Saturday Night School Ch. 14


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Then Vanessa smiled, showing her two fangs, and murmured something to Michelle. Charlie didn't know what she said, but he could see the effect it had on Michelle, the tension that suddenly bloomed between the two girls. Vanessa's smile was challenging, Michelle was anxious, and Charlie knew that Vanessa had suggested something that Michelle hadn't expected.

"Charlie," Vanessa called to him. "Does Michelle ever say goodbye to you or Nick in this parking lot?"


"Is she ever naked when she does it?"

"Yes," he admitted. "She usually is."

Vanessa nodded to Michelle. "Well, then."

Michelle hesitated for a moment. Then she started to undo the buttons on her dress. She only had to do the first couple before she was able to shrug the dress off her shoulders. She hadn't bothered to wear anything underneath; probably she had expected to strip again as soon as Vanessa left. When the dress fell around her feet, she was completely nude.

Michelle stepped forward and embraced Vanessa again. But this was different from their previous hugs; this wasn't a friendship hug. It was like the goodbye hugs that Michelle gave Nick, the hugs where she seemed to be offering her body to him, daring him to touch her. Nick had always restrained himself, but Vanessa didn't show any hesitation. First, she clutched Michelle's ass, pulling the other girl close, then her hands went to Michelle's breasts, squeezing and stroking them. Michelle took in a sharp breath as Vanessa pinched her nipples; her eyes fluttered. She leaned forward and kissed Vanessa on the lips.

Charlie was fiercely erect as he watched the two girls kissing each other, one of them fully dressed, the other completely naked. Michelle, his Michelle, the naked one, her body at the mercy of her best friend's exploration, no part of herself forbidden. He watched Vanessa's hand slide between Michelle's legs. "You're so turned on!" she purred, delighted by how easily her finger slipped into Michelle's slick pussy. Michelle trembled but could offer no protest. She had spent the evening confessing her secret desires to Vanessa: her desire to be naked; to be submissive; to have her body available for others to touch. How could she object now that Vanessa was fulfilling those fantasies?

Charlie touched the front of his pants, pressing his fingers against the bulge of his cock. He could feel it clearly outlined by the fabric, fully erect, straining against its imprisonment. Shrugging, he reached for his zipper; he set it free, opening the front of his pants, pulling the length of it out and letting it bob in the air. Why not? Vanessa had wanted to see it before, she had touched it. "You're welcome to leave it out," she had said. So why not? The head of his cock pointed at the two girls like an arrow; he wrapped his fingers around it, squeezed it, stroked it. He knew he could easily make himself cum.

How could he be expected to remain an indifferent observer of this erotic display, anyway? Michelle was his girlfriend, whether Vanessa appreciated that fact or not, and right now his girlfriend was standing naked right in front of him, in the middle of a public parking lot, being fondled and fingered by her equally beautiful best friend. Was he supposed to pretend it didn't affect him?

"Good night, my beautiful darling," he heard Vanessa say to Michelle. "Thanks for finally letting me into your world." Vanessa stepped away from Michelle, leaving the naked girl swaying in place. A few strands of Vanessa's dark hair had fallen over her face; Vanessa caught the strands in her fingers and pushed them back behind her ear. She was grinning. Then she glanced at Charlie and her smile faltered; she stared. She hadn't noticed that his cock was out.

"Will you say good night to me, too, Vanessa?" he asked. He leaned back against the doorframe, his hands at his side. His erection jutted towards her like a challenge.

Vanessa regarded his cock silently for a moment. "Of course," she answered. She walked over to him.

He didn't know what to expect from her, and his cock twitched involuntarily as she approached. A kiss on the cheek, perhaps. Maybe her fingers on his shaft, lightly cradling him, squeezing him as she had in the Gardens. Just being exposed in front of her was turning him on immensely.

She stopped in front of him, his cock just six inches from her body. Her demeanor had changed; her playful smile was gone, and now she looked very serious. Had he made a mistake? Was she offended? Charlie's cock remained stubbornly erect, still achingly swollen despite his growing misgivings.

"We're a pair now," he said to Vanessa. "Me and Michelle. You understand that, right?"

