Rough Games

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He wants to put it in. She resists. Cash prizes for winners.
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Helen read the papers carefully one more time. The words hadn't changed. It was a very detailed release form. She would be giving up some very important rights if she put her name to this. Rape was serious business. But the prize was a quarter of a million dollars. Getting raped might be worth that much money. And it wasn't technically rape if she consented. She took a deep breath and signed the consent form.

The woman behind the counter gave her a sympathetic smile and slid a contestant packet over the counter to her. "If I wasn't engaged, I'd enter the thing myself. It might be a lot of fun." Helen hoped so, but she could endure it if it wasn't.

"Come on!" Katrina urged. This whole thing was her idea. She had talked Helen into this. And now, she eagerly rushed them to the locker room to get started.

The contestant package gave Helen the number 17. In the bag, she found an armband with that number and a locker key. She opened locker 17 and found a thin, short, bright yellow robe. It didn't look very warm, but Helen assumed that comfort was not the point. It was sexy and provocative. That's what mattered in this place.

Helen quickly took off her clothes off and put them in the locker. Donning the robe, she met Katrina at the locker room door and took her hand. Together, they went out into the arena.

"The rules are simple," Katrina told her. "It's basically a wrestling match, male versus female, both nude. If the male touches his erect cock to the female's face or pussy, it is one point. If he pushes his cock into her mouth, that's two points."

"What if she bites him?"

Katrina grinned, "That isn't allowed. You bite a cock, you lose. The guy with the cock wins. But in the heat of the game, it might be hard to remember the rules. During a match, the female is forced to wear a kind of hard plastic gag that forces her mouth to stay open."

"Oh. Sounds uncomfortable."

"It is."

"I thought this was the first time you'd been in the game."

"First time in the official game, yes. But I've gotten a few guys to play with me. And I've been bound and gagged many, many times." Katrina admitted with a sly smile.

"Okay. That's freaky, but okay."

"Anyway, if the male manages to stick his cock in the female's pussy, that's three points and the win. Three points wins, no matter how they're gained."

"How does the female gain points?" Helen asked.

"She doesn't. The girl resists the guy's efforts. A match goes three rounds. The male has to get at least one point per round and three points total to win. He needs to win at least one point in the first match to advance to Round Two. He has to have at least two points at the end of round two and three points by the end of the match. If you can prevent him from scoring, you win."

"Sounds like a typical date."

"Exactly. Except you're naked right at the start."

"Okay," Helen said. "I get it. But what happens if two guys win in the semi-finals and end up in the final match? Or two females?"

"A coin is flipped. The winner chooses a surrogate. Like, a guy would choose a female who was already knocked out of the contest. If she wins, he wins."

"So, he has to choose someone who's already lost to be his champion? Is this fair?"

Katrina arched her eyebrow. "Look, for you and me, this is about the contest and the prize and the winning. But the people watching are completely focused on the violent fucking. That's what brings the money in. The promoters aren't interested in making the contest fair. They just want to put on a show, and the contest is the excuse."

"Well, I don't like it."

"Too late to do anything about it. You signed the form. For the next few hours, you have no rights. Even if you change your mind, they actually have the legal authority to grab you and drag you to the ring."

"I realize that," Helen acknowledged. "I read the release before I signed it. They can do almost anythng they want to me so long as there won't be permanent injury. If I win, it'll be worth it."

"Even if I don't win," Katrina said, "I plan to enjoy myself. Fending off horny guys is a lot of fun. I spend a lot of Friday nights doing exactly that. Sometimes, I fight them off. Sometimes, I let them conquer. Either way, it's a great way to end a date. Now let's hurry. It's almost my turn in the ring."

They arrived just in time for Katrina to get checked in. The announcer called out, "And now, in Ring Number Three, we have newcomer PussyLock versus last year's champion, The Cherry Popper."

The two took off their robes and faced their corner coaches. The Cherry Popper's coach, a cute girl with short brown hair, dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. She was fluffing him, Helen assumed, getting him ready to try and penetrate his opponent. Katrina, now called PussyLock, was given a different treatment. Her coach took what looked like a turkey baster and seemed to shove it up into Katrina's pussy. Lube, Helen guessed.

