Route 66 Ch. 01

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2 Gorgeous Cockteasers start hitchhiking across the country.
9.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/16/2016
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Sitting on the leather couch in the front yard of her mother's single wide trailer, Cassandra and her best friend forever Rebecca were already restless. Mid May and just returned from their first year of college, the return to the white trash existence they had both grown up in was a jarring reality shock. Now having tasted a better life, the small burning urge to escape the world of pork rinds, mullets and PBR was now a roaring out of control wildfire. Laying lifeless on the inappropriate indoor couch used outside, Cassandra looked over at her friend and sighed.

"Rebecca" Cassandra asked "I don't know about you, but I am already bored out of my mind! If we have to spend all summer in this town I think I am gonna kill myself!"

Nodding, Rebecca laid her head back on the couch and sighed at the prospects for fun for the next few months. They were not bright. Her friend Cassandra was the dreamer of the two of them so she was used to her complaints but since she was far more realistic about their situation her heart sank as she realized that tomorrow she would have to go down to Bubba's Burger Barn and see if she could get her old job back.

Turning to Cassandra she added. "I agree, but Jesus, we just got here yesterday so we might as well make the best of it. Plus, where are we going to go?" Sitting up on the couch, she held up her hand and pulled down her fingers one by one as she made her points. "We have no money, no car and no job and unless we can go back to flipping burgers, no prospects for money, so that kind of limits our options doesn't it?"

It was true, their circumstances were a problem. For years Cassandra and Rebecca had always been best friends, from the first day they met in kindergarten to now the being roommates at the big state college they both attended. College was expensive and since both girls came from quite poor single mother homes each were loaded up with loans, grants and every cent they had ever earned to go to school. Having similar backgrounds, they had liked each other instantly when they first met in kindergarten and over the years found their personalities complimented each other perfectly, sometimes for the good but often times for mischief.

Now home for the summer, neither were happy about the prospects of a long hot summer in this charmless backwater. They were both too young, too beautiful and far too intelligent to waste their charms on the yahoos and rednecks that populated the festering West Virginia shithole they called home. Each had had a burning desire to escape this pit their whole lives. College was their ticket out, but they had not graduated yet so they still had to come back home. Their freshman year had ended just a week earlier and it had surpassed all their expectations, but the reality of what they were returning too was harsh as they took the long sad bus ride home.

Minutes passed in silence as they lay motionless on the couch before Cassandra leapt up with a devilish grin on her face. Rebecca was already suspicious as she had seen that look before. Sighing she already resigned herself to acquiesce to whatever crazy scheme was about to be suggested. It was pointless to resist Cassandra when she had her mind made up on something, and the gleam in her eye and the smirk on her face alerted Rebecca that what she had planned was going to be epic. Picking up the conversation like it never stopped, Cassandra spoke.

"Ah, you are forgetting what we do have." Striking up her most incredibly purposeful seductive pose, she stuck her left pinky innocently in her mouth while she casually twirled her long black hair around her right index finger. Jutting her impressive jugs forward and her delicious ass back simultaneously, in her best Lolita-like impression she said "Mister, can you give me and my sister a ride? We have a sick Grand-Ma in LA and need to get there as soon as possible."

Snickering Rebecca nodded. "OK, maybe we do have something." Rebecca answered while laughing but added. "But Honestly Cass, this is too insane EVEN for you! Are you suggesting we hitchhike to California? Are you crazy? The morgues are FILLED with attractive twenty-year-old girls that did something far less stupid than that."

Smirking, Cassandra shook her head. That was a very adult response from her friend. Thoughtful, well-reasoned, impeccably logical, and of course NO FUN AT ALL. Smiling at her friend she said "Look Rebecca, where is your sense of adventure. We both agreed that we would rather burn out than rust, and we are only going to be young, beautiful and crazy once, so let's do it. Let's have the adventure of a lifetime! When we are old dried up women in the home, rocking our chairs out on the porch of the Golden Age center we can look back to THIS summer as the high point of our crazy youth."

Rebecca still shook her head, seriously worried about the obvious safety aspects of two young females hitch hiking across country by themselves. It was truly insane, but she knew that there would be nothing Cassandra could ever say or do to convince her to join her on this truly idiotic stunt. Nothing, nothing could ever convince her no matter WHAT Cassandra said.