Vanessa nodded. "I do." She reached for the top of her yoga pants and hooked her fingers in the waistband. To his astonishment, she peeled her pants down, bringing them down to her knees, and then her panties followed, also to her knees. She stood in front of him with her pussy exposed.

Vanessa rose up on her toes, opening her legs slightly so that when she shuffled forward, Charlie's cock slid between her thighs. Her pussy rested on top of his shaft; he could feel the heat of it radiating against him. He could also feel how wet she was, her labia soft and slick to the point of being frictionless. When she moved her body back and forth, his cock skated easily between her thighs.

That was how she kissed him goodbye, with his cock squeezed between her legs, and it wasn't a chaste kiss but a hungry one. He put his arms around her, realizing just how petite she was as he held her. She had always seemed so imposing in the hallways and classrooms of Pine Hills High.

She broke their kiss. For a moment, she moved her body back and forth, clutching his cock between her thighs. "Can you feel how horny I am?" she whispered. "You can feel it, right?"

"Yeah." The gap between her thighs was slick with her juice.

She moved away from him, letting his cock slide almost all the way out. Then forward again, only this time she tilted her pelvis, and for a moment, the head of his cock touched her labia, pressing against her before pushing through. Her tight pussy gripped his cock as he penetrated her.

Vanessa sighed as he filled her, inch by slow inch. He held himself steady, letting her have complete control of how much of him was inside her. With his cock just halfway in, she leaned forward to kiss him again, her lips pressing greedily against his, her tongue invading his mouth. When they finally broke this kiss, Charlie realized she had sunk down lower, and now his cock was almost all the way inside her.

"I can see why she's into this," Vanessa murmured.

"You mean being outside?" Charlie asked.

"That, too." Vanessa smiled. "Good night, Charlie." She slipped off him and stepped away. Just like that, his cock was hanging lonely in the air and Vanessa was pulling her pants back up.

Michelle didn't let his erection go to waste. Suddenly, she was there, naked, crouching in front of him. Her mouth slid over his cock while her hand gripped his shaft. She bobbed back and forth, sucking on him, teasing him with her tongue. It didn't take long, probably less than a minute before he climaxed. Michelle leaned back, finishing him off with her hand, aiming his cock so he spattered cum across her neck and breasts.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Vanessa's car pulling out and driving away. She had lingered just long enough to watch.

Michelle rose slowly. Charlie guessed that he had the same expression on his face that she had on hers - dazed, disoriented, coming down from a sexual high, trying to comprehend everything that had just happened. A car sped by on the road that passed the Gardens; not Vanessa's car, but a white pick-up truck. The driver didn't look their way. Charlie knew that he should feel a sense of urgency about their indecent state - standing out in public view, Michelle naked with cum dripping down her front, his cock exposed and still partially erect. But it was sometimes hard to remember what the city of Pine Hills considered indecent. Greenholt Gardens was increasingly becoming a place where the regular rules didn't apply.

Charlie watched Michelle with trepidation as he put his softening cock back into his pants. Vanessa. Michelle's best friend. He had just been inside Michelle's best friend, right in front of her. How was she going to react to that? "Why don't you go inside," he suggested to her. "I have a towel in my car you can clean yourself with. I'll grab it."

Michelle nodded and scooped her dress up off the ground. She disappeared through the back door of the snack bar while Charlie went to get the towel out of his trunk.

Everything was still vivid in his mind. The feel of Vampire Vanessa against his cock, the warmth of her thighs, the clean smell of her. The taste of her mouth as she kissed him. Right in front of Michelle. Charlie clutched the towel in his hand as he went back into the snack bar.

Michelle was sitting down in one of the seats. She accepted the towel from him and began to clean her front. "That was one of the scenarios I was worried about," she said.

"It was?" Charlie dreaded her next words.

"Vanessa being too interested," Michelle said. "I don't want her to think of me as a new toy she can play with."

"Oh." Charlie sat down. "So, you mean... you're worried she's too interested... in you?"


"You didn't want her to touch you like that?"

