Rule of Women Ch. 02

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When in the Arena, run.
15.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/07/2017
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When in Rome; Run

The needle pierced skin as it slid into the flesh of Jared's arm. Suppressing a wince, he watched as a petite female attendant in a lab coat push the plunger down. The liquid went painfully into the muscle of his arm. An arm that was sculpted with bulging veins. Once the pain dissipated, a warm sense of contentment washed over as the drug spread through his body. Then the affect happened.

Against his will, he began to get horny. It made him painfully aware that he was naked. Naked and strapped down, which was too bad for him. If he was free, he would have grabbed the smaller woman and fucked the hell out of her. Instead, he would stay strapped to the table awaiting the shot to fully go through his system. It was after all, the final step in preparation.

Twelve men were circled around on the wall. Each of them was being attended too by another woman. Jared struggled to relax but the sounds of another attendant slurping herself up and down another male's cock as she sucked him off was flustering. Another could be seen by him riding her charge with wild abandon. A third yet was bent over in front of hers and was impaling herself on his cock with a poisoning speed. If the situation was different and not so dire, Jared would have enjoyed the sight more. If you had asked him, he would have denied it, but now that the serum had worked itself through his body, his cock was throbbing at full attention. Hard like a diamond and big to boot, but he never thought it was something to brag about.

"Oh," his attendant said in surprise. Like she had just seen a cock for the first time, but then all women were like that. Cock-hungry sluts is what they were. A few women gasped in adoration and he watched as his attendant reached out to grasp him.

"That's mine," he said coldly.

"For now maybe, but soon it won't be," she said before turning around from him. When she turned back to him, she was holding up another needle for him to see.

"One would normally be enough, but seeing how you refused some of the relief I could provide, I am going to give you too."

He swore at her, which only elicited a laugh from her. She stuck the needle in the same arm. When the plunger dropped this time, there was no pain now, but a feeling of unadulterated lust filled him. He could smell not just the women in the room, but especially her. Her scent of want and sex. Every muscle strained as he tried to break out of the restraints as his baser instincts overruled his mind.

"Now you want it," she said with amused laughter.

"Yes," he said. "Let me out and you'll beg me to stop."

"Promises," she said. "I may be small, but I can take whatever you can dish."

It almost seemed like there for a moment to Jared that she was actually going to release him.

"It's too bad that you already had your chance," she said with a frown. "What you did to your owner is just unspeakable."

"That paper your looking at doesn't tell what I did does it?"

"Refusal of sex with your proprietor. A crime that is punishable by the Arena."

Some bell rang and then all of a sudden, all of the other attendants began to leave the room. Though the one's involved in their unsavory activities hesitated. Including his.

"Such a pity to have wasted your ample talents. Any woman it seems would have been lucky to have you."

"You're right and I hated mine," he said coldly. It was the mental push he needed to regain control. He watched as a look of horror came across the blonde's face.

"How can a man hate a woman?" She said. "It's just unnatural."

Her eyes narrowed at him.

"You're sick," she said with a finality before turning on her heel and leaving. Once she was gone, a metal door swung into place with a click. Men around him began sobbing.

"Gonna be fun in the arena boys," one man shouted. Another roared in agreement, but the majority were silent after that.

Jared took the chance now to look over the room and it disturbed him how many hard cocks were in front of him. That drew his. Attention t his own throbbing member. Never before had he needed relief so badly in his life. Something that his "owner" would have appreciated, but the sudden thought pushed his lust down. With a shiver and a deep breaths, Jared felt in control.

"Good evening men," a female voice suddenly said with booming excitement. "Let em be the first to welcome all of you to the Arena."

Somewhere there was the sound of rising voices. It sounded dull, but it grew into an audible roar.

The Arena. Everyone shuddered at the name if they were a male, including Jared. Every man knew what the Arena was. A place for men to be hunted down for sexual sport by women who were typically enhanced, always powerful ad athletic. Jared had seen it many times on the tele, and often time while be forced to pleasure his mistress as she screamed in excitement at the show. He hated the days were she had a party in tribute to the show. That always ended in some sort of orgy where he was forced to sleep with countless women.