"Do I need to employ the Uncle Rob rule?" Cassandra asked with a smile.

Sighing, Rebecca angrily glared back at her friend. This was dirty pool. Ever since they were kids Cassandra could always force her to agree to almost anything by employing the "Uncle Rob Rule". This referred back to the time that Rebecca's Uncle Rob promised them both $100 if they agreed to drive him home after a hard night of drinking with her late Dad. This was particularly astonishing given that both girls were only 13 at the time and obviously did not have driver's licenses, but Rebecca agreed and Cassandra for once was the more cautious of the two. Rebecca really wanted the money, but was afraid to do it by herself as she did not yet know how to drive.

Begging her friend pitifully, Cassandra finally said she would do it but only if she could call upon Rebecca to return the favor in the future. A permanent "get out of jail free" card for any crazy request. Since that time, Rebecca had had many crazy stunts foisted on her by her friend because of the "Uncle Rob Rule" but this would no doubt be the most crazy of all of them all.

With a deep resigned sigh Rebecca nodded. "OK, I guess I am going to have to go with you since you brought out the big guns, but I hope this does not turn out tragically. Honestly, this feels like the beginning of a horror move." Holding her hand up she mockingly pretended to read out a future newspaper headline. "TWO ATTRACTIVE HITCHHIKING COLLEGE GIRLS FOUND MURDERED, HEADS STILL MISSING."

Cassandra just shook her head and smiled, trying her best to comfort her sensible but overly worried friend. They always had fun together and something in her gut told her that this would be the best summer of their lives so she had no fear.

Rebecca, exhaled loudly and said "OK, you win, but this ENDS the "Uncle Rob Rule" now and forever!" Smiling, Cassandra nodded as Rebecca sighed and asked "When do you want to go?"

"How about tomorrow?" Cassandra snapped back immediately quickly adding "That will give us a full three months of fun and travel before we have to get back to college this fall. I want to see Hollywood and the Pacific Ocean... plus who knows, I bet there are a bunch of sexy surfer dudes just waiting for us to get out there."

"OK, tomorrow it is." answered Becky. "I will pack my backpack tonight and get my hiking boots. Meet you here first thing tomorrow morning?"

"Deal!" said Cassandra as they both parted company. With a cross country trip just hours away both would have much they had to get done before they left. Watching her sexy friend walk down the dirt road back to her own Mom's trailer, she literally vibrated with excitement as she went inside. The rest of the day was very busy packing, as it is more difficult to pack light than to pack heavy Finally around 11PM she flopped back on her bed exhausted.

Cassandra could barely get to sleep that night. Thumbing their way across country would be the craziest thing they had ever done, and as she grinned in anticipation of their trip, she fondly remembered a long series of insane stunts they had both engaged in the past. She had a sight pause thinking about Rebecca's safety warning, but she knew she would come around once they were on the road. Remembering Rebecca had also not wanted to conduct the two-woman jock strap raid she had organized against the local frat house, she also knew that afterwards that Rebecca's pussy was purring from the experience just as much as hers was.

Eventually Cassandra was able to settle down and slowly drift off to sleep, dreams of dipping her lovely feet and long luscious legs in the Pacific Ocean filling her subconscious. A huge smile formed on her lips as she drifted off and despite the protests from her friend, she was glad they were going together. As she surrendered to sleep her imagination was already creating lots of plans for she and her hot friend to employ on the unsuspecting men of America.

She and Rebecca were inseparable and both so scorchingly hot they always attracted quite a bit of male attention so she knew getting a ride was not going to be a problem. Cassandra herself is breathtaking. When she enters a room with her long flowing black hair, that she always wears loose, and her shockingly tall height (over six foot three inches) her imposing gorgeous presence instantly demands everyone's full attention.

All through junior high school all of the other kids used to tease her about being some kind of Amazon woman, but when she blossomed into her 42 DDs the jokes stopped and the perpetual whistling and lame redneck attempts at seduction began. She always knew that it was unusual for her to be that tall and also a knockout, but she knew she was beautiful and used that point to her advantage every chance she got. Few, if any men could resist her charms once she had them in her sights.

