Rediscovering Joan Ch. 03

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The truth will set you free.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/10/2009
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Hi it's Mike Paterson again. Before you read this you might want to read chapters 1 and 2 so you know how my lovely, voluptuous, red-headed, 41 year old wife Joan and I got to this place on our journey.

In case you haven't done that I'll start by saying I thought we were very happy together until she cheated on me and challenged me to do something about it. While trying to fix that we made the amazing discovery it was an incredible turn on for us both to talk about the sexual details.

I learned that Joan had been living a contrived life with me for almost 21 years and had reached a point where she had to re-establish herself, which included dealing with her repressed sexuality. She'd cheated not to hurt me, but try and learn who she really was. Now we were dealing with the consequences and trying to get to the root of it all.

The main consequence, amazingly, was a state of constant arousal even when we weren't together. For my part I'd describe it as being lifted up on the wings of pure passion. My jealousy, hurt, anger, were all there but they paled in their power over me compared to the desire this had awoken. They say the truth will set you free. Well maybe. But it certainly had me on a high I'd never imagined and I craved more of it from the lovely lips of my beautiful lady.

Anyway late on the Saturday morning a week after this all started we were still in bed. I'd pulled the drapes when I'd gone to get us coffee. It was another brilliant California day. That can pall on you like too much chocolate but that day the sky and the possibilities were endless. Something low and melodic from Gram Parsons' anthology was playing out in the lounge. It seemed to fit.

We were lying side by side enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. She was lazily rubbing the palm of her hand over my heavily muscled chest. I'm not a huge guy as it goes, big hands maybe, but I'm cut; handball three nights a week does that for you. Her hand felt lovely and a faint familiar stirring was tingling around in my nether region. I decided to get to the point.

"You said you stepped out of a life and into mine."

She nodded against me.

"This last week suggests that previous life must have had a lot of sex in it, am I right?"

She nodded again then shifted herself just enough so she could prop on an elbow and look at me. Her other hand returned to its wandering among my chest hairs.

The covers had slipped off her. Her upper body was magnificent. I know she's a 40D but that's just a number and a letter if you aren't looking at the contents. Her belly isn't flat exactly but toned from the 20 miles or so she runs each week. Her wonderful breasts have a deep valley between them and are tipped with brown aureoles maybe three inches across. Her nipples are little nubbins until she's turned on, then a flush spreads across her chest and throat, her aureoles puff up like little saucers and those nipples unfurl a half inch or so. Right then everything was relaxed but still as beautiful as heck.

She said "You remember that guy I said I was living with before we got together?"

Joan and I met at a little college in Long Beach where I was doing a business admin diploma and she a nursing degree. We got talking in the cafe one day and I was attracted by her sense of fun and twinkly green eyes under a shock of red hair. Behind the zany, outgoing front she'd seemed a bit lost somehow, like there was some psychological wound she didn't want to have to explain. I'd taken her under my wing.

She was crashing on a girlfriend's couch after a relationship breakup at the time. Before long we were sharing a place off campus. We'd married pretty much straight after graduation and she'd gotten pregnant with Robert almost immediately. The world seemed a place of endless possibilities for a couple of smart, educated kids, and we'd more or less torn the back pages off the calendar and headed straight towards the future. Now my ears pricked up as I thought back to that time. It might be interesting to fill in some of the gaps in the light of what was happening to us.

I remembered there'd been someone, vaguely; something that had left her with nowhere to live but nothing more than that.

"Not really."

"Well he was an Italian guy called Paulo, foreign student. Well, ah, he used to share me."

I didn't get it for a few seconds, and then I did.

"You mean share you... around?"

"Yeah I was crazy about him. Suave, really good looking and knew it. Kind of dominating and manipulative I suppose. I was a little girl down from Oxnard looking for a good time while I was at school, and up for anything I guess. It started with a threesome one night after a lot of wine."

I felt that delightful swelling commence down south and settled in to hear more.

"I knew he had those interests pretty soon after we were together. Like all boys he loved to hear me talk dirty when we were fucking, but he was the first one to really talk back. He spoke great English, his dad was a diplomat or something and he had the best accent. He'd ask what I liked and I let out that I thought about more than one guy. Pretty quickly he shaped my responses into a pretty good fantasy life between us. Then one night he started putting it into practice. I was all for it."