"Here that guys?" The voice continued. "There is the sound of al your

spectators. Hundreds of women who have payed well to be here today."

He groaned in annoyance.

"First let it be known that this show is for entertainment purposes, but be advise you are al criminals. I'm looking at many of the the crimes you all have been convicted of. There is even one in here for refusal of sex."

Jared grinned at that.

"If you guys could here the gasps of terror."

"Shut up will ya," another man shouted.

The sobbing stopped in reply, but Jared doubted the comment was meant for that. Probably another who shared his spirit.

"Being that most of you are fit specimen's of men, it has been decided that today the Arena will have an open event."

Jared relaxed just a bit from that news. Open events were wild card days. Men would be set free in an open environment where they would evade their pursuer's of women. It was a game and whatever woman managed to get a man to what was affectionally called the "Gate," would be granted full ownership over the man. Though if a man managed to evade long enough, he was granted full rights as a sovereign citizen.

"Today men, you will find yourself in grassland when you enter the Arena. It is the hope of this woman that you all will disperse from one another and that almost all of you will avoid the forest on the other side of the Arena. To convince you men to avoid the forest, special plants have been grown that will provide some extra fun for any risk takers."

Jared like the sound of the forest. If it was filled with fun plants, that they wouldn't just be an obstacle to him.

"As is standard for these events, you will be provided one hour to run and hide. Also, when you are caught, the event will be televised so please, from the bottom of every woman's heart, put up a good fight."

Jared was astonished at this part of the Arena. This part was never televised. Especially when the woman went into a spell about legal rights and such. None of which mattered in this case to the men, but the biggest part was that anyone could be killed. Death coupled with sex. A combination that women found extra tantalizing and Jared knew there was an established squad of women who would seek out at least one man to kill. With his crime, it would probably be him.

"For any man who manages to evade capture for more than forty-eight hours, he will be granted his freedoms. Though between you guys and me, that has only ever happened once in the two-years the Arena has existed."

Jared remembered that win. Some lucky bloke had managed almost a week in the wilderness. Women had been outraged if he remembered correctly. The scandal being how men could want to be away from women willingly.

But nonetheless, Jared wanted to hear those words. A binding promise that spoke to him of salvation.

"Now," the voice continued. "Please exit by the way the door opens. In the next room, you will find some clothing and items to help you. Make sure to grab a back pack."

Suddenly, the straps snapped lose and Jared fell to the floor. All the other men did too, but he scantly registered that information before he went on.

He was the first to go, which was all good to him. In the next room, he pilfered and found a nice pair of boots, jeans, and socks. There wasn't a shirt in sight, but that was probably so that eye-candy could be presented to the spectators. Then doing as he was bid he trapped a pack and shouldered it.

After a bit, the last of the men came into the room. Some complained about the clothing options but most just dressed silently. There wouldn't be any team work in this group. Either way, he was lucky to have been the first one into the room. One poor sap only managed to find a loin clothe to wear, to which Jared kept chuckling to himself over.

Then as they waited, some men began to complain about how horny they were. A few had begun to masturbate in earnest. Not Jared though. He sat against a wall and did some breathing exercises trying to steady his berating heart. After a bit, he managed to get his heart rate down and seemed to himself, stifle the effects of the drugs pumping in his system.

Then another door opened. Jared was the first one up and through it not even bothering to acknowledge the other men. He heard others footfalls behind him. Reason he was so driven is because he had heard stories to what happened to men who stayed. The others may have too, but all probably had. Seen an episode or two where men refused to exit the room and into the Arena. Those horrified scream were probably etched permanently into the minds of any man who had witnessed it.

After walking down an empty corridor, all twelve of the men walked through an exit. The sunlight was blinding, it haven been a week since Jared had seen sun. His ears filled with the continuous roar of a crowd. He took a moment to look around.

