Renata's Vacation


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'Before I continue, I have another treat for you,' he said, and I heard him fiddling about on the tray again. Then he had his fingers in my arse again, pulling out the butt-plug, which came out with an audible 'pop.' I heard Lara laugh lightly. Almost immediately my arse was again violated by a much bigger plug, which really took my breath away. I felt it must have torn me as it forced its way past my sphincter, and cried out with the pain.

But this was forgotten in an instant as he returned with the crop, and the terrible swish came again as he started on the insides of my thighs, with great precision. I counted down until the tenth stroke, which seemed never to come, but then it was over, and I was let down from the cross, and fell into Sergio's arms. I was dimly aware that Lara was straddling José, her dress around her waist, whilst kneeling in front of her, Toni had his huge erection buried deep in her throat. Obviously my punishment had had its effect on them.

Sergio carried me bodily over to an unoccupied couch, and caressed my sore and aching back, buttocks and legs, gently rubbing in soothing oils he took from the tray. His actions aroused me still more, and I reached for his zipper. This time he didn't mind me opening it with my fingers, and when I held him in my hand, stroking his mighty length, he moaned with pleasure. I pulled myself over him and impaled myself on his entire great length, feeling every millimetre of him stretching me to the limit. It was a relief and a pleasure such as I had never hoped to feel in my life. He came in great rich spurts, and I matched him with a roaring climax, then we fell exhausted against each other, and stayed put for perhaps twenty minutes.

Later, he half carried me to my room. He dressed me in a long, virginal, white silk nightgown, and left me, telling me I would shortly be joined by Lara. Sure enough, perhaps half an hour later, she was brought in, naked, with red welts across her back and buttocks. She too had been beaten. José helped her into a nightdress similar to mine, and she joined me in bed, where we slept, our sore bodies entwined.

I awoke in the strange bed, feeling the totally alien sensation of another body next to mine. Lara was stirring, and it felt as if we had held each other all night. She stroked me, feeling the tender welts on my back and buttocks, and I did the same for her. When I ran my hand through her slit, I found she had a ring hanging from her clitoris, and I found myself toying with it for a while. She came to and smiled like a peaceful cat.

We played with each other for some time, my injuries from the whipping not nearly so sore as I feared they might be, but the large butt-plug filling my consciousness as well as my arsehole. When I mentioned this to Lara, she said I would be glad of it later.

We had to get up for breakfast and helped each other dress. As we were almost exactly the same size, the clothes in my wardrobe were fine for Lara too, and we both put on minidresses of knit jersey, with no underwear, even though Lara told me I should certainly have to wear the corset at some stage during the day. We both wore stilettos, of course. We went down to breakfast, and enjoyed a quiet coffee and croissant before we saw anyone else, then Sergio and José sauntered in, both dressed in business suits.

They came over and kissed us in a formal greeting, then Sergio said, 'We have a business meeting to go to, so we must leave you two here until evening. 'La Leonesa' will take care of you both today, and continue your training.'

With that, a well-preserved lady in her forties came from behind the bar-screen, and walked over to their table. She was tall and slim, and wore a dark green tailored suit with a white silk blouse. Her long, shapely legs were encased in seamed black stockings and she wore black patent stilettos. Her hair was platinum blonde, and tied back in a severe bun. She was immaculately made-up, her nails long and red. She looked at Sergio with something approaching contempt at his introduction, and re-introduced herself, 'My name is Doña Francisca. I will be treated with respect, girls. You may address me as "Mistress."'

Without further ado, Sergio and José left, and we were alone with the intimidating Doña Francisca.

'Stand, girls, please,' she said, and when we did as she asked, she looked us up and down.

'I see you are not wearing your corsets, come with me,' she ordered, and turned on her aristocratic heel. We followed meekly along a short corridor to a small lounge. We were not asked to be seated, so remained standing, while the older woman produced two leather corsets from a cupboard, and placed them on a sideboard.

