Saga of Littown Ch. 07


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Emily looked down at her body. She was practically spherical at this point, and even her breasts had gone up several sizes. She felt far more deliciously full than she'd ever thought possible. It was a warm, comfortable sensation, and she didn't want it to end. Still, Lilith was right, it was getting a tad dangerous.

"Fiiinnne," she said.

Jaime's eyes rolled back to their rightful positions as soon as Ms. January touched his head. His cum-flow slackened soon after, and eventually stopped altogether.

"Wha..." he said confusedly. "What's going on?"

There was a girl on Jaime's dick, that much he was sure about. He didn't recognize Emily at first, both because he was somewhat dazed, and because she was doing a spectacular impression of a moon. He'd know the butthole clamped around his shaft anywhere, however, and was soon able to put the pieces together.


"Yeah, Jai. It's me. I had to store your creamy filling for a bit."

Emily managed to lever herself off her brother's dick. Cum immediately poured out of her ass, and her body began to shrink back to normal.

"That's a relief," Jaime said. "I had this weird thing going on in my head, and I thought this might be part two." He looked around at the cum-soaked office, his beach-ball-shaped sister, and the naked, cum-covered principal. "And this might have actually been the weirder of the two," he murmured to himself.

"You're free to go now, Mister Nallister," Ms. January said, trying to act authoritative. It was difficult in her state of dress.

"Uh, ok. Thanks. I guess."

Jaime peered intently at Ms. January for a moment. Her body was built almost exactly to the same sinful perfection as her mind-double. There was definitely no elephant cock attached to the original, however. Just a beautiful, cum-glazed pussy.

Lilith led her naked, erect brother and bottomless, cum-spewing sister out of the principal's office. It was a good thing they were so damn hot, she thought. Otherwise she wasn't sure she'd be able to put up with their nonsense.

Ms. January was left alone in her cum-destroyed office. She was soaked, as were her chair, papers, computer... and everything, really. She sighed and sat down in her squishy seat. At least the warm cum felt nice on her shapely, naked ass.

"Carol," she said as she pressed her intercom.

"Yes, Ms. January?" came the quick reply.

"I'm going to need the services of some of our greediest cum-sluts for... reasons."

"Of course. Shall I pull them out of class? Or ask them to come see you after school?"

"As soon as possible, please. And see if you can get at least one girl who doesn't mind giving a hot older woman a full tongue-bath." Ms. January paused, then added, "hypothetically, of course."

"Right away."

Ms. January gave her room another once over, then slumped a little lower in her seat. She held up one of her hands and watched the thick cum slowly drip down her arm. Unbidden, her tongue snaked out and took a swipe at her palm, almost a foot away. She brought the tongueful of semen back to her mouth and held it there for a moment, savouring its premium quality.

"Not bad," she said to an empty room. "Not bad at all."


Lilith, Emily, and Jaime headed for the exit, even though it wasn't technically the end of the school day yet. Lilith walked out in front with her younger siblings trailing slightly behind. Jaime was still fully naked and extremely hard, and Emily hadn't quite finished deflating yet.

Emily left a trail of slippery cum on the floor behind her as it continued to pour out of her butt. The flow was slowing down, at least, and her shape had more or less returned to its lithe, ridiculously hot norm. She still got some curious stares from the odd student who was out of class at the time. At least two or three boys immediately started masturbating as they watched her pass.

"So then she basically just pounded me until all of my internal organs were bruised, and I eventually came," Jaime said, finishing up his recounting of what he'd been through.

"Lucky," Emily said with a slight pout. "Why couldn't Ms. January have taken me instead of you. She was just trying to get at Lil anyway. It's not like it would have mattered."

"She might have figured that you getting chained up and anally destroyed wouldn't get Lil's attention quite the same," Jaime pointed out. "You know, since that's basically a dream come true for you."

Emily giggled. "Oh yeah. Fair enough." She batted her eyes at her brother. "You'll make it up to me, won't you? You'll wreck my pretty little ass and treat me like the butt-slut I am."

"Of course, Em. What are brother's for?"

Jaime put his hand on Emily's butt. The sound of cum hitting the floor had stopped, so he intended to shove a couple fingers up his sister's slick bottom. He was a little confused to find her butt plug instead of an empty, gaping hole.

"Hey, Em?" said Jaime. "When did you put your plug back in?"

