Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) Ch. 01

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Aaron uses the ADMIN app to seduce three classmates.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/03/2024
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Preface: This is an alternate timeline to Incest Quest, with the same male protagonist, Aaron O'Neill. In this branch, he pursues three of his classmates from his community college, and his challenge quest is to take something they don't like and make them fetishize it instead. So, the three ladies eventually end up with a cum fetish, an exhibition fetish, and a pussy worship fetish. You can expect a variety of MF+ and FF sex, although this first chapter is mostly shenanigans. One of the female characters also has prominent body hair that she fetishizes somewhat as well. There are some scenes of mild dubcon and forced exposure, aside from the mind control aspect, which works the same way as in the other branch. I hope you enjoy!

Reverse Polarity


Congratulations on being selected for the beta testing of ADMIN- the Application for Direct Messaging Into the Neocortex! With this app you will be able to affect the higher-order brain functions of your subjects, including sensory perception, cognition, generation of motor commands, and more! With patience and cleverness, you can convince your crush that you are the epitome of their desires, compel people to complete tedious chores on your behalf, even turn your worst enemy into your loyal pet, if that's what floats your boat! The main limitation is your own imagination!


How Do I Get Started? The ADMIN system can import your contacts from most devices and other applications. Our SEE system (Search Everyone Everywhere) also allows you to find people by uploading a photo of your intended subject; as long as you know their name, you can add them to your list! Once you've found your intended subject you can start messaging, but watch the power level on your device! Some of the changes possible with ADMIN can drain your batteries quickly.

What Kind of Messages Can I Send? There are four main categories of messages available in ADMIN beta: senses, thoughts, behaviors, and actions. By selecting a category, you can type out a command for the integrated AI to interpret, which will then be sent directly into the subject's brain. Want the subject to think your cum tastes like chocolate? Want them to get a spike of arousal when they see you? Want them to moan with delight at your touch? Want them to drop to their knees and open their mouth? All of that and much more is possible with ADMIN!

Can Subjects Ignore or Resist the Messages? The messages cannot be ignored, but most subjects will have some degree of resistance to messages that represent a drastic departure from their normal experience. But with patience, you can lead your subject step-by-small-step almost anywhere you want them to go! The ADMIN system will calculate the percent chance of success for any message entered, allowing you to confirm or cancel if you don't like the odds! In most cases, success with one command will make subsequent similar commands more likely to succeed, allowing you to escalate until the subject is right where you want them!

Can I Test a Subject's Resistance in Other Ways? Absolutely! With our SCORE system (Subject Condition: Obedience, Resistance, and Environment) you can calculate the probabilities of a variety of hypothetical scenarios. Want to find out how likely it is that a command to start stripping will be acted upon, based on where the subject is or what it is doing at the time? You can!

Can I Boost the Power to Overcome Resistance? You betcha! Beta testers get ten tokens per day and each token can be used to increase the likelihood of success for any order by up to 5% (at this time, no order can be greater than 99% likely to be accepted). Tokens can also be spent to reduce the power requirements for a given order, giving you longer battery life for your device or helping you squeeze one more command out before you have to recharge!

Can I Buy or Earn More Tokens? ADMIN beta does not allow the purchase of tokens, we're sorry to say, but it is a planned feature for the upcoming full release! But happily, you can earn tokens by helping us test the features! By accepting and completing challenge quests, you can earn extra tokens every time you reach a new stage of accomplishment!

What Kind of Challenge Quests Are There? Oh, there's lots, don't worry about finding one that scratches your itch! Some examples include: turn a shy person into an exhibitionist; convince family members to have sex with each other; convert someone's sexual turn-off into an obsessive fetish. You can even submit requests for personalized quests to the development team!

What's the Catch? The only catch is that anyone selected to be a beta tester was chosen because they aren't likely to resist the urge to run amok and completely wreck their lives and the lives of those around them! Have fun!