'Undress,' she ordered, peremptorily, and we slipped out of our dresses. Doña Francisca walked around us both, briefly fingered my butt-plug, and let her hand linger a moment around Lara's clit-ring, cupped our breasts in turn for a moment, then walked over and picked up the first of the corsets.

'You first,' she said, pulling Lara towards her, and asking her name. On being told, she merely grunted, and proceeded to button the corset in place. It fit snugly under Lara's pretty, firm breasts, and had the effect of thrusting them upwards, whilst emphasising the swell of her buttocks. Francisca braced herself behind Lara, and pulled the laces with all her considerable strength, until Lara gasped for breath, and her waist was constricted visibly. An audible 'Oh' escaped her lips, earning her a sharp, stinging slap across the buttocks from the other woman.

When it was my turn, I could hardly believe how much tighter was this corset than the one before. It made it difficult to walk, especially combined with the high heels. But Doña Francisca now had us walk up and down in front of her for fully five minutes. When she had seen enough, she told us to get down on all fours, elbows on a couch, so that she could inspect us.

It was with enormous relief that I felt the huge butt-plug being removed from my anus, but when it had gone, I almost felt a sense of loss. I sensed it would be short-lived, and was to find out that this was a prophetic judgement.

'Lara, you are well-prepared,' was Doña Francisca's opinion. Then she fingered my rectum, and seemed to come to a quick decision.

'Renata, you are in great need of anal training – immediately. Stay there.' That said, she pulled Lara up and sat her on the couch beside me, then left the room. While she was gone, Lara, sensing, I think, what was to come, stroked my hair, and kissed me gently, but stopped when she heard the door opening.

It was Doña Francisca, of course, but with her was Toni, this time wearing a silk robe.

'Stand,' the older woman told Lara, pulling her to her feet, and thrusting her at Toni, to whom, I reflected, she was no stranger. They came into an embrace, kissing deeply, and I could see, out of the corner of my eye, Toni's robe tenting over his erection. Lara knew her part, and dropping to her knees, took him in her mouth, sucking his prodigious length hungrily. I imagined the tongue-stud running up and down his great shaft, teasing his sensitive glans.

'Enough,' said Doña Francisca, and pulled Lara up brutally by her hair. Toni also knew his role, and I was at the receiving end. My virgin arse was to be taken, and by the biggest cock I had ever seen. I felt his tip at my portals, pushing, gently at first, then harder, and I thought there was no way on earth he would introduce that huge member into my tiny hole. But he insisted, and I now knew that the plugs I had worn had been essential in opening me up. He paused to use some lube and then pushed ever harder – I guessed it was hurting him too, then he was passing my sphincter, and I felt a pain, and a pleasure, such as I had never felt before, my orgasm coming in multiple waves as he shot his load deep into my bowel. When he withdrew, there was blood on the couch, and I was going to be sore there for days, but mine was a new pleasure that was indescribable.

'Keep your corsets on, and go to your rooms. Rest until lunch,' we were now told, and a girl I hadn't seen before, a sweet little thing in a red sun-dress, was spirited from somewhere to escort us there. I found that Lara, in fact, had the room next to mine.

I lay down on the bed for a good hour, luxuriating in the feel of the silk sheets, but all too aware of the soreness in my rectum. Altogether, though, and despite the restriction of the tightly-laced corset, I felt remarkably good.

After a time, I decided it was time to dress for lunch and once again inspected the closet, this time coming up with a sheer black silk blouse, which showed the points of my nipples to perfection. A pleated schoolgirl-type plaid skirt completed the outfit. It came to somewhere around mid-thigh. Instead of shoes, I laced on a pair of high patent boots, with needle heels and platform soles. When I knocked next door for Lara, I saw she had chosen almost an identical outfit, except that her skirt was plain black leather, and tighter. She laughed. As we had a few minutes to spare, she suggested we spent a little time on make-up, and we amused ourselves rouging our nipples, as well as our cunt-lips. I had to make her stop at this point, or I should have climaxed again.

