Satyr Play


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Stanley realized he was hearing it again. The odd emphasis on 'human'. He couldn't explain it, but he could hear it. First Paloma, now Ms. Gunderan was doing it. He pushed that aside as his mind latched onto another possibility.

"Wait! Wait! What if... what if my human self is the real me and THIS is the disguise!" Stanley gasped desperately. He looked at the others and saw discomfort in the women's eyes and outright pity in Mr. Duncan's eyes. He looked back at Sigrid. "You said reality was folded, so why couldn't that reality be as valid as this one?"

Sigrid thought about that and finally nodded. "I cannot deny the realness of the reality you held before you changed, as it was as valid as this one. However, it begs the question, why hide true Human nature with that of a member of an extinct race when every member of the Hidden Races is forced to use a glamor to hide themselves as Human just to survive?"

Stanley's initial excitement at the woman accepting his idea faded as her subsequent argument sounded entirely too logical and reasonable.

"Let's set that aside for now. The question is, how do we help Stanley get his disguise—or alternate reality back in place?" Camila said to calm the young man.

"Are you wearing an item the spell is anchored to? An enchanted ring, bracelet, or pendant? Even an earring would do," the big Security Chief suggested, but Stanley just shook his head.

Sigrid sat forward. "There was a strange ticking just before the conversion. The ticking sped up then... you changed."

"Where was the ticking coming from?" Camila asked.

The blond shook her head. "We couldn't tell. It seemed to be coming from somewhere on his body, but I wasn't close enough. Paloma was closer. I barely had time to pull her away before it happened."

"Paloma won't be in any condition to answer questions for a while," Camila said with a frown.

"I-I didn't hurt her, did I?" Stanley asked hesitantly.

"No, our Mr. Duncan got to you just in time. You should know something about Succubi. We feed by draining energy from the men we have sex with. That can be energy directly from their life force, which is the most filling but is dangerous to the man, or it can be from his bodily fluids, preferably his sperm. Satyrs are beings of intense sexual appetites, and your," she saw Stanley was getting embarrassed, so she toned it down, "ejaculate contains a tremendous quantity of purest energy. I've never felt anything like it. A palmful is likely enough to sustain an adult Succubus for two to three days, maybe longer." She glanced back at the door. "She received more than a small amount, didn't she?"

He couldn't speak, so he just nodded.

"She's having trouble containing the energy. It will eventually dissipate, and she'll have to burn the excess off, but she won't need to feed for some time. Her color change is concerning. We'll have to wait and see. It shouldn't affect her ability to activate her glamor enchantment."

"What is magic? Is it energy?" Stanley asked, trying to get his science-based belief system to accept this new reality.

"Yes, exactly. Some of the Hidden Races can tap into this energy and directly manipulate it. Make it do things that affect the tangible world around us. They're wielders. For others, like Satyrs, Succubi, and Valkyries, our abilities are fed by this energy. We're more of a... conduit for the energy."

"But where does the energy come from?" Stanley asked.

Camila looked at Sigrid as this was quickly going beyond her knowledge.

Sigrid picked up the conversation. "Think of here and now as a single layer. Everything we see and feel is our reality. There are overlaying layers—alternate realities that are as real as ours but are vastly different in their energy levels. This keeps them separate. One of these alternate layers bled some of its energy into ours. Some beings here adapted to use this energy and were shaped by it."

Stanley nodded as his brain got a handle on the information. He suddenly jolted. "What time is it?"

Camila checked her watch. "It's almost midnight."

"SHIT! I have to get home!" Stanley leapt up, then stopped to look down at his feet... hooves. His face fell. "How am I going to be able to go home when I look like this! How can I face my Baba looking like... like a goat man! She'll have a heart attack!"

"Your Baba?" Sigrid asked.

"I live in a room in my grandmother's attic." He frowned once more at his cloven hooves. "I was so looking forward to having a job where I could afford my own place! Now that's all messed up!"

"Stanley, this isn't going to affect your job. We'll get your disguise back." Camila insisted, and she saw he took a little comfort in her assurance.

"Can't you just call her?" Sigrid asked.

"She doesn't have a telephone. She... doesn't like technology. She's very old school," he admitted. "While I'm living under her roof, I must be home by no later than ten every night. I'm in so much trouble!"