Monday Morning

Aaron laid in his bed and frowned at the FAQ for the new app that had inexplicably appeared on his phone sometime in the night. He certainly hadn't downloaded anything like this, so he assumed it was spyware or malware of some kind. Still, there wasn't really much to risk if it was, as his bank account was almost empty and it had probably already spammed itself to everyone in his contacts if it was that kind of program. Aaron went ahead and clicked on the icon to open the app and see what it was actually about.

Just as the FAQ implied, there was a button labeled SEE next to a text field for SUBJECT, and beneath them was a grayed-out button called SCORE and four buttons with image icons of an eye, a brain, a foot, and a hand, which presumably stood for perceptions, thoughts, behaviors, and actions. He tapped on the subject field, which first prompted him to import contacts; accepting that, Aaron typed in his own name, which caused an alert to pop up.

WARNING: User has self-selected as subject. Certain commands may cause irreversible feedback loops or doom spirals. Do you wish to proceed?

"What the hell kind of warning is that?" he chuckled, confirming the selection. Staring at the ceiling for a moment as he contemplated what to type as a command, he finally selected the action button, which opened up a new dialog for text input. Grinning, he typed in 'jack off until cumming,' which he had been thinking about doing to relieve his morning wood anyway. After submitting the text, a little icon of a clock appeared along with the word 'calculating,' but they vanished after a few seconds and the app displayed:

95% chance of success, 3% battery power. Confirm? Cancel?

Aaron went ahead and tapped confirm, which caused the dialog to close. He immediately put down his phone, pulled down his boxers, and started jacking off, to his great bewilderment. He tried in several ways to stop himself, but the best he could do was force himself to switch which hand he had on his dick. He felt both worried and elated as he started seriously considering the possibility that the app was somehow real.

As he got closer and closer to his climax, he couldn't help but start fantasizing about what it might allow him to accomplish. There were several girls at the community college he attended that he found attractive, and while none of them had been mean about his clumsy efforts to befriend them, not one had acted more than politely aloof toward him. And the FAQ had said something about an incest quest. One of Aaron's secret shames was how attractive he found his 18-year-old sister, currently a senior in high school, as well as a couple of his cousins who were a few years older. Imagining all three of his relatives happily having sex with him and each other triggered his release, and he spewed an unusually large amount of cum all over his hand, boxers, and blanket.

Finally released from the compulsion to masturbate, Aaron tried to clean himself up a little and then grabbed his phone to look more closely at the ADMIN app. He found a settings control which allowed most of the usual features for account name, passwords, and the like. One unusual feature there was awareness; upon tapping it he saw a toggle that was currently set to 'off,' along with an explanation.

When awareness is off, targets will rationalize any commands they receive as being their own idea or the result of an accident, etc. Individual subjects can have their awareness adjusted without changing the global setting. The user cannot toggle their own awareness off.

Aaron grunted and proceeded to password protect the app, in the unlikely event that anyone happened to pick up his phone and find it. He then went back to the main menu and found two more buttons at the bottom of the screen he had overlooked earlier. One was a T inside a circle and the other looked like the silhouette of a flag waving in the wind. The first button turned out to be tokens, as he had expected, and he indeed had ten of them at his disposal. The flag icon was the quest list.

Aaron looked at the ceiling again, pondering what quest he should pursue, or if he should just perform some random experiments first. He eventually decided that he wanted one or more of his three crushes from school to be his girl. An imaginary little devil on his shoulder told him that he should concentrate on one of them and get her to a good stage before turning his attention to the other two. His other shoulder also had an imaginary devil who recommended going after all three at once; sure, it might take longer, but he could savor the journey to their eventual surrender to his plans. It was a hard choice, but Aaron eventually listened to the devil who preferred to 'catch 'em all.' He figured that if he got impatient at some point he could concentrate on one and still enjoy whatever he'd done to the others in the meanwhile.

