Sarah Wanted a Little Thrill

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It was just one time, honey.
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A quick little story about cheating and a little revenge.

My name is Eric Larsen. I'm 28 years old. I work for Allied Security. I've been with them for three years. I worked my up from the bottom. I watched for shoplifters, stood around at private parties, watched closed warehouses and so on. It was all pretty boring but it paid the rent. Finally I got promoted to the office. My job was assigning everyone to our clients. I tried to rotate them around so they didn't get so bored. They told me they liked that. I had about fifty employees I had to keep track of.

I married Sarah six months after we met. One of those blind date things. I was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't one that they described as a "great dancer with a great personality." Those types were usually twenty pounds overweight and have a face like a pan of worms. She was a knockout. She had broken up with her boyfriend about six months past. We hit it off right from the get go. We dated for a few months and she said yes when I popped the question.

We had what I thought was a great marriage. She had a good job at a bank. She was in charge of new accounts. We fucked almost every night and tossed in a few extras on the weekends. We went to movies, plays, picnics and of course parties with friends. I guess I was a nice guy because all of her friends liked me. They thought we were the ideal couple. We decided right off to wait to start a family. As it turns out, it was a wise decision.

The fateful day was the old classic. I came home early.

I slipped my key in the lock and walked into our apartment. I had just closed the door and I heard it.

"Yeah, baby. Tell me you like my big black cock."

"Yes. Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard."

A cold chill came over me and settled in my stomach. I walked through the living room to the bedroom. I looked in and saw her and some guy I didn't recognize. He had her on her knees and was horse fucking her. His head was back and it looked like he was ready to fill her with cum. She was howling like she does when she is about to cum.

I stood there for a few seconds and pulled out my phone. I tapped on the movie icon and then record. Somehow I managed to hold still. I waited till the big one hit them. The both howled as he pumped her full.

No, I didn't get a hard on and yank one off watching them. All I had was that ice cold stone in my stomach.

He fell off her and took her in his arms. I cleared my throat. They both looked at me and their eyes popped open wide.

"NO! NO! Please. NO! came from my wife. He didn't say a word. I turned and walked out. I left a good sized patch of rubber on the street as I pulled away. I didn't look back.

About three blocks from my house the anger hit me. I screamed and almost hit another car. I pulled into a parking lot and shut the car off. I thought about going back and kicking some ass. Instead I screamed and called her every name in the book. She wasn't worth going to jail for. Then my phone buzzed.

"Fuck you, you cheating bitch."

I turned it off.

I finally calmed down enough to drive safely. I stopped and a liquor store and bought two six packs and a Black Label square bottle. Then drove across town and found a cheap motel. I checked in and went to my room. I parked on the couch and turned on the TV. It was just noise in the background of my misery.

I cursed, cried and screamed for the next hour. After a while I settled down enough to have a coherent thought.

Was it something I did to drive her into his arms. I thought back over the last few months. We were fucking like rabbits. She initiated sex as often as I did. We hardly ever argued. When we did it was never personal. It was more like and intense discussion. I couldn't come up with anything. Why the fuck did she cheat on me. The only thing I could think of was the thrill of fucking a black guy, but that didn't sound like her. I figured I would find out later. I knew I would have to talk to her sooner or later. Later was my preference. Much later.

Finally I opened the bottle. I threw the cap at the TV. I knew I wouldn't be needing it. I popped a brew and started drinking.

I woke up at around 4 am. I was still drunk. I took a piss and a couple of hits off the square bottle. I fell on the bed and went back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning at about ten. I had a pretty good hangover. I had them before and I knew what to do. I drank a beer and took two hits off the square bottle. In just a little while I felt better. I picked up my phone and turned it on. I had eighteen texts and my voice mail was full. I emptied the voice mail and looked at a couple of texts. The were all from Sarah saying we needed to talk and that she could explain everything. We could put it all behind us and move on with our lives. I started deleting them. I came to one from my Mom. I passed it and came across another from Carol. She said that Sarah was at her house and she was a wreck. She wanted me to call her. I deleted all the rest.

I sent Carol a text.

"I'll call you. If you put Sarah on I'll hang up. I have nothing to say to her."