"Oh, that." Emily looked over her shoulder, but couldn't get a very good angle at her own asshole. "As far as I can tell, it can find its way back to me now."

"Seriously? It's, like, pretty inanimate."

"I know, but it's been filling my butt an awful lot the past few days. That's probably become its default state of being. You know, like electron shells and stuff."

"So it just... comes back to you after a while?"

Emily shrugged. "I guess. It did it once earlier while you were kidnapped." She reached around and pulled the plug out. "Here, let's test it."

She set the butt plug carefully upright on the floor, then carried on walking. Jaime watched over his shoulder, but the plug seemed really quite still.

"I don't think it's working," Jaime said. "Are you sure you're not just bullshitting me?"

"Ooh!" said Emily. She jumped slightly, then settled back into her stride.

Jaime looked down at his sister's tight ass, and sure enough the jeweled heart of her butt plug was right back where it belonged.

"Holy shit," he said. "It does home back in on you."

"Told ya."

Jaime pressed and wiggled Emily's plug as they walked. She moaned contentedly at the feeling of it, and at her brother's display of affection for her butt.

The three siblings finally made it to Lilith's car. Lilith got in the driver's seat, and Jaime and Emily climbed in the back seat together.

"Guess I owe you one, huh?" Jaime said as Lilith started driving.

Lilith shook her head. "Nah, Jai. This isn't about anyone owing anything. This was family stuff."

Jaime grinned and wrapped his arms around his sister from behind her seat. "Thanks, Lil."

"Yeah, yeah. Hands off before I crash." Lilith glanced in her rearview mirror. "And Em, stop fidgeting around back there. Both of you buckle up and sit properly."

"I lost my strapon back at school," Emily whined.

"So what? It's not going to be in my car."

"I know. But you've got to have a stash of toys in here somewhere."

"You don't need toys right now, Em. Just wait until-"

"Found them!"

Emily triumphantly pulled open a compartment under her seat, then held aloft a fair-sized dildo. She rummaged around some more, and found a bottle of lube to go with it.

"Don't know why I bother," Lilith muttered to herself.

Without having to be told, Jaime contorted himself around so that his ass was sticking out at Emily. He knew where her mind was going.

"Mmm, that's a good little butt-slut," Emily cooed.

She squirted some lube out onto her brother's butthole, then lovingly rubbed it in. She stuck a couple fingers in to make sure he was coated internally as well.

"Is that really necessary?" Lilith asked. "Are you guys really such horny sluts that you can't wait?"

"S'not about horniness," Emily insisted. "Or sluttiness even."

"Are you sure about that?"

"It's symbolic," Jaime explained. "Ms. January mind-fucked me with an impossibly huge cock."

"Which is cheating," Emily said. "So now I gotta secure my claim on Jai's ass."

"I don't think that's how butts work," Lilith said with the patience of a saint.

"How would you know?" Emily asked. "Have you ever been in a mutual butt-slut relationship with a sibling?"

"I know either of your tight little asses are mine any time I want them," Lilith said.

"Naturally," Emily agreed.

"Goes without saying," Jaime concurred.

"But that's not the same thing," Emily said. "So I'll thank you to leave this to the experts."

Emily deep-throated the dildo a few times to get it nice and slippery, then rammed it into Jaime's butthole. She pounded it manually in and out of his well-lubricated orifice. It wasn't quite as hot as doing it with a strapon, but it was still pretty fun.

"Em, you better not make your brother cum all over my car," Lilith warned. "Or I'm making you clean it up."

"Fair enough." Emily reamed Jaime even more vigorously.

"And I'm going to have you gagged while you're scrubbing."

"But... then I couldn't lick the cum up. I'd have to, like, wash it like a normal person."


Emily made a piteous face. "You're a horrifying bitch sometimes, Lil. I can't believe you'd even joke about something like that."

"Try me, little sis. I dare you."

Emily rolled her eyes. "Fiiinnne. No making Jai cum all over the seat. I got it."

Emily tried her best to go easy on her brother so as not make him cum. She was as gentle and delicate as she could manage while stretching out his insides. She still got too aggressive and forceful at times, but overall was quite restrained.

Jaime watched the scenery pass by out the window while he was getting anally violated by his sister. He was reasonably sure no one could see what was happening inside the car, but not totally certain. For all he knew, loads of passers-by were getting an excellent view of Emily pumping a dildo in his ass. Hopefully, if that was the case, none of them would be aware that they were brother and sister. That could be embarrassing.