The same girl came and took us down to lunch, a light affair, which we ate alone, but as soon as we had finished, Doña Francisca was there again.

'I see you have dressed nicely,' she said, almost the first nice thing she had said to us, 'But we shall now put you both to work, if you are agreeable to that?' It was phrased as a question, but I felt that refusal was not really an option. 'Come with me.'

We followed her down another of the many corridors, and entered what appeared to be a dressing room, with racks of clothes and other props, and a door leading off, on which was stencilled the word, 'SILENCIO.'

Doña Francisca told us to undress. 'Completely?' I asked. 'Completely,' she affirmed, and we quickly shrugged off skirts and blouses, and helped each other out of the corstes. I sighed with relief, and Doña Francisca smiled, for once, noticing. She too was stripping off, and I saw she had a fine body, with hardly a sign of her middle-age. I thought I detected the hint of a stretch-mark on her flat stomach, but she had firm, round tits with long nipples. Astonishingly, she bore signs of having recently been whipped, with several raised welts across her buttocks. She caught me looking, and smiled again, this time wistfully. 'You have much still to learn, my child,' was all she said.

When we were all naked, she had Lara and I put on a floor-length transparent white nylon lace-edged negligee each, tied with a braided cord, and a pair of simple high-heeled mules. She herself wriggled into a fishnet catsuit, through which her breasts and sex could clearly be seen. Her feet she clad in patent spike-heeled boots like the ones I had worn. She then attached a leather collar to each of our necks and fastened a leash to each one

'Right girls, ready?' she said, and, without waiting for an answer, she held her fingers to her lips, and pushing open the door, walked through on to a stage. We were pulled after her, and were met by a strange and exciting scene. On the stage were two wooden crosses, inset with rings like the ones in the room where I had been whipped the night before. There were also two couches. Stood on the stage was Toni, stripped to the waist, holding a huge and terrifying-looking whip. Solemn music was playing somewhere in the background. I could make our faces in the darkness of the auditorium – perhaps there were thirty people, with a mixture of ages and sexes, from what little I could see.

Lara and I were pulled roughly to the crosses, and bound to them with short lengths of rope, she with her face to the cross, me, with my back to it. Doña Francisca pulled down our negligees in turn, exposing our naked bodies, then stood to one side and told Toni to start. He did so, flicking the fierce-looking great whip with a terrible crack, right across my stomach. It hurt, but not as much as the crop the night before, and not as much as it looked as if it might. But when he came higher I cried out, as much in the anticipation of pain across my tender tits as with the actual pain. My nipples were still sore from Sergio's clamps, anyway. After a while, I saw to my surprise that he had raised red lines on my upper thighs and stomach, and, if anything, Lara had fared worse, with welts appearing across her lovely buttocks and back.

It was time for us to be cut down, and Toni fondled me as he did so, reaching between my legs to feel how moist I was. He cannot have been disappointed. Not knowing what was expected of me, I looked at Doña Francisca, but she was busy licking Lara's cunt, on the couch beside the cross, and I took that as my cue to take my pleasure with Toni. I abandoned myself totally, dropping on to the couch and pulling him down with me. I had his zipper down and released his cock in no time, and he plunged himself into me, his balls driving right against my arse, kissing me deeply.

I glanced at the audience, and there were scenes of a similar nature taking place on couches, and even on the floor, all over the small auditorium. But Toni took all of my attention now and drove himself into me with ferocious power, ravaging my very innermost depths with his enormous length, until I felt his orgasm welling up. He came with a single massive heave, and growled like some wild animal as he filled me with his hot sperm. I felt like sleeping, but knew we were part of a 'spectacular.' Doña Francisca

wanted to have us all stand and be presented to the audience, many of whom seemed, however, to be too preoccupied to notice. I felt almost too weak at the knees to stand, but made it, and we held hands as if we had been in some bizarre West End production, then the curtain came down, and we slipped on our negligees once more.

