Sandee's Story


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"I like your hair," Sandee said, noticing Rachael's dark red dye job.


"Nikki said you've dyed it a lot."

"Mmhmm, blonde, then red. I'll probably go back to my natural brown at some point."

There was another pause, they studied each other's face. Sandee spoke up, "So, um, can I give you a hug? I'm sorry, I don't know how this works."

"No, it's fine, we're both figuring this out. Yes a hug would be great," Rachael said.

They approached one another, arms extended, then wrapping them around one another. Sandee closed her eyes, breathing in Rachael's scent - she smelled so good.

They ended their embrace; Sandee pushed Rachael's hair back behind her ear. "We do have the same ears," Sandee noted.

"Similar shaped eyes too, except mine are blue."

"Yes. You resemble your biological father," Sandee pointed out. She glanced at Rachael's lips, they weren't as full as Sandee's, but she opted not to compliment how pretty they were.

There was another awkward silence. "Care to sit?" Sandee suggested. Rachael nodded and they sat on the couch, waiting for sandwiches that were taking longer than expected to arrive.

Sandee glanced at Rachael's modest chest; her tits weren't as big as Sandee's medium sized orbs. Sandee also noticed what looked like a tattoo, creeping its way onto her chest, near her shoulder.

"Is that?" Sandee looked.

"Oh, yeah," Rachael covered up the tiny bit of flower tattoo that was showing. "Mom doesn't know. I mean," she stopped herself.

Sandee laughed. "When you say mom I know you're talking about Nikki. Feel free to keep calling her that. You don't have to call me anything. Sandee is just fine."

Rachael nodded.

"I'll keep the tattoo a secret too," Sandee winked at her.

Just then Nikki entered the living room carrying a plate of sandwiches with one hand, the other wiping something from her mouth. Ted was right behind her, zipping up his pants. They sat across from Sandee and Rachael.

Nikki brought all sorts of photo albums from Rachael's childhood. These were things Sandee didn't want to see until she met Rachael. They spent the next few hours looking at photos, talking about the stories behind them. From what Sandee could tell, Rachael had a great childhood - the only dark spot was her adoptive parents divorcing.

Nikki and Ted kept their shenanigans to a non-noticeable minimum. Sandee was afraid Diane wouldn't be able to do so. At dinner that evening, Sandee was a nervous wreck. Fortunately, Diane and Elliot behaved. Diane was sweet and friendly to her granddaughter.

Rachael was introduced to Valerie at dinner too. The nodded politely, Sandee picking up on something she made a mental note to ask Rachael about later.

After dinner, Nikki suggested they all walk on the nearby beach. "Please don't hold hands," Sandee thought of Diane and Elliot. "Please don't freak this sweet girl out."

Sandee didn't have anything to worry about. Elliot walked next to her; on her other side was Diane. Ted and Rachael were ahead of them, catching up, chatting about school. Nikki came up behind Sandee, pinching her ass through her dress.

"So, what do you think?" Nikki asked.

Sandee hung back to walk with Nikki. "I think she's beautiful," she whispered. "The most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"I feel the same way. Thank you for letting us have her all these years," Nikki said. "I wished I had been a better mother during her teen years, but I tried."

"It's fine, Nikki," Sandee grabbed her hand. "You'll always be her mom. I'm just Sandee," she smiled at her new friend.

"Are you staying over tonight, after we hang out at Robin's?" Nikki asked.

"I'd like that," Sandee said, glancing at her daughter.

Sandee kept walking, watching Rachael ahead of her. She watched her hips sway, her hand push hair behind her ears. She listened to her voice while she chatted with Ted. After a few moments, Rachael looked over her shoulder a Sandee. Their met and they smiled at one another.

After their walk, Diane, Elliot, and Valerie hugged Rachael goodnight. Sandee breathed a sigh of relief for no incestuous displays from her side of the family. She and Rachael walked with Nikki and Ted to Robin's house a few houses down the street. Sandee glanced over her shoulder at her mother. Diane was walking into her home, removing her top, letting her big tits free.

"That's it; go get some of your son's cock. Thanks for waiting until after tonight's festivities," Sandee thought. She secretly worried that Dahlia and Darren, along with Nikki and Ted, might display similar behavior, but then again, that was Rachael's side of the family - perhaps not blood related, but all the family she's known since birth.

Sandee smiled, putting her arm around Rachael as they walked down the sidewalk, the starry night above them. "It's so cool that I knew your family before I knew you. It's a small world we live in. Your cousins, Dahlia and Darren, are some of my best friends."

"Yeah it is," Rachael said. She slowly guided her arm around Sandee's waist.

They shared smiles, walking along the sidewalk.