Michelle sighed. "I can't lie. I loved it, Charlie. Every second, every touch. It was, oh my god! it was so hot." She shivered. Her knees were pressed tightly together. "I'm just really freaking out about it right now. Nothing like that has ever happened before. Vanessa and I, we've never even come to close to crossing that line, not like that. But when it happened, it was just so easy to do. I was so turned on. I don't know. I don't know what it means."

"Are you worried about seeing her tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah." Michelle shook her head. "I mean, I don't know. She's my best friend, and that hasn't changed. Right? Even if we've kissed now and... and everything else. It shouldn't change anything, right?"

"Right." Charlie stroked Michelle's back in a way that he hoped was reassuring. "I think it'll be okay. Vanessa understands that she needs to ask permission before she crosses that line again."

"But that's what I'm worried about," Michelle said. "She knows what my fantasies are now, she knows what makes me turned on, maybe she could tell how little control I have..."

"Not your permission," Charlie interrupted. "My permission. I'm your boyfriend, right?"

Michelle blinked. "Oh!" she said. "Right."

"I know we have a crazy sex life, but she still shouldn't be making out with my girlfriend unless I say it's okay. She knows our secret now, that I'm your boyfriend, right? So she needs to respect that."

Michelle nodded thoughtfully. "That's true. Well, she did kind of ask you, right? She asked if I was usually naked, you said yes..."

"Yeah. And I told her we're a pair now, one comes with the other."

"Yes. And she understood that, too. Didn't she?" The tip of Michelle's tongue traced her lips. "I could taste her on you."

Charlie said nothing. His face felt hot. Tomorrow, he would also see Vanessa in school, and maybe it would be just as awkward for him as it would be for Michelle. He would see Vanessa in the hallway and he would remember being inside her; his hard dick, her dripping pussy, merged together. His arms around her, her arms around him, their bodies pressed together. They could have fucked so easily. Her mouth on his, the hunger in her kisses. He could have had her, if he had just fed that hunger.

"I still feel good about it," Michelle said.

"About what?"

"About Vanessa knowing. I'm glad she knows. I'm glad I told her."

"Yeah," Charlie said after a moment. "Yeah, me, too."

Nick joined them about fifteen minutes later. Michelle was still naked, and Charlie was wiping his face with a wet paper towel, having spent most of those fifteen minutes with his head between Michelle's legs. Nick walked up to their table. "I want to be in your movie," he said without preamble.

"Huh?" Charlie was confused.

"Your movie," Nick said. "You want to make a second version, with the original script. Right? I know you've been talking about it. And I know you want Vanessa to be Ingrid. So you still need a Max. I'm volunteering."

Charlie and Michelle glanced at each other. "It's not a bad idea," Charlie said. "Nick as Max. Why not? Nick's used to seeing you naked."

"You're naked right now," Nick said.

"Yes," Michelle acknowledged. "I think you'd be perfect as Max. Is it okay, though? Will it interfere with your work?"

"It'll be fine," Nick said. "You've seen how it is here. It's quiet and boring, I spend most of my nights watching TV and they still tell me I'm the best guard they've had in years."

"Cool," Michelle said. "So we have our cast. I'm Gwen... the real Gwen this time. Vanessa is Ingrid, and Nick is Max. I think that sounds perfect."

"Not quite perfect," Charlie said. "You haven't asked Vanessa yet, have you? Maybe she'll say no."

"I'll ask her tomorrow," Michelle said. "I think she'll say yes."

Charlie thought she would, too.


Charlie sat with Ronni in the cafeteria later that week. "You know," Ronni said, "I'm glad we're reshooting it. The first one is fine, I think it works, and it'll be nice to have a version that we can show people here at school. But the original script is better. The nudity makes it more surreal."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah. And in theory, it'll be better because we know what we're doing this time. Right?"

Ronni smiled. "Yes. We have practice now." She took a bite of her peach and remarked, casually, "Did you know Vanessa was at Greenholt Gardens last night?"

"She was?"

"Yup. Apparently, she stopped by to keep Nick company for a couple hours. He was pretty happy about it this morning."