"Oh you were?"

"Ooohhh yeah."

The gentle movement of her palm over my chest was lovely. She was keeping the hand high up. I didn't want it to move lower too soon either. I suppose it was unspoken we were slipping back into our special place and the anticipation was delicious.

She giggled. "I suppose we ambushed this friend of ours. Nice guy, sports jock, fun guy. Anyway the wine flowed and he lived across town so he was gonna stay on our floor. Paulo and I left the door strategically ajar and I was kneeling on the bed sucking Paulo's cock when I felt these hands on my tits from behind."

The swelling became a warm thrill that spread through me.

"They maneuvered me around, lots of kissing and touching until they were both on the bed with me. It was the first time I ever had two cocks to play with. I was going back and forth sucking each one, reveling in the taste and the smell and power of it. I think they came all over my face and my tits and I was licking around, gobbling it up. Mmmmmmmmmm."

I groaned.

She did that throaty chuckle. "Oh you like that image? Your bitch in heat huh?"

Her hand was down on my stomach circling around. Half of me wanted to it to go lower and grasp my very hard cock. The rest of me wanted to prolong. Her hand stayed on my stomach.

"Anyway there was no stopping Paulo then. He wanted more the next day, and of course he got it. He and the other guy banged me all over the flat in every position known to man. Mostly the guy, Paulo was the real voyeur... He'd get up real close and watch me being fucked, and I'd get in all the positions he liked."

She inched closer to me and gently brought her lips to mine. Her mouth was half open and tasted of coffee. Pleasant. We kissed for a while, enjoying each others tongues.

When she eased back to where I could see her she said, "Darling? I loved it. I loved the sex and I loved pleasing him."

"Oh yeah?"

She twitched her head in kind of a 'that's just how it was' gesture and said "I was twenty years old and I knew beans about the big picture of life, but I knew myself pretty well and I was in hog-heaven!"

"What'd you like so much?"

She smiled.

"I felt... safe and I felt free. He didn't have to tell me or even encourage me. I was the ultimate sex partner."


She swirled her fingers in my chest hairs for a few seconds, remembering.

"I'd even anticipate what might turn him on and do it. Sneak peeks of me sucking a guy's cock while being doggie fucked. That sort of thing. He loved me being a wanton little tramp and I loved playing the part."

Her voice flowed like honey, velvety with little lilts. I hung on every word. The CD had switched in the changer and the Eagles were quietly performing 'Wasted Time' live. Plenty of that.

"I never felt disrespected. I'd do anything, three and four guys and me at times. Paulo would think of games to play and we'd play them. Sometimes I'd just walk around the flat topless and the guys would know that was permission to just grab me and fuck me; it all seemed so... normal."

I let the thoughts circulate in my mind.

"The boys learned too. We were a tight... little circle. They figured out the more turned on I was the more fun it was for everyone. Probably the best way to do that was to push me down on my knees and give me orders... suck that, bitch...lick my balls, that sort of thing. Playing with my tits worked too. Sucking, fucking, it didn't matter really; I loved it. All that hard cock to play with and make squirt. Even some games with a girlfriend someone bought along who was bi. Paulo loved that. Most guys do I've found."

I filed away the last part for future exploration. She wasn't touching me; she was caught up in the memories. I was so hard I was throbbing but that wasn't urgent.

"I learned most of the things I like around sex during those eight months. Paolo had money from his allowance and liked me to dress for him, the push up bras, stockings and belts, panties with the split in front so he could play with me in public, all that. I adored it. But it... had to end."

She said the last words wistfully and I sensed we'd come to the heart of things. I moved my legs to take my mind off my erection. She began to snuggle closer.

I still wanted to delay so I asked "Why?"

She eased back to where she was, and turned her head sideways as she does when considering something difficult.

"I was young dear, but I wasn't stupid. I knew it was a slippery slope. Watching me suck his friends' cocks and them fucking me was never going to be enough. It wasn't that I wasn't enjoying myself..."

She thought again for a moment.

"You know the true meaning of 'nirvana'?"

"I know the band, does that count?"

"Probably not" she chuckled then turned serious.

