RMC: National Nude Day Orgy

Story Info
Deja vu, Rocky Mountain Christmas, and Ex Platinum, the end.
27.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/26/2019
Created 11/12/2012
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Dear Reader,

I've always tried to write my stories where you, the reader, could open page one and immediately be engrossed. Until now, I've never felt the need for an intro, a prologue, or something that wasn't directly part of the story.

This is the final story for several merging story lines and story series, a total of 27, all involving Jim, his loves and his ladies. Most have been well received, include two previous contest winners; Awake , and Rocky Mountain Christmas. It is time to bring the story of Jim to a close, with this the culmination story of (hard to believe) over 13 years of writing.

For those that are fans and have been following forever, feel free to skip on to the story; for those that are just finding this for the first time, the last story before this one is Executive Platinum Chapter 20. I hope it won't leave you too lost, but if I haven't provided enough description, please go back and read EP 20 as it is a direct lead in to this.

So, if this follows Ex Plat, why the reference to Rocky Mountain Christmas? It was just a way to bring the two storylines (Ex Plat and RMC) together. RMC took place at Christmas (obviously!) with a couple of teasers at the end about the future, this being one of them.

Also, unlike most previous stories, where I usually give a build-up and develop characters and then jump into sex, there are no new characters in this story, it "jumps into sex" pretty quickly, but has a lot of follow-up and perhaps a surprise or two for those who know the story line. I will at the end of the story provide a link to all related stories, so those who are intrigued or wish to go back and see what they missed can easily find them.

Starting with Déjà Vu, Jim and his wife Debs, and a few others are introduced. Soul mates, they move from a prudish and sexually inhibited upbringing for Debs to including another couple in their love lives. They live happily together, until death do they part, with the untimely loss of Debs in an auto-accident (Awake). Executive Platinum Series begins when Jim, widowed and on business travel, meets a lonely divorcee and they hit it off. They have a year's long, non-exclusive, affair. Rocky Mountain Christmas introduces us to Jim's niece Kris, better known as Bug, and leaves us a few tidbits for the other RMC stories, finally culminating in this, the merger and final story of all the story lines.

And yes, I know this story is long, but hopefully once again you'll find it not too long, and well worth it. I tried to shorten it, but without resorting to yet another story, there was just too much to finish off.

As always, enjoy, and thanks for the feedback and votes.

I suppose it was inevitable.

There was to be a pool party at my home for National Nude Day. A party of friends, many of whom had had sexual relations with each other, and most of the women had at one time or another had a sexual relationship with me, getting together for a nude day party. Was it possible for a large group of mostly open-minded friends and lovers (a few that weren't) and not have the party turn into an orgy? Although we'd had a similar party several years before, since then the love of my life had died, the kids had grown up, and many relationships had changed. That time, most had gone home, but this time was different.

After 10 days in Asia, my body was still in the wrong time zone. I awoke at 3:30 and knowing that I wasn't going back to sleep, slid away from Jenny's arms and out of bed. I easily found my gym shorts and shoes in the dark, one of the advantages of the habit my wife Debs had forced me into years before: put things in the same place every time.

I didn't see Bill and Gloria when I left for my run in the cool and dark of the pre-dawn morning. An hour later, when I got back, the sky had just begun to get light, enough so that I was able to see the two of them asleep in the guest bedroom, surprisingly still clothed. I presumed that meant they hadn't had sex, but they were on the same bed together, which I took to mean they'd purposely left Jenny and me to be alone. I took a quick shower and changed, and then stepped in and squeezed Bills foot to awaken him. He sat up instantly, awakening Gloria when he did. I walked around the bed, leaned over and kissed her, and suggested if she wasn't ready to get up she should go crawl into my bed with Jenny. She said "Maybe" and laid back down. A few minutes later Bill and I were at the golf course.

It was already hot by the time we got back. We'd had the first tee time of the morning, actually sliding out just before the first scheduled tee time with barely enough light to see where the ball went. There was a little grumbling from the foursome who thought they had booked the first slot, but after the first hole, we never saw them again. Just one of the advantages of being a member of the golf club, and perhaps giving a rather expensive bottle of Ardbeg Galileo Scotch to the head golf pro for Christmas every year. Sometimes it pays to know your friends tastes.

