Rest Stop Management Pt. 02

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Young married man's turn to a gay sissy slut begins.
8.9k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/31/2018
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After collecting myself, I sat in the stall covered in cum and had to figure out how to make myself presentable. I looked at the cum drying on my suit coat and then noticed a few globs on my pants. I thought about paper towels, but there were none, only jet dryers, so toilet paper was it. I flushed the toilet and dipped some tissue into the bowl water and dabbed as much as I could off the jacket, shirt and pants. Then I proceeded to my cock and underwear, pulling myself together as much as I could.

I flushed the tissue paper I had used and unrolled a couple handfuls for use at the sink. Looking in the mirror there were globs of cum in my hair I had completely missed. They were starting to dry, but I dabbed them with wet tissue and worked it out of my hair. I cleaned my face swirling my tongue in my mouth trying to kick the taste of his cum. It was odd and a bit bitter, but I had no gum or mints. I hit my suit and pants with another round of damp tissue, but there was no way to get it all, and I was leaving little bits of tissue smeared into the suit.

I had to get the suit cleaned and in the giant town of Julesburg Colorado, I did not imagine many options were available. I usually had an emergency travel bag in my car but did not have one today. Only a bag of running clothes. It was my best option, so I went to the car and grabbed them, thankful my buddy Marvin, was not here. I could change and slip out, hopefully without him knowing I was even here. Especially since I only had lycra running shorts that went to just above the knee and left nothing to the imagination.

I went to the handicap stall and changed quickly. As I got dressed, I remembered from past trips the Budget Host had dry-cleaning service. Sadly, the only game in town was apparently Big Daddy's favorite Hotel. I did not want to chance going home with my suit looking like that, so I would book a room and give me a chance to regroup. This way I could hang out and make sure I accomplished the task of busting Marvin's ass. It was only 9:30 AM but I was betting the hotel would have a room available

As, I pulled out of the rest stop, I saw Marvin's truck pulling off behind me onto the exit road to enter the rest stop. I could not tell but it looked like he didn't see me.

After a moment I dialed his cell phone.

"Hey Boss, how's it going?" he said cheerily.

"You tell me Marvin," I said abruptly.

"Ok as far as I know, what's wrong? He asked cautiously.

"Where are you Marvin?"

"At the welcome center, what is wrong Robert?" he asked nervously.

"I was there at 8:00 this morning and you weren't there. "I said sternly.

"First of all, I was here at 8:00 and I did not see you. And secondly, I told you last week I was meeting with the vending machine people this morning for a breakfast meeting. Where were you at 8:00 I was hear from 7:00 to 8:15 and did not see your car anywhere. Where are you now?" He asked puzzled.

"I, uh had some things to do. I'll be back there this afternoon. And where was security this morning?" I continued drilling.

"Chuck's right here, what's up," he asked sounding confused. "Are you OK boss? You sound pissed and I'm not sure what I've done to set you off this morning. Why did you not tell me you were coming, I would have given you the tour and updates on everything. We are still on target for the opening."

"Great, I should be by about 2:00 today and I may hang around a couple days." See you then.

I hung up thinking, "Fuck, get yourself under control Robert. You're fucking losing it my friend. You didn't get there until 8:30 or so."

I got to the hotel, and not surprisingly, they had a room. But the best on the dry cleaning was over night, so I sent off my shirt and suit and tie, for service. After talking further with the young lady at the front desk, the nearest place to get decent non-cowboy wear was Larry's Clothing in Sidney Nebraska, a one-hour drive. They also had a Walmart, so off I went.

As I drove I tried to focus on Marvin and my unsuccessful attempt of busting him, when a text ding came.

Unknown: Thanks again for this morning. 😊 So glad you filled in for Mr. Jones this morning.

Me: I'm blocking you now.

One last text got through before I blocked him.

Unknown: Text me your new phone number. Thanks again. Same time and place tomorrow?

I had to do something about Big Daddy, I could not let him get away with this.

I put my cell phone in the dashboard mount and made a few calls on blue tooth as I drove and formulated the plan. I would do the best I could to get something off the shelf at Larry's and head to Walmart for some smaller items. If I hurried I could be back to the visitor center at 2:00 to deal with Marvin.