None of the girls were in his contacts but it was easy enough to find pictures of them online to guide the SEE system. Soon enough he had all three girls loaded into the app: the tall, leggy blonde Melissa; the short, stacked redhead Nora; and the dark-eyed desi beauty Tamasree. Aaron was on the verge of trying to issue a command to one of them as a test but realized he still didn't have a great idea of how to get the ball rolling. He decided to look into the challenge quests menu for inspiration.

It turned out that there were so many possible challenges that he felt a little overwhelmed, but Aaron eventually decided to go with something fairly basic that he thought would give him a thrill. One of the quests involved taking a target and completely reversing their feelings about some kind of sexual act or fetish. Being something of a pervert, Aaron got quite hard at thinking of one of his crushes being disgusted by blowjobs and turning her into a complete slut for his cock. Or possibly any cock, if she turned out to be otherwise undesirable to stick with long-term.

He decided to start with Melissa and brought up her profile and then the challenge quest menu, selecting the Reverse Polarity option. The app displayed a message saying it was assessing her turn-offs and would randomly select one, with a toggle option in case he wanted to take one of her turn-ons and make it disgust her. That sounded intriguing, and Aaron made a mental note to consider it more later, but left the default option in place.

Melissa James, Age 19.82. Base Rating/Cum Fetish: 1%. Challenge Rating: Hard. Total Available Tokens: 350. Proceed to leveling menu or re-select fetish?

Aaron got a thrill at the idea of eventually turning Melissa into a cum-guzzler, so he quickly accepted and sent the app to the leveling menu, whatever that was. It turned out to be the seven-step program to convert the blonde girl into a jizz junkie.





Secret Desire

Open Desire



The app asked him to confirm his selection, causing a short fanfare to play when he did so, and the app displayed, "THE QUEST BEGINS!" It then flashed a picture of Melissa on his screen and a button that said, 'LEVEL ONE.' He clicked on it, opening a dialog box.

The first step on your quest is to soothe your target's disgust for cum! Once she's blasé about baby batter, maybe you can get her hungry for baby pancakes! Is that a bad analogy? Anyway, try starting out with sensory adjustments and incremental thoughts to build toward actions and behavioral changes. Best of luck!

Aaron smirked, thinking that the developers must love terrible jokes. He was on the point of issuing a command for Melissa but decided to start the process on the other two first, just in case one of their fetishes was more immediately interesting. In the case of Nora, it turned out she was extremely averse to public nudity, and Aaron was very interested in turning her into a horny exhibitionist. He quickly selected that option and read the similar advice on giving the girl thrills from apparently accidental exposure as a way of dipping her toes into flagrantly sexual displays.

Tamasree was a little more problematic. The first option the app offered for her was blood, which Aaron found a little alarming, and at any rate he didn't want to put the girl on the path to becoming a too-literal vampire cosplayer. The second option was necrophilia, which was also a hard pass. He debated himself on whether or not to accept infantilism, the third choice, thinking it might be kind of hot to watch her crawl around in a diaper, but eventually decided he'd try once more. If it didn't give him something he liked on the next try, he'd back out and look for some other quest. The fourth choice turned out to be cunnilingus. Aaron finally decided to accept it; even though he wouldn't be able to directly enjoy that one, he could still get off watching her turn into a pussy worshipper, and there was no reason he couldn't work on making her horny for him on the side.

All three girls were on the same leveling plan, which seemed to be the standard for that type of challenge quest. So the only thing to decide then was: who to start with?

Working Toward Neutrality

Aaron knew that Melissa and Nora both had boyfriends; or at least, each had a guy they spent a lot of time with between classes. It might not mean either girl was dating the guys in question, but it seemed like it might be easier to nudge the girls toward their new fetishes by starting them off on someone they already liked rather than a person they barely knew like himself. Aaron figured that if he was successful in realigning their feelings on the selected kinks, it should be easy to break them out of their prior relationships at that point and reap the benefits.