"There's nobody here," Bill said, stepping back out of the house. I hadn't gone in when we got back, but had grabbed the pool sweep, wanting to get the pool cleaned before everyone arrived. "There was a note on the table that said they were going out to get some things and bring them back." Bill took the leaf blower and swept the deck and patio clean while I finished with the pool. We'd finished with the clean-up of the pool and patio as well as ourselves and were on our second cup of coffee when I heard the front door open and Gloria call out "Jim? Are you home yet?"

"In here," I called back, wondering where Jenny was. I heard her walking down the hall toward the kitchen and when she stepped in I looked over at her, and instantly knew.

"When did you get back?" She asked, so I asked the same thing to her.

"When did you get back?"

She looked at me with her best puzzled look, "I... what do you mean?"

"When did you get back, Melissa. And where's your mother?" She broke out into a grin and I heard footsteps at the front door at the same time. "Bill, I'd like you to meet Gloria's daughter, Melissa. And yes, she is almost the spitting image of her mother."

"How did you know?" Melissa asked, as I stood up to give her a welcoming hug.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, but for some reason I had instantly known that it wasn't Gloria. Perhaps our time together in Key West had been enough; perhaps just that I'd remembered she was supposedly coming back for our Nude Day Party, but I hadn't heard specifically when, and it just made sense. Whatever it was, I'd put it together and wasn't surprised, but that ended a second later as I saw a motion from my peripheral vision and another body standing in the entrance to the kitchen and breakfast nook.

"Oh My God!" I said, freezing in the hug I'd been giving Melissa.

"Hello Uncle Jim," Sara said, knowing she'd caught me by complete surprise. "Hi Dad," she said with a smile at her father.

"Sara!" I said needlessly, befuddled in my thoughts and words for once. "When... I mean I didn't know..." I fumbled for words, glancing sideways at Bill. His smug smile confirming that he wasn't surprised at her appearance. Just behind her, Gloria and Jenny were barely in view, having quietly stepped in behind their two daughters.

"You didn't think I could possibly miss another Nude Day Party, did you?" Sara said stepping forward and into my arms.

Instantly memories of that first Nude Day Party ran through my head; when I'd still had my beloved Debs with me, and how Sara had become our shared lover, spending an additional week with us after her parents had left. She'd shared our bed and our love, although I hadn't seen her since.

"It worked out well," Gloria said, "their flights were arriving almost the same time, so we only had to go to the airport once."


Getting caught up, with Sara in particular but also with Melissa, interspersed with preparation of food, getting the beverages on ice and making sure we had enough charcoal, just about finished off the morning. At one-point Sara followed me into the back of the house, and when I turned around she greeted me with a full body hug and a lover's kiss. "Will I get to say hello to you properly?"

"The way we said goodbye properly the last time I saw you?" I ran my hand up and down her back, and she pulled against me.

"Mmm. That's what I had in mind."

"I said hello properly to your mother last night."

"I know. She's been excited about this portion of their vacation all summer." I slipped my hand between us, cupping her breast, feeling her nipple harden to my touch through her thin bra. "Me too, it's the only vacation I'm getting this year."

"Why is that?" I asked, as I took her hand and turned to pull her back into the living room with me.

"I don't have much time accrued with my new job, and I used some at Christmas."


Unlike the first Nude Day Party so many years before, I'd had some inputs into who was invited this time. During early discussions between all of us, I'd suggested whoever had been invited the first time should also be invited this time as it had been quite a successful event. It turned out that Jenny's friend Rose Hernandez and her husband had split, and Rose had moved back to Albuquerque, so she wasn't there. I hadn't heard from Martha Long in several years, but it turned out that just like with Debs, where she'd known Martha from the gym and church, Janet also knew her from the same gym. Janet passed on the invitation and she said she'd be there. There were a few others from the previous party that had moved on or weren't interested, or just weren't able to come.