"To some people it means a state of happiness, but it actually means 'to have reached one-ness with the force' I guess, to use the Star Wars version. Well that was me on one hand; absolutely at one with myself which was the only force I cared about. On the other hand I knew I was in a headlong collision with disaster. It was only a matter of time before he pimped me out or something crazy he wanted me to do went horribly wrong."

She looked at the ceiling for a moment and when her face turned back to mine there was a glistening in the corners of her eyes.

"I couldn't refuse him anything. I didn't want to. I wanted the sex and the games as much as he did. But it was going to go bad sooner or later, and I had the presence of mind to get out. I went home for a couple of weeks and when I came back to Long Beach I moved in with a girlfriend and wouldn't see him. I suppose he found someone else after a while..."

She looked at the bed for a few seconds, composing herself. When she looked back up the smile was back and she stroked my chest again. She snuggled down closely and spoke again with her face tucked in against my shoulder.

"I knew you from the varsity Lacrosse squad of course, I used to follow the games, and I'd seen you around the café. You seemed... strong, steady. Then we talked that day and ..."

Yes the rest I knew.

Suddenly she ducked down and blew a huge raspberry on my stomach. She burst up out of the covers beaming and chuckling, my lovely Joan.

"Too serious ok? Far too serious!" she scolded. "You want to get up and do brunch mister or what?"

"Oh I could get up" I said in a mysterious voice." Just get back down here and I'll show you how!"

She wriggled down and hugged me close; snuggling is so her breasts were tight against me.

"Yes master" she said in a sultry voice.

"Mmmmm" I chuckled." I love an obedient woman."

"I only exist to please you master" she answered.

"Mmmmm..." I said.

After a few moments she said, less playfully, "I do, really."


"Want to please you."

"You do," I said.

"No truly, I would do anything you asked."

She'd said this before, but what was happening cast it in an entirely different light.

"Anything," she said quietly and firmly.

Hmmmm. The possibilities.

I said the first silly thing that came into my mind.

"What if I want you to get a tattoo?"

"You only have to say when, where and what you want it to say."

Actually I do like a tattoo on a woman if it's tasteful. I remembered one I'd seen once, just a glimpse.

"Ok a butterfly. On your hip at the front, a little one."

"Ok, I'll make the booking on Monday. Are you sure that's the only one you want?"

"You want to suggest something else?"

"Darling if you want me to have 'I'm Mike Paterson's cock sucking bitch' tattooed on both my tits and ride a bus to LA and back topless barking like a dog, you only have to say."

"Well no, but the thought's intriguing!"

She punched me lightly on the side.

"I should hope so!"

A few seconds passed and she said "I like that!"


"Being called that. 'A cock sucking bitch'. It's what I am."

She felt me tense.

"No don't put your own negative connotations on it. I love to suck cock and I love to be doggie fucked. It's a great description of me. When I hear those words it thrills me all the way down to my cunt. At that moment I belong completely to the man saying it."

Her hand had slipped down my stomach and began gently stroking up and down my quickening cock. I didn't want her to stop but I wanted to kiss her more. I eased her gently away and lifted up on my right arm so she was on her back. The covers slid off her. Her aureoles were swollen and her nipples were hard as buttons.

I lowered my head and sucked in the right one. She murmured. I bit down gently on it and she arched her back in enjoyment.

Her fingers had closed around me and were riding slowly up and down.

I moved up to her face and kissed her. She kissed back hungrily.

She eased her face back and with an earnest look said "My love I want the best of what I had back then and the best of what we've had. Is that too much to ask?"


"I want to be myself in the arms of the man I love. That's you darling. Being me means having an outlet for my passion and the freedom to seek the fulfillment I need. Will you be my partner in that?"

Her words touched me. I could only lean forward and whisper "Yes my love, oh yes..." before our lips bound together. I felt her sob once, a big heave. Her tongue wrapped around mine and we immersed ourselves in the passion of the moment.

When our lips broke contact again she said "Darling please come out in the lounge and sit in the chair, the one with the high arms, I want to do something for you."

I did. She stood in front of me for a moment, letting me enjoy her body. Then she straddled the chair facing me, real close, so my face was in her belly. Reaching behind and grasping my hard cock she slowly lowered until the head of it was brushing against her pubic hair, then her sopping slit, then rubbing up and down through warm wetness. Then she lowered just that bit more and I felt the head of it slip inside her.

