Ride Home From the Beach

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He tells a friend about a bit of exhibition.
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This is kind of a strange way to tell a story... it's actually the first one that I ever wrote. I had posted it on a webpage that I had for a while and people liked it so much that I decided to write more.

The thing that makes this different is that I took an email that an ex-boyfriend had written to a friend of his from college and rewrote a bit for a story. I had decided to break up with him and so started looking around for whatever pictures and video he had of us. He really liked to photograph me and I was into it as well. I just didn't want to have a lot of naked pictures of myself in his hands after I broke up with him. In the process of searching I found a copy of this email in a box of photos. I found the original on his computer as well... so I know that he sent it and I know who he sent it too. That'll be something you'll want to remember in the next story I post. If you don't, that's ok, I'll remind you.

I corrected some of the typos and grammar, but other than that... it's pretty much what he wrote about a ride home from the beach, but told from a guys viewpoint rather than my usual way of telling my stories.

So here goes....


How the fuck are you man, things going ok? Things are going really well here. Getting ready for school and all that bullshit, you know the drill.

Anyway, I'm sitting here drinking a beer and smoking a joint and maybe cause I'm buzzed or what ever, but I have to tell you about something wicked cool that happened last weekend. I've been busting to tell someone and you are the guy.

This past July, Jenn and I decided to go to the beach for the day. We got all our stuff together, loaded up the cooler with beer and packed a little weed. The beach we decided to go to was about 3 hours away out on Cape Cod. We got an early start to get maximum sun time at the ocean. The day turned out turned out to friggin great, it was hot and the beer was cold and Jenn was killer in her bathing suit. The cape is pretty cool, I hadn't been there before but the beach was cool. Anyway, that's not the main point of this email.

Around 3 in the afternoon we decided to call it a day and head for home.

I had my hotrod convertible running pretty good and so that's what we took, lucky for me. The only real problem with the convertible as you know is that there isn’t any air conditioning in it and it was still wicked hot out.

Well, we weren't in the car 5 minutes and Jenn started bitching about the heat and that she was getting uncomfortable in her bathing suit. I don't know what she expected me to do. I told her she should've taken a shower before we left the beach, but she said they were disgusting, something about a dirty diaper or some shit... I don't know. She was uncomfortable in her damp suit. We were on some back roads and would be for another hour, so more to shut her up than anything else, I told her to recline the seat way back and just take the fucking suit off.

Jenn can be pretty shy at times and she just gave me a look that said, "Yeah right, think again". But I asked, who could see in the car, we're on a two-lane back road. She didn't say anything but a few minutes and reclined the seat to check out the position, but was still nervous about the idea. Laughing, I told the reason she didn't want to do was that she didn't have the balls!

Dude, that girl cannot resist a dare. I bet her $50 that she didn't have the nerve to ride all the way home bareass. As I said, Jenn couldn't refuse a dare but this one had her close I think. I knew I had succeeded when she started trying to get better terms. She wanted to go only to the highway. I told home or nothing. She thought about it and finally she reluctantly accepted. She got her seat reclined as far as it would (almost lying on the back seat) then removed her bathing suit top, after a couple of minutes when she got comfortable, she took off the bottoms.

I spotted a pullout and turned in. She looked at me wide eyed as I took her bathing suit and beach cover and put them in the trunk. She wanted to know what I was doing, I told her that was going to be part of the deal, she couldn't have any chance to cover up or she'd lose. If she decided that she wanted to give up then I'd pull over and get her stuff for her. She didn't say anything, but I could tell she didn't like that wrinkle.

I cranked up the tunes on the radio and fired up a joint figuring she could use to relax a little. While she was toking on the weed, I grabbed a couple of beers out of the cooler and gave her one. The ride was going really well.

This was first for me; I mean it'd be cool having a bareass babe no matter what the car. But I have to you; it's just so cool to be driving along in a convertible with beautiful bareass, naked woman sitting next to you. Jenn looked like she had gotten pretty comfortable too, She commented on how much cooler it was to be out of the bathing suit and just lying back watching the clouds. There was a lot of traffic getting from the beach to highway, but I guess that's pretty typical for the Cape. About 30 minutes later we hit the highway and really started cruising along.

We passed a couple of trucks but no one seemed to notice. Jenn asked whether or not I thought anyone could see her. I told that at the speed we were going, I didn't think so; people would be paying attention to the road. I knew damn well that anyone with pickup could get a great view if they just looked over.

Can you just picture it dude... man it was so cool. About this time I was getting really horny and it was getting the better of me. There's only so long you can be sneaking peaks at a nice juicy pussy lying there in the open without having to do something... and Jenn has got one sweet pussy. Maybe I'll show some pictures sometime if you get me drunk enough... LOL!

I got some tanning oil and started rubbing it into her legs and slowly worked my way up. Jenn seemed to like me rubbing her legs; it was my turn to be surprised. I figured she would put the brakes on any sexual activity while being so exposed. Goddamn, was I wrong? She was so fucking into it. When I worked my way up to her pussy, she just opened her legs wide, hooking one around the stick shift and the other by the passenger door and let me do whatever I wanted. It was a fucking fantasy come true. Again, you just have to picture it if you can... it was fucking awesome.