Doña Francisca told us to go and rest, then come down for dinner at eight, dressed 'as beautifully as we were able' – she said we were to spend the evening with 'our men.'

Her parting words were, 'You have done very well today, girls.' This, with a smile.

We were escorted, once more, to our rooms, by a scantily-clad and silent young girl, and I dropped off into an untroubled sleep on the comfortable bed, still in the negligee.

Later, I awoke, as refreshed as I had felt in a long time, and determined to look my best for Sergio that night. I took a long, hot bath, made sure no vestiges of hair remained around my smooth pussy, inspected my nails for any damage, and took time with my hair, brushing it out to a silken shine. I took longer than usual over my make-up, applying more eye-shadow than was my custom, then rouged my nipples and cunt-lips. Doing so, I aroused myself once again, but, not wanting to tire myself out before the evening, soon desisted.

I put on a white garter-belt and white lace-top stockings, then went to the closet to select a dress from the wonderful array. After much deliberation, I chose a long shimmering silver silk gown, open at the front, down to my navel. With it I wore silver heels, of course.

I went next door to see how Lara was faring, and she looked quite stunning. I almost felt envious of her choice, when I saw she had picked a trouser-suit – with a difference. It consisted of a transparent bodice, through which her breasts were clearly visible, and trousers which appeared quite decent until she walked, when it was apparent that they were made in such a way that they did not join – they were, in fact, open-crotch trousers. Her shaven mound could be seen if she wished to display it.

'I don't know if I dare wear this,' she said, but I could see she had decided. Then she motioned to me to come to her and produced a box from a drawer.

'I have something for you I know Sergio will like to see you wear – if you can,' she said, opening the box. She took out two gold clamps, and pushed aside the halves of my dress. Pulling out my right nipple, she caused me to cry out sharply, but kissed me on the lips as she kneaded and tweaked a little more. Then she placed the clamp, and tightened it. It hurt, but I felt I could take it. She repeated the process with the left nipple, then attached a gold chain between the two. It could now be seen in the gap of my cleavage, so that it was quite obvious to anyone that I was wearing the clamps.

When we were taken down to dinner, we turned heads in the dining room as we entered, but Sergio and José were not yet at the table. When they arrived, five minutes later, they complemented us on our appearance, and said they had had favourable reports on our day's activities, from Doña Francisca. I felt unreasonably proud.

As we dined, Sergio quietly, 'I want you girls to play with each other. I want to see you come. Both of you.'

With that, I looked at Lara, and she looked back with hooded eyes, her tongue-stud peeking out characteristically. I found her thigh under the table, and let my hand wander up to her puffy lips, from where it was a short step to the little silver ring which dangled enticingly from her clit. She moaned involuntarily, and her own hand started to run up the hem of my dress, sliding up the silky stockings, over the lace and the expanse of bare flesh above. Then she found my smooth, shaven mound, and my neat lips, which longed for her fingers, already soaking wet. She plunged two fingers into my dripping cunt and I couldn't suppress an 'oh,' causing people at the next table to look around briefly. But people who came here were used, I suppose, to this kind of thing.

I transferred my attention to Lara's arsehole, and thrust three fingers straight up her waiting and commodious tube. She smiled in acceptance of this, and said, 'I love it when my arse is taken like that. I think I'm going to come.'

I too was close to orgasm, as she flicked again and again at my hardened clitoris, and the pain on my nipples only heightened my pleasure as a violent climax racked my body. We came together, and both the men had their eyes shut – they were terribly aroused too.

We left the table, and went to Lara's room, where we all fucked long into the night.

To be continued?

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nakedguyatxnakedguyatx10 months ago

Excellent. More detail with the whips please.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayalmost 18 years ago

well written and very enjoyable..nice to see a bdsm story thats not "too" way out there but still intense and exciting along the wild side *smile*...Thank you for sharing and i look forward to reading on. I had started reading this one a long while back and had to go to work and lost track of i was happy to find it again to renew my interest. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Not much else to say, but intense, nice story and - the best bit - believable!

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