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It became a running joke between the two of them, and it would continue all through the summer. Whenever Phil would spend a day at the pool, Sabrina would call Chad over to talk with her. He was their age, and he was a very good-looking young man. He was in on the gag—every time the two of them would act flirty, Phil would invariably take a long set of laps in the pool. Because his head was underwater, he was unaware of the soft laughter coming from the lifeguard stand.

He was also unaware that he was becoming something of an attraction at the pool. Several married women and some single moms had gotten memberships at the pool, hoping to keep their kids occupied over the summer. They enjoyed feasting their eyes on the young male lifeguards, but then became captivated with Phil. Instead of the once-a-week visit to the pool that these housewives had anticipated, they were there almost every day.

Many of these women naturally became friends, and that was nice. But they all stopped their conversations to stare when Phil took off his shirt and each time he got in and out of the water. Unlike their moms, the kids didn't hesitate to approach Phil. He was a gregarious fellow, and as a former lifeguard he enjoyed playing with the kids in the water. He would play games with them, and enjoyed teaching the younger kids to swim.

Phil had no problem talking with the other parents, but he avoided embarrassing his daughter by pointing her out to them. There were a few other dads who accompanied their kids to the pool, and they all enjoyed hanging out with Phil and talking to him. It just made it more difficult for the lusty housewives to make a move on him. Phil enjoyed flirting with those women, but considered it harmless fun. He failed to grasp that most of those women wanted to have sex with him.

Sabrina watched each time. Amusement warred with an unexpected jealousy as she watched some woman fawn over her sexy father. Those emotions always left her feeling weak once they passed. A daughter shouldn't feel this way about her own dad!

Sabrina was deeply conflicted over her feelings. At her age, it was not something she could easily express. She certainly wasn't going to bring it up with her close friends. They would have understood, of course. Jenny barely kept from drooling when she stared at him—it just wasn't something they talked about.

The summer rushed by all too quickly. The time shared at the pool had created an opening for Sabrina to reconnect with her father. They had something to discuss over dinner and for a change they were actually eating together far more often than not. They finally had some new inside jokes to share, mostly about the kids and parents and some of the other lifeguards from the pool.

The last two weeks the pool was open, Sabrina was aggravated and didn't have a clue what to do about it.

One of the girls who had worked with her both years was now in college. Vickie had returned to work for the summer. She was twenty, and she looked like one of the girls from Baywatch. Phil had started flirting with Vickie, and it was making Sabrina nuts! Vickie clearly loved the attention and was flirting right back.

Unlike Jenny, Vickie had no clue that Phil was Sabrina's dad. Chad and Jenny knew, but nobody bothered to tell Vickie. Everyone else seemed amused, and Sabrina tried to pretend that she was too. She didn't know what else to do. Hell, she could barely admit to herself how jealous it made her to see her father flirting with Vickie.

It would get worse.

The day before the pool was going to close for the summer, Vickie actually took Phil around behind the shacks that housed the bathrooms and showers. She was flushed with arousal when she returned fifteen minutes later, and had a dreamy look in her eye. Chad, Jenny, and Sabrina were wide-eyed when Vickie finally spoke.

"Oh my God," she murmured. "I never imagined I would get so turned on by an older guy like that. That man can kiss! And let me tell you, he is packing the biggest dick I've ever felt. I'm going to have to get some of that before I go back to school."

She looked at the wide eyes and shocked expressions and cocked her head. "What?" she asked.

It was Chad who broke the news. "Oh my God, Vickie!" he gasped. "Phil is Sabrina's dad! Didn't you know?"

"What?!" she gasped in disbelief. "No! I had no idea!" She blushed furiously. "I didn't think he was that old! Jesus, Sabrina, why didn't you say something?"

"I thought you knew," Sabrina lied. She felt lame for saying it. She was blushing just as much as Vickie was, unable to get that image out of her head. My dad has a big dick? Good grief, how am I going to keep from staring at that, now that I know?

* * *

Phil was disappointed when Vickie avoided him after that, but he had not expected anything to happen. He was a little embarrassed that he had let things go as far as they had, but it had been a real treat to make out with that busty young lifeguard. It had taken him back to his own teenage years, when he had lost his virginity to an older girl he had worked with as a lifeguard in southern California.

