Rokeby Venus


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I answered, 'I have but only with females.' (True) and continued, "Also on my own I sometimes paint totally naked.' (Also, true. Not sure why I am feeding your fantasies!) We finished the bottle before I started drawing again. I had done enough to capture the facial features fairly accurately and proceeded to make full torso drawings.

Sarah asked to see the sketches. I thought she might object to the naked torso drawings, but I was agreeably surprised and encouraged when she admired them. 'Do I really look that good, Vicky?' May I keep one or two?'

'At the very end when we are done you can choose one or two. I'm pleased with them."

'I'll hold you to that.' Sarah chewed her lip for a moment, clearly thinking how to ask another question.

I challenged her, 'Spit it out Sarah!'

She frowned and rushed headlong, 'Okay. Those shoe boxes over there. Are they from Gerry's house.'

"They are indeed. He gave them to me. Why do you ask?"

'Did you know what was in them?'

I nodded.

'And you still took them?'

'Why not? They're sex objects. They are what they are. Why would I not take them, is the more interesting question?'

'I'd never take them.'

'Don't be so hasty young woman. I take it you have never experienced the use of any sex tools and I'm guessing you are quite ignorant of their specific functions. If you have lost your curiosity and sense of adventure at your youthful age, I must weep for you. It is unnatural not to want to know about them. I'll do a deal with you. I'll go through all of them with you and explain their use. You can even try some of them if you have the courage, on your own if you like, or I can show you. Once I have done that and you have slept on what you have learned I'll listen to your dismissal of them and discount the fact you have implied that I am some sort of pervert'

Gerry, as you can see, I laid into her quite hard. I was rather annoyed she has looked down her nose at me for accepting your gift. I left her to go to the kitchen and brought back another bottle of wine after about ten minutes, having given her time to reflect on my diatribe. I hoped she would fear that I might kick her out. I offered her another glass and she readily drank it almost in one gulp. She smiled sweetly. 'Dutch courage.'

'Let's lay all the contents of the boxes out on the table and organize them.' I decided I needed to be quite directive. We organized them.

Sylvia had the largest set of dildos I've seen outside of a sex store. The collection of vibrators was hardly less varied. I switched on each one of the vibrators as we went along. Only about a third worked. I may be coming to you for batteries, LOL. Sarah had seen dildos and vibrators in the dorms at university but assured me she had never tried any.

We moved onto the soft arm and leg restraints, and she was amazed people allowed themselves to be totally restrained voluntarily. She's a lot to learn. I laughed when she thought the paddle was some form of ping-pong bat. I enlightened her and she shook her head wildly in disbelief that Sylvia and probably you had tried spanking, 'But he's such a nice kind man.' I quote.

It went on in a similar vein of incredulity with the nipple clamps, the ben wa balls, the strings of so-called pearls. She thought the blindfolds were for children's games and considered the ball-gag an ugly piece of equipment. (I agree.) The dog collar and leash are well crafted and quite decorative.

The final set of items totally baffled her. I speak of course about the butt plugs. The varied sizes and the fact some of them were decorated with what look like gemstones fascinated and horrified her at the same time after I explained how they were used and what they were for. Our dear innocent Sarah had never heard of anal intercourse and had difficulty believing it could ever be pleasurable. I saw more than a flicker of interest when I mentioned it was one way a good girl could have intercourse and keep her hymen intact.

She must have experienced orgasms, but she was too shy to discuss them. I think she may masturbate from time to time or Steve, or some other guy has got her off. I'll leave that for tomorrow or Sunday. If I can wake up, that is.

I left the all the sex items out and suggested we go prepare some supper and watch a movie together. Not much to report for the rest of the evening and it's late now.



Gerry texted back immediately: Great stuff. Comprehensive. Chat on Tuesday. He spent the rest of Saturday pottering away in the garden and grabbing some food as gave some thought to Vicky's email. He knew he'd have to convince Vicky that the use of restraints, nipple clamps, collar and ball-gag lasted no more than a week after they discovered they had no taste for some of the deeper BDSM practices, although a paddle spanking was enjoyed occasionally.

