Rescuing a Snow Angel Ep. 03

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Christmas Dinner & Delightful Twins For Dessert.
10.7k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/02/2021
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Ep. 03

Christmas Dinner & Delightful Twins For Dessert

Written by

Donald Mallord

Copyright by DMallord, 2021, USA., Revised 2022. All rights reserved.

10,750 MS Words,


Special thanks to Kenjisato for his impeccable editing of this revised story.

My thanks to those who provided previous feedback on the original 2021 version. Those are now corrected in this update. As for readers calling for a longer storyline; please note, I have a few physical limitations that slow my writing. Although, at this date, I have added more to the storyline to address the brevity concerns. The damage to my hands makes it difficult to type major storylines. I listened to the anonymous commentor in episode two, taking his/her positive criticism to heart and incorporated the suggestions into this episode regarding the twins rescuing, then rewarding Jim Rawlings with an erotic Christmas dessert!


Jim Rawlings, as a former prisoner of war, is haunted by the impact of his inhuman treatment. These stories recount how he eases back into civilian status. Life has been a continuing roller-coaster of emotional ups and downs, as Rawlings experiences flashbacks of those nightmarish months while a captive in the jungles of Vietnam. Life throws some added tribulations at him, just to prove it isn't going to be easy to flow anonymously back into the mainstream of post-war life. For instance, in episode one of this saga, he fought through panic attacks, yet succeeded in completing his master's degree program feeling some sense of recovery. Then in the second episode, nearly destitute, Jim found a ray of light in a temporary job. Where, once again, life threw him a snow angel to rescue--and she bailed on him. Delightful twins come to his rescue in the current, third episode. What will life have to throw at Jim Rawlings this time?

The main character also appeared, first, in the storyline, 'The Dorm Lights Went Out -- I Got Lucky!'

Rescuing a Snow Angel Ep. 03

Christmas Dinner & Delightful Twins For Dessert

Monday morning, the day after Christmas, I lay awake in bed, waiting for a glimmer of daylight to make its appearance through the bedroom window -- waiting for the sun to vanquish the darkness. Thoughts of the previous evening's unabashed ménage à trois with Gabriela and Carmen had helped beat down some of the noises in my head. Sex trumps demons, sometimes. I'd come to learn that over the past year-and-a-half. After returning from the girls' place late last night, I had been able to sleep for nearly five solid, restful hours. Startled awake once more, I had to wait for another hour to tick by before the sun rose, again. How to get through that pre-dawn hour has always been troublesome. I tried to close my eyes, letting my thoughts drift, trying to relive the previous evening with Carmen and Gabby.

The first few moments of my arrival at their place started off a bit stiff at first -- not my dick -- the awkwardness of having to explain some of my background after they rescued me. It was difficult to admit the meltdown was brought on by Gabriela's tongue-in-cheek comments about tying me up, then jumping my bones. That kind of awkwardness creates some embarrassment. However, we got through a very nice Christmas dinner! Although, I'd never had tamales, rice, and beans served alongside a turkey breast with cranberry sauce before -- I didn't mention that -- and the girls seemed as though it was a Mexican-American family tradition for them.

The awkwardness began to dissolve, as we learned more about one another's history. We had at least one thing in common. We were orphans. I had never known if I had a family; or if it was just some woman that gave me up to an orphanage. I'd grown up, never having thought about actually calling someone, mom. It was about as foreign a word in my vocabulary as any word could get. The longest time period that I could recall continuously living in a foster home was--two years.

On the other hand, the twins, lost their single-parent dad this past year to a heart attack. At seventeen, and through court-determined emancipation for minors' proceedings, they inherited his landscaping and snowplowing business. Alone in the world, they had kept his business afloat for the past year-and-a-half. By eighteen, the affable duo, had a solid reputation for business integrity. With the help of Mr. Worthington's accounting advice on investments, they were doing quite well. By the time we had dishes washed and the table cleared, except for a showcase pecan pie, we were pretty well acquainted and becoming at ease with one another.

