Rewarded Pt. 02

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College Coed rewards her older neighbor for his help.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/30/2023
Created 06/12/2023
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When I wrote Part 1 it was going to be a stand-alone story. The characters and the general premise of the story had been rolling around in my brain for a while. I moved on to a different story, but I couldn't get Hanna out of my mind, so I came back. There is another part after this one that shouldn't be too far behind this.

The sun was streaming through the bedroom window as I opened my eyes. I gently slid my arm under me to lift up look over at the bedroom clock and was shocked to see it was just past seven-thirty. It had been years, possibly decades since I had slept past seven o'clock. It had probably been just after eleven o'clock when we had fallen asleep so that meant that I slept for over eight hours.

I looked at Hanna, her dark black hair was strewn all over her pillow and partly over her face. Even now though she was beautiful. It seemed surreal that she was in bed next to me, and I wanted to burn the image of her lying next to me into my brain. I wasn't sure I would get to see it again.

She appeared to still be deeply asleep, and I realized I really needed to pee. I carefully slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. After emptying my bladder, I washed my face and then brushed my teeth. If Hanna wanted to kiss me when she woke up, I wanted my breath to be fresh, not my morning breath.

I left the bathroom and quietly moved back across the bedroom. I noticed Hanna hadn't moved and I carefully climbed back into the bed pulling the sheet and comforter over me as I laid back down. I rolled onto my side so I could see her again as I remembered our evening together last night.

It had honestly been one of the best in my life. The beautiful, hot, perfect girl laying next to me had made me experience feelings that were both physically and emotionally incredible. Amazingly enough that was the day after my wife of over twenty-four years had accidentally confirmed she was having an affair, something I had suspected for years.

It wasn't just the sex that had been amazing. She was smart, confident, and funny and just being near her made me feel good. Unfortunately, I knew because of her age that this was just a fling and there was no future. She was a month away from her twenty-first birthday and I was turning fifty-one in a month.

I felt the bed move as she pulled herself into an almost fetal position. Then her arm moved, and her hand appeared to reach out to find me, landing on my hip. Her eyes were still closed but a slight grin appeared on her face. She was on her side with her back to me and scooted back towards me until our bodies touched.

Her hand continued to reach behind her and when it found my forearm, she grasped it then pulled it around her, wrapping it around her like she was pulling a blanket over her. I had rolled over on my side, and we were now spooning, and she pushed back against me.

"Good Morning." She said quietly.

"Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes... having four orgasms will help you do that. Works way better than melatonin." She laughed lightly. "Did you sleep well? Have you been awake long?"

"I slept great. And no, not long." I told her.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" She asked.

"Not really... but I liked seeing you asleep in bed next me."

She pulled my arm tighter to her and pushed her butt back against my groin. I leaned up and saw that my t shirt she was wearing had slipped off her shoulder and I kissed the exposed skin. I heard her sigh and then she turned her head towards me. When she smiled at me, warmness ran through my body and I kissed her gently on her lips. She rolled over onto her back and our kiss became a little more passionate when her tongue slipped into my mouth.

"Hmm... someone has very fresh breath already this morning. I think maybe he has already brushed his teeth. Sorry about my morning breath." Hanna said as we broke our kiss.

"Like everything else about you... your morning breath is amazing." I smiled at her and laughed.

"Everything about me isn't amazing... but you make me feel like it is... which is amazing. I have to pee." She threw the covers off and jumped out of bed heading to the bathroom.

She came back a few minutes later and I watched her walk across the room. Her hair was disheveled, she wasn't wearing any makeup, and she was wearing one of my old t shirts that was easily three or four sizes too big for her and she still looked beautiful. My face must have shown what I thought.

"I... you just... look at me and it makes me feel tingly. I can't describe it." She said climbing back onto the bed sitting on her knees looking at me then continued. "I am starving, are you hungry?"

I just smiled at her and nodded my head yes. I sat up in bed and gave her a quick kiss before getting up and grabbing my phone, we headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. She followed me after picking up her phone. We walked into the kitchen I saw the mess we had left down stairs last night.