I tried to thrust up.

"Ohhhhhhhh" she said "No no no. let me lead. I want to please you so fucking much."

I put my arms around her and nuzzled her tits as she slowly lowered. Her legs were wide apart around the chair back and she supported her weight on one arm, then on both when my cock no longer needed guiding.

I was held immovable between her and the chair. She lowered herself on me in stages, just a little bit at a time before lifting up, until I was all the way home in her depths.

She groaned. "Soooo nice....." It was incredible for me too.

She leaned forward and we kissed wetly, then leaned back and began to put on a show for me with her tits. She could keep most of her weight off me with one arm and move her ass just enough. With the other she scooped up each one and brought the aureole up to her mouth, where her tongue could dart out and lick around before she sucked her nipple into her mouth. She would suck hard, hollowing her cheeks, and release. Then she'd change hands and do the other. It was beautifully erotic and I assisted by nuzzling in to kiss them every chance I got. All the time I could feel her cunt lifting and sliding down over me like a warm velvet glove.

She was smiling in enjoyment and making little noises. I suppose I was murmuring too, when I didn't have a mouthful of her firm tit flesh sucked deep into my mouth.

Her movements became more urgent. She used both arms to control her movements and leaned forward over me. She was kissing me every few seconds, big wet kisses with her tongue out. Her sounds got gradually louder until she was groaning loudly.

"Oh fuck me baby, fuck me."

I was no hurry, just enjoying the spectacle, the sounds and smells, and the divine feeling of her cunt grasping my fat cock.

It seemed she was. Abruptly she arched up in the chair, mouth wide, groaning gutturally and I knew she was coming hard.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck.... you bastard, ohh.... that's wonderful."

I grabbed her chin with one hand and turned it to me to see the ecstasy on her lovely face.

"I thought I didn't make you cum" I said teasingly."

She bathed me in a lazy, dreamy, teasing 'just-fucked' smile.

"Mmmmm well I did, and it was wonderful!"

She brought her hand up to her mouth to brush aside her hair. I could smell her woman-scent on it and breathed in deeply.

"What this?" She chuckled. "Do you like that smell?"

She moved her hand to my mouth so I could smell it.

"That's my cunt, my hot juicy cunt. Want a taste?"


She reached back and I heard squelching. She brought her hand back it and lifted to my lips. I sucked the fingers, enjoying the salty, musky taste and smell.

"Mmmmm you really do. Suck them you bastard. Get all that juice off them. The only time they taste better is when there is other stuff in there. Then I can finger fuck and lick my fingers for ages".

"Other stuff?"

I felt the urgency start to build down low in me.

"Ooooo yes other stuff, men's stuff."

"Don't be fucking coy!"' I growled in mock-menace.

"Mmmmmm ok. After I've been fucked, that stuff. Cum. I love it when I've been fucked, especially more than once. Then I can finger fuck myself and lick it all up. Or when I get face fucked and the guy squirts all his lovely cum in my mouth. Or they come on my tits and make me scoop it off so they can watch me lick it up. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."

She refreshed her fingers and this time licked them herself.

"But scooping it out of my hot, wet, juicy, horny, slutty pussy, my fuck hole is best". She purred. "I love it! And if it's more than one flavor I love that most of all!"

The look on my face must have been priceless.

"What... you're thinking something, tell me. Go on. I dare you. I bet I know. You'd like to eat my cunt after it's been fucked wouldn't you?"

"I don't really know where it came from; I hadn't actively thought about it, but I said "Yes."

Her eyes were wide with humorous interest. "Go-on say it. Say the words. You really want to? I want to hear you."

The words just tumbled out of me, driven by my growing urgency to explode, but they rang true as I said them.

"I'd like to watch you being fucked. The look on your face as his big cock slides in and out. I'd love to hear his balls slap against you, hear you groan and cling on to him. I'd love it especially if you were saying 'Fuck me, fuck me, fuck my cunt!"

"Ooooo" she murmured, starting to move again. "And afterward, tell me!"

"Then I'd love to go down on you."

She giggled loudly. "Go down? How quaint! I want to hear the words. Tell me!"