Rebecca too was extremely attractive and equally as gorgeous as her tall busty friend. She was a classic "cool" blonde that defy the stereotypes, not ditzy but dangerous and seductive. Equally stacked as her brunette buddy, she was just as much as head turner as Cassandra. Cassandra may have had height to differentiate her from other hotties, but Rebecca had the most perfectly shaped ass on earth. Almost completely round and delicious, in tight clothing you could just barely make out the dimples on each of her cheeks. Both of the two girls were goddesses and they knew it and acted upon it often.

Around 7 o'clock the next morning Rebecca showed up at Cassandra's house despite her gnawing reservations about the trip and also knowing that her friend was NOT a morning person so she knew being early was a waste. "I bet she is not even up yet!" Becky thought to herself as she walked up the driveway, but surprisingly enough Cassandra was already waiting for her on the front porch, bags all packed ready to go.

"I thought you said you were coming early?" Cassandra asked jokingly.

"I think I hear hell freezing over" replied Becky holding her hand up to her ear. "In all the years I have known you, I have never seen you up this early once!"

Blushing, Cassandra said "I could barely get to sleep last night thinking about the trip and can't wait to get started I am so excited!"

Shaking her head, Rebecca laughed and then looked hard at her early rising friend.

"What in the hell are you wearing?" she asked as she looked Cassandra up and down. Clad in an extremely tight tee-shirt and obviously was not wearing a bra underneath as her clearly erect nipples telegraphed she looked beyond hot. The fading thin shirt puckered around her tremendous chest leaving a clear outline of her lovely breasts and cleavage and the whole effect made her look like every fourteen-year-old boy's wet dream come to life. If her revealing shirt were not enough to ensure they would get a ride quickly, she was also wearing a pair of very, very short cutoff jeans with slits up the side that would have made Daisy Duke blush.

"I did not want to have to walk too much today!" answered Cassandra winking.

"Shit Girl, with that outfit on you probably won't even have to walk to the end of the driveway!" answered Rebecca who now felt subconscious about what she was wearing. Looking down at her old pair of hiking shorts, thick worn out boots and a paint splattered curve hiding sweat shirt she definitely did not exude the raw sexual power her friend did.

Shaking her head, Cassandra sarcastically said "Look, I don't want to be the only one working the road today sweetie. Come inside and let's get you fixed up."

Cassandra commented that the shorts were okay since they nicely showed off Rebecca's legs and incredible ass but the sweatshirt had to go. "First, let's remove the sleeves, you don't mind do you?" Cassandra asked as she snapped the scissors in the air.

Rebecca shook her head that she did not mind and let Cassandra proceed to sex up her outfit. After the sleeves were removed she also proceeded to cut the bottom of the sweatshirt off so that it just barely covered her the bottoms of her breasts. "Now, off comes the bra and you are ready to go. You of all people should know the power of well displayed under boob!"

Rebecca removed her bra and putting the remains of her sweatshirt back on, turned and looked at them both in the mirror. She had to admit, they both were gorgeous and no doubt no straight man would be able to drive by without leering. Pleased with Cassandra's makeshift tailoring, she grinned. "Yes" Rebecca said, "I don't think we will be doing much walking at all today!" Both laughing they walked out the front door and headed for the highway singing "California here we come".

Being dressed as they were they did not feel the need to start thumbing yet as they had all day. Both of them were athletic and enjoyed hiking and besides they knew that once they got tired they could very easily get a ride whenever they wanted. After a couple of hours of pounding the pavement in the hot sun Rebecca started to complain.

"I am really tired Cassandra, lets either get a ride or stop and take a break, I cannot take another step."

"OK, wus," Cassandra snapped back half kidding. "I guess it's time to start putting our assets to work." Sensuously thrusting her hip out she stuck out her hand and started thumbing. After a few cars went by suddenly an old 1972 Cadillac convertible turned on its signal and started slowing down.

Feeling nervous now as the first ride of the day had arrived, Rebecca whispered in Cassandra's ear.

"Look, if the guy doesn't look right let's not get in, PROMISE." Agreeing, they both waited for the car to stop.