'Where are we going, Lil?" Jaime asked.

"Just have to stop off at my club for a few minutes," Lilith said. "Have to give my people a heads up about Lisa. Plus some feral strippers showed up, and we're having a little trouble getting them settled."

"Oh yeah, they must be the ones we found in the garage yesterday."


"Yeah. In one of your boxes. They got loose and must have found their way home."

"Huh. Well that explains that. I would have appreciated some warning."

Jaime shrugged. "Sorry. Our bad."

Lilith pulled into the parking lot of Fall From Grace without any messes having been made in her car. She and her siblings got out, but she stopped Jaime and Emily before they could go anywhere.

"Can't we go play with the sexy half-naked people?" Emily asked.

"Nope," said Lilith. "We're not staying that long. Plus you two have already found enough trouble for one day."

"We'll be good," Jaime said. "We don't even have to fuck any of them. We can just watch."

"Even if I believed that, and I very much don't, you two are not up to dress code."

Jaime and Emily looked down at themselves.

"So... it's not ok to go into a strip club naked?" Jaime asked.

"Not in mine, that's for sure."

"I got a shirt on," Emily said. "It's only a little cum-soaked."

"Which would be great if you also had pants, and your delicious teenage pussy wasn't hanging out."

The two younger siblings pouted, but Emily quickly brightened up when Lilith grabbed some things out of the trunk.

"Is that a collar?" Emily asked hopefully.

"Sure is," Lilith said. She held up a brand new collar with the word 'slut' written on it in big letters. "And it's for you."

Emily clapped her hands and bounced excitedly. "Yay! Best big sister ever!"

It was hard for Emily to hold herself still long enough to be collared. She was vibrating with anticipation. Her sister's hands were so delicate around her throat, then there was the feeling of the collar being cinched snugly into place. Her pussy formed twin rivers down the inside of her thighs.

"Thanks, Lil," Emily said. She gave her sister a big, half-naked hug.

"You're welcome," Lilith said, patting Emily's butt affectionately. She then grabbed a second collar and turned to Jaime. "Now your turn."

"Aw, come on," Jaime said. "Weird bondage shit's Em's thing. And I don't really want to wear something that calls me a slut."

Lilith cocked her hip. "Jai, in the past week, how many girls has your penis been inside of?"


"Can you name them all? Can you even give me a number?"

Jaime started silently counting off on his fingers. He gave up when he passed ten and ran out of digits.

"Uh, like, a dozen? Or two?"

"Jai, if you're not even sure how many girls you've fucked in the past few days, do you know what that makes you?"

"Fiiinnne," he said. "Give me the slut collar."

"That's what I thought." Lilith fastened the second collar around her brother's neck. "That's my good little slut-boy."

"We match now, Jai," Emily said. "Isn't this fun?"

"Somehow I suspect it's quite a lot more fun for you than me," Jaime said.

Lilith pulled a pair of leashes out of her trunk, then closed it. She attached a leash to each of her siblings' collars, then stood back a step to admire them.

"Good goddamn you two are sexiest, sluttiest little things," she said.

"Aw, thanks," Emily said with a faint blush.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks. I guess," Jaime said.

Lilith gave each of them a deep, full-mouth kiss. She then turned and led them away from the car by their leashes. Emily skipped along happily. Jaime followed just far enough behind that he could watch Emily's amazing ass, but not far enough that he'd get tugged at by his collar.

They walked around to the front entrance instead of the back one. There was a fair amount of traffic and pedestrians out there, and the sexy siblings attracted quite a lot of attention. Drivers veered out of their lanes as they gawked, and some minor head-on collisions started to block the street.

"Sit," Lilith said once they arrived at the front steps to her club.

Jaime and Emily sat down on the steps. Lilith tied their leashes to the railing, then patted their heads and went inside by herself.

"You know she just tied us up out here like dogs," Jaime said.

"Mmhm," Emily agreed.

"Aaannnd you don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Emily looked confused. "Why would I?"

"Yeah, no. My mistake."

Emily took Jaime's hand and entwined her fingers with his. She squeezed reassuringly.

"Look, I know that being collared and tied naked in public isn't really your thing, for some reason," she said. "But just think of how horny it's making me."

Jaime examined his sister's vagina. A small waterfall was pouring down the steps where she sat.

"Am I to assume that's going to pay off for me?" he asked.

