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Can you handle a little heat?
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This story has been posted to Literotica.Com with the full knowledge of the original author, JimBob44. No part or whole of this story may be reprinted in any other format or on any other web site without the express written consent of the original author.

Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


"Miss Sassy? How you come up with this place?" Morgan Hastings, a bone-thin blonde asked.

Daisy held her hand over the flat top griddle to verify the temperature was right for her hand formed patties of ground chuck. She would wait until the first patty was dropped onto the grill before turning on the very noisy exhaust fan.

The fry baskets were ready to be dunked into the hot oil; Daisy used one vat for French fries and the other vat for onion rings. The morbidly obese salesman that had sold her the restaurant equipment had told the new restaurant owner she would only need one vat but Daisy preferred to use one vat for each batch. She'd been a patron at restaurants where they used only one vat and she knew the tastes could cross-contaminate other foods.

"How did I come up with this place?" Daisy asked, turning to see her waitresses.

Facing the small window that separated the kitchen from the service bay, Daisy saw Morgan, Isabella Underhill, a beautiful mixed race girl, Bryanna Tooms, a voluptuous blonde whose breasts threatened to spill from the bottom of the half-shirt uniform blouse and Ally Sanchez, the very pretty Filipina cashier waiting for an answer. Daisy smiled and began her tale.


Merline's two boys and one girl were finally out of her home. Graham and Shelly were married, living in a double wide trailer with their daughter and son. Felicity was working for Wallchester University in New Jersey. The university had offered the bright sixteen year old girl a full academic scholarship and now, at age twenty, Felicity was using her degree in Applied Mechanics, employed by the Wallchester University Foundation developing bionic support systems for quadriplegics. Grant was up north somewhere, avoiding paying child support for his three daughters. Every now and then, another case worker would stop by to see if Merline knew how to get in touch with Grant Anthony Ungelle; the three mothers were trying to get their pound of flesh from Grant.

Merline did not know where Grant was secreted; she certainly would have divulged that information. She too had been the victim of such a man. Three times, to three different men in fact. Promises of love, promises of forevermore until the end of time and then...just the sour memories and another baby to care for.

At forty three years of age, gainfully employed and owning her own home, Merline decided to do something about her loneliness. In truth, Merline told herself, she wasn't lonely; she had contact with her co-workers in the kitchen of Casa Ole Mexican restaurant. She had nodding acquaintances among her neighbors. She talked every week with other parishioners at St. Richard's Catholic Church.

"Nope, Merline, you're just good and horny," Merline giggled as she looked at the 'Women 4 Men' section of the University of Louisiana at DeGarde on-line newspaper's Personals section.

Merline Daisy Unzelle had carefully selected her best photograph; a picture of herself in a red satin corset top that highlighted her creamy 34C breasts. Then she meticulously typed out a profile, carefully reading and rereading each question and putting in an answer intending to get the most positive responses. No, she did not smoke. Yes, she did drink occasionally. No, she had no children living at home.

Then, for the ad itself, Merline thought long and hard about what to say. The web site limited her to two hundred words. At first, she had thought that two hundred words was plenty. But, sitting and typing, she quickly realized that two hundred words was extremely limiting if she was going to 'sell' herself, fully present her assets.

She didn't want to sound easy; nor did she want to come off as a prude. She didn't want to sound desperate or needy but she knew that most of the men that read these ads were more than just a little put off by a confident woman. And, at her age she needed to appeal to as wide a market as possible. After all, she was competing with the twenty something and thirty something crowd.

"'Fresh as a Daisy!'" Merline decided she would start going by her middle name and typed that in as the header for her ad and for her profile.

It did not take long for Daisy to get responses to her post. After all, the photograph was a good one. The first date she accepted was with Dennis DeFranco, a fifty nine year old salesman with United Guardian Insurance.

After a fairly nice, satisfying dinner at Cowboy's BBQ, Daisy's date suggested a few drinks at Mickey's. She agreed and they sat and watched a few rough looking women taking off their clothes as they sipped overpriced whiskey.

The Acadiana Motel was next door to the Gentlemen's' Club and Daisy was agreeable to a little frisky fun when Dennis suggested getting a room. In the room, Dennis turned on the television and arrowed up and down the selection of pornographic categories.

"Anal?" Dennis suggested hopefully.