A bell rang. Cherry Popper and PussyLock moved toward each other. He lunged. She evaded. He tried to grab her. She dropped to the canvas and rolled between his legs, tapping his cock as she ducked under it.

But the tap was a mistake. It slowed her down. Cherry Popper was able to spin quickly and grab Katrina's upper arm. He pulled her up into a standing position and hugged her tight from behind. He was bigger and stronger and used that to good advantage.

He leaned on her, pushing her forward, and down, making her bow. And he bowed with her, covering her from behind like an animal about to mount his mate. Gradually, he maneuvered her into the position he wanted, her ass and pussy inches from his stiff cock.

"Drop!" Helen whispered, willing Katrina to hear her. The first round was almost up. If Katrina would just collapse to her knees, Cherry Popper couldn't penetrate her. He had no points in the round so far. She just had to fend him off for a few more seconds and she'd win.

But Katrina didn't hear her. And didn't seem to think of dropping on her own. She struggled against Cherry Popper's hold, but he was too strong for her. His dick made contact with her pussy, one point right there. But now he was in position and he took advantage. Slowly, he pushed right up into her, sinking himself deep in her pussy.

When the bell ended the first round, Cherry Popper was awarded three points. The match was over. Katrina had lost.

Helen met her at the corner as the rope was lifted and Katrina ducked under and left the wrestling ring. She seemed a little disgruntled, but not overly upset.

"You okay?" Helen asked.

"I'm fine. Better than fine, really."

"Good. I was afraid you'd be angry or depressed."

"Nah. I wish I could have gotten the prize money, but I look at the bright side. I just had a cock inside me. Any day I can say that is a good day."

"Did you come?"

Katrina shook her head. "No. Maybe if it had gone on a little longer. But it made me wet. And I'll be jilling off to the memory of that for years to come."

"I think you lost on purpose," Helen accused.

"Hell no! I would,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,never lose on purpose. That would spoil everything. I love, love, love rough sex. It is the biggest turn on of all to be completely overpowered by a man and thoroughly used. Possessed. I don't want a guy to ask me for permission or wait to be invited. I don't want to be treated like a precious virgin princess. I want to be taken like an animal. Modern guys aren't supposed to ever do that. And modern girls aren't supposed to like it. But there's nothing I want more. And getting fucked in the ring while thousands watch adds a whole lot of spice. That's why I wanted to enter these games. And I fight hard to win so it will be all the sweeter when I lose."

Accepting that, Helen followed Katrina away from the three main rings to the sides, where a number of lesser games were happening.

Katrina grinned and elbowed Helen as they passed a group of naked people on a large mat. "I don't know how those guys managed to get in those positions, but that girl had five dicks inside her."

"Five? Where?"

"Two in her pussy, two in her mouth, and one in her ass. I wish I was her."

"What's your record?" Helen asked.

"At one time? Just two. And I've never tried DP, sad to say."

Maybe today's your day."

"Oh, definitely," Katrina agreed. "There are some fantasy booths where you can try the things you've always wanted to or learn new techniques."

"Are there any techniques you don't already know?"

"Who knows? No way to know what you don't know until you know it."

They watched the blowjob contests for a little while, where girls competed to suck off as many guys as possible in thirty minutes. But then the announcer was calling for CockBlocker and Penetrator. That was Helen's cue to get in the ring.

She was provided with a corner coach. A pretty little redhead helped her out of her robe, filled her pussy with lube, and fitted the gag into Helen's mouth. The rigid plastic held her mouth open, but it wasn't too uncomfortable. A dentist's x-ray films were much worse.

When the bell rang, Penetrator started off very aggressively. There was no circling or feeling each other out. He just grabbed for her. But Helen was wary and prepared for such a move. She'd fended off quite a few dates. Penetrator managed to touch his fingers to her shoulder, but they just slid off as she twisted away.

Her strategy, she decided, would be speed. She would evade him. It occurred to her that this was probably every girl's strategy. In the twenty years of this contest, a woman had only won the big prize four times. Men were just bigger and stronger and had a longer reach. There probably wasn't any strategy that could ever be called effective. The women who won probably got lucky.