Stopped at a traffic light, I was starting to call Marie to let her know I would not be home this evening, when a text from an unknown number dinged in. It was a picture of Big Daddy, sitting naked in a chair, leaned back with his hands behind his head and his curved six-inch fatty laying on his thick left thigh. His legs were spread revealing his dark balls, smattered with black kinky hairs. His belly bulged a bit in front but not on the sides.

It seemed strange he had hair all over his belly chest and thighs but not extra thick anywhere. His chest had a mixture of black and grey hairs, but his arm pits did not seem much hairier than his chest and belly. His bush was not remarkably dense either.

His nipples were very dark and the same size as his belly button. As I looked at him the curved cock pointing to my right almost made a smiley face with his nipples as eyes and bellybutton nose. If his cock pointed both ways it would have made the perfect smile.

The curve of his cock drew my gaze, as the feel of him in my mouth replayed in my head. My cock had stiffened against my lycra running shorts. Something about the curve of it and the elongated head that drew my eyes. As I became aware of my fixation, I was startled by a knock on my window.

I jumped and jerked my head to see a burley looking cop standing there. "Everything ok Sir? The lights been green and turned red again."

I rolled down the window, "Sorry officer, I, a was, a on a conference call and got distracted..."

"Really," he said pointing at my phone, with the pic of Big Daddy naked right there on my dashboard. "Have you been drinking or are you under the influence of any drugs this morning sir?"

"No, not at all officer. I assure you..."

"Can I see your license and registration Sir." He said impatiently.

"Absolutely officer," I said pulling it from the glove compartment.

I handed him the registration and my wallet with the driver's license showing through the plastic window. He took them and looked at them for a moment.

"Is that your wife Robert?" He asked glaring at me.

"Yes sir," I answered calmly.

"I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle sir. I need you to do a sobriety test." He said opening the door. "Please keep your hands in plain sight."

I got out hands up at shoulder height. Though it was softening quick, my semi boner was glaringly obvious through the lycra. It was quite humiliating to have to stand with my hands out, boner up and walk a straight line in the middle of the street in a small town in Nebraska. He leaned in close and tried to smell for alcohol. I had a sickening fear he may smell Big Daddy cum on my breath. I definitely needed tooth paste on the shopping list.

Fortunately, I passed the test with flying colors and was soon on my way again, after the officer gave a strong speech regarding distracted driving and pointing out, I was the first case of porn distracted driving he had seen in person. He took sympathy on me that it would be very awkward if it went to court and my wife had to hear what was on the phone during the incident. That all being said he left me off with a warning.

I called Marie as I drove on to let her know I would not be home tonight. Thankfully I got her voice mail.

"Hi sweetness, it looks like I'm gonna be tied up her for a couple days. I probably won't be home till Friday night. I will try for tomorrow, but I don't think I can get it all back on track by then. Love you, miss you. I'll call you later."

I got to Larry's about 11:20 and was impressed by the service and selection. So, I bought two suits and shirts and they promised to have the pants hemmed by 1:30PM which would make me a little late to meet Marvin, but Marv can wait. Timelines don't seem to mean much to him anyway.

I left Larry's and headed to Walmart to pick up some toiletries and sundries. As I arrived the phone rang from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello Robert," said Big Daddy in his deep voice.

"I need you to stop this, I'm going to block this number too..."

"Did you like the picture Robert," he asked sounding smug.

As I stepped through the door the greeter chimed in, "Welcome to Walmart".

"Shopping are you Robert? Why don't you buy some red panties and your new phone? Just can't wait to see your sweet little ass in red. I saw that ass in your little biking shorts this morning it was real nice. Can't wait to feel it Robert. Bid Daddy's gonna fit up in there nice and tight."

I walked toward men's clothing, his voice echoing in my head and my cock stirring as his photo flashed in my mind. I told myself to hang up, but that voice pushed my buttons.

"I'm going to call the cops if you don't stop calling and texting this number..."

"Are you really Robert or are you getting hard again? That might have been the hardest cock I ever felt this morning. I think you want a whole lot more of Big Daddy." He said sighing.

The memory of his grip and the loss of control sent my cock pulsing, "Hanging up now and blocking this number," I said hitting the button.

I quickly grabbed a pair of kakis and headed to the checkout, holding them in front of my boner. I was trying to block his number, when a text ding came through. This time it was the picture of me with cum on my face and an angry scowl. The image of his cock shooting cum on my face popped into my head.