"Going take a lot more than a pulled pork sandwich and a couple of drinks," Daisy smirked, stripping out of her blouse.

"Oh! Hey! Nice!" Dennis exclaimed, looking at Daisy's hairless crotch. "Shaved it is!"

Daisy and Dennis watched two women shaving the crotch of a third woman. Then the three women swung into a daisy chain. After a few moments, Dennis pushed Daisy's head onto his weak erection.

Daisy woke up with the early morning sunlight filtering into the room through the cheap curtain. On the television two women touched each other's hairless pussies. Dennis was not in the room, but had thoughtfully left two twenties and a business card on the nightstand.

Reading the message Dennis had written on the back of his card, Daisy shrugged and dressed. She pocketed the two bills; the business card went into the trash can. Then Daisy arranged for an Uber.

For the next fifteen minutes, Daisy idly watched the pornographic images of women shaving themselves, one another, having robotic sex. Then she shut off the television and left the motel room.

Her second date was with a thirty year old professor from the University of Louisiana at DeGarde. Dan Flowers taught Applied Computer Sciences at ULD and quietly divulged that he was working on a computer language that would enable blind users to actually 'see' images. Over stuffed bell peppers at Sweet Pea's restaurant, Dan excitedly talked about this project.

"See, there's all kind of software? It reads text data to the visually impaired? But when it comes to pictures, images? All it says is, um, for example, 'Image' or 'Jpeg,' he explained. "Well, that sucks. I mean, they should be able to have the computer tell them um, 'White sandy beaches...there are several young women in bikinis...the water is crystal clear...there is a catamaran sailboat in the distance..."

"Or, 'gigantic Double D boobs with big nipples,'" Daisy smirked, knowing full and well Professor Flowers wasn't getting this excited over beach imagery.

"Hey! Good idea!" Dan laughed even as a heavy blush crept up his neck.

They managed to scrape their plates clean. Dan did not win any points with Daisy when he made the comment that he liked a woman with a healthy appetite.

His apartment garnered no praise from Daisy; his living room/dining room furniture looked as if he'd drug the furniture out of a dumpster. At least the bedroom furniture looked serviceable.

Dan had an impressive nine and a half inches of hard cock between his legs. He did not have any stamina though. Milliseconds after she wrapped her lips around his meat, he was spewing his load into Daisy's gullet. And eight pushes into her hairless pussy, Dan was again spewing his load. She sucked their combined juices from his cock and again managed to swallow him fully into her throat. Even though he was in her throat to the base, Dan still grabbed her head when he again ejaculated.

"You uh, you ever do anal?" Dan suggested as Daisy exited his bathroom.

"Oh no sir; you are not sticking that log up my ass," Daisy stated firmly as she dressed.

Her next date was somewhat fun; he'd taken her to the Dead End Nightclub for truly delicious hamburgers and onion rings and ice cold beers. The young ladies that danced at Dead End were of a much nicer class than the tired, run-down women that danced at Mickey's. From the Dead End, Bill Broussard, an IT Manager with St. Elizabeth Public Utilities took Daisy to Motel Acadiana. He grabbed the remote control and put Lesbian pornography on the screen. After eating Daisy to a screaming, thrashing orgasm, Bill put Daisy on hands and knees and slowly worked his greasy cock into her struggling bowels.

"I, augh, I oh God, how, how'd I let him talk me into this?" Daisy asked, waves of pain radiating outward from her straining anus throughout her body.

On the television, two blondes with pneumatic breasts kissed. Their hands fondled each other's large breasts while their tongues dueled with one another's tongues.

After fucking Daisy to a grunting, gasping anal orgasm, Bill pumped a hot load into her guts. Then, after pounding her squelching pussy to a series of orgasms, Bill jumped into the shower.

Daisy leaned against the pillows, watching women pleasuring women while the noisy shower gurgled. Her anus twitched and throbbed deliciously; Daisy decided she liked anal sex.

On the screen, two women pleasured a third woman; one played with the woman's large breasts while the second woman knelt between her spread thighs. Daisy slowly played with herself, waiting for round two. Just as the shower shut off, Daisy changed the selection from Lesbian to Shaved.

Stepping out of the shower, Bill admitted he needed to get home to his wife; he'd told her they were doing an overhaul of their mainframe system at the Utilities Company. He dropped a twenty dollar bill onto the bed and told Daisy to get a cab.