But in this match, Helen got lucky herself. Penetrator, desperate to score his first point, with the seconds ticking down to the end of the round, threw himself at Helen. He would have been successful at grabbing her at least, except that he tripped, and his shoulder pushed Helen to the side as he fell face first onto the canvas, barely catching himself with his hands.

Seeing an opportunity, Helen dropped to the canvas herself. She lay on top of him, her face over his ass, and reached between his legs. Grabbing his balls with one hand and his cock with the other, she effectively immobilized him. He couldn't throw her off without incurring a serious injury and there was no way to dislodge her gently.

When the bell rang, Penetrator was still at zero points. The match was over. "And CockBlocker wins!" the announcer called out. "She advances to Level Two. Penetrator is knocked out."

Helen was surprised at how thrilled and excited she was, not only by her win, but by the match itself. Her heart was racing. She felt super alive. And her pussy was watering. It was the weirdest thing. Helen had never been one for rape fantasies. But these games were as close you could get to rape and still be consensual. And Helen had never been so turned on in her life. Maybe Katrina was wiser than she seemed.

She found her friend in a group of naked women. One girl was sitting on the mat, leaning back, with her legs wide open. Katrina was lying on her stomach between the girl's thighs, studying her pussy as if she were a student doing homework on the floor. But instead of gripping a pencil, Katrina's fingers were bunched together into a wedge shape as she slowly pushed her hand into the other girl's pussy.

"That's it," said one of the other women. "Twist your wrist back and forth and keep pushing."

"Twisting as you push," the girl being fisted instructed, "keeps spreading the lube and helps the contours of your hand ease into me little by little."

"It feels so funky," Katrina said.

"Have you never fingered yourself?" the girl questioned.

"Of course, but feeling pussy on one or two fingers is different from feeling it all over my hand."

Have you ever been fisted by someone else?"

"No," Katrina shook her head. "But you can bet that's going to change. And soon."

"When you're ready, I'll be glad to fist you myself."

"So would I," said three of the other girls. Katrina agreed to all of them.

Helen wandered a little further and watched several amateur pornographers recording a gang bang posing session. "This is called "airtight," said a man supervising the sex. "A dick in the pussy, a dick in the ass, and a dick in the mouth. She's basically plugged up in every hole. Get a lot of closeups. Amber here is breathing through her nose. She can hold these guys like this for twenty-thirty minutes if need be. "

Helen whispered to three of the photographers and got them to agree to e-mail her copies of the photos. She had to promise a blowjob to one of them, but it didn't bother her. She had no qualms about trading sexual favors for things she wanted. A man's gender gave him the advantage of size and strength. But the female had advantages as well. Entering a rape contest was something brand new and scary, but the occasional act of prostitution had never troubled her.

The announcer's voice came over the PA. "Would CockBlocker and The Manhood report to Ring 3? Your match is about to begin."

Helen had decided on a new strategy for this one. It was risky. It might cost her the contest. But it was clear that evasion was of limited value. She climbed into the ring, allowed the corner coach to take her robe and insert the hard plastic gag, and prepared herself mentally.

When the bell rang, she and The Manhood started circling each other, feeling each other out, looking for weakness. Helen suddenly surprised the crowd and rushed him. The female had little to gain by getting close in this contest, so it took everyone by surprise.

Helen dropped to her knees in front of The Manhood, grabbed his cock and took it into her mouth. It tasted very strange, not like any cock she'd ever tasted before.

Then she remembered. This was the second tier of the competition. The Manhood had to have won his previous match to still be in the contest. He could have done that by tapping his opponent's face with his dick three times, one in each round. But he'd obviously managed to stuff his cock in his female opponent and gain three points all at once. Helen was tasting the combined flavors of pussy and lube.

She'd never tried pussy before, not even her own. She'd considered it a few times, but the desire, if she felt it at all, was not strong within her. The opportunity had never come up and she had not felt a need to arrange an opportunity.

But now was not the time to be thinking of these matters. She had a round to win. And The Manhood already had two points. Getting his cock in the female's mouth had gotten him nearly to the finish line. But Helen thought to finish him a different way.