"Maaayyybe." Emily grinned wickedly. "You know, if you told me to go bend over in the middle of the street so you could pound me silly, I'd totally do it."

Jaime's cock twitched. "Even though everyone would see a brother and sister totally fucking?"


"And we'd get caught for sure, and sent to incest-jail?"

"Or sentenced to super-death," Emily reminded him. "But yes, I'd do anything you asked me to right now."

Jaime couldn't help himself. He loved his sister more than anything in universe, and he had to kiss her. Even though people were passing all the time, he had to risk it. He kissed her hungrily, filling her mouth with tongue, and she responded just as eagerly. A nearby passing couple fainted from sheer hotness-overload.

"We shouldn't do that," Jaime panted after several minutes of furious making-out with his half-naked sister in a very public spot. "Someone might see."

"I think some of them did," Emily said. "Luckily they all fainted 'cause it was so super sexy."

"Phew. Close one." Jaime gazed at the carpet of sprawled out bodies on the sidewalk. "Hey, wanna go mess with them while they're unconscious?"

"Ooh, that could be fun!"

Emily fumbled with the knots holding their leashes to the railing. She struggled with them and failed to make any progress.

"Come on, Em. Just untie us."

"I can't. I never learned how to untie knots." She gave up in frustration. "Who'd have thought there'd ever be a reason to untie myself from anything?"

Jaime smiled and stroked his sister's hair lovingly. "You're such a little bondage-slut."

Emily beamed and nuzzled against Jaime's shoulder. "You say the sweetest things sometimes."

"That's why you love me, right?"

"Mmhm. That and the way you use me like a sex toy and cum dumpster."

Jaime and Emily snuggled together whispering tokens of affection and explicit promises to each other. They mostly behaved themselves physically, but they did get in some sneaky fondling when they thought no one was looking. Given their distraction value, that wasn't often.

Sometimes the siblings would get patted on the head by someone going into the club, like they were pets or something. A couple times they were petted somewhere less proper than that. Mostly they were just discreetly admired as the beautiful little sex objects they were.

"Oh my, aren't you two the cutest pair I've ever seen."

Jaime and Emily looked up at an attractive woman in a tight business-suit.

"Thank you," Emily said. "We try."

"Mmhm. Such a lovely cock and pussy. And the way you both look, you could almost pass for brother and sister."

"We almost could," Jaime agreed evasively.

"You're just so delicious," the woman continued. "I don't suppose your owner would be interested in selling the pair of you?"

"I really don't think-"

"Hush, Jai," Emily interrupted. "I want to find out how much we're worth."

The woman smiled. "Well... I'd have to get you appraised, of course. But I feel like it could go as high as seven or eight million for the full set."

Emily squealed. "Did you hear that, Jai? Millions! We're valuable!"

"Em, we wouldn't be getting the money in this hypothetical scenario."

"Oh I don't care about that. It's just good for my self-esteem to be so highly prized, is all."

"Since when have you had self-esteem issues?"

"Never. But they could develop at any moment, and it's good to be prepared."

"You two are adorable," the woman said. "I could really believe that you're siblings. That could easily bump the asking price up another million on its own."

"Jesus christ," said Lilith from behind her siblings. "I leave you alone for five minutes and you do your best to get yourselves sex-trafficked. Don't even get me started on that swath of unconscious bodies that I know you two are responsible for." She stepped down next to Jaime, took a protective stance, and crossed her arms. She looked the interested woman in the eye. "Despite the pains in my ass that they are, they're not for sale."

"Well that's a pity," said the woman. "But I totally understand you not wanting to give them up. Let me just give you my card in case you change your mind."

Lilith looked thoughtfully at the card as the woman left. She almost tossed it, then reconsidered and stuck in her pocket. You never knew.

"This is why I can't take you anywhere," she said as she untied her siblings.

"To be fair, it's at least partly your fault for leaving us tied outside without proper attire," Jaime said.

"That's right," said Emily. "We're really, really, ridiculously good looking, and we can't be held responsible for the effect that has on people."

"I can, however, hold you responsible for soliciting bids on yourselves," Lilith said. "It annoys me that I have to tell you not to get yourselves sold to strangers."

"Yeah, fair enough on that one," Jaime said. "We'll try not to let it happen again."

The three of them climbed back into Lilith's car. Somewhat surprisingly, she made another stop before they got home.