With all the stores closed, and the roads iced over; I barely made it to their place. So, I didn't have the customary token Christmas gift for them: a bottle of wine. My state of mind was a mess as it was; taking time to wander into a liquor store, at that late hour could have been an invitation to another onset of flashbacks. I offered a sincere apology for arriving empty-handed. This had led to another round of apologies, on their part, for the comments about ropes and tying me up. They, too, had nothing else to share as a means of atonement. As we ate the pecan pie with vanilla ice cream, things got quiet -- a pachyderm had entered the room. I could tell it was lurking in the shadows. We didn't know how to drive it away. And the room grew awkwardly quiet as it nudged against Gabriella and Carmen--poking them to speak up.

Finally, the behemoth spoke up of its own accord. It couldn't do anything else but announce itself, as it bore a heavy burden that had to be acknowledged.

"Jimmy, we're really sorry about the comments! Carmen and I thought that we could, well, we could, somehow, make that up to you," Gabby's soft-spoken voice stammered. I could sense that something unspoken lurked just out of reach in her voice. She seemed to be leaving out several key unspoken thoughts flowing through her mind.

Carmen, the outspoken one, cut into Gabby's straying, train of thought.

"Jimmy, we really, really want to make it up to you -- so, since we really don't know you very well, I'm going to just come flat-out and say it!"

Her thoughts weren't any more organized than Gabby's own stammer. I found myself just sitting and waiting for the two eighteen-year-olds to get on the same page with one another. And that seemed to be happening more quickly as that telepathic communication that twins seem to have, kicked in. In the lull, they studied one another's faces for a clue as to how to proceed.

Simultaneously, they blurted out, "We want to fuck you!"

I found myself audibly catching my breath. In response, they turned into a bashful basket of giggles. The lewdness of their outburst had set both of them ablaze with blushed cheeks as they looked at one another wide-eyed; as if to say, 'Did we say that?' They turned to watch my reaction, as I nearly choked on a forkful of pie.

Not much in the Army's colorful vernacular had ever shocked me. But what left the lips of these two innocent-looking and sweet conversationalists, just turning lusty-minded, caught me totally by surprise! Setting down my fork, still containing a bite of the pie, I quietly asked, "Have you done this before, I mean, the two of you together, with a guy?"

I'd gotten very good at reading facial expressions, looking for body mannerisms, in my Army training and field experiences with people under duress. But the suddenness of this outburst and how to read this situation was unfathomable.

They exchanged glances; that twin look again. Gabby answered, more reserved now, "No...but that doesn't mean we don't want to; or else we wouldn't have asked you, Jimmy. We're not...virgins. Nor...well; really experienced, you know?"

"Have you, Jimmy?" Carmen chimed in, to fill in a moment of quietness in the elephant's domain.

"I mean, done it with two girls before? I guess we should be asking if you want to -- to do both of us? Jimmy, you do get a choice in this, too! Like, we don't want to make you do anything you don't want to."

Her eyes were searching my face, checking to see if they had perhaps broached another forbidden territory. After all, they had triggered an episode once today, and certainly didn't want to be a part of another one!

The hesitation in my response was there only because the idea of dipping into twins on Christmas day was beyond my wildest imaginations possible.

Slowly, I acknowledged, "Yes, I do have some experience with two girls together. So, sure! I'm game if you two are!"

I couldn't stop the spreading smile that crept across my face. I had finally managed to put together a coherent sentence of my own, as I grinned watching their eyes widen at my admission. My thoughts had, during that pause, flashed back to the last week before my MBA graduation. Ginny accompanied Alicia to my dorm room seeking to provide Alicia with a wonderful, first sex experience. Previously, I had also given Ginny her first climax, the one her boyfriend claimed she couldn't have because she was frigid. She brought Alicia, as a result of that enjoyment, to experience the same great feelings. I took Alicia's virginity as gently as possible; just the two of us. But, when Gennie returned, the two of us taught Alicia a bit about pleasuring one another. Those two were my first and only experience with two girls at the same time -- but this would be the first ever sex with twins.

I don't ever recall experiencing such joyous Christmas presents awaiting to be unwrapped as these two giggle boxes. Their previously drawn, pensive lips, quickly changed to shameless grins as they squealed with delight.

"How do we start?" Gabby asked, timidly. Her innocent inquiry surprised me, as she turned seeking my guidance. Just how inexperienced or just how naïve was she, I was beginning to think when...

"Duh, we get naked!" Carmen shouted out -- a wide smile had spread across her cherry-colored lips as she provided the obvious answer to her sister's question.