The plastic gag kept her mouth wide open and prevented her from using her lips, but Helen was an expert with her tongue. She licked and stroked and massaged his cock. She brought her hands up to softly tickle his balls and the base of his shaft.

His best strategy was to completely pull out and then either shove himself back in or just slap her face with his cock. Either way would put him over the three points and win him the match. But it is hard for any man to stop a woman from sucking his dick. That's almost impossible.

And Helen was good. Damn good. The Manhood didn't make it to the bell ending the round. He spilled over her tongue and into her throat seconds before that happened. Helen smiled as she swallowed, proud of her accomplishment. She might still lose, but she'd at least made her opponent come in her mouth. Perhaps the strategy would pay off.

Helen went to her corner when the bell rang. The coach gave her a sly grin and offered her a choice of water or whiskey as the gag was removed. She took the alcohol, cleansing her mouth as she sat on the stool and watched the replay on the giant televisions surrounding the arena.

It was exhilarating to watch the cock in her mouth on those enormous screens. She'd made sex tapes for her own use before. She had often watched herself giving head as she masturbated. Occasionally, she'd played them for a lover to turn him on or to show off her promiscuity. But this time, she got to experience 25,000 people watching her blow this complete stranger on screens that were probably hundreds of feet wide. It made her pussy juice like never before.

She looked at the other corner. The Manhood's corner coach was on her knees, furiously fluffing him. It seemed desperate. Helen smiled at the sight. This might work after all.

The fluffer gave up and signaled to the referee. They spoke together for a moment while The Manhood glared hatefully at Helen. Finally, the announcer gave the bad news. "And in the match between CockBlocker and The Manhood, we have an involuntary withdrawal. The Manhood is unable to sustain a hard-on and is incapable of finishing the match. The rules clearly state that if the male contestant is unable to penetrate the female, it puts him at too great of a disadvantage.

"As The Manhood cannot continue, this match is over. CockBlocker wins by default.'

There was some booing, but Helen didn't care. Some people might consider it cheating to disable her opponent's ability to get it up, but she'd given these people a hell of a good show. And she'd won her match. That was good enough. The booing didn't bother her.

She toured the other events, filled with pride in herself. While she waited for her next round, she watched a group of women standing in a long line. The line ended at an orange table under a handwritten sign reading, "HELP ME REACH 5000!" When a girl reached the front of the line, she lifted her skirt or pulled down her pants and either leaned over the table or hopped up onto it and spread her legs. A tall, geeky-looking guy would then approach her, penetrate her, thrust three or four times, then withdraw. Another girl, not one of those in the line, would take a picture of each girl as she got fucked, and then had her sign her name to a list of names.

Watching the activity and listening to the snippets of conversation, Helen finally deduced what was happening. The guy had a goal. He was trying to fuck five thousand women. The girls in line were helping him to reach that goal. The photograph and signature were just verifications of each act of penetration and the individual he'd penetrated.

Helen approached the girl taking the pictures. "Don't you ever get in line?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I was his first. He was so awkward in college, he couldn't get a date, much less get laid. I took pity on him and took his virginity. I took a selfie of the two of us fucking in case he wanted to prove the conquest. Then I arranged for several girls in my sorority to give him a chance and I got them to take their own selfies. Word got around, and it became a kind of campus fad. Like the Ice Bucket Challenge or the Ghost Pepper Challenge. Girls would challenge each other to fuck Hal. Eventually, I tracked down as many as I could and got them to send me a copy of their photographs proving their participation, and I started collecting their names. By the time we graduated, Hal had nearly seven hundred notches on his belt.

"I've been keeping it going, for my own amusement. I drag him to porn conventions, stripper contests, a hooker gathering in Berlin, and these competitions. The goal keeps changing as he meets it. When we got here, he had fucked 4,127 women. So, I made him a sign and found a place to set this up."

Helen watched a little longer, then shook her head. "I'm sorry. I'm one of the contestants. I'm waiting for my next match to be called. I don't have time to stand in your line. But it sounds like fun. I might come back afterwards."