The others smiled at him, and he realized how silly that must have sounded. He grinned self-deprecatingly. "She's really sweet, but she's also really strict."

"Are you related by blood?" Sigrid asked delicately.

Stanley blinked at the odd question. "Of course, I am. She's my Baba!"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem bringing you home in this condition. Call it a woman's intuition, but I believe it's highly likely that she knows. If you like, I can approach her and test the waters before you face her."

The more Stanley thought about going home, the more he felt like he had to. There was almost a compulsion to get there. He nodded.

They all stood, Camila helped him raise the hood, and he was pretty much covered. If it hadn't been for the hooves that showed with each step, he might have been able to pass for completely human with an oddly wide hood. He loaded the robe's one cavernous pocket with his stuff from the coffee table.

"I'm going to check on Paloma one more time, then we'll go," Camila said, and Sigrid followed her into the bedroom, leaving Stanley alone with Mr. Duncan.

He looked over at the big man. "Are you human?"

The Security man stared at him expressionless for an uncomfortable moment, then shook his head with a wide smile. "Lycanthrope."

Stanley shook his head to indicate he didn't know what that meant.


Stanley's eyes widened. He knew that word. The man's smile just got wider. He did have a lot of sharp-looking teeth.

"You're a newbie, so I'll let it go but a word to the wise. Never ask anyone questions like that," the big man growled quietly. A chill ran down Stanley's back.

Camila and Sigrid rejoined them, and they let themselves out of the condo and locked it up. Stanley walked closely behind the two women, with Mr. Duncan directly behind him. He kept his head down and his hood hiding as much as possible. They took the elevator down to the lobby and walked out the front door. They moved out of the range of the building's cameras where Camila's limo picked them up.

Sigrid pressed the intercom and gave Stanley's address. The limo got underway, as Stanley stared at the big blond nervously.

"What?" she asked.

"D-did you read my mind for my address?" he said, his mouth suddenly dry.

"Stanley. I work in Human Resources. You gave me your address when you gave us your resume," she said gently.

He sagged back in the chair. "I'm sorry. Everything is upside down, and I-I don't know which end is up anymore. It's like... It's like I've discovered that all the stuff I thought was a frivolous waste of time is now on the final exam, and I didn't study any of the material!"

That drew chuckles from the ladies and a smile from Mr. Duncan. They rode on in silence until they finally reached the city's outskirts.

"That's a long commute!" Camila said, looking at her new employee.

"Another reason to get an apartment closer to the office. That and avoiding the ten PM curfew," he said with a small smile.

They pulled onto a side road that dipped downwards and found themselves driving into a dense fog. Camila shared a look with Sigrid, then her Security Chief. Stanley caught her nervousness.

"There's a bog on either side of the road here, so it often gets foggy," he assured them.

"Any other houses on this road?" Mr. Duncan asked.

"Uh, no. Just Baba's."

They reached a gate, so the limo stopped.

"Maybe I'd better come with you. She can hear my voice..." He paused. "Well, it's deeper, but I think she'll know it's me. She's not fond of strangers." Camila nodded, and they got out.

With Stanley in the lead, they went through the gate and got three steps in when Camila, Sigrid, and Mr. Duncan just stopped. Stanley made it two more steps before he realized he was alone. He turned around and saw them looking past him with fear in their eyes. He turned and saw Baba standing on the front steps.

The woman was old, deeply wrinkled, her body bent and weathered with age, but she had a strength in her eyes that was fearful to look upon. Her peasant's dress was worn and faded. She slowly stepped down the stairs and kept her eyes on the group.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Baba, but I've had... quite a difficult night," Stanley confessed.

"Lift the hood. Let me see you, boy," the old woman said slowly.

Sighing, he lifted the hood and pushed it back. He watched the old woman's face, but she showed no fright or surprise, just regret and annoyance.

"You knew, Baba?" he whispered.

"Yes, boy. I knew. You... you weren't supposed to know. Not for a long time yet." She looked in annoyance at the three standing behind him. "What to do with these meddlesome creatures. Show yourselves!" she barked sharply.

Their disguises were ripped away.