Martha was one of the first to arrive, surprisingly bringing along with her a 'significant other,' which she joked as being her 'young man.' Although I knew Martha had been attached at the hip to her husband Davey, it had been more than 10 years since his death. Martha meeting someone else and moving on from her life with Davey was just like me and Debs: she would always be the true love of my life, but it didn't mean that I had to die with her. Not that Martha's 'young man' was all that young at 74, but since I knew she was easily in her early 80's, he was seemingly much younger although looking at him you would have thought that he was the older one. She laughed and introduced Ross, acknowledging that just thought of them as being the same age, as many years as they had, there was no significant difference in their ages.

I'd hesitated about inviting Ann, my co-worker, as I've always tried to separate personal life from professional. My wife Debs had invited her the first time; having noticed at a company beach party as they were changing and showering that Ann had an all-over tan, she'd just asked if she was interested and she'd said yes. Before that time, we'd been little more than work acquaintances, she was not someone that I'd ever have considered asking to a nude party, however since then we'd had more than a nodding friendship. Once you've shared enough of yourself to have gotten naked together, even though it was never mentioned at work, we always had this little secret between us. When I mentioned that we were planning a pool party and told her the day she immediately knew the theme, even without me saying anything. "Same dress code as last time?" she smiled. I assured her it was, and she indicated she and her husband would be there.

Gloria asked if we should invite Shirley and Frank and I told her I'd leave it up to her, that if she wanted to, she should. It was my house, but we were all having the party, and eventually she invited them. Shirley said they would come but would have to leave early evening as they had somewhere else to be to that night.

With Bill, Jenny, Sara and Melissa there it seemed like we practically had a houseful before the day even started. Janet and Bug were the first to arrive, early afternoon, both sporting their micro-bikinis and well-developed tans. They hadn't been there but for a few minutes when Martha Long and her 'young man' Ross arrived, followed a few minutes later by Ann and her husband Jess.

I'd been making introductions all around (Ann had to remind me her husband's name was Jess, I kept wanting to call him Mike) before Martha pulled me aside. "Listen, Jim. I know I started it off last time, I think I told you that at these it's best to just set the tone -- take your clothes off and get naked and everyone will follow suit. But my friend Ross hasn't ever been nude in public before and he's a bit reluctant. Can I ask you to start it off? I just don't want to be the first one naked this time."

I grinned, said I would, and headed in to take my clothes off and put them away.

"So, are we having a party or a Nude Day Party?" I asked when I came back out, entirely and unabashedly naked. "You can put your clothes in the front bedroom," I said to nobody in particular, "and we've got lots of towels in the laundry room." I remembered Martha giving instructions on etiquette and seeing that she had a bag with a towel visible, added, "If you've never been to a nude event before, etiquette says you take a towel and sit on it when you're on a chair or lounge where someone else may sit. In the meantime, I think it's time for a beer!" Martha took Ross by the hand and headed for the front bedroom, her eyes caught mine and I smiled and winked at her. She smiled and nodded a "thank you" in return.

I said I was ready for a beer but, being the host, it still took me several minutes before I could head to the cooler as I took care of my guests. Looking out through the kitchen window, as I headed for the side door and the beer cooler that I'd put in the shade on the side of the house, I saw that Janet and Bug had spread their towels in the sun on the deck at the far end of the pool. With their micro-bikinis and lying on their fronts working on their tans, virtually all that could be seen from the house were long bare legs, and equally bare bottoms. Gloria and Melissa were both already in the pool; unlike Janet and Bug they were presumably naked as all I could see was that they were topless, bare breasts barely in or barely under the water.

Knowing that the whole purpose of a Nude Day party is being naked in the sun, we'd purposely bought a couple of bottles of suntan lotion. Naked is fun, sunburned isn't, so I detoured back through the laundry room on the way to the pool and, as I suspected, the lotions were still there. I took a bottle of lotion and a towel along with my beer and headed outside to the pool.

"Have you ladies put on sunscreen?" I asked, stepping up beside my bathing beauties. They assured me they had, to which I said, "Oh darn, and I was going to volunteer to help you out."