Steve's behaviour was another matter altogether. Gerry was annoyed for at least two reasons: he was away less than two weeks, and maybe earlier, when he had latched onto or had been corralled by another woman, probably another expat, who was on the spot, and then he had been so carless as to be caught. Maybe his absence of sex with Sarah's had made him vulnerable to the first pussy that was offered, but it was no excuse in Gerry's mind. On second thoughts, maybe getting caught was a good thing as it brought out a possible flaw in Steve's personality, or a weakness in his regard for Sarah. Better they know now than after a few years of marriage. He was proud of the fact he had always been faithful to Sylvia, although that was mainly of her making as he had no need to look elsewhere for sex.

It was almost lunchtime on Sunday, after reading those parts of the New Your Times that interested him, he looked at his computer. He found another email from Vicky.


Wowee. Looking good, but not a done deal just yet. I may have my Venus model.

I was slow getting up after my late night on Friday. It was well past ten on Saturday that I had Sarah sitting for me. I painted for a steady four hours and have the portrait well on the way. I'll work on a stylized Klimt background during the week. Yea. It just seemed to flow. I like Sarah, and I think she likes me. No! I'm not in love with her and have no ulterior motives.

As Sarah stood and stretched after sitting for so long, she dropped her dress and hung it up. She had on very brief rust-coloured knickers, maybe should be called a thong, the back of which disappeared in her butt crack. As she turned to me, she did not blink as she asked, 'Any ideas for lunch?' Her complete innocence was a real turn-on. When she asked if I was going to join her, implying but not saying topless, I knew she could be calculating as she subtly pushed her tits out towards me. She was warming to the idea of at least semi-nudity. I just had to take it further.

After lunch she asked me if I'd like to make some more sketches of her. I did and eventually had her lying in the Venus type pose I had imagined but still with her thong in place. As you may guess we cleaned up a bottle of wine in the process.

The sun was warm, and we went outside on the deck to relax. I decided to raise the subject of the sex toys. 'Did you think about the shoe-box collection?'

'How could I not? You don't have to answer this but how many of those sorts of things have you used?'

'Recently, just dildos and vibrators. Although some of my friends use the nipple clamps. When I was your age at art college, I had a string of boyfriends who were creative and were into everything and anything. Yes, I've sampled them all. But I'm not much one for pain I discovered. I also found out that I was not much one for men either. You should know I am a lesbian.'

There, Gerry, I told her. It was out on the table.

Sarah was stunned. 'I thought you had something going with Gerry. When you two are together there is some sort of vibe going on. And he gave you all those sex toys."

'True we are good friends. But nothing sexual at all.'

'Have you been coming on to me then? And I didn't recognize it? You know, grooming me, I think it's called.'

This was perceptive comment. I had been, as you know, but not for the reasons she thought. I framed my response carefully. 'You are an attractive young lady. If you came on to me, I would not repel your advances for sex. But I know that is most unlikely for a variety of reasons including the fact you appear to me to be fully heterosexual and because I suspect homosexual relationships run contrary to you core values. I am an artist and I find your face and body worth documenting as an artistic endeavour for posterity's sake. If I am looking for something, it is the image you offer. It's true I have been trying to encourage you to offer me that image. Model for me naked. Additionally, you still have a lot to learn about relationships and the sexual world. I have made myself available to you to learn something of that world, if you choose, and only if you choose. It's up to you. Does that clear things up for you?'

Gerry, that was the gist of my monologue to Sarah.

'All you want is me to model for you nude? Why didn't you just ask me? Be straight forward?' Just because I want to remain a virgin when I marry, doesn't mean I am a prude.'

'Can you honestly tell me that three weeks ago you could ever imagine sitting here out on this deck with your tits on full display, only wearing a thong? I don't think so. Or ever wearing a dress without a bra? You have widened your outlook quickly over the short time you have been here. Tell me that is not true?'

Sarah's face told all. She is, at heart, a very honest person. 'No, I cannot say I ever thought I'd be doing what I am doing. You are right. And I have to say a door seems to have opened and you have stirred my curiosity. But I am not sure that your oblique and secretive way of going about freeing me up sits very well with me.'