Daisy was more than just a little perturbed to find out that her date was married; she would have never had gone on the date had she known that. Pocketing the twenty, Daisy scheduled an Uber and continued to watch the pornographic images on the television until her cell phone told her that her ride was five minutes away.

Daisy had left Carter Johns, date number seven at the Dead End nightclub when he'd consumed four beers in quick succession then did three shots of tequila in less than ten minutes. She wondered how long it would take the scruffy young man to notice that she had left as he disappeared into the back to do a few lines of meth with one of the dancer's boyfriend.

"Just quarter after seven," Daisy mused, pulling out of the parking lot of the nightclub.

Deciding to do some light grocery shopping; she had used the last of the milk that morning, Daisy drove the one and a half miles to the Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store. She could remember when the building used to house Early's Meat Market, then Early's Grocery Store before some zealous politician managed to shut the store down over some underage drinking.


"Miss Sassy, what's all of that got to do with this place?" Isabella asked, dark brown eyes looking at Daisy.

"Yeah," Ally asked, her own dark eyes glancing from the clock above the cash register to Daisy's face.

"I'm getting to that," Daisy smiled, shaking her head at the impatience of youth.

"They already starting to line up out there," Bryanna announced, glancing through the plate glass window to the parking lot.

Whether she consciously did the maneuver, whether it was to tease Daisy, her co-workers, or the one or two patrons that were peering into the restaurant, Bryanna lifted the bottom of her half-shirt and scratched an itch on her left nipple. There was no knowing smirk on the girl's lips as she smoothed the front of the garment down again.

Everyone turned to look toward the rear of the kitchen as the rear door opened. Rodney Fontenot, a blandly handsome young man entered the kitchen, looking either sleepy or hung over. The recent high school graduate mumbled a greeting as he clocked in then just stood next to the stainless steel dishwasher.

"Rodney," Daisy said tersely.

"Uh huh?" Rodney asked, barely glancing up as he leaned against the counter.

"Are the stations ready? Glasses? Ice? Napkin holders full?" Daisy snapped.

"Jesus! Just got here," Rodney grumbled.

"Jesus! But you're already clocked in. You are already on MY time," Daisy snapped.

This time, there was no doubt that the maneuver was deliberate. Bryanna scratched an itch, exposing both large breasts and large brown areolae. Rodney ran into the kitchen door as he stared at Bryanna's breasts. Bryanna smirked in triumph as she faced Daisy again, smoothing down the half-shirt over her impressive chest.

"Come on, Miss Sassy," Morgan urged. "How you come up with this place?"


"Get a buggy," Daisy reminded herself as she walked to the sliding glass doors of the grocery store.

Even though she told herself she was just there for milk and a few other things, Daisy knew she would see something on sale. Then she would remind herself she had that recipe for lemon chicken soup and she'd get the ingredients for that. And she had that pork roast that needed to be cooked, and...

"And before long, you're wishing you'd grabbed a buggy," Daisy smiled as she did grab a grocery cart.

"Lemons, lemons," Daisy muttered, finally locating some pretty sad looking lemons. "Oh, but the limes look pretty good."

"Cuba Libre!" Daisy decided, grabbing the mesh bag of limes.

True to her prediction, Daisy found plenty of items to put into her grocery cart. Turning the end cap to enter the aisle for beer and spirits, Daisy was treated to the sight of a pair of golden buttocks and floor length black hair. Daisy watched the slim legs shift as the owner of the small buttocks bent at the waist peering at the selection of sodas on the shelf.

The owner of the compact buttocks selected a two liter bottle of Burns & Burns Grocers brand lemon-lime soda and straightened. The curtain of dark hair fell, obscuring the young woman's cute buttocks from view, but Daisy still caught the girl's movements of pulling her extreme cutoffs from the crack of her ass.

Daisy pushed the cart up the aisle, drawing abreast of the cute Asian-American girl as the girl now struggled to carry all of the items she had in her hands.

The girl was short; Daisy guess the girl was around four ten to five feet tall. Her small chest was covered by a simple halter top and her low rider cutoffs revealed bony hips, an adorable Outie belly button and a flat belly.

The girl's jet black hair dangled to the floor, despite being done up in a high ponytail atop the girl's head. Her face was round, with almond shaped eyes, a snub nose and wide smile. She smiled, even as she struggled to maintain control of her items in her arms.