Chapter 5

Sandee breathed another sigh of relief when Rachael's adoptive family, Sandee's friends, didn't show any sign of questionable behavior. Dahlia and Darren seemed like normal mom and son - not like a couple. Robin was fine. Nikki and Ted were fine. It was a great evening.

"Mind if I stay the night at Nikki's?" Sandee asked Rachael.

"Sure, that'd be nice," she nodded.

Nikki showed Rachael where she could sleep, it just so happen to be the room Sandee's stuff was in, the room where Sandee and Nikki initiated sex before it ended in Nikki's bedroom.

"Is this ok? I figured you and Sandee could talk more before going to sleep," Nikki suggested.

"Yeah this is fine," Rachael said. Nikki smiled, opened her arms and gave her adopted daughter a hug. "Sleep well. I'm so glad you and her could meet."

"Me too. Night mom."

Rachael grabbed her bag, headed to the bathroom and changed into her pajamas. Sandee did the same thing while she was alone. They laughed when they saw their pajamas matched to some degree, both were wearing white tank tops and different colored pajama pants.

"Are you ok with sharing a bed? I can sleep in another room, if it's a problem," Sandee said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No, it's fine. I don't mind," Rachael sat on the other side.

"Nikki said you were a little shy, but you don't seem like it to me. Maybe a little quiet but not all that shy."

Rachael shrugged. "I guess being at college has caused me to open up a little more. Maybe I'm growing up or something."

The two women lay down next to one another, eyes to the ceiling. Several second passed and they simultaneously rolled to their sides, facing one another, smiling.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" Sandee asked. Rachael shook her head "no."

"Ah. A girlfriend?"

Rachael laughed, "No, no girlfriend either."

"Are you into girls? It's ok if you are. I mean, it's none of my business, I was just curious. But I would never think poorly of you," Sandee said.

Rachael shrugged, biting her bottom lip. "I think some are pretty, but that's about it."

"I see. Well I think you're pretty. You could have easily have a boy or girl if you wanted."

"Heh, thanks."

"Have you met Valerie before?" Sandee asked, recalling the mental note she made herself.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I used to work out in a gym near my old house; the one mom lived in before this one. I saw her there some. We didn't speak much. I guess I was too shy. I never expected she'd be my aunt," Rachael explained.

"Valerie is sweet once you get to know her. I know she's tall, and well, sexy, but there's no reason to be intimidated by her, or anyone in my family."

"My family too I guess."


Sandee moved her hand to caress Rachael's face, stopping before it reach its designation, "May I?"

Rachael nodded. Sandee ran her hand slowly over Rachael cheek, the back of her fingers caressing her jaw line, her thumb grazing Rachael's lips. "I think you're beautiful."

In the low lit room Sandee was unable to see Rachael's blush. "I, I think you are too," Rachael replied.

Their eyes were locked on another for a few seconds, before Rachael said goodnight and rolled over. Sandee did the same, except she remained wide awake.

An hour later, Sandee was on her back, her hand down in her pants, rubbing her clit while Rachael snored softly next to her. Sandee was contemplating touching Rachael in her sleep, but decided against it. Frustrated she got out of bed and headed to Nikki's room.

She knocked on the door, knowing Nikki would be awake. "Who is it?" Nikki asked.

"It's me," Sandee said.

"Come in," Nikki called to her.

Nikki and Ted were both naked, cuddling, Nikki stroking his cock. They were keeping quiet.

"Hi, having trouble sleeping?" Nikki asked. Sandee crawled into bed on the other side of Ted, sighing heavily.

"Yeah," Sandee grabbed his cock from Nikki, and started sucking it.

"Well, what's bothering you?" Nikki asked. "Everything ok?"

Sandee popped Ted's cock out of her mouth. "I wanted to touch her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to, I don't know, just see where it went."

Nikki watched Sandee resuming sucking Ted's cock, Nikki's fingers combing through Sandee's hair. "Aww, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you or how to help. I supposed I could tell her about Ted and me, but I have no idea how she'd take it and I'd hate it if she ran off and left out of disgust while you're here."

"No, I don't want that either," Sandee said, licking Ted's cockhead.

"When is that Christmas party? Didn't Diane say something about it at dinner?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. One of my aunts in Atlanta is having one the day after tomorrow."

"You can take her with you," Nikki said. "Or were you planning on it?"

"Yeah, I was hoping to. Mom was the one I was worried about, Aunt Tiffanie is far, far tamer. So I have no concerns there," Sandee let out a moan sucking Ted's cock.

Nikki watched her for a few seconds, "You know you should move here. Even if you aren't involved in incest, you could still move here, and be close to Rachael."