I went to the self-checkout, so I could keep my boner hidden. I paid and let the person checking the exit door know I was going to put the pants on in the rest room, so they did not think I was a shoplifter.

I entered the bathroom stall and my mind shot back to this morning. The shock and fear, the disbelief, the unforeseen pleasure, surrendering to animal impulses, cumming at the hand of a powerful stranger. It was all I could do not to yank down my shorts and rub one out in the Walmart bathroom. I got the pants on to cover my boner and returned to the store to get my additional items.

I got a belt, socks underwear and a couple polo shirts in the men's department before heading toward the drug store items. His cum taste lingered. "Don't forget toothpaste," I told myself.

The route to the sundries took me through the ladies department. I caught a glimpse of the ladies underwear and saw a packet of Sweet Allure lace bikini briefs. Red, purple, blue, grey pink and aqua I gripped the bag, before it hit me I was looking at panties!

I turned to walk away but was shocked at the sight of a picture on a package of bright red Cali Chic Lace Naughty Knicker Panties. The ass in the picture looked just like Marie's. They were lace with a semi thong cut. The thong started between those bubble buns and arched across the buns about half way up revealing the lower half of the ass. The waist band was semi high up with an open V at the center about 2-3 inches wide that cut down to the center of her ass crack and was cinched together by two silk ribbon x's. The bottom of the V had a tiny little bow on it.

The front looked like a full bikini brief but made from semitransparent flower patterned lace with a little seem that went straight down the middle. The model was hairless, but the thought of Marie's, perfectly trimmed little bush peeking through was exciting. She would hate that I bought her panties at Walmart, but I felt safe that she would never know where I got them.

I collected my sundries and headed to checkout when my phone rang. It was my secretary calling.

"Hey Heather, what's up?" I asked sounding busy.

"I just wanted to pass on a message. A guy that called himself Big Daddy left a message and it sounded kind of urgent..."

My heart raced. "What did he say?" I asked cringing at the thought.

"He said he just needed oral confirmation from you about your arrangement, so he could lock it in. He said, if he didn't hear from you today he would send the documentation of the arrangement to the office for review. He said you would know what he meant," she said matter of factly.

"Thanks Heather, I'll give him a call shortly. Any other messages?"

"No, all quiet. Are you coming back tomorrow?" she asked cheerily.

"Looks like I'll be here all week. Is Nancy still out?" I asked. (She was my boss.)

"Yep, through next week I believe, so it should be smooth sailing," she said happily.

"Great, thanks, I'll talk to you later. Call if anything comes up, but you can take off early if you want. I'll be tied up here for a while and otherwise occupied. See ya!"

"WTF Big Daddy, this is fucking crazy," I said to myself.

I went to electronics and found a refurbished I-Phone and straight talk plan for under $150 out the door. I got to my car and dialed the first number Big Daddy texted from.

"Hello," said Big Daddy,

"Hi Big Daddy, I hope you're happy now. You've got my attention. You are really starting to fuck with my life, so, what will it take to stop. You know I can track you down if I need to. I can call the cops, and report you forcing me this morning. Or, you can just leave me alone, call back the poor guy I scared off this morning and move on with your life. So, now you've got me on a direct line. What do you want. I can't have you fucking with my job or my marriage so please tell me." I said as calmly as I could muster.

"I really don't want to fuck with your life, Robert, but I, keep thinking bout how hard you came this morning, that was so fucking hot, and I really can't walk away, knowing there is so much to teach you. I can tell you liked my cock more than any pussy you've ever had in your mouth," he said confidently.

"Ok this is pointless, you're crazy, you don't know fuck about me and I can't have you running around like a lunatic so, I am calling the police as soon as I get back and I'm filing a repot..."

"You felt so good in my hand Robert, and you sucked my cock like a pro. Was I really your first?" he asked breathing heavier.

"I'm not having this conversation with you..."

"Big Daddy," he said calmly.

"What?" I asked confused

"Call me Big Daddy. It turns you on Robert. You want me to teach you the pleasures of cock, but you're too stubborn to admit it. I awoke something in you this morning and you need to explore it. Come on Robert your cock is alive right now, isn't it?" He asked happily.