Camila's skin was deepest ruby red and black and shimmered even in the dim light of the courtyard. Stunningly beautiful with voluptuous curves, her sensuality pulled at Stanley's body, but the fear in her eyes as she watched the crone on the steps, dampened his lust.

Sigrid hadn't changed, but he could see her wings were pinned to her back and glowed dimly. She definitely looked uncomfortable.

The change for Mr. Duncan was the most dramatic. Standing upright on wide paws with obsidian claws, his hugely muscled body was covered with blood-red fur. His head was that of a huge wolf, complete with a muzzle full of deadly teeth. His tongue was lolling in fear, and his teeth gleamed.

"Baba?" Stanley turned back to his grandma.

"What is it, boy?" she said with a frustrated tone.

"Please, these are my friends. They saved me tonight!" he said.

Her eyes snapped to his, and he felt the impact of her stare. She was looking for truth. He'd suffered this from her before, so he relaxed. He knew he was speaking the truth.

"Ms. Villamor gave me a most wonderful job at her company. Doing what I love! Earlier tonight, a man, a strangely handsome man, attacked me and tried to put... a demon inside me. There was an explosion instead. Ms. Gunderan arrived to fight and kill the demon. She saved me. I was unconscious, and they took me someplace safe, but I changed into... this."

"What about this beast? What value could he have to you?" the old woman was clearly looking for someone to punish and growled while pointing a crooked finger at the werewolf. It began to whine.

"Mr. Duncan... he saved me from hurting someone... someone I like very much. Please, Baba, I don't understand what's happening, but do they have to fear you? Do I need to fear you?" he said quietly.

Old eyes held his, and she growled. She swatted his cheek, but he recognized the hit as her way of telling him he'd won the point. The others suddenly sagged and gasped for breath.

"You know who it was that attacked the boy?" Baba asked Camila.

The woman nodded. "I-I believe I may know. An old business and ex-life partner. Most likely attempting to get inside information from my company."

"BAH! Such bothersome trivia. A plan long enacted has taken an unexpected turn. There is nothing for it but to allow it to follow its new course." She looked at Stanley contemplatively. "Your true destiny may yet come to pass."

The ancient woman turned and made for the stairs. She stopped on the second one up and turned back to Stanley. "You begin a new life today. This is goodbye. You will not return. I will offer you just one favor."

"Goodbye? But... you're my only family—" he gasped, stepping closer to her.

"One. Favor," the crone growled.

Stanley swallowed and nodded. "Could... could you make me human again?"

Her eyes trapped his again, and he fought back the tears that threatened to get free.

"Know that this is your true self. I can give you back the false reality you believed was who you were, but it cannot be permanent. Each day, you must revert to this form for an extended period of time. While you lived with me, I ensured you did this while you slept."

He nodded as what else could he do? She gestured for him to get closer, and once he did, she ran her thumbs over his eyelids and lifted his right hand. He could suddenly see he was wearing a ring of some kind of black stone on his ring finger. He jerked in surprise, seeing it there for the first time. She swatted his cheek to get his attention. He looked into her eyes again.

She spoke quietly so the others could not hear nor could they see what they were doing. "Don't play with this ring. Turn it only for the purpose of changing. Turn it completely around in one continuous motion, then reverse it all the way back, again in one motion. This will initiate the change." She looked into his eyes until he nodded to acknowledge the instructions. She stopped whispering as she continued. "Remember, you must return to your true self for an extended period of hours. This allows it to recharge. More importantly, if you don't, your body will forget its original shape, and you will not survive the switch when the ring discharges. This is all I can give you," she said gruffly.

"Thank you, Baba. For everything," he said.

"Go," she snapped.

He nodded and pulled the hood back up. Not to hide his horns but his tears.

The group returned to the limo, slipping behind their glamor disguises again. Once inside the vehicle, the driver got them moving back to the city. Stanley leaned against the door, turning his face away from the others.

Sitting next to the young man, Mr. Duncan leaned forward to whisper to Camila. "Baba Yaga?!? Seriously?" He spoke softly, but his tone was incredulous and fearful.

She glanced over at Stanley, but he made no indication that he'd heard. She looked back at her security officer and saw his hands were shaking badly. Then she noticed hers were, too. She looked at Sigrid, but the woman was watching Stanley intently.