My hand was slick with the tanning oil and I started pulling on her pussy lips and the spreading them to get to her clit. I slid one finger then another into pussy and started to finger the hell out of her. I had all I could do to keep my attention on the road. Jenn was moaning, her eyes closed and she started to rub her tits, pretty soon she was twisting and pulling on her nipples.

I know you've noticed them before, but dude you have no idea how big those things are. A baby would get stretch marks around its mouth trying to suck on those. She started really getting into it; I think the chance of getting caught had her hot as hell. She told me she wanted me to rub her clit, so I rolled it between oily fingers and she started moaning to raise the dead. She took my hand and started to finger herself with my fingers. She was rolling her ass back and forth; her eyes were closed and moaning, totally caught up in the sex. I thought I was going to blow a gasket; I just wanted to pull over and fuck the living shit out of her on the side of the road. I might've if the traffic hadn't been as heavy as it was.

While all this is going on, I notice that traffic was starting to slow down up ahead. There had been an accident or something. As we're slowing down I realized that we might be stopped right next to a tractor-trailer. I expected Jenn to start getting nervous but she was so worked up and the music was so loud in the car that I don't think she even noticed that we were slowing down.

I was getting nervous but figured what the hell; what could I do now. I couldn't pull over or anything, traffic was too heavy and it was already backing up, besides, it's not like we knew anyone here. This was just one of the risks of doing this kind of shit. Still, Like I said, I was a little nervous about some guy checking Jenn out, but on the other hand it'd be cool in a way to let them have a show.

I had never really thought about other guys checking out my girlfriend, but the more I thought about it, the hotter I thought it was. I think Jenn looks really hot, so showing her off sounded perfect; it had me hard as a rock thinking about some stranger checking her out. You wouldn't believe how soft and sweet her pussy is.

By this point, Jenn is really hot, she's ready to pop and she starts telling me how she wished she could have me in her, she needed something bigger than my fingers. I turned to look at her, her eyes were still closed and she was still pulling hard on her nipples, rolling them as she pulled. She has really puffy areolas and between them and her fucking huge nipples, they had to be swollen out over an inch. It was incredible; she was more excited than I had ever seen her. She was almost literally on fire.

By this time, the traffic had pretty much stopped and we were right next to a truck, I looked up as the driver looked down, what a double take. I motioned for him to be quiet; I didn't think Jenn knew where she was just then. Between the car stereo and her moaning, she wasn't aware of anything else. She hasn't got much muff hair; not shaven, she just doesn't have much. I am going to have show the pictures when you come up.

So the view the driver was fucking fantastic. A beautiful women excited as hell, her legs and pussy spread wide open as she's playing with her own tits. I decided to give Jenn something a little bigger and put on a show for the trucker as well. I took the suntan lotion bottle, it was about 2 - 2 1/2 inches thick with a nice smooth rounded bottom and maybe 7 or 8 inches long, and started rubbing it up and down her pussy. Jenn bit down on her lower lip as I spread her pussy lips with the bottle. She started to moan and to push herself onto the bottle; she was begging me to fuck her with it. She moved one hand down and started rubbing her clit while still playing with her nipples with her other hand. I had never seen her so worked up... she was a wild woman.

I slowly slid the bottle in until it was buried deep in her pussy and then started to slowly pump it in and out like I was fucking her. I guess I wasn't doing it fast enough or something because the next thing I know she pushed my hand away and took the bottle herself and started to really pump and twist it. It kind of oval, so I guess the twist must've been magical, I continued to play with her clit and pull on her pussy lips. She was getting to the edge of a major league orgasm.

I looked back up at the driver and he had a video cam and was hanging it out the window pointed down at Jenn recording the whole thing as we sat there in the traffic. I couldn't believe the whole situation. I'd never seen Jenn so uninhibited. I certainly had never seen her masturbate herself and here she is in the middle of the fucking highway giving me, and unknown to her at this point, a stranger a show to die for. I took the bottle back from Jenn and really started to give to her, turning the bottle and rocking it back and forth. That was it, that brought her over. She pulled both nipples out as hard as I've ever seen a nipple stretch in fact I didn't know you could stretch them that far, it was fucking amazing. As she was about to go over the edge, she opened her eyes.

When she did she found herself staring into the lens of the camcorder and the eyes of a man she never met. She screamed "oh my god" and came like I have never seen before or since. It was almost like she wanted to stop but just couldn't and that seemed to make it even more intense. She just stared at the guy as wave after wave were just rippling through her, I could see her belly rippling as the spasms wracked her body. Her pussy was contracting so hard that it pushed the bottle right out. She never let go of her nipples and she's starring at the trucker who got it all on film. When it seemed like it was over, I picked up the bottle and slid it back into her and began moving the bottle and she immediately started to come again, this time finally closing her eyes.