A few minutes later she sent one



"Yeah. What do you want?"

"Sarah is here. She's a mess. She can't even talk. All she does is cry. What's going on with you two?"

"I left her. I'm going to divorce her."

"Why, Eric? What happened?"

"Didn't she tell you?"

"No. She just said you left."

"I'll let her tell you. That way you'll believe it. The call me back. I'll take your call. Remember. Don't put her on."

"OK, Eric. I'll call you later."


I decided now was a good time to go get my clothes. I hopped in my car and drove to what used to be our house. I got a box of trash bags from under the kitchen sink and threw some clothes in them. I filled four. I quickly put them in the car. I went back in and got my laptop, phone charger and all of my personal stuff. I filled my shaving kit and left. As I walked out I turned.

"Goodbye, house. We had some really good times, didn't we."

Tears were running down my cheeks as I drove back to the motel. I stopped by the office and paid another nights rent.

A few minutes later my phone went off. It was my Mom.

"Hi, Mom. How you doing."

"Pretty good, son."

"How's Dad doing. Is he home yet."

"No. They're keeping him over the weekend. They're running more tests."

"Damn. I hope it's nothing serious."

"He's not having those bad headaches now. The said they would call me next week with some test results."

"I hope it's good news."

"What's going on with you and Sarah. She called me asking if I knew where you were."

"I'll come bye tomorrow morning. I'll explain it all to you then."

"OK, son. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom. Take it easy on yourself. I'll see you tomorrow.

I really felt like shit. My Dads in the hospital and now the shit hit my fan. She has enough to deal with without my shit too. I had a bad feeling about my Dad. He had been having bad headaches for a while and wouldn't go to the doctor. I guess Mom put her foot down and made him go. Fuck you life. Pile it on.

I sent a text to Carol

"Tell the cheating bitch to stop calling my Mom. My Dads in the hospital. She has enough to deal with."


Ten minutes later she called.

"Eric. Sarah told me what happened. She's really sorry and wants to talk to you. She loves you and wants you two to work past this.

"Feeling really bad, is she?"

"Oh god, yes. She's a mess."

"Good. Now she can feel some of what I'm going through.

"Eric, Please talk to her."

"What's his name?"

"I shouldn't tell you. He works with me. He's really a nice guy. They just got crazy and did a stupid thing. It only happened once."

"Carol, I deserve to know who fucked up my marriage. Who is he?"

"His name is Brian. I won't tell you his last name. You might go after him."

"Carol. Nice guys don't fuck married men's wives."

'It was just one time, Eric. I know you two can get by it"

"I seem to remember you dated a black guy after you got out of high school. Did you and Sarah talk about it?"

"Sorta. I was just kidding around about it."

"I thought so. You know what you did, don't you. You planted the seed in her mind. They you watered it and put some nice fertilizer on it. You told her how hot is was. How they had huge cocks and how it felt when his hot black cum squirted in your pussy. Is that what you told her?"

"Not like that, Eric. I never thought in a million years she would do anything like that."

"Goodbye, Carol. I don't want to talk to you again. You've done enough for me."

I tapped end call.

I sat thinking. I needed to find out who this asshole was. He wasn't going to get a free pass. Then it hit me. Facebook.

I was surprised this cheap motel had WiFi. I logged on to my Facebook account. I clicked on Carol and brought up her page. I opened her friends list. Sure enough, there was Brian Wilson. I opened his page.

"Hello, Mr. Brian Wilson. Nice to meet you, you dirty bastard. I looked his page over. Married with no kids. He had over one hundred friends. Great. The more the better. I noticed that anyone could post on his page. What a fool. Mine was set up so only my friends could post on it. I knew what I was going to do now. I just had to wait till the right time.

I hooked my phone up to my laptop and transferred the video to my videos folder. I burned it to a disc, then made three copies. The ax will fall and heads will roll. Welcome to divorce court, asshole.

For some strange reason my feelings were changing after finding his name. The pain of losing my loving wife was fading. The anger didn't fade. Maybe the revenge thing or venting on Carol was doing it. Whatever it was I felt better.

