do too," Hannah said, kissing Jane's shoulder. "But it's best not to regret it all. If we'd been caught, we'd have been shamed like you said." A nibble on Jane's ear. "You'd have never put on the path you had been to become who you are. There'd have been no Eden Prime. No Saren. No Reapers." Another kiss on the neck. "We'd have been utterly unprepared."

Jane slipped out of her mother's grasp, twirling around to face her. Her dress hanging from her hips, her breasts rubbing up against the material covering her mother's ones, Jane placed her hands upon Hannah's shoulders and looked her mother in the eyes. "And now?" she asked.

Hannah stroked some hair away from Jane's face and smiled lovingly. "And now?" she repeated. "Now, you're already a savior. Now, the Reapers are already here. Now, you're our last, best hope for peace."

Hannah took Jane's face between her hands and pulled it closer to her own. "Like you said... if the rest of the universe is willing to ostracize you for having a sexual relationship with your own mother after you've saved them from the Reapers, then it's their problem and they're not worth it."

Hannah pulled Jane's lips to her own to instigate a passionate kiss, which Jane returned in kind. She pressed her whole body to her mother's, raising her left leg up to hook it onto Hannah's right hip. Jane's fingers clumsily tried to work at top of her mother's uniform to undo it, but it wasn't easy with their bodies so tightly squeezed together and with her vision filled with Hannah's face as their mouths tangled. She managed to make do though, and once the top half of Hannah's dress uniform was loosened, Jane could slip it from her mother's shoulders and let it drop to the ground. Hannah then eased her daughter backwards slowly until the back of Shepard's legs made contact with the foot of the bed behind her and the younger Shepard fell backwards onto it.

Jane looked up at Hannah with anticipation as the Admiral stopped tending to her for a moment in order to slip her standard Alliance issue undershirt up and over her head and then reach around and unclasp her plain white bra. It dropped to the floor at Hannah's toes, while her breasts bobbed free for Jane to behold. Jane bit her lip at the sight of them, a vertical twitch of her eyebrows as she managed to tear her eyes from them and look at Hannah's face.

"Are you sure you're fifty, Mom?" Jane asked in a tone of seductive mockery. "Because I've seen models half your age that aren't that firm."

"I've made a point of keeping fit," Hannah said, striking a pose with one hand on a stuck-out hip. "In a few moments, I'll show you just how fit your mother is."

"I can already see how fit you are," Jane said smoothly. "I hope it extends to stamina as well."

"Oh, it does, my darling daughter," Hannah purred, leaning down to slide her fingers into the dress at Jane's hips. "I'll prove it to you."

"Think you can still go the distance with me?" Jane challenged as the dress began sliding down her legs, leaving her only in a pair of black lace panties above her knees. Hannah smiled back as she pulled the dress from her daughter's feet, causing Jane's high-heeled shoes to clatter to the ground at the foot of the bed.

"I could go until six in the morning," Hannah boasted, and she began to crawl up Jane's body like a predator.

"But it's not even eleven in the morning now," Jane countered with ever-increasing heavy breaths. Hannah smiled down at her daughter; her face right above Jane's when she next spoke.

"Nineteen hours?" Hannah said. "I'm sure I can do that. Being with you, I certainly have the incentive to try."

Jane gasped as she felt Hannah's hand jam itself down the front of her panties without warning, two of her mother's fingers pressing against her well-lubricated slit.

"Not sure you'll make it in this state though," Hannah teased, and she began to rub. "You're already so worked up."

Jane groaned, wrapping her thighs around her mother's rear and pulling her closer. She mashed her lips into Hannah's for a wet, sloppy kiss.

"I guess it's been too long since I felt a mother's touch," Jane said with lust. "Please be gentle with me."

"Don't worry, my sweet, beautiful Jane," Hannah said, cheeks bright pink and eyes half-lidded. "Mommy knows how to treat her special girl."

Time became meaningless to mother and daughter on the bed in Jane Shepard's quarters as hot, sweaty passion engulfed the two of them. Almost every inch of flesh on one of them was explored by the other, be it fingers, tongue, nipples or the slick wetness between their thighs. Beads of sweat covered their skin, matted, greasy hair plastered their faces and necks and primal moans and utterances of passion, lust and love echoed about the room. It was the most carnal, sensual and emotional expression and act the two had ever experienced together, as if they were trying to make up for the decade they had spent apart. For almost two hours they made love non-stop without realizing it before they had an unexpected visitor enter the room.

"By the Goddess!"

Neither Shepard noticed when she entered, or heard the gasp at the sight of them. Liara T'Soni had almost dropped the datapad in her hand at the display before her, as both Shepard's devoured each other's pussies hungrily in the half-lit room. The asari scientist didn't know how to feel as emotions ran through her, especially when she couldn't quite make out who was between her Shepard's legs given the angle. She felt anger, betrayal, sadness, wonder, shock, curiosity and confusion simultaneously, and didn't know which emotion to prioritize. But amongst those feelings, deep down, as much as she wanted to deny it, she also felt some degree of arousal at the sight of Shepard engaging in such a shameless act of raw sexual activity.

Liara just watched for a moment, finally deciding to let curiosity take lead of her emotional barrage. She had to know who it was first, but she didn't want to interrupt the two of them until she had. Whoever it was was human and female, but that didn't narrow things down much. Focusing on the obscured head between Shepard's thighs, Liara paid close attention to what features she could make out. It wasn't Ashley, the hair was too short. Also, as far as she could tell, Ashley wasn't into women. Shepard's new Yeoman was however, Samantha Traynor. The pretty young Comm Specialist had also made it clear she was interested in Shepard, even once trying to tempt Jane into joining her in a shower. Shepard had declined and set Samantha straight though, so why would she cheat with her now? Closer examination also revealed that whoever it was was too light in both skin and hair color to be Traynor.

Liara's managed to draw her eyes towards the floor, where she spotted the articles of clothing at the foot of the bed. Something caught her eye there: a uniform. An Alliance military uniform. Edging slightly closer, Liara managed to make out something that made her gasp upon the shoulder of the discarded garment. Shock and realization hit her, but so did an inch of doubt. After all, it couldn't be what she thought. It couldn't be.

"By the Goddess," Liara whispered. "It's..."

As if to confirm her suspicions, Liara's eyes shifted back to the writhing bodies on the bed just as the former mystery woman threw her head backwards with a loud groan of pleasure, then arched her back up until she was almost completely vertical, sitting on Jane's face. For a few seconds Hannah bobbed up and down to the rhythm of Jane's tongue working at her sex, groaning out her daughter's name with approval, but she soon opened her eyes and they meet with Liara's across the room. Both pairs were as large as saucers, neither saying anything as they stared at each other in shock like statues. Completely oblivious, Jane continued working her magic tongue on her mother's nether regions, reaching up with her hands now to grasp at Hannah's breasts and toy with them.

Liara's emotions were in a tumble once again at what was happening, and she could see a mix of emotions on Hannah's face as well. She could see not only the shock, but also the sadness and the sympathy. Liara could also see the empathy Hannah had for her and the love she had for Jane. She thought back to what Jane had said to her, how she felt about her mother and the questions she'd asked her the previous night. For some reason beyond her, as it all jostled around in her mind, Liara found the more negative emotions fading away. It didn't seem right or logical, none of it did, but gradually she found herself looking on and understanding it all.