Framing the entrance in the Arena was an amphitheater filled with cheering women and their men. The men of course, where all waiting on the women in some sort of fashion. He even saw a few couples having sex. Other still where openly masturbating while their men stood idly by next to them like properly trained dogs. Then a horn sounded and without warning, the crowd crescendoed even louder.

Jared was never one to look back. He took off towards the forest, which he could barely see on the horizon. To him, all he needed to do was make it to the forest and he would have a much easier time. The deeper he got into it, the more likely he was going to hit that evasion clock. He just hoped another man or two had the same idea. No use was a hiding spot if you were the only one seen going towards it.

For Jared it felt like an eternity had passed since he had started running. Because he was so fit though, he surmised that only thirty minutes had passed for him to reach the forest. Not wanting to think too much about what he was to run into, he just plunged into the thick foliage of the place.

That was a bad idea it turned out. No sooner had he gone in, that he started gathering that the forest really was no ordinary thing. It seemed to be raining, but to his astonishment, it was just dripping sap. He got tangled in some plants and everything was hot and sticky. So much so that he realized that was the trap of the forest. He figure there would have been some weird look plants or something, but he was no botanist. By the time he took a few steps he was hornier than ever and his breath was coming in ragged shortness. But he pressed on, trying his breath exercises to some degree of success.

After he was in for what seemed like more than a few feet, he took his first break. Finding a tree to lean on, he took of his pack and decided to look in it. To his delight, there were water bottles, two of which he drank. There was also the tablet, though he didn't care to turn the thing on. Lastly there was some medical supplies.

He would have dwelled longer on that thought but the snap of a twig caused him to frantically gather his pack up. Heart beating fast, he waited quietly, hoping almost frantically that that he hadn't been discovered. Shaking, he almost cried out when a deer stepped out of the surrounding trees. He collected himself and as soon as it saw him it took off in a blur.

Jared let out his breath. As he calmed himself, he realized that his desire for sexual release was perversely overtaking his body once more. With a hard cock, he set off through the woods.

Now for Jared, he had watched the Arena many times. He didn't know where he was exactly in location of the world. He did know that in every iteration of the Arena, they had to be the same location. As such, he knew that there was a river that cut through the middle of the Arena. That is where he wanted to go. His goal was to follow that river to either the coast or up in the mountains. Either way, he reasoned that the water may help throw off his pursers or at least make him harder to follow. Not that he had anything to base on that assumption, but he had hope.

Twigs and vines snagged him as he went through the forest. As he went, the toxins promised that were secreted by the various plants soaked into him. He became delirious with not only the heat of the air, but with a lust coursing through him. Before he knew it, he was shedding clothes as he ran.

Jared was consumed by the thought of having sex. It was no wonder that he was naked, but one part of his mind had him hold onto the backpack. Be it an unconsciousness or an just his muscle memory realizing that backpack couldn't be discarded, he dragged it in one hand. His other hand was using the sap on his body to stroke himself.

How long he walked through the woods in that delirious state was unknown and unimportant to him. So when he heard a feminine voice swear, it brought him out of the trance. Deep breaths and standing still, he managed to numb himself temporarily to the effects of the drugs plaguing him.

Sneaking quietly as possible, he listened and tried to move to the voice of whatever female had spoken. After a minute, he was about to give up when the sounds of moaning filled his ears. The drugs in his system lurched against his rational mind. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Jared moved through the woods as quickly as possible to the sound.

He was lucky to not have to back track. As he snuck through the woods, the moaning becoming louder until there was a sudden burst of what sounded like completely abandoned pleasure. With a sudden wanton rush he ran through the trees until he saw the prize he was looking for.

She was laying on the ground in a really small clearing in between the trees. He saw her dark skin and was awed by the site of her four giant breasts. While she had a slightly athletic build, he was surprised that she was completely naked. There didn't even seem to be clothes laying around or even a weapon. It was a temptation that he couldn't resist. When he stepped out of the trees in from of her, she locked eyes with him.

"Well?" She said to him, but she didn't stop masturbating.

"Well what?" He replied.