The next thing I had to do was talk to a lawyer. I suspected I didn't have enough money to hire him. I would ask him about it. I had to wait till Monday.

I realized I hadn't eaten for a while so I found a Denny's and had a burger and fries with a chocolate shake. I picked up a six pack on the way back. I kicked back and found a decent movie. I fell asleep before the end.


"Good morning, Mom. How are you doing?"

"OK. I'm having a little trouble sleeping. The house seems so empty with out your Dad here."

"I know about empty, Mom.'

"OK, tell me. What's up with you and Sarah?"

"She cheated on me. I walked in on them in our bed."

"Oh my god, son. How could she do that. I thought you two had a great marriage."

"I thought we did too. I guess I was wrong. I can't think of anything that I did to push her away."

"That's terrible. What are you doing to do?"

"Divorce her ass. There is no way I could ever trust her again. It's over."

"You walked out?"

"Yeah. She can have the apartment. There's nothing there for me. I's staying in a motel now."

"Why don't you come here. You can stay in your old room. It would be nice to have someone around with your Dad being gone."

"OK. Mom. I'll get my stuff later."

"Good, I'll get your room ready. Just make up the bed and you're all set."

"These medical bill are going to be coming in. Are you going to be able to take care of them?"

"We should be OK. Your Dad made some pretty good investments over the years. Medicare and the supplemental will pick up most of it. I can cover the co-pays. I just hope he's OK and comes home soon. I miss that old bum being in the way all the time.

"I'll get in your way for him. It's the least I can do."

"You're sweet. Always trying to take care of your Mom."


I got moved in and took her out to dinner that evening. I tried to keep the chat light, but she was really worried. I think she had the same bad feeling about Dad that I had. It struck me that my troubles were insignificant compared to hers. I still has that ice cold anger in my stomach but I had to be there for her. Together, we would get through it.

Monday morning I showed up for work. I checked to make sure everyone showed up as scheduled. I left this weeks schedule the same for next week and started looking for a lawyer. I picked one out and called. He had an opening that afternoon. I jumped on it. That afternoon I explained to the boss what was going on and begged off for my appointment.

I walked into the lawyers office and was shown in right away. I explained what was going on and he gave me the bad news. I needed to come up with $3000. I started to leave and he told me I could do it my self. There were sites online I could use for a nominal fee. I thanked him and left.

Back at work I searched and found several. I found one that seemed pretty good. The walked you through it line by line and then all you had to do was print is out. It cost $50. I put in my credit card number and filled out the forms. I clicked print and, Presto Modesto, I was ready to go to the court house. There was some information on the site about dividing the community property. It said if we made about the same money there wouldn't be any alimony. I felt pretty smug.

I begged off work the next morning and went to the bank. I took half the savings but left the checking account alone. There was enough there for the next months rent. I opened a new account and got a debit card. I went to the court house to do the deed. The clerk looked over the papers, made three copies and took the filing fee. She told me it would be 90 days from the time Sarah signed.

I contacted a process server and had him serve her at work. I wanted all of her coworkers to know. I never did hear how she handled it. Probably not too well.

Three days later she sent me a text. She said she would sign if I would talk to her. I agreed. We set up a time for Saturday at ten in the morning at Denny's.

Wednesday my Mom got a call from the hospital. It was just as we suspected. Dad and brain cancer. It hit her hard even thought she suspected the worst. I took a day off just to be with her. We visited Dad together that day. He was holding up pretty well considering the bad news. I think he suspected the worst too. The wanted to to a Pet Scan to see how bad it really was. We would know in a few days. The results from the scan came in two days later. The gave him about six months to live. Of course Mom was crushed. I helped her as much as I could. The hospital offered counseling. It helped her a lot. She was able to cope. A week later they sent him home. There was nothing they could do for him. The put a morphine pack on him and give my Mom instructions on taking care of him. Later on Hospice started coming to the house. Mom was a tough old bird and held up better than I expected.

My meeting with Sarah went off just as I expected. She looked like shit as she walked in to Denny's.

"Did you bring the papers?"

"Yes. They're in my purse."

"Sign them. Then you can talk."

She started crying as she pulled them out. She hesitated and signed my copies and hers.

"OK, talk."