"Wow." Charlie nodded. Good for Nick, he thought. Vanessa had already agreed to be Ingrid in their new film, and she had been intrigued when Michelle revealed that Nick would be playing the opposite role.

So maybe, possibly their Max and Ingrid might really be falling for each other.

"My brother and Vampire Vanessa," Ronni said. "I really wouldn't have predicted that combination. Look, there she is now. And there's your girlfriend."

Charlie glanced over his shoulder and saw the usual group of senior girls sitting down at their table in the middle of the cafeteria. He saw Michelle and Vanessa, Tina, Hailey. Now he saw the football players coming to join them. Cody, Calvin. Glenn Mack.

"Vanessa asked if I wanted to have lunch with them today," Ronni said.


"Yeah. I guess I'm getting more popular. I already know Michelle, of course, and now Vanessa wants to be my friend, too."

"You said no?"

Ronni smiled crookedly. "Yeah. I was going to eat lunch with you. I'll join the popular kid's table when you do, Charlie."

Charlie took a second glance over his shoulder at that table. It was still hard to imagine being over there, publicly acknowledged as Michelle's boyfriend. He loved Michelle, but he didn't really want to be one of the popular kids. "Still a few guys who don't want to see me over there," he said, as he looked in particular at Cody. If Vanessa was starting to spend time with Nick, did that mean she had broken up with Cody? He could see that Vanessa and Cody weren't sitting next to each other.

"That's fine," Ronni said. "I'd rather be over here, anyway."


That night, Charlie couldn't sleep. The glowing numbers on his digital clock showed the time was long past midnight, and he was too restless to drift off. Finally, he got up and turned on his computer.

He went through his video files and found the file named "MICHPROJ". Putting on his headphones, he started the video playing.

He had said to Michelle that it wasn't finished. The honest truth was that he hadn't made any changes to it in weeks. The project had been a way for him to yearn for Michelle while he wasn't with her, when he didn't know if he had any future with her. Now that he was spending so much time with her, he didn't think about his Michelle tribute very often.

The tone of the project no longer fit his feelings for Michelle. The video seemed wistful, like someone in the far-off future recalling fond memories of a pretty cheerleader from high school. It lacked the vibrancy of the real-life Michelle and her constant desire to push at her own boundaries. It didn't have the Bonnie and Clyde thrill that was so much a part of their current relationship.

Charlie watched the whole video, then closed it. He gazed at the file on his screen for a long moment, then he selected it and made a copy. He named the copy: "MICHPROJ X."

Just like his student film. One version clean. One version dirty.

Charlie went to a different folder and found another file. This one, he had simply named "File13". A name so boring that hopefully no one would consider opening it, even if they found it on his computer.

He opened the file.

An image appeared on his screen. Michelle, in front of the camera, naked, her hand between her legs. As she fingered herself, Nick passed by behind her, carrying equipment. Thirty seconds later, Ronni was visible behind her, putting away gear in the background while Michelle furiously masturbated in the foreground.

Every night, he told himself he would watch the clip one more time and then delete it, just as he had deleted it off the camera. And every night, he ended up keeping it just one more day.

Tonight, he opened up the copy he had just created, "MICHPROJ X", in the film editor, and then he imported "File13" into available footage. Naked Michelle appeared on his screen.

A clean version and a dirty version. Time to start work on the Michelle tribute dirty version.

He began editing.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

fun stuff Jessica, thanks for sharing!!

brucewinwoodbrucewinwood3 months ago

Thank you for this amazing series! This is one of my favourite stories on this site.

I love the character development and the premise. And the sex is hot!

Good work!

DarkRoninDarkRonin4 months ago

Seriously beautiful piece of work oh that it should continue

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


This was a great story and every high school boys wet dream

HarryjansenHarryjansen5 months ago

A great finale to a great story. Thank you Jessica! Loved how Charlie dipped his cock in Vanessa ‘s pussy, with Michelle standing next to them and watching. A story as hot as hell.

Thank you for all that made it much mote than just porn. The story line, the characters, the tension you built up. You are an unique talent, you made an old man very horny. Thanks for that not in the last place ;/€

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