The next five minutes were frenetic, as I tried to set a slow pace of exploration; but the girls were not having it. They were out of their clothes in the kitchen and pulling me down the hallway into a bedroom before I could react. Well, except for now, my not so flaccid member reacted and wanted to get some attention. I felt hands rapidly releasing the button on my pants and then pulling them off. While another pair of hands clasped onto my head and soft lips were pressed firmly onto my own. Nothing about this spelled sensual. It just boiled over like a teakettle on a hot stove. It took less than two minutes to learn that neither twin was skilled at finding their way around me; but that didn't stop them from exploring with abandon. A wildly flickering tongue was bent on exploring my mouth and I just went with it.

From below, I could just make out a somewhat muffled voice talking about trying to keep my dick from bobbing up and down. The words floated up from between my legs as a pair of moist lips tried to capture my throbbing dickhead. An errant swipe from an eager tongue sent a jolt coursing through my groin. It caused my buttocks to pucker as a roving tongue swiped across my pee slit. I groaned, barely breathing, as her lips slipped down over my energized cock. I felt a firm sucking, vacuum sealing tongue and cheeks squeeze against my dick. She sucked mightily as though trying to suck in the cherry at the bottom of a strawberry shake through a straw. My head rocked backward in response, pulling me away from the dueling tongue. I could feel my toes curling as Carmen or Gabby, well, one of the twins, paid homage to my throbbing dick.

While one...Carmen perhaps? It really didn't matter! While she was busy attending to my stiff boner, her sister was taking my nipples between her teeth. Teasing each one, vibrating them with her tongue; unskilled, but highly effective! My limbs stiffened while my toes curled again each time her sister's lips rolled over my slit. I could feel my dick straining reaching upward, struggling, and aching to climax. The combination of the rhythmic fellatio and the raking of my steeled nipples was deepening my breathing.

I found every muscle in my body stiffening and my mouth opening wider as I gasped for air. Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer.

With a caveman growl, I came--forcefully. My hips bucked upward as my wad spewed into Gabby's vacuum cleaner-like mouth; I believe it was Gabby. She swallowed it all. Lying among a twisted jumble of bedding, we paused for a few moments--in a state of bliss. My dopamine high was blocking all my thoughts as I lay there gasping for air. I closed my eyes for a moment, as the tension in my muscles snapped like a broken spring. My hips collapsed onto the bed while my flagging cock turned into jello, folding in retreat. In that state of exhaustion and recovery, I heard one of the giggling girls whispering.

"I told you he would like it! Now, I get to fuck him first!"

"Why're you first? I'm the oldest! I should be first, Gabby!"

"No! I sucked him, first. Now, I fuck him, first!" Gabby's determined voice tried to maintain her animated response to a low-toned, yet argumentative reply. It didn't help...I was lying there just two feet away and smiling at every word. No woman had ever fought over me before!

"No, let's make this fair...we do rock, scissors, or paper to decide!"

"Okay! Okay! No! Let's do two out of three!"

Lying sprawled out next to the two nymphettes, I tried to catch my breath. Apparently, they no longer needed my input in the decision-making process about having sex, so I let them fuss over which one would be having me first. After all, I'd just been vanquished by a hoover-strength blowjob! I could use a brief respite!

"Girls!" I managed to insinuate myself into the animated rock, scissors, paper discussion, "How about I return the favor, and give you both some pleasure...some cunnilingus first, then you can decide who gets to jump my bones first? Hum?"

"Cunni...what?" they both responded, with that practiced twin-telephony most twins seem to have acquired from merged conversations, while talking with others.

"Cunnilingus...bringing a woman to climax by eating her..."

"Pussy!" Carmen practically squealed, then added, "No one...has ever done that to me!" She shot an inquiring telepathic look at Gabby, as if to ask her if she had the pleasure, but I saw Gabriella's head shaking 'no' in response.

"Me neither, Sissy," Gabby breathed out in reply, as though she had been holding her breath for minutes while my hand idly roamed up the insides of her thighs building excitement in her core.

They'd been too impatient to claim first ride -- sibling rivalry meddling in the enjoyment at hand; I never had that problem growing up. It was refreshing to watch the twins bickering over who would be first. So, I had offered to give them a taste of cunnilingus. Eagerly, they accepted the idea. The girls' dates, this past year, had been sporadic. Working had been their focus. But they did manage to go out a few times, separately.