"That's why I grabbed a buggy," Daisy smiled at the attractive girl. "I only needed a few things, but I just KNEW I'd end up loaded down with all kind of stuff."

"I know!" the girl giggled, revealing small white teeth. "I just needed to grab a waxing kit, but then..."

"Oh, no, no, no, not that one," Daisy said, seeing the very cheap kit in the girl's hand. "Oh, honey, that one? It just gets all gummy and you'll never be able to spread it."

"Really?" the girl said, trying to look at the kit while still balancing the other goodies she had grabbed.

"Here; put all that here," Daisy said, indicating the child's seat portion of her grocery cart.

"Thanks!" the girl smiled, dropping the other goodies into the child seat area of Daisy's cart.

"Rum comes in flavors?" Daisy asked while her new friend continued to read the box of the waxing kit.

"It does?" the girl asked, now looking at the selection of Virgin Islands Rum.

"Uh huh, see? Coconut, strawberry, orange-vanilla...hmm, wonder what coconut Cuba Libres would be like," Daisy mused aloud.

"Cuba libres?" the girl asked.

"Mm hmm," Daisy said, indicating the bag of limes she'd moved to the bottom of the cart so the girl could put her goodies in the cart. "Rum, coke, some lime."

"Bet it would be awesome," the girl enthused, smiling.

Daisy grabbed a half gallon of the coconut rum and a three liter bottle of Coca-Cola. Then she guided Natasha Hesong, her new friend to the Health & Beauty Aids aisle again.

"Have you ever done this before?" Daisy asked, showing Natasha the kit she normally used.

"Hmm? No, no, But Tiffany? My cousin? She did and it just looks awesome," Natasha admitted, reading the instructions on the box.

"You uh, you come over, I'll help you with it," Daisy offered, 'casually' resting a hand on the girl's bare back.

To Natasha, the woman's hand on her back may have been casual. To Daisy, the feel of Natasha's warm skin underneath her fingertips was electric. The smell of Natasha's sweat and skin lotion and shampoo was intoxicating.

Natasha smiled happily and agreed. She chattered as Daisy completed her shopping, then walked alongside Daisy as Daisy pushed the cart to the self-checkout kiosk.

Daisy's head was in a bit of a fog. Why had she invited an eighteen year old girl to her home? She didn't know this girl, had never seen this girl before. She zealously guarded her privacy; she'd broken one date with a man because he insisted she allow him to pick her up at her home before dinner at La Scalia's Fine Italian Restaurant. Daisy had flatly refused despite the man's insistence. She had reported the entire exchange to the ULD Website Administrator when the irate man resorted to calling Daisy a 'stuck-up cunt.'

And, why had the feeling of Natasha's warm, soft skin titillated her? Why had she found the smell of Natasha's sweat and soap and lotion so appealing? What was it about Natasha's happy prattling that seemed to draw her in? Merline Daisy Ungelle was straight.

"Hey!" Natasha huffed when Daisy added Natasha's few items to her own selections.

"Hush," Daisy smiled as she made sure Natasha's things went into a separate bag. "All right? Just hush."

Since she lived four blocks away from the Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store, Natasha had simply walked to the store. Daisy guided the still happily chattering girl to her car and unlocked the door.

"Ooh, hot, hot, hot!" Natasha complained when her exposed buttocks came into contact with the sun-warmed leather seat of Daisy's car.

"Well, if your rear end wasn't all hanging out..." Daisy thought.

Natasha praised Daisy's small but comfortable home. Natasha admitted she lived with her father and mother and two brothers in a two bedroom apartment. She had her own bedroom but her mother and father kept their clothing in Natasha's closet and dresser. And, there was only one bathroom. One bathroom for five people.

Daisy quickly made two Cuba Libres, using the coconut rum. She and Natasha sat at the kitchen table, sipping their drinks. Natasha smiled happily and praised the drink. Daisy nodded her head; the coconut rum did add a little extra zing to the flavor of the drink.

Even though she had used the waxing kit several times since the first time she'd seen a gray hair among the brown curls, Daisy still read the instructions out loud. Natasha slowly sipped her drink, paying rapt attention to Daisy's recital. Daisy took her reading glasses off, took a hefty gulp of the drink and smiled at her guest.