"I'd love that," Sandee said.

"We all would."

The two mothers kissed once more, then both serviced Ted's cock, licking up each side, sucking his balls. Nikki let Sandee drink his semen, offering a nice late night snack to her new friend.

Sandee returned to her room a little later, to see moonlight trailing into the bedroom, shining on Rachael. She must've gotten hot. She had kicked off the covers and was lying on her stomach.

Sandee stood there watching her for a moment. "Rachael," she said in normal volume. "Rachael?" There was no movement or response.

Sandee inched closer, listening to the sound of Rachael breathing heavily in her sleep.

"Just a peek," Sandee whispered, standing over Rachael.

She carefully and slowly, pulled Rachael's pajama pants down, exposing her bare ass. "There we go."

Sandee was still for a few seconds, looking at Rachael's ass cheeks. They were small, toned, not hugely muscular. "Beautiful," Sandee whispered, leaning down to breathe in Rachael's scent.

She stuck out her tongue, wanting to lick it, but stopped herself. "No, this was enough," Sandee whispered, pulling her daughter's pants back up. Sandee climbed into bed, lying awake for another hour, casually rubbing her clit.

Rachael stirred, shivering, cold again. "Hey," Sandee woke her up. "Let me hold you, keep you warm."

In her half-awake state, Rachael nodded and snuggled into Sandee's open arm. Her head landed on Sandee's breast. Rachael quickly moved it.

"It's ok. They're pillows, it's fine, rest," Sandee said. Rachael lay back down, her head once again on Sandee's boob.

Sandee trailed her hand up and down Rachael's back, kissing her head a few times. A few moments later, she felt her daughter's hand on her flat tummy, slowly rubbing it, then stopping, resting there.

"Please go lower," Sandee thought. "Please slide your hand into my pants." But Rachael was still, her slow breathing patterns resuming. She was asleep again.

Sandee laughed at herself, thinking how great it'd be to have a gorgeous young woman as her lover. "Oh well," Sandee thought one last time, calming herself down, drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 6

The next two days were more of the same. Large gatherings, both Rachael's biological and adopted families hung out, ate and were merry for the holiday season. The ladies went shopping, dragging their sons along, much to their dismay. The sons were rewarded wonderfully for it later that night of course.

At night Sandee slept in bed with Rachael again. They talked more and more, snuggled, holding one another while doing so before going to sleep. Sandee loved her. She wanted to tell this girl, but decided against it.

Sandee was a little concerned when she found the Christmas party her aunt was throwing was girls only. Diane calmed Sandee down, reminding her that her Aunt Tiffanie wasn't as wild as Diane, and that Sandee had nothing to be afraid of. She took the precaution of prepping Rachael, saying it was girls only, joking that there may be a male stripper, thinking the worst. Rachael laughed, not concerned.

On the way to Atlanta for their overnight stay, Sandee, Rachael and Valerie sat in the back seat. Sandee listened to Valerie and her niece chat. Valerie said she thought Rachael looked familiar from the gym. Valerie said she didn't go there anymore, opting to do her fitness regimen at home. Valerie asked if Rachael kept up with it too, Rachael said she didn't. Sandee was happy to hear Valerie suggesting they exercise together when Rachael is home from college. Sadness panged Sandee's heart - she'd be back in Los Angeles then, away from her daughter.

When they arrived at Aunt Tiffanie's, things were going great for the first 15 minutes, but then an absolute nightmare reared its ugly head, embarrassing Sandee.

The nightmare just so happened to be an extremely attractive, muscular man named Ulysses. That wasn't the problem so much as he was completely naked.

"This is mine," Tiffanie said, running her hand over Ulysses' chest. "This is mine too," she added, grabbing his cock. "I am sharing him with you all tonight. He'll be in my bedroom. Who wants him first?"

"Me!" Diane immediately spoke, making her way toward the man, grabbing his cock, pulling him to Tiffanie's bedroom. Sandee shook her head, rubbing her temples.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered to Rachael. "Aunt Tiffanie is usually really tame and boring."

Rachael, blushing, smiled nervously. "It's fine, Sandee."

Sandee grabbed Rachael's hand, patting it a few times, then decided to hold it. Rachael held it back, running her thumb over it.

One-by-one the women at the party took turns with Ulysses, all except Sandee and Rachael. "Are you going to have a turn? He's great!" Diane said.

"Oh, no, I'm fine mom," Sandee said.

"What about you Rachael? Want to go up there? He says he cleans off after each lady has a turn. Go on up there, it'll be fun!" Diane suggested to her granddaughter, embarrassing Sandee even more.

"Mom, please," Sandee shook her head.