When they first caught a glimpse of the driver they both looked at each other and smiled. This guy definitely looked right they thought as each felt a little twinge in their lady parts as they looked at the driver. Wearing a skintight black tee-shirt which accentuated his extremely muscular chest and arms, his stubbled face and masculine jaw did not look threatening, but only hot. Topped off by a thick mane of wavy dark hair and a slight "bad boy with a heart of gold" look coming from his brown bedroom eyes, he pushed every one of their buttons.

Cassandra triumphantly looked back at Rebecca and quietly said "Meet with your approval Miss Worrywart?"

Rebecca nodded her head vigorously as she felt the first flush of her arousal. Thinking about how this guy was definitely doable she even thought that if he played his cards right he might have quite a payoff from both of them for giving them a lift.

"Need some help?" the handsome stranger asked, his dark eyes already scanning both of them up and down with a long lingering lust filled glare.

"Yes" answered Cassandra in the most seductive voice she could muster. As she leaned forward over his passenger window to talk to him she made sure he got a good long look at her impressive cleavage that was bursting out of the top of her painfully tight t-shirt. "We are heading to California for the summer and were wondering if you could give us a ride as far west as you can?"

Hearing this the guys eyes just lit up like he won the Pennsylvania lottery.

"Sure thing beautiful, I can take you and your equally hot friend as far west as Chicago so hop in." Smiling, both girls jumped inside, Cassandra up front and Rebecca in the back as the black car pulled off in a cloud of dust. Sitting in the back, Rebecca slipped off her boots and began massaging her aching feet. "Definitely better than walking!" she thought to herself as they sped down the road.

"Since we are going to be together for a while, I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Stuart, and you two are" he asked holding his hand out for the girls to shake. The girls both introduced themselves and instantly a rapport was formed. Watching her friend obviously become aroused by their driver, Rebecca sat back in the back seat and sighed. Things were going quite well, and as she spread her arms back in the wide large red leather seats and felt the warm sun beat on her face she breathed in deeply. Cassandra was obviously right, she worried too much.

For the first few hours it was very pleasant as Cassandra and Stuart flirted shamelessly back and forth in the front seat while Rebecca sat in the back enjoying the late spring sun in the convertible. Stuart kept "accidentally" brushing his hand against Cassandra's bare leg or arm when he would change the radio station or flick his cigarette and from his observation of her reaction it was obvious that she appreciated the feel of his hand on her flesh. She reciprocated his flirts by lightly stroking the back of his neck as he drove and in an over the top move, kicked off her shoes and leaned up against the passenger door and proceeded to wriggling her toes into his lap. "Just want to stretch her legs for a bit." She innocently said as Stuart jumped but smiled at the visitors in his lap.

It was quite obvious that there was a huge sexual spark between the two, and from the back seat Rebecca watched on, both in envy but also admiration. She and Cassandra often shared boyfriends in the past, like they shared everything, and she was quite impressed as she watched her get this guy's pot roaring to a boil. Already Rebecca was imagining running her hands through his thick wavy hair and nibbling on his neck when it was her turn to sit in the front seat.

She knew he was interested since every time their eyes met in the rear view mirror he would knowingly wink at her. Listening to his playful banter as he was talking his way into Cassandra's panties she grinned. She was impressed, having heard every pickup line imaginable, she thought that if this guy's tongue was as good at licking as it was at sweet talking, no doubt both their panties would be on the floor of his hotel tonight.

Cassandra was having a ball teasing Stuart as she flexed her bare feet in his lap as he drove. She luxuriated in both the feel of his full erection struggling to burst out of his jeans, and his shower of compliments he poured on her as he worked his charms. Looking back at Rebecca in the back seat she winked, giving the signal that they would definitely both be fucking him later.

Stuart was going crazy. The delicious sights of his two passengers drove a white hot bolt of molten iron right into his libido, and as he felt Cassandra's toes continuing to probe and prod his aching balls, he got hornier and hornier as he drove. Feeling his dick swelling inside his tight jeans, his mind began to snap as images of him plunging his fat cock in between Cassandra's tits and then ramming into the gorgeous ass of Rebecca kept flashing before his eyes. Finally, after several hours on the interstate of this treatment and his growing erotic hallucinations, Stuart announced that he had some business to transact in the next town so he needed to pull off the main highway.