Both of them were quiet as they ate dinner the following evening. The pool was closed, and Sabrina would be returning to school the next day to start her senior year. Phil had two new projects lined up at work and expected to be very busy for the next six weeks. They were both lost in their thoughts and only really talked while they washed the dishes after dinner.

"I'm going to go to the gym for a workout," Phil announced. "I know I'll be really busy at work the next few weeks, and I need to take advantage of these opportunities when I can."

"That's a good idea," Sabrina replied. She was relieved that her father hadn't caught her staring at his crotch. That prominent bulge was just impossible for her to ignore. Every time she realized that she was staring, she would avert her gaze quickly and think, Dammit, Vickie!

Phil left and returned an hour and a half later. Sabrina was relieved that he had showered at the gym. If he had showed up at the apartment all sweaty in his thin workout clothes...she shuddered involuntarily at the thought. Then she pictured her dad's ripped body as he emerged from the shower wrapped only in a towel. She was getting far too turned on thinking about her own father!

Her nipples were sensitive and completely hard when she hugged him good-night. Sabrina lay awake in her bed for a long time that night.

* * *

Fortunately, they were both extremely busy for the next several weeks. It gave Sabrina time to come to grips with her feelings. Several of her friends inadvertently helped. Jenny and Heather started a conversation one day about guys they hadn't slept with but would love to try. They were sitting in the school cafeteria at lunch. Sabrina, Connie, and two other girls smirked as they listened to their friends rattle off a couple of the hotter guys in school.

"Oh, Pete is looking just amazing!" Heather gushed. They all had to agree, looking across the cafeteria at the young man in question. "Who would have thought he would turn into such a hottie over the summer."

"He's cute," Jenny agreed, nodding. She just didn't seem as enthusiastic about it.

"What?" Connie asked. "Who are you thinking about? I don't think there's anybody here who got more attractive than Pete."

It was Jenny's turn to blush. "I can't really say," she protested.

The other girls all needled her, and Sabrina sucked in a surprised gulp when she finally hissed, "It's Sabrina's dad, okay? There isn't a guy in this school that is as hot as he is." She looked over at Sabrina. "I'm sorry, but it's true."

Of the other girls at the table, only Heather had seen Sabrina's dad over the summer. She bit her lip and nodded. "Jenny's right about that," she breathed. "But, come on, he's Sabrina's dad for crying out loud. None of us are actually going to sleep with him." Her eyes went wide. "Seriously, Jenny, you'd sleep with him?"

It was Jenny's turn to bite her lip and she turned crimson. Sabrina felt terrible for her—she was so embarrassed! She reached over and patted her best friend's shoulder reassuringly.

"Hey, he's my dad, but I understand," she murmured. Then she gave Jenny a wicked grin. "Just don't expect me to call you 'Mom' if you get together with my dad!"

The other girls all erupted in laughter and even Jenny joined in. It was just too ridiculous.

But it crystallized what Sabrina had been struggling with ever since she had first gotten turned on by her own father. It wasn't just her—her friends agreed that her dad was something special. He was more attractive than any of the guys in their school, which included every guy she had dated. Sabrina realized what had been gnawing at her for all these years. She had been settling for guys who had far less going for them than the man she lived with.

She loved her father. She was also in love with her father. It was an enormous moment when she realized it. Now that she understood what she was feeling, she needed to figure out what to do about it. That would take a while.

* * *

Sabrina's birthday was in October, making her the first of her friends to turn eighteen. She wanted to do something cool for her birthday, and wanted to include her friends. Her father wanted desperately to make his daughter's birthday amazing—maybe even more than she wanted it.

"Seriously, Sabrina," he assured her with an intense look in his eyes, "I want this to be a night you'll remember for the rest of your life. Don't worry how much it costs; if we can make it happen, I want to do it for you."

They contemplated hiring a live band and holding a birthday concert. That fell short of amazing because there just wasn't a band available that actually appealed to Sabrina. It would have cost three thousand dollars, which Sabrina thought was crazy. Her dad hadn't even batted an eye at the cost. That meant more to her than the idea of the concert, which had seemed pretty cool.