"Oh don't be silly, Sandee, we're all adults here. Why don't you and Rachael both go up there? It'll be great mother-daughter bonding!"

Sandee glanced to Rachael, she smiled back nervously. Sandee shrugged, "Do you want to?"

"I don't know, maybe," Rachael said.

"We can just go talk to him, we don't have to do anything," Sandee said. "Or we can just sit here, it's fine with me either way."

"I guess. I guess we could go up there."

"Ok, let's go then. We'll just talk to him or something," Sandee said, leading her daughter by the hand.

Ulysses was texting on his phone, naked, when Sandee and Rachael entered. "Oh hey, what's up?" he casually asked, setting his phone aside.

"Hi," Sandee said, her and Rachael almost giggling.

"I cleaned off if you want to - "

"I know, my mom told me."

"Alright, well who's first?" Ulysses asked.

The two ladies sat near the foot of the bed. "I think we're just going to chat a little," Sandee said, glancing at Rachael, her eyes were focused on his erect cock.

"Oh sure, no biggie. We don't have to do anything. Tiffanie wanted me to come by," Ulysses said.

"Yeah what's the deal with that? She's normally very tame," Sandee said.

"I don't know. I think she's got a wild streak and wants to show off."

"Are you and her an item?"

Ulysses shrugged, "I think we're just sleeping together, not really a couple per say. I've enjoyed spending time with her. Anyway, you all seem like great people. I feel sorta foolish, but I'm happy to provide some entertainment I guess."

"Hmm, ok." Sandee glanced at Rachael again, her eyes hadn't stopped staring at his cock.

"Um, Rachael?" Sandee asked.

"Hmm?" she turned to her mother.

"If you want to have some fun, I'll leave, it's totally fine," Sandee said. "Like my mom said, we're all adults here."

"Mmhmm," Rachael nodded, looking once again at Ulysses.

"Ok, so I'll leave - "

"No! I mean, you don't have to," Rachael stopped Sandee from standing.

"Alright, well," Sandee got an idea. "Mind if I have a little fun?"


"Mmhmm. He's quite nice," Sandee leaned in close to Rachael. "You can watch or join me."

"Uh, sure," Rachael gulped.

"My, my, aren't you impressive. I can see why Tiffanie likes you," Sandee said taking a seat next to Ulysses on the bed. She slowly stroked his cock, her other hand gliding over his six pack abs. She glanced at Rachael; her eyes were fixated on Ulysses and her mother.

Sandee went for it, leaning down, taking Ulysses in her mouth, moaning loudly as she sucked him, never taking her eyes off Rachael. "Mmmm, good."

Hoping her plan would work, she licked his cockhead, "Such a nice dick too."

Rachael's mouth hung open, watching Sandee work. "Mmm, mmm, yeah," Sandee said in between her long licks and sucks.

"So yummy," she said, popping his cock out of her mouth. Sandee sat up, taking her shirt off, unhooking her bra, eyes on Rachael. She resumed sucking away at Ulysses.

"Wow," Rachael whispered, watching her mother suck dick.

"This is so, so good, Rachael," Sandee said. "Will you join me?"

Rachael shrugged, blushing once more. "It's ok, sweetie. Come suck this cock with mommy," Sandee said, popping the cockhead out of her mouth.

That did it. Sandee's plan. Rachael lunged at Ulysses, grabbing his cock, sucking hungrily at it, staring into her mother's eyes.

"That's it, that's it, take it," Sandee said, holding Rachael's hair for her. "Suck that cock, sweetie. Mommy likes what she sees."

Rachael moaned, her head slamming up and down on Ulysses. Sandee paused her, leaning down, licking Rachael's saliva off his cock. "Mmmm," Sandee moaned licking her lips. "We're having fun, aren't we?"

"Mmhmm," Rachael said; a mouth full of dick.

Sandee waited and watched a few more minutes, cheering and urging her daughter on. When she thought the time was right, Sandee stopped Rachael, guiding her off the bed. "Let's get naked!" Sandee winked at her, assisting her with removing her top.

"Sandee, I don't know - " Rachael said, her clothes having been stripped from her.

"Shhhh, we're bonding. We're having fun. Now let's fuck him," Sandee took Rachael by the hand. "Nice tits by the way."

"Thanks," Rachael said, blushing even more.

She guided her daughter to straddle Ulysses, taking a seat on his thighs behind her. "Let's get his cock inside you," Sandee said.

Sandee grabbed Ulysses' dick by the base and slowly guided into the Rachael, listening to her moan as he entered her. "There we go, all in now."

Sandee rubbed Rachael's shoulders from behind, "Good. Now grind against him, grind your clit against him," she whispered in her ear.