'I'm sorry Sarah. I thought the only way to get you interested in being my model was by stealth. I misread you. So here it is, will you model nude for me?'

'Will you want to exhibit the painting if it turns out well?'


"Will my face be visible and recognizable?'

'Not on the composition I am thinking about. I can say no, you will not be recognizable.'

'When would you want to start? If, and that's still a big if, I agree.'

'Next weekend.' Vicky decided she sweeten the pot. 'I should add there will be a modeling fee of twenty-five pounds an hour when you are actually modelling. That's above standard rate for professional models.'

Sarah shut her eyes and was quiet for about five minutes. Vicky remained silent. She recognized it as a pivot moment. 'I am not fully opposed to the idea but need more time to think about it. I'll let you know next Thursday.'

'Fair enough. I am sorry if you feel mislead. That's on me. I hope we can remain as friends, and you can still ask me anything.'

'Of course, we're still friends. And in the interest of complete honesty and openness, at one-point last evening I did wonder what it would be like to be kissed by you. I was fairly drunk. Probably part of your devious plan. No more than that though. No touching. I've never been particularly impressed with the kisses I received from the three guys I've necked with, including Steve, and have wondered if it is me. I somehow thought you looked pretty experienced in this department.'

Vicky jumped in, 'You're right. But in my experience women's kisses are much better than men's. But I have a distinct bias. I may be totally wrong.'

'I'll put that on the TBD list, too. Keeping to this full disclosure theme we have mined in the last while; I admit that I'm irrationally interested in butt plugs. Does that shock you? How do they feel, and do they add much to the sexual experience?'

'I saw your reaction to the BP's when you were told what they were. It is not irrational. Curiosity never is irrational. You should try one, a thin one initially and see what you think. We'd have to sterilize them in boiling water for twenty minutes and let them cool down. I recall there is a thin silicone rubber one in the collection. You'll need lubricant, lots of it, to start. I have a good water-based gel you could try. Maybe go home with them and try for yourself, so I'm not involved and there is no blowback on me be accused of corrupting you.' Hey, I winked and gave her a broad smile.

'No. this is all mine. My first venture into kinky. I'm still trying to figure out why they should appeal to me and what I may get out of it.'

'The anus has a concentration of nerve endings, and I'm told it puts some pressure around your G spot. I also told her to sanitize them after use and enemas." Gerry, I won't bore you with the rest of my explanation of the BP's function to Sarah.

I'm pleased that I've cleared the air with Sarah. Everything is consensual.

Later, we visited the collection to pick up all the silicone and stainless-steel BPs. All of them. No half measures here. I suggested she take some vibrators as well. She did not know which to choose so I helped her select three and found some charged batteries for them. I warned her they were for external use only if she wished to keep her hymen intact. We sterilized everything and carefully concealed them in the backpack she had brought.

So here we are. Late once more. Do not laugh if you see Sarah walking a bit awkwardly.

I'm almost there with Sarah. I strongly suspect she will model for me, even if it's for the money. Hopefully she poses for more than the money, though. I have a cool idea to update Vazquez's painting, but you'll have to wait until I exhibit it before you'll know. Darnit, I can still be a tease.

XOX Vicky

Once more Gerry texted Vicky: As always good stuff. Chat on Tuesday.

The weather remained fine allowing Gerry to tinker around in the garden. After lunch Gerry called Steve on the phone. He reached him first time.

"How's it all going?" Gerry always started with an open-ended question.

"Fine. Some of the practices here are a bit wobbly, but other than that we are making good progress."

"Excellent. How are things working with you and Sarah? You know, the long-distance relationship bit. She's a lovely girl."

There was a long hesitation before Steve replied, "We've hit a rough patch."

Gerry wondered if he'd be honest about things were going. He was pleased Steve had at least admitted to the first step. "Oh. I thought Sarah was looking a bit down. What happened?"

"We didn't see eye to eyes on a matter."