She ended up coming 3 times in less than 2 minutes. All the time we're inching along in traffic. I finally pulled the bottle out with a wet little pop; she moaned softly and then just relaxed putting her arms back and over her eyes. She never even tried to close her legs. She just lay there with her pussy gaping wide open, looking freshly fucked, juicy and bright pink. The trucker, I'm sure got some great close-ups of her afterwards. Jenn was just lying there trying to get her breath. After a few more minutes the traffic started to open up, I took one last look at the trucker, he gave me thumbs up sign and a big smile as I pulled away.

I think Jenn fell asleep and I popped another beer and thought about the whole thing. It was still only 4:30 or so in the afternoon, every trucker must have gotten the word about our car because every time we passed one the driver made it a point to get a look at Jenn. I would ease on slowly by so they could get a good view. I was still so horny from this thing that I thought I would burst. After another half-hour I saw a sign for a rest area and I needed a leak bad, Jenn was still sleeping legs still spread wide with her arms over her head. I was nervous about stopping, but figured I'd park a little off from other cars, make a quick piss stop and be on my way. Everything was going according to plan, the rest area was pretty packed but there was some spaces a fair walk from the rest rooms that didn't have many cars around. So I parked and checked on Jenn, she was still sleeping. I decided not to bother her and I went to take a piss. On my way back out to my car noticed 4 or 5 teenage guys walking over to check out my car.

Now I know it's cool hot rod and generally draws attention, but I'm thinking, now what the fuck am I going to do?

I decided to just sit at a picnic table and watch their reaction when they saw Jenn in the car. They were next to the car when one looked inside and saw her. It only took a couple of seconds for the rest of his buddies to notice her too. They looked around to see if anyone was coming and not seeing anyone who obviously owned the car coming toward them, started to check Jenn out. One of them ran back to his car and got a camera, when he got back he started snapping pictures. To the other people at the rest area it just looked like they taking pictures of the car. I let it continue, I thought it was really pretty hot actually, until one of them leaned in and started taking what I assumed were close-ups of Jenn's pussy. When I saw another one lean in to touch her, I figured I'd better put an end to the game. I started walking quickly toward the car. One of them looked like he was playing with Jenn’s tits so I yelled, "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING"! They didn't hesitate, they just turned and ran to their car and bolted out of there.

I got into the car and checked Jenn out as I got back on the highway. She seemed no worse for the experience except her nipples were all puffy and swollen again. Her legs were still wide open and her pussy lips were also wide open and she was wet. She was acting as if she were sleeping but her breathing said otherwise. I lit up another joint and passed it back to her pretending to wake her up. She put the seat up a little and got another couple of beers out of the cooler and smoked and drank without saying too much. When we finished the joint she asked how I was doing, I told her I thought I was going to burst from blue balls. She asked if I had enjoyed showing her off. I thought about bullshitting her, but I had to admit that I thought it was the hottest thing I had ever seen.

"Good", she laughed, "I did it for you, I hoped you'd like it".

She shifted position putting her head in my lap and she pulled my dick out from my shorts and started to give me one hell of a blowjob. She's the best cocksucker I have ever met... fucking incredible! She loves to suck cock and it shows. I wish there was some way you could experience it sometime.

Unfortunately, I was way too worked up to enjoy it for long. But she was really into it, to the point of wiggling her ass in the air a little at passing cars. I don't know if anyone saw her or not, I was having trouble just driving. I just couldn't take it and blew my load in no time at down her throat; I didn't even try to hold back. She sucked me dry.

When she finished, she leaned into the back seat and got us a couple more beers. She moved back into her seat again. It was dark now and she was a bit braver I guess, because she moved the seat up to an almost normal position instead of totally reclined. I asked her if she knew the kids had been outside the car. She said she did, but didn't want to let them know she was awake. She said one must have taken almost a whole roll of her and that he had put his camera right up to her pussy for a close-up. When she didn't wake up, he gently pulled on one of her pussy lips opening her even more for his camera. When one of the other ones saw him do that, he leaned in and rolled a nipple between his fingers, saying to his friends "look at the size of her nipples, they're fucking awesome". (I agree by the way and think you would too if could've seen how big they had gotten!!) That was when I came up and chased them away. I told her it seemed to excite her a bit. She said she had never felt so helpless. I asked when she would have finally woken up; she just said, "I don't know, I kinda liked it to be honest". With that and a sly smile, she reclined her seat again and went back to sleep.

When we got home, she got out of the car still totally nude and walked across the parking lot to the door of my apartment block, I caught up, unlocked the door and let her in. I went to hand her robe, but she said I'm not home yet, with that she walked down the hall and gave my neighbor across the hall who was coming out of his apartment quite an eyeful. He just stood there with his mouth hanging open as I unlocked the apartment door and let her in. I smiled back at him as I closed the door.

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KingCuddleKingCuddlealmost 4 years ago
I hate the guy.

No dignity? No respect?

Dump his Worthless Dumb Ass!

prop69prop69about 5 years ago
AWESOME adventure

I am so hard.

Best afternoon EVER

bobj169bobj169almost 13 years ago

thanks Jenn, you never cease to amaze!

shavedbuffyshavedbuffyover 19 years ago

Great story! we loved it!

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