I sat in my car in the Walmart of Sydney Nebraska talking to a man twice my age and twice my size, fully hard in my lycra shorts with kaki's over top to hide my boner. And all I could think about was taking that curved cock in my mouth, because he somehow was hypnotizing me into believing him.

"Please stop," I said pathetically.

"Where are you Robert?" He asked with a hint of excitement.

"Wallmart "I said without thinking.

"In Sidney?" he asked.

"Yes" I replied staring at his photo.

"Did you get a room at the Budget Host Robert?"

"Yes," I replied mindlessly driving.

"What room number?" He asked calmly.

"125... but..."

"I'm hard for you Robert, do you want me to send you a picture?" He asked in his soothing voice.

I drove on silent.

"Robert?" He asked goading me. "You do, don't you?"

"Yes please," I said cock throbbing. He hung up.

Ding! It came through and I opened the picture. A close-up of his boner and dark hair covered balls, framed by his thick thighs. I put the phone in the dash board mount and it rang again. I answered on bluetooth.

"Yes?" I answered bringing the pic back up as we talked.

"That's the answer I was hoping for Robert. What time?" he asked softly.

God, he was arrogant...I looked at my watch. It was 12:45. "I should be there by quarter till two."

"See you soon Perty Boy, love those lips..." He said sighing and hanging up.

I stared at the picture, feeling an almost surreal tingling in my balls at the thought of licking those hairy balls. What was wrong with me, I continued mindlessly toward this complete stranger that crashed into my world uninvited.

"Could his taste still be lingering after all this time?" I thought, mouthwatering. "You're imagining it tasted better than it really did Robert. Stop now!" The voice in my head screamed.

His grip was so strong on my cock this morning...

I drove past the traffic light where the cop was, his car parked beside the road. Thank goodness he was not in it.

I drove on reliving feeling him cumming while I held his hot hard cock, the tip spreading as his warm cream bursts free. I just needed to taste it one more time. The morning encounter seemed like a distant blur. I had to feel it again and prove to my brain it was not like I remember.

Thirty minutes into the drive, I realized I had not stopped for the suits. "Fuck... I'll get them tomorrow" I told myself.

I looked back at the photo, picturing my tongue tracing the hood of his cock head.

"Oh fuck, Marvin..." I was supposed to meet him... I dialed,

As he answered I stared at the photo again.

"Hey boss, how's it going?" he asked tentatively.

"Fine" I said, heart pounding. "Something pressing has come up and I won't be able to make it today. (My cock was pressing in my jogging shorts...) It looks like I will see you tomorrow."

"Ok..." he replied skeptically and clearly confused. "Bright and early?"

"Ye... (The Suits!) I mean... (Store opens at nine... and hour each way...) Better make it 11:00."

"11:00?" He almost shouted.

"Yes Marvin, 11:00!" I said hanging up.

When I pulled into the hotel parking lot, Big Daddy was sitting by the pool in what looked like little bleacher seats. I got out and he waved at me yelling across the parking lot. "Hey Robert," he shouted like we were old friends. As he walked toward me, I remembered the power of his death grip on my shoulder.

"Oh fuck, what are you doing shithead," I said to myself.

I got my stuff from the car and unlocked the room. "Slip in and close the door. Lock him out and call the police!" the voice in my head screamed.

"I've been thinking about you all day Perty Boy. Damn that was so hot, watching that beauty explode in my hand..." He said almost like he was in pain.

I held the door, and he stepped in. He was a full six inches taller than me.

"Excuse me a minute," I said, really needing to pee. I went into the bathroom, set my sundries on the counter and the bag of clothes on the floor. I relieved myself nervously anticipating what was coming.

I looked in the mirror, so terrified, I was trembling. "What the fuck are you doing Robert." I asked myself. I stood there breathing, trying to get a grip.

"You ok Robert?" he asked calmly. "Big Daddy's waitin. Don't you want me to feel that beautiful cock again Robert?"

The memory of him gripping my throbbing cock, sent a rush of blood and heat into my cock and balls. I closed my eyes, thinking of that moment of surrender as I came in his hand. My fears were pushed aside and found myself removing my shirt pants and socks. I looked at myself again, this time dressed only in my lycra jogging shorts. I reached in and pulled my cock straight up relieving the pressure. I could see the outline of my swelled cock head through the material as I tossed aside all inhibitions and went into the room with Big Daddy.