Gerry noted that Steve was now being vague. "What matter? Professional? Personal?" He was uncertain as to admit to knowing what had happened. This was test for Steve.


"That was quick. How serious is this rift?"

"Bad. I think. She won't talk about it?"

"What is the 'it' you're referring to?"

Steve was silent for a full minute not knowing what to do. He respected his grandfather but also knew that he was likely in line for a good inheritance in a while down the line.

Gerry pressed, "You still there?"

"Yes. It's difficult."

"Get it off your chest."

With another delay, "Okay. Here goes. I love Sarah but she did not put out for me, if you know what I mean. I was ripe for picking. Horny as a goat when I arrived here. There are beautiful women all around. But I'd been briefed enough not to even look at the locals. Within a week of arriving three or four of the expat women made their availability known. It must be the heat. Anyway, one particularly good-looking gal cornered me, and I gave in to her advances. I'm not trying to excuse myself. I was more than a willing participant. She dropped into the flat when I was on Facetime with Sarah. The lady in question flashed her tits and Sarah saw. That was it. I was toast. Sarah's dropped me."

"As she should, Steve. That was shameful and weak behaviour. You couldn't keep your dick in your trousers. Now I understand why Sarah was so distraught. You've thrown away the chance of a relationship with a fine young woman. I'm not pleased with your behaviour but appreciate your candour. Move on from Sarah, but nothing permanent with any of those expats you'll run into. Also, be careful of any professional repercussions as they have a way of seeping into such casual liaisons. I must go now. good luck with the rest of your stay there." Gerry disconnected before Steve had a chance to justify himself further.

Sarah arrived home just as Gerry was finishing his supper.

She looked happy. She cheerfully asked, "How were the meals I left you?"

"I had no idea how good a cook you are when I hired you. I'm going to miss you when you leave."

"Oh. That reminds me. I have a question for you. I was going to get back to London when Steve returned. I'm no longer wanting to do that. Would you continue to give me paid employment until I return to Uni at the end of August?"

Gerry did not hesitate. He was delighted as he wished to see this through, and he enjoyed Sarah's company. "An emphatic, 'yes'! It's a win-win, particularly if you keep preparing meals like the ones you put together for me over the weekend."

She moved round the kitchen bench and gave Gerry a full-bodied hug. "You're a sweetheart! Can I press my advantage? I'd like to go over to Vicky's for the three-day weekends like this one for the rest of my stay. She's got my portrait to finish, and she has another project for me to model for. Pretty please?"

"Of course, subject to you preparing meals for me for when you are away. And you give me another of those hugs."

Sarah jumped up and down a few times and came in for a much longer, even tighter hug and a few kisses on the cheeks and the last one on the lips as she kept repeating "Thank you. Thank you...."

"From that I take it you and Vicky get along well." Gerry was conscious of his understatement. He was also pleased with Sarah's enthusiasm to go back to Vicky's lair, and he did not have to rely on Vicky's account of their relationship. This was all consensual.

Her strung-out reply of, "Oh, yes!" was loaded with meaning and a tremor of emotion.

Gerry had one more matter he'd like to get closed off. He asked somewhat duplicitously, "You really want to stay here rather than go back to London to see Steve when he returns in a couple of weeks? Are you and Steve, okay?"

Sarah took a deep beath and looked Gerry in the eye, "I know he is your grandson and all that, but I broke up with him. He found himself a tart within a week of arriving in Dubai. The prick. Okay?" Gerry nodded his agreement. "Now, I must go and sort myself out upstairs if that's okay with you. I'll clear up here later." She turned grabbing her traveling bag. Gerry observed that the very mention of Steve made her angry.

After lunch the following day they sat out in the warm sun. Gerry was in shorts and had removed his golf shirt. Sarah was in a modest bikini. Gerry asked about Vicky's portrait. Sarah told him about the gold dress and the fact Vicky was talking about an artist called Klimt. She then went on to mention that Vicky had drawn some pencil sketches of her and given her three of them for her to keep. Gerry asked to see them. He was surprised to see her respond positively and rush off to get them with such enthusiasm, already knowing they were likely the sketches with her topless. He was right.