"Please, Eric. Don't divorce me. I love you and I know you love me. I made a terrible mistake but I know we can work through it. I never wanted to hurt you. I'll go to counseling or anything else you ask. Just don't throw me away."

I didn't say a word.

"Are you done?"

"It was just that one time. Carol told me about when she slept with a black guy. She told me how thrilling it was, seeing her white skin on his black skin. I thought about it for a long time and decided to do it. I didn't think you would ever find out. Just one time and it would be done. If you hadn't come home early we could have went on and had babies. We could have grown old together, playing with our grandchildren. I would have been the best wife ever."

"How many time did you fuck him that day?"

"Just three."

"Did you suck his cock?"

"Please. Don't do this."

"Answer me. Did you suck his cock?"

"Yes. He had trouble getting hard the third time."

"Was the big thrill there when he saw you white hands on his black cock. Did you get a big thrill when his black cock slid into you white pussy. Was it fucking worth it?"

She started sobbing and couldn't answer.

"I hope you're feeling the same pain I'm feeling. You ripped my heart out. I would never be able to trust you again. I would always wonder who you were fucking every time you were out of my sight. It just won't work. Oh, and one last thing. There will be payback."

I got up and walked out. I got in my car and pushed the anger down. I finally made it home.

The next weekend I decided to put my revenge plan to work. First I looked up Brian's address. I mailed a disc to his wife. The I posted the video on his Facebook page. I put a caption at the top.

"This is a video of nice guy Brian blacking my wife. That white pussy is pretty good, huh? I hope it was worth it."

I posted it on Sarah's page with a caption.

"How to rip your husbands heart out."

I checked back three days later. Brian's and Sarah's page was gone. I got a few nasty texts from some of Sarah's friends. I called my cell phone provider and changed my number.


Right on schedule my divorce was final. I picked up the judgment from the courthouse. I was a free man. I never did hear much about Sarah. Her friends never called because I changed my number. I saw her a couple of time but we never made eye contact. The last time I saw her I didn't feel anything. I guess I was finally free of all the drama.

I did hear through the grapevine that Brian's wife dumped him. I guess she didn't like sharing her husband.

Six months later my Dad passed. My Mom took it pretty hard. Her health plan offered grief counseling. It helped her a lot. She finally pulled out of her depression. She started volunteering at the local Senior Center. She helped with the lunch program. After a few months she met a guy there. He was a really nice guy. They dated a few months and she moved him in. I teased them about the blue pill. They just looked at each other and smiled. He was a few years younger than her and I teased her about being a cougar. I was really happy for her.

A year later a cute little redhead came to work for us. She gives me a big smile every day and flirts a little. Who knows.

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OlefishermanOlefisherman5 days ago

You write for yourself and to entertain others, if you would read your comments you would see that you come close. Why don't you stop for a few minutes and look for your ball or your brain or both before you finish the next story.

bigurnbigurn21 days ago

Once again, 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐ . Your stories are okay, but the wife either just gets to continue with her life... Or the husband says " Oh well, she's already cheated so the damage is done. " Then, he gets back together with her. You really need to check how things happen in the real world and write a story or two wherein the asshole screwing the wife has to pay a real price for his actions.

nixroxnixrox11 months ago

1 star - race or skin color has no bearing on penis size. The average male erect penis size is between 5.5 and 6.5 inches long for 95% of the world male population. The remaining 5% is evenly divided by penis sizes shorter and longer. So that leaves 2.5% of the worlds male population with a penis longer than 6.5". What makes you think that every black male out there has a longer penis? The odds are that some may be longer, but I have never seen any medical evidence that supports a disproportionate number of black males with longer penises. So your story is just another lie - trying to sensationalize black penises. Please submit your lies to some other website.

Have a nice day.

AllNigherAllNigher11 months ago

I get it ocker53... You'd love to be cuckled ... Just not by a black guy. Check.

Always wonder why the ultimate insult is the woman taking up with a black guy.... I would think it wouldn't matter... Cheating is cheating...

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

In this day and age of political correctness it might not be polite to say but no man would ever take a wife back who had lowered herself to fuck a black but this MC character handled it perfectly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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