Instead, they rented the large indoor pool at the gym for the evening. Phil hired a local DJ for the pool party, and Sabrina invited the entire senior class. It was a testament to just how popular she was when all 236 seniors came to the swimming party. That was a lot more people than the Olympic-sized pool could accommodate, but almost half of the kids didn't swim.

Phil hung out with the scores of parents in the parking lot for the four hours that the party lasted. It was every bit as amazing and memorable as they had hoped. After the massive party at the pool, Sabrina's closest friends joined them at the apartment for a sleepover. It was a Friday night, and Phil had gotten permission from the other girls' parents to let them drink.

It wasn't the first time for any of the girls, but it was a pleasant change to be allowed to drink.

"You know, this is the first time I feel like I'm being treated like an adult," Jenny grinned, sipping champagne. The other girls all nodded as they relaxed around the dining room table. Phil was sitting on a bar stool behind the kitchen counter, and he smiled happily. It was everything he had hoped for his little girl.

He served as their bartender, mixing drinks for the girls. He made sure the drinks were tasty and not too strong. After the champagne was gone, the girls were really more interested in talking than getting drunk. That was a relief. Phil had put himself out on a limb to get permission for the girls to drink, and he wanted them to enjoy themselves. He had two drinks over the course of the night, and then sipped coffee to make sure he was alert.

There were seven girls, but two of them did not have permission to stay overnight. Phil drove Diane and Stephanie home just after midnight, and both girls gave him an embarrassing hug right in front of their parents. His self-conscious grin just earned chuckles from both sets of parents, and they shook his hand and thanked him for looking out for their daughters. Phil returned to the apartment and rushed inside, a little worried that the girls might have hit the liquor in his absence. Instead, he was caught offguard to find the five remaining girls all dressed in sexy little nighties.

What he really had not expected was the dance party that ensued.

Oh, it wasn't loud boisterous music, and that just made it worse. The girls had selected a playlist of romantic slow songs, and they all insisted on dancing with him. Phil knew that most of these girls were only seventeen, and he kept that thought firmly in mind as he danced with them as chastely as he could. It was tough, because they pressed their bodies against him insistently every chance they got. Phil was so distracted with all of the girls cooing and touching him that he never consciously noticed his daughter was one of the most insistent.

Phil was sorely tempted to have a big drink after they finally went to bed. The girls had taken over the king-sized bed in his room and he planned to sleep on the couch. They stayed up for two more hours talking and giggling in his room before Sabrina and Jenny retreated to Sabrina's room to sleep. Phil was still sound asleep on the couch when the girls got up and fixed breakfast the next morning.

It was Jenny who woke him up, bringing a fresh cup of coffee. Her gauzy babydoll nightie was tantalizing, and Phil had a hungry look in his eye before he realized who it was. Their eyes met, and he was chagrined that she had totally caught him checking her out. She only smiled. When she walked away, she wiggled her bottom at him, and he blushed furiously.

Phil carefully sat up and took a long sip of coffee. He sighed appreciatively as the caffeine worked its magic. Unfortunately, he had to go to the bathroom rather urgently. He got up and walked briskly to the bathroom, unaware of how obvious his morning wood was in his boxers. He had been so tired he hadn't even worn a shirt that night. All of Sabrina's friends stared, and their eyes were still wide when the bathroom door closed behind him.

"Oh my God," Connie breathed. She turned to Jenny, who was grinning broadly. "When you said Sabrina's dad was hot, I had no idea!"

"Connie!" Sabrina protested, "That's my dad you're talking about."

Connie murmured an insincere apology, but then all of the girls sucked in a breath when Jodie blurted, "If he was my dad, I'd fuck him." She looked around at their shocked faces. "What?" she asked. "Too much honesty? Come on, if he was your dad..."

Sabrina just grinned and shook her head. Her friends all gave Jodie a hard time, but none of them refuted what she had said, either. Sabrina knew that every one of her friends would happily fuck her dad. She also knew that none of them would blame her if she did it.

They managed to change the topic before Phil finished getting dressed and joined them for breakfast.