"Boys just wanted to get sucked...or to fuck," Carmen quietly informed me. "Sex had been quick and furtive. It was always a quickie; mostly by the ballfields. Those rarely brought any release of pent-up lusts for me," Carmen acknowledged, with a little impish grin.

I noticed Gabriella didn't have anything to add to that revelation; remaining tentatively quiet. Gabby watched my hands stroke Carmen's thighs, as she tried to speak in an even tone. That was difficult; Carmen's voice modulations were interrupted by smallish, intermittent gasps of delight; when my finger flowed across her mons and found a new pleasure point.

Side by side on the bed, I had them obediently lying on their backs, shoulder to shoulder. They looked like matching bookends splayed out for perusal. Cherub-like doll faces with cute, bright smiles, lighting up their faces. It was Christmas evening and the welcoming presents were so delightfully naked! Those light, cream-colored skin tones contrasted nicely against the white cotton sheets. Especially with those soft perky pear-shaped breasts pointing upward to mark a path for my wandering hand. Each orb glowed with a light-lusty sheen from the soft light cast by the nightstand's lamp, nestled against the bedside. Legs shifted in twitching responses, as my hand stroked lightly around the firm mounds' succulence. I gave a light, extra touch, using the tip of my fingernail, to trace a path right across the apex of each nipple, where the soft, dark nipples stood so proudly, so firmly.

"Ah, ah...yes! Right, right there! Yes. Yes! Oh, fuck, yeah!" Carmen's voice hissed, with arousal. I'm sure it was Carmen, perhaps?

All four warm breasts, with dark-hue aureolae, were turgid with arousal. A light touch anywhere, sent the girls' mouths wider with joy. I watched their thighs springing closed as I found trigger points that caused louder moans to slip from those luscious red lips. There was so much to explore, yet the girls were too eager to begin. I skipped past other slow-build, sensual approaches I knew about. Instead, I dipped my tongue straight down into one soft slit, Carmen's, or Gabriella's, and licked up the slickly-lubricated trench to her nubbin, and then leaned over to repeat the motion with her sister's dark-pink-shaded twin-folds. Her legs flexed against my head in response.

"Oh, shit! That's so nice!" she breathed, between heavy pants.

At this point, names no longer mattered. My mind was flushed with endorphins. I was enthralled and entirely focused on wringing out more moans and guttural cries...more...

"Jesus! Just fuck me now!"

I wanted to, my name wasn't Jesus, though. I would wait until she got it right! My intent was to bring them to both to boiling arousal points and then to monumental climaxes at the tip of my tongue. By that time, in the lull of their resolutions, they could settle on who would fuck me first during their post-coital recovery times.

I didn't have enough dexterity to finger one, as I ate the other. And impatience had them a bit frustrated, as I couldn't be between both slowly engorging sets of cunt lips at the same time. Sensing some frustration, I paused, just long enough to pose a question.

"Have you...ever helped each other to come?"

The question caused a lull in the motions that, up to then, had been rocking the bed like an earthquake, with increasing changes in the Richter scale. I could tell what the answer was in the lack of a response. By the timidity that followed, as Gabby glanced over at Carmen, it was evident that they hadn't experimented with one another.

"The pleasure level is more than double you know? Why don't you try it?" I asked, hoping to be able to redirect some focus on one sister for another. Meanwhile, I planned to focus on steamrolling the other sister's cunt with a renewed tongue lashing--to a crescendo of pleasure--to cum, screaming my name.

It took a little more coaxing and some how-to-guidance for them to warm up to the suggestion. It wasn't that it was an unknown topic between them. Just a bridge that neither had ever dared to discuss, let alone cross, between them.

"Gabby?" Carmen's voice rose.

"If you are, okay, then?" Gabriella's voice whispered, in acquiescence.

It was that twin telepathy thing again. All the internal dialogue took place without me hearing the doubts or concerns about where this would lead to once they set foot on this pathway. I hadn't given it any thought. It was all, for me, just based upon my limited experience with Gennie and Alicia in the dorm that last week. They were not sisters and as far as I knew, they went their separate ways after graduation. This would be new I had not considered in my lustful suggestion to 'divide and conquer' with the goal of driving the twins to the edge and over it to bliss.