To that end, he spent most of his day trying to figure out the names of the guys they associated with. He wanted to try pressuring the girls from within using the app, and from without by using the app on their boyfriends. It took a lot of eavesdropping, lurking, and online creeping, and even a trip to the library to check the yearbooks, but Aaron finally found the names he was looking for. After adding them to the system, it was time to start figuring out the details of his campaign.

Following the app's suggestions, Aaron successfully pushed perception orders to all four targets that triggered their pleasure centers when they interacted with their significant other. It turned out to be trivially easy to make the guys picture the girls naked when they looked at them, but he eventually realized that each such thought was a one-off event, which meant that all he'd likely accomplished was to give the guys hard-ons in class. He toggled over to the behaviors and found that it was only slightly more difficult to make the guys picture the girls naked every time they saw them. Both Melissa and Nora seemed resistant to having the same behavioral modifications done to them, but by lowering the standard to making them picture the guys shirtless and posing like someone off the cover of a romance novel, he was able to force the commands through after a couple of misfires.

Aaron's triumphs influencing the girls had earned him 20 more tokens, ten from each girl, so he dumped those on boosting commands to make the girls more physically affectionate in minor ways, such as casual touching, standing close to their guys, holding hands and hugging more often, and so forth. He had the last class of the day with both Melissa and Nora, so he spent it trying to sneakily watch them and wondering if any changes in their behavior would be noticeable. He amused himself by spamming the girls with thoughts to make them look at him and compare him favorably with their boyfriends, or fixate on any feature of his they appreciated, some of which succeeded and earned him another 20 tokens, although he wasn't sure that it would accomplish much else. Still, it might prove helpful as a foundation for eventually stealing their affections away.

Deciding that he needed at least a little bit of a thrill to end the day, Aaron added one more person to his app, a rather obnoxious guy named Eddie who was something of a bully and enjoyed playing mean pranks on people. Figuring he'd be the perfect vehicle to introduce Nora to public nudity, Aaron was easily able to push a command to make the bully pull down Nora's pants when she stood up at the end of class. Sure enough, when the bell rang the redhead got to her feet and soon screamed in rage and horror as her lacy green panties were exposed to the room, while Eddie made a dash to escape the yelling professor who witnessed the deed.

Aaron didn't have the greatest view as there were a lot of other people standing in the way, but his attention was focused on his phone anyway. He had Nora's profile open and ready to go with a command to think that her current experience was just as arousing as it was embarrassing. It was a longshot since it started at 2% and he could only boost it to 22%, but a one-in-five shot wasn't terrible. He crossed his fingers and held his breath as he waited.

Triumph! The target is now feeling a mix of shame and arousal about her exposure! Level One Tokens earned: 25/50.

Aaron quietly pumped his fist in victory as the rest of the class emptied, most of them either vilifying or applauding Eddie for his prank, completely unaware that the true architect of the incident was quietly plotting his next move.

Tuesday Morning

Tamasree was going to be a hard nut to crack, Aaron thought, as he surreptitiously watched her before class. Engineering wardrobe malfunctions was one thing, and unless Melissa was completely frigid he should be able to get her exposed to her boyfriend's cum sooner or later, but how was he going to find an 'in' to start the third girl on a downward spiral into pussy worship? Although she'd been born in the States, the girl's parents were first generation immigrants and Tamasree still reflected many of the cultural traits and values her parents were trying to preserve in their new home. As far as Aaron could tell, those traditional values did not emphasize their daughter tongue-lashing another girl's honey pot.

After wracking his brain all night, Aaron had been able to come up with only one fairly crude plan. He'd made what little preparation he could to follow through on it today, but had hoped better inspiration might strike after a good night's sleep, or at least by the time he got to school. Inspiration remained unstruck, however, so Aaron reluctantly got started on his unsubtle plan. He had printed out several glossy close-up photos of women's pussies last night, women of varied skin tones and hair colors and grooming habits. The one feature they all had in common was that they were flushed with arousal, lips open to reveal their inner pinkness and moisture.