* * *

Sabrina had repeatedly told everyone she invited to the pool party not to bring her a present or a card. Of course, almost everyone had. There was a small mountain of presents to go through, and over a hundred cards. Most of the birthday cards had some cash enclosed. Phil and Sabrina were both astonished at some of the extravagant presents she had been given.

"I barely even know her!" Sabrina exclaimed as she unwrapped a beautiful dress from a girl named Tara. "God, it's beautiful." Phil had to agree when Sabrina modeled the dress for him later.

The pool had only cost two hundred dollars to rent. The DJ had charged another two hundred. The cash in the cards amounted to almost two thousand dollars. It was mind-numbing to see the generosity of her classmates so obviously displayed. When Sabrina offered to pay for her own party, Phil wouldn't hear of it.

"You need to buy yourself a few nice things and let everyone know you appreciate their generous gifts," he advised her. "Then put the rest of the money in your college fund. You'll be glad you have it once you start college."

It took most of the weekend, but with her father's help, Sabrina was able to write a thank-you card to everyone who had brought her a present or a card. She wrote an effusive "Thank you for listening to me!" card to the few friends who had attended her party and not brought her a present or card. They had done those cards carefully, so that the friends who had brought presents wouldn't take offense if they saw them.

Everyone talked about the amazing birthday party for weeks afterward, and it meant that Sabrina would earn an invitation to everyone else's eighteenth birthday party for the rest of the year. People she didn't even know approached her and asked for advice when their birthdays approached. That included the guys.

* * *

Sabrina started carefully flirting with her father after that amazing birthday bash. Phil kept himself under rigid control around his daughter, refusing to acknowledge that she was now a gorgeous, busty woman. Whenever his eyes would settle on her breasts or bottom, his gaze would reflexively snap to something else in the room. To Sabrina, he seemed blind to her obvious charms, and she felt that he treated her like a child. It started to piss her off.

Every guy at her school noticed her and her impressive bust line. Her father apparently failed to take note even when she wore no bra and a nearly transparent t-shirt. She wanted him to notice when her breasts bobbed around enticingly, but she never caught him looking. The only thing that kept her from losing it entirely was that he allowed her to wear skimpy clothes and even sit in his lap. At her age, none of her friends took such liberties with their dads.

While her father refused to let on what a sexy woman his daughter had become, his thick cock responded noticeably to her soft, round bottom. He didn't get rock-hard every time she sat in his lap, but when he did she loved the way it felt. She was careful not to overdo it when she wiggled her bottom in his lap and pressed the thick, hard shaft against her sensitive lower lips.

Phil wasn't an idiot; he just couldn't reconcile the sexy woman sitting in his lap with his mental image of his daughter as an innocent little girl. He was embarrassed to find his dick getting hard, and did his best to play it off as though it wasn't happening. Unlike his daughter, he had not been laid in several months. She had tried to get over her attraction to her father by letting three different young men take her to bed. It hadn't worked.

At the end of her Christmas vacation, Sabrina was flipping through the channels on the television and couldn't find anything she felt like watching. At the time, her father was in the kitchen preparing something for them to eat. His voice carried out to the living room with a helpful suggestion.

"Hey, we've got a Netflix account," he reminded her. "Amazon, too. There is a ton of stuff there that we can watch if you don't like what's on TV."

That was how their Baywatch binge began. That evening after they had eaten, Sabrina settled into her father's lap and started the first episode. It had been so long since they had watched any of the shows that they were almost funny now. What wasn't funny was just how hard Phil's dick got as he watched those gorgeous women bouncing along the beach in slow motion.

He felt silly for getting turned on, but those women had been his fantasy for longer than he could even remember. Sabrina shivered as her father shifted beneath her. His rampant erection pressed urgently against her pussy lips without her having to move a muscle. The way it throbbed there had her panting long before they got through the second episode.

Oh, God, it's so thick, she thought. Each time he moved at all, it sent fresh tremors through her body. At any moment, she expected him to growl and pull her tiny panties aside. That thick, throbbing daddy-cock was clearly hungry to take her. She heard him moan softly, twice. Both times, she slowly turned to look at his face out of the corner of her eye.