The large blond woman gestured for the security chief to swap places with her and moved to sit beside Stanley. She touched the young man's shoulder and pulled him into a hug when he turned to face her. He froze for just a moment, then he was hugging her in return, and the tears started to flow. He cried silently against her shoulder as she held him, his body shaking with the intensity of his grief.

The others watched with guilty looks. They'd forgotten what it meant to Stanley to lose his only family. For him, he'd known her only as Baba, the grandmother who raised him. He had no knowledge of her position as one of the most powerful and terrifying witches of the old ones.

And now he was homeless, without even the clothes on his back.

When his tears finally ran dry, he pulled back from the woman, and she smiled gently. "For tonight, you will sleep on my couch. Tomorrow, we'll find you a place of your own."

He nodded, then looked into her eyes. "Thank you." She nodded.

Camila spoke with the driver, and the limo eventually stopped before a brownstone on a quiet street.

"We'll see you in the morning, all right?" Camila said as Stanley prepared to follow Sigrid from the car. He looked at her, nodded then exited the vehicle. He stood on the street and watched the long car drive away.

"Stanley, come inside. You've had a long day." Sigrid said gently, and he carefully lifted the hem on his robe to climb the steps up to the door. They went inside, and she locked up behind them. She guided them into her living room and came to a halt so suddenly that he bumped into her back.


"Quiet. Someone's been in my home," she growled quietly.

Stanley peered around her and saw two cardboard boxes on the coffee table. On top of one of the boxes was a painted stone. His breath caught in his throat. He stepped around the woman.

"Stanley, no!"

He looked back with a sad smile. "It was Baba. These are my things. I don't know how, but she left me my things." A tear rolled down his cheek as he picked up the heavy fist-sized stone. It was a meteorite, actually. He'd found it on one of his walks in the forest with Baba when he was very young. He used it to keep his bedroom door open in the summer to get a breeze in his room. She'd insisted he paint it with a thick coat of black paint so it wouldn't get rust on her floor. He smiled at the memory.

He set the chunk of cold iron down on the table and opened the first box. His books were inside, and the charging cable for his phone. Baba's home had no electricity, so he charged the phone while in his classes at school. He pulled it out now to charge the phone overnight. He took the phone from his pocket and plugged it in by the couch.

The second box contained his clothes. He sighed as they were just jammed into the box. He began pulling the items out and refolded them as he went. He found his toiletry kit at the bottom of the box and sighed with relief. He stacked the clothes neatly back in the box once he was done.

Sigrid arrived with bedsheets for the couch and made a bed for him.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked, but he just shook his head. "Try to get some sleep, and I'll see you for breakfast. There's a washroom in the hallway."

"Good night, and thank you, Ms. Gunderan."

"Sigrid, please," she said with a smile.

He returned the smile. "Thank you, Sigrid."

She nodded and left the room to climb up the stairs to her bedroom on the second story.

Carrying his toiletry kit, he found the washroom and brushed his teeth, scowling at the stranger in the mirror.

Then he went back to the living room and turned the lights off. He took off his robe and slipped under the sheet on the couch. It was pretty comfortable, but the day's events stirred his mind.

The first major event, he had a really great job! He was so looking forward to getting back to it!

His Executive Assistant was beautiful, and she'd had sex with him! Granted, she was a Succubus... and having sex was how they ate... so... that diminished his special moment somewhat.

He'd discovered mythical creatures exist and that he, himself, was one. He thought about that revelation, and it didn't feel too positive. He would have preferred to remain in the dark about that.

But the worst thing to happen today was the loss of his Baba. He knew that one day he would have moved out and only seen her on visits, and he was mentally preparing himself for that day, but it had come too soon, and she was clear that he wasn't allowed to visit. She was out of his life, and now there was a terrible void in it. He felt the tears welling up once more.

He yawned hugely and suddenly found himself slipping under.

"Good night, Baba," he whispered automatically to the empty room.

His gentle exhalations began as his day finally ended.

"Good night, boy," the room whispered back.

Chapter 3

Stanley sat behind his desk in his new office, looking out the window. Morning sunlight streamed in and warmed his body. His human body! He saw his reflection in the glass, smiling back at him.