The left-over pizza was sitting on the counter, along with highball glasses and the bottle of scotch. The kitchen table was covered with plates, pizza remnants, used napkins, and empty beer bottles. The coffee table in the family room had the same stuff on it and our clothes were strewn over the couch and floor.

Normally that would have set me off but instead of was a reminder of how amazing the evening had been. Instead of being mad I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Pancakes, waffles, bacon, bagels?" I asked her as I started to make some coffee.

"Are we still going to do something together today? You mentioned maybe a Jeep ride to lunch?" She sounded a little uncertain as she asked.

"Yes... if you still want to?" I asked, it was my turn to sound uncertain.

We stared at each other for a minute and there was a sudden tension that continued to build.

"I uh..."


We spoke at the same time.

"Go ahead..." I said scared she was going say we had a nice night but obviously it was a one-time thing and let me down easily.

"No, you go first..." She replied.

"No... you go first..." I responded.

She hesitated then said. "Last night was incredible... Honestly, I am still... I guess absorbing it... I know there is an elephant in the room... actually there is a herd of elephants in the room... but can we ignore them for at least for one more day. I don't want the feelings I had... or... the feelings I am having to end. Okay."

"Yes, we can... I agree with everything you just said and feel the same way." I smiled shyly at her.

"Okay... than how about just a bagel this morning so I will be hungry for lunch." She walked over and kissed me quickly.

I got the bagels out and put them in the toaster. When I turned around, she was getting the stuff from the family room and bringing it into the kitchen. She threw the old pizza, beer bottles, and napkins in the trash. I started cleaning the kitchen counter and she cleared off the kitchen table. When that was done, she gathered our clothes up and I watched her fold them very neatly and put them on the back of the love seat.

"I think I have some clothes in the dryer if you want to fold those, and I thought I was meticulous about how I fold clothes." I laughed.

"My dad is a marine, remember." She smiled.

The toaster dinged and I moved towards it. "Butter or cream cheese?"

"Butter please. Okay if I have one of these also?" She had picked up a banana from a large bowl on the counter.

"Sure... uh... coffee or... I guess water... I don't have any OJ or any other juice." I turned and saw her putting paper towels out on the kitchen table.

She told me coffee but wanted some milk in it and sugar. I got both of them out and poured her a cup, then poured mine. I drank my coffee black, so I took it to the table then got a couple small plates down and put the bagels on it. When everything was on the table we sat down.

As I buttered my bagel, I watched Hanna peel her banana then look into my eyes as she slowly slid it into her mouth. I am sure my eyes widened as she did it and I felt my dick begin to swell a little. She moved it in and out before taking a bite and winking at me.

"Tease." I said to her.

"Nope. A tease wouldn't be willing to do that same thing to your dick. I am not only willing... I can't wait until I get to do it again." She said as she buttered her bagel.

"I can't wait until you get to do it again either." I told her.

She smiled and we both ate silently until our bagels were finished and she also had finished her banana.

"So where are you taking me for our lunch date. What time are we going to leave and what should I wear?"

"I was thinking about a place on the river. It is kind of a beachy, tiki bar, place. It is about an hour away, is a pretty ride, and you get to sit outside to eat. Let me check what the weather forecast for today is."

I reached for my phone. As I opened it, I noticed there was a new text, I ignored it, figuring it was just my wife Dawn again and opened the weather app. After a quick look I set my phone back down.

"Sunny and eighty-five so perfect weather for that place. So, you can wear something... I guess casual and beachy... With the top and doors off the Jeep it is going to be pretty windy, just FYI."

"Okay... and what time are we going to leave?"

"How about eleven thirty. That will get use there right before it tends to get crowded. Gives me time to get the Jeep ready, take a shower, etc." I told her.

"Great." She stood up and grabbed our plates and took them over to the sink and rinsed them before putting them into the dishwasher.