"I'll bet you were," Bug giggled, rolling onto her side and sliding her hand onto Janet's naked bottom. I just grinned and tossed her the bottle of lotion, dropping my towel and stepping down into the pool. I sat on the step, chest deep in water, debating whether to swim over and join Melissa and Gloria or not. I caught some motion by the house and, looking up, found Sara coming out the front door, wearing nothing but a smile and sandals. It appeared obvious she was headed to the pool, so I stayed seated on the step. Moments later she slid into the pool, sitting next to me.

To say that Sara was beautiful would be an understatement. I'd always thought her mother was beautiful; before Sara grew up, I thought Jenny the most beautiful woman that I knew. But when Sara matured she equaled and then eclipsed her mother's beauty. Not that Jenny wasn't still beautiful, it was just the mixture of genes from Jenny and Bill combined made Sara just a little more beautiful.

"It's so good to see you again," she said, her arms hugging me tight in response when I put my arm around her, pulling her against me. Hearing voices I looked up again at the door to the house and found Ann and Jess and Martha and her 'young man' coming out. Ann and Martha were talking animatedly, obviously hitting it off, but it gave me the opportunity to appreciatively look at them both for the moment.

At mid-80's, perhaps 84 (I didn't remember exactly) Martha in no way looked or acted that old. If I didn't know, I'd have put her physical age at late 50's, perhaps 60. The daily trip to the gym kept her in immaculate physical shape and allowed her to do things people 40 years younger barely did. I knew she had in the last few years climbed Mount Whitney, and trekked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and every winter she went snow skiing, usually somewhere new in the world, although she regularly went to Utah where she had a time-share somewhere near Salt Lake City. She wasn't deeply tanned, although what tan she had was even and all-over. It didn't at first click, but I suddenly realized that unlike our last party, she now had a naked kitty. All her red pubic hair was a thing of the past.

Ann, who at one time had been a contracts administrator at our company, had promoted to the department head since the last time she'd been to my home. I'd always found her quite attractive, and extremely professional at work. Tall and thin, with larger, grapefruit sized breasts, her work outfits were always extremely professional, but it was hard for her not to look sexy. An occasional deep-vee dress or blouse that exposed a little cleavage wasn't unknown to her, easily advertising that this professional woman had a very sexy side. Now, seeing her naked again, it just reminded me of how attractive she really was. She looked up and caught my eye and smiled -- she knew I'd been looking at her. I just nodded back.

It was perhaps half an hour later that I was floating in the pool, debating getting out, when Gloria paddled over to me and put her arms around me to hold herself up. Sara had climbed out, now lying out in the sun with Bug. People were scattered everywhere, moving everywhere, in and out of the pool, but nobody was near us at that moment. "Is she a good lover?"

"Who?" I asked, glancing around at everyone, wondering who she was referring to.

"Sara." It was at that moment that I realized that I'd never particularly mentioned Sara to Gloria before. Not that I'd hidden her, I'd never intentionally hidden any relationship with her, it just hadn't come up.

"Why?" I asked, thinking back to Sara joining me in the bedroom, and a few minutes before on the pool step. I didn't think I'd made any motions towards her than I'd done for anyone else, although she had purposely approached me.

"She's obviously got the hots for you. Is there a history there?"

"Yeah," I answered, staying with my normal self-imposed silence about my lovers, their preferences, and what we did together. If they wanted to share among themselves, I had no problem with that, but what I did intimately with anyone was between that person and me. Hearing the gate open I looked over to see my sister Gayle and Fred walking in.

"Ok guys! The party can get started, we're here!" Gayle called with a laugh, raising her arms in a greeting.

"Not until you're naked!" Gloria laughed, "you're way over dressed for this party!"

"We'll just have to take care of that," she laughed, and setting her bag onto the ground next to the table, reached down and gripped her pull-over. Pulling it up and over her head revealed that she had nothing underneath except her sandals, and she slipped them off almost instantly. Fred turned and set a bag on the porch, out of the sun, by the time he turned back, Gayle was naked.

"Are we late?" Gayle asked, stopping and looking at everyone around the pool.