"Aren't ye goin be tear'n this pussy up?" She said biting her lip. The scene was strangely erotic to him. Even though he wanted to escape and run away, it was the prospect of sex that kept him there.

Suddenly the woman was up in front of him, her hand replacing his. A moan sounded in his throat as she stroked him.

"Yes," she said with a hiss. "let's enjoy some pleasure together."

He wanted to pull away and somehow she sensed that. She pulled on his cock and suddenly he was laying on his back in the ground.

"Best prepare yerself boy," she said. He looked up her heaving chest and a lurch of disgustion went through him. There was no fighting what was about to happen. She may be repulsive, but his body craved release. "It's gonna be a rough ride."

The woman dropped down on him and he grunted out in pain as the air rushed out of his lungs. Hands roamed over his dick as she fished to get it inside of her.

With success, they both gasped out. Her in pleasure and him in pain. Painfully tight, he knew that the sex would only be for her own benefit. It was a reason why Jared had been refusing sex from his original owner. Always for her benefit. Never did she take into account his needs or pain. Just her own and just like the woman who was roughly riding him now.

"Oh lord," she said in a cry. With an iron grip, she grasped his wrist and force them onto on of the sets of her tits.

"Play with them," she said in a demanding voice. Jared not really caring anymore about his own pain decided to bring it to her. With a sudden twist of his wrist, he wring her nipples to what he hoped was a painful lesson. Instead, she let out a whoop and began riding him once more.

They stayed together for what seemed like hours. He watched as her body began to sheen in her exertion. What was worse it that she kept him buried deep inside of herself with little movement up and down his shaft. In short, her tight cunt maintained a vice-grip at the base of his cock and deprived him of any pleasure he may have gotten from the sex. Pain or no pain, his body didn't seem to mind one bit.

"So close, please make it hurt more," she begged of him.

"Bring those tit here," he said no longer concerned about the ramifications of giving in. To him, now she wanted him, he was going to give it to her. If only she had listened to him then.

Whoever the woman was, she was still only concerned with her pleasure and reaching the orgasmic bliss she sought. With no more patience left in her orgasming, anger went through him.

"What are you doing?"

He heard her say it, but it fell on deaf ears as he literally stood up with her. Cupping her ass in his hands he prepared to finally get some relief.

"Prepare yourself bitch," he said through gritted teeth.

"No stop," she cried out. He could literally feel the panic in her body. Bitch probably had always taken what she wanted from a man never even considering the possibility that a man could pleasure her himself. Not that it mattered. As he cupped her ass and forcibly bounced her up and down she moaned and he laughed in relief.

Minutes passed as he fucked her like this. Her four big breasts pressed against his chest, he barely felt the hard nipples and her nails digging into his flesh. Eventually holding her up become too much work and he threw her to the ground.

"Look her mate," she said.

"Shut up whore and get on all fours."

Jared was surprised when the dark beauty obeyed him. In no time, he was thrusting into her form behind and cooing as he became closer to climax. His partner however wasn't fairing well in the position.

Her moans and cries of pleasure had devolved into fevered mutterings. It didn't stop his thrusts. Not even when she would whimper after her orgasms. With a final thrust for himself, he released himself into the woman he had fucked into submission.

Falling off her, he caught his breath as the fog cleared. His cock was still hard, but it wasn't all-consuming to him anymore. The woman next to himfas unabated by her own release. She was already back to masturbating and was begging for him to fuck her again.

He of course did not have the desire to shove his cock back into the weird titted woman again. He wha getting up to gather his clothes when a weird shrilling could be heard form his back. Picking it up, he pulled the tablet out which immediately blurred to life with sound and picture.

"Here we have one of the male's about to be captured," the announcer spoke. "Three of the best athletic women we have are about to teach this man a lesson in proper behavior."

The hint as there as to what the man's crime was. In fact, a little pop up told him the man had been convicted of improperly behavior in public. His actual charge being that he had been stealing and hoarding food. Poor dude had no hope against the three women in front of him.