I put the butter in the fridge and threw away the paper towels. I looked at the clock and it was just after nine now so we had plenty of time before we would need to leave. Between watching her eat the banana and the glances of her thighs I had seen as she moved around this morning, I was a little worked up.

I walked over to her leaning against the counter sipping her coffee and without saying anything, took her mug from her hand and set it on the counter. I then grabbed her arm and led her towards the family room. When I looked back, she cocked an eyebrow at me.

When we got to the love seat I turned and sat down, grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. She followed my lead and climbed up straddling me. I still hadn't spoken and reached up and took her face in my hands and brought her mouth to mine. We immediately began to kiss passionately, and my hands went to her ass, sliding up under her t shirt.

My dick was hard now, and I was sure she could feel it pressed up between her legs and as she rocked against me. I moved my hands upward over her back and ribs, eventually finding her breasts. Her nipples were hard as I began to gentle fondle and caress her breasts.

Hanna broke the kiss and leaned back and smiled at me. "Sean... there is only one thing I would rather do than fuck you this morning."

She caught me off guard as she used my first name. I quickly realized that was the first time she had ever done it and the smile on her face showed she knew that also.

"Yes... what is that?" I asked.

"To have you completely worked up when you fuck me in my ass later today." She looked right into my eyes as she said that.

"So that means..." She cut me off.

"It means no sex right now. Okay? I promise it will be worth it to wait. Plus... I am honestly scared we were getting ready to make love, not fuck, and I am not sure I am ready for that." She leaned down and kissed me as she climbed off me.

I was taking everything in that she had just said. A part of me was completely physically turned on by her promise of letting me fuck her in the ass. Another part of me realized she was right, this had started off different than last night, and had felt different, we may have just been about to make love. How was that possible? We really didn't even know each other before yesterday, let alone taking into consideration our age difference.

By boldly being the one saying we weren't going to have sex right now she had also established that we were equal and consensual sexual partners. That made me happy. I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of her because she was so much younger than I was. I stood up and kissed her lightly on the lips and gave her a big smile.

She reached for her clothes that were on the back of the loveseat. "Do you want me to help get the Jeep ready?"

"No... I can do it. It doesn't take a long time. Thanks though." I responded.

"Then I am going to change back into my clothes, I am not sure it would be great for neighborhood gossip if I was seen walking out your front door at nine thirty in the morning in just one of your t shirts. I will go get ready and be back around eleven, okay?"

"Good thinking. Just come on in when you come back in case I am in the shower or something." I told her. "So, you know... I don't think anything that happened last night is something that I need to hide."

She had a big smile on her face and leaned in and kissed me, then turned around and I heard her run upstairs. I had moved back into the kitchen and was finishing straightening up when she bounded down the stairs in her clothes. Without a word she came over and kissed me quickly before turning and headed to the front door. She did turn back right before she got to it and winked at me when she caught me looking at her ass in her yoga shorts.

I was surprised that hearing the door close caused me too instantly be anxious. I was worried that once Hanna went back to her house, she would suddenly think that what had happened between us was a mistake. I was also worried that although I told her I didn't think we needed to hide what we had done that she felt the opposite and my comment would scare her off. What worried me the most though was that I had started to miss her as soon as she had left.

I grabbed my keys and brought my Jeep into the garage. Dropping the top down only took a few minutes. Removing the doors and putting on what I called the summer mirrors took a lot more time. I put the sunshade on also and it was about an hour later when I completed the switch to summer mode.

It was just past ten thirty now, so I headed up to take a shower. When I walked into the bedroom, I saw the t shirt that Hanna had slept in neatly folded and lying on a pillow. I smiled thinking of how she had looked in it and hoped her putting it there meant she intended to stay again tonight and wear it again.

I started to strip my clothes off and remembered that I had a text on my phone I hadn't looked at. I sat on the edge of the bed and opened it. The text was from my daughter, she was just saying hi and wished me a good weekend. I sent back the same message to her.

I dropped the phone on the bed and finished undressing and went and showered, remembering that Hanna had showered with me last night made me smile. The warm water felt great, and I spent a few extra minutes enjoying it. When I finished, I put on my deodorant, brushed my teeth and went to get dressed.

I grabbed some boxer briefs, a pair of khaki shorts, and a t shirt I had gotten on a cruise ship stop in Bermuda. I was sitting on the bed getting dressed when I felt my phone vibrate on it. I reached for it and saw a new text and opened it thinking it was my daughter texting back.

'You tell that fucking Lolita she isn't as cute as she fucking thinks she is. I have no idea what the fuck is going with you and her and how long it has been going on, but I will have both your asses.' Dawn had sent.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I wasn't going to text her back. I was sticking with my plan to not talk to her until she came back on Monday. I finished dressing, got a pair of flip flops out the closet and a baseball hat. I grabbed the linens and towels from the corner of the bedroom and took them down and put them in the washing machine.

I was just finishing grabbing my wallet, money, keys, and my Oakley sunglasses when I heard the door from the garage open. I set them on the counter and turned to see Hanna stepping into the kitchen which brought an immediate feeling of joy.

She was wearing a khaki baseball hat with her college logo on it on her head. Her hair was pulled through the back of it. She had put on a pair of low rise ripped denim shorts and a spaghetti strap white scoop neck tank top. Under the tank top was a bright floral bikini top that tied around the neck, her cleavage was very evident. Her makeup seemed minimal, and she had a fresh, young, cute, hot look to her.

She was wearing flip flops on her feet, along with a small draw string back pack that was draped over one shoulder. and in her hand was a small bag. She gave a me wink when she saw me drinking her in with my eyes and then smiled at me.

A few seconds later her expression turned serious. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay... everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes... I hope so... but I did something stupid and immature. I am worried I may have caused a problem for you." She said, looking down at the ground.

"What was it... I am sure it will be okay." I said but wasn't sure I sounded confident.

"When I left earlier... I had taken a few steps towards my house; I was thinking about you saying that you didn't think what happened last night was something you needed to hide. I was really happy about that." She moved over to the kitchen table and put the bag in her hand on it. "I suddenly had an idea and I turned around walked over to the Ring Doorbell camera, gave the camera a big smile, winked, then waved. I am sorry. I know how stupid and childish it was, but I just couldn't help it." Hanna said.

It took me a second, but I now realized what Dawn was talking about in her text. When I figured it out, I just started laughing. I can't imagine how pissed off she must have been when she saw Hanna wink and wave. I was also really glad that she was happy about what I said about not hiding this.

"You aren't mad at me?" She asked surprised.

"No... but you definitely made her mad. She texted me, called you Lolita, and said she is going to have our asses." I smiled.

"I really am sorry. I know it was stupid. I walked up the sidewalk and came through the garage so it wouldn't trip just now." Hanna said defensively.

"I know we agreed earlier to not talk about the herd of elephants in the room today but this one elephant, my wife suspecting or knowing something has happened, or is happening between us... I don't care. Fuck her." I said.

"Okay... I just don't want to cause a problem for you. I want to be a good thing for you. Oh... and please fuck me instead of her." She smiled at the end.

"You are a good thing... and I wanted to do that earlier, you wouldn't let me." I smiled at her.

"I am just making sure you have plenty of stamina for later old man." She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed.

I picked up my stuff off the counter, gave her a quick kiss and headed to the garage and she followed me out. I watched as just a little of her ass check was exposed as she climbed into the passenger seat of my Jeep, throwing her back pack onto the back seat.

I opened my ITouch and plugged it into the audio jack cable and went to my summer play list. As soon as I sat it down Hanna picked it up. I looked over and saw that she had put on a pair of Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses. She had no way of knowing this but a woman wearing a baseball cap with those sunglasses really turned me on for some reason.

"You are looking at me with that look..." She said as she pulled her seatbelt into place. "Okay if I control the music?"

"Sure... Just make sure you mix it up, I don't want to listen to Taylor Swift for the whole ride." I laughed as I started my Jeep.

"I will throw in an Elvis and Sinatra song occasionally." She smiled.