Saving the Company Ch. 01

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Joe joins the company and meets Bethany.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/20/2005
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I grit my teeth and swallowed hard as I continued to force a smile on my face. I wasn't one to suffer fools particularly well, but I wasn't about to alienate my new boss already. It took me six months to find this job and I planned on holding it at least long enough to replenish my savings.

My boss, Bradley Philips Jr., inherited the company from his father, Bradley Phillips, Sr. five years earlier. It must have killed the old man to leave something he spent years building to such a putz.

"So Joe, do you think you can handle it?" my new boss asked me. I sat across the conference table from him and tried to keep my tone even.

"Well Brad, it's hard to say without knowing the full scope of the project..." I began, but Karl interrupted.

"That sounds like a cop out," he snapped.

Karl was Bradley's Chief Operating Officer. He was probably in his late thirties. He had pale skin and dark hair that was slowly disappearing. He was also short and extremely thin. His gaze never seemed to lock on any one thing for long and he always acted is if he were trying to catch you doing something wrong. It was an interesting personality trait for someone in his role.

I glanced over at Bethany. She was the administrative assistant young Bradley inherited from his father when Bradley senior retired. She sat silently taking notes and I thought I saw her shake her head ever so slightly, but that was the her only reaction. Bethany was an extremely professional woman. She was also the only other competent person in the meeting. It was too bad Bradley limited her role. The rumor was that his father used to rely on her heavily.

"Actually Karl, if you had let me finish, you would have heard me say that I'd be willing to take it on if we built a little more leeway into the contract. I think Herb will go for it, considering the number of unknown variables," I said, still forcing a smile.

"Absolutely not!" Judy, the head of Sales and Marketing nearly yelled. She was a slightly overweight, attractive blond in her early thirties. "It took me three months to get Herb to agree to sign. We can't afford for this deal to go bad!"

"We can't afford to take on another deal that loses money," I replied bluntly. Judy flushed angrily and I sighed to myself again. I wasn't trying to accuse her of making bad deals in the past, but that didn't mean it wasn't true.

"Those deals lost money because of poor implementation! That's why you were hired," she snarled.

"Yes, and these contract modifications will help correct the implementation issues that have plagued this company," I replied, still forcing myself to at least sound calm as I silently cursed my old boss once again for embezzling money and forcing the company out of business.

"I disagree! Besides, Herb will never agree to the changes you want," Judy said confidently.

"Herb is a tough customer, but he can be reasonable if he's approached correctly. If you would just let me give him a call..." I said, but once again was cut off.

"Judy's put a lot of time on this deal. If she thinks Herb won't budge, then I'm inclined to go with her on this one," Brad said.

Herb was a potential client, but I knew him from my old company. Twenty years of doing business with him made me feel pretty confident that he'd accept the adjustments I was suggesting. Of course, it was probably a waste of time trying to convince Brad, Judy and Karl of this, but I had to try.

I argued my point briefly and then Judy spent fifteen minutes in a bit of a rant. After the first few minutes I found it hard to concentrate on what she was saying. Bradley and Karl gave her their full attention. Bethany continued to take notes.

I watched Bethany for a time, wondering what she thought about the issue. The few interactions I had with her gave me the feeling that she understood a hell of a lot about running a company of this type. She certainly knew more than Bradley junior.

As Judy continued to drone on, I caught myself wondering how Bethany would look if she wasn't wearing glasses that were out of style and clothes that were professional, but far too conservative for my liking. I was a bit surprised when I realized that she would probably be quite attractive if she made the effort.

Still, she was a little old for my tastes. I guess she was probably around my age, maybe a little younger than my fifty-three years, but looks could be deceiving.

She was average height with a slim figure. Her eyes were a soft brown and she wore her dirty blond hair up in a bun. I was just trying to picture what her hair would look like if she wore it down when she looked up and caught me watching. I nodded, smiled and turned back to Brad, Karl and Judy.

Judy was showing no signs of letting up so I sighed to myself and let my mind wander again. I found myself wondering if Judy was sleeping with Brad. I didn't normally focus on these types of things, but I couldn't come up with another reason why else would he hire her. Sales had dropped almost fifty percent since she joined the company. Of course, Karl wasn't much better.

'I wondered if Brad sleeps with them both?' I thought and had to suppress a laugh. Brad, Karl and Judy didn't notice, but Bethany looked at me oddly. I just shrugged.

The conversation continued for another half an hour until Bradley ended the meeting with the issue still unresolved. He, Karl and Judy left in a rush. They didn't want to be late for a lunch reservation.

"Well, that's an hour of my life that I'll never get back," I said with a sigh. I was surprised when Bethany smiled. It was a very charming smile. I joined the company a few weeks earlier and up until now, she was always so reserved in my presence.

"I don't think it was wasted," she said. "You were right. I'll talk to Mr. Phillips later and see what I can do."

"You think you can sway him?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Bethany was far blunter than I expected. I found myself liking her even more.

"Depends on his mood," she replied with a shrug. "He thinks of me as a relic from his father's time, but sometimes he remembers that his father's time was also the glory days of this company."

"I'll buy you lunch if you can pull that off," I promised.

"At the Captain's Table?" she asked, her eyes twinkling. It was one of the more expensive restaurants in the area.

"We'll see," I replied with a smile.

Two days later Brad came in and agreed to at least let me talk to Herb. Judy wasn't happy about it and became down right nasty when I came back from Herb with a signed contract that contained most of the changes I requested.

"So, about that lunch," Bethany said after hearing the news.

"How does Tuesday at noon sound?" I laughed.

"Sounds good to me," she replied.

Tuesday came and I showed up at Bethany's desk promptly at noon. She was in with Bradley and after fifteen minutes I left her a note to call me when she was free. It was nearly one thirty when she came by.

"I'm sorry about that," she said with a frown. "I had to take notes while Mr. Phillips met with the COO and the Sales and Marketing VP. They scheduled a luncheon meeting and didn't bother to inform me earlier."

Bethany was always professional, but I noticed that she didn't use Karl or Judy's names whenever she could avoid it. It was probably a subconscious reaction. I felt pretty confident assuming she liked them about as much as I did.

"That's okay," I said. Bethany smiled.

"Can we reschedule?" she asked.

"Hey, you had your chance," I teased. Her smile turned into a laugh. It was the first time I heard her laugh and I found that not only was it pleasant sounding, but it was contagious as well. It also caused me to reevaluate my estimate of her age down a few years.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked, still fighting back my laughter.

"Sorry, I can't make it," she replied. I thought she was joking and laughed louder, but she shook her head and added, "No, I'm serious. I have tomorrow off."

"Big plans?" I asked.

"Visiting my granddaughter," she replied.

"You can't be a grandmother!" I said in surprise. She blushed and smiled.

"I married young. So did my daughter," she said. I found myself wondering once again what Bethany would look like with her hair down and glasses off. I shrugged the thought away.

"Any special reason for the visit?"

"Granddaughter's kindergarten graduation," she replied with a sigh.

"Aren't they fun?" I asked sarcastically, remembering my grandson's graduation. Bethany laughed again.

"It shouldn't be that bad. My daughter is taking us out afterward for lunch," she replied.

"The Captain's Table?" I joked. No one took a child to the Captain's Table.

"Pizza," she sighed. "The one with the noisy games and rat character." This time we both burst out laughing and didn't stop for a few moments.

"Is your husband going with you?" I asked.

"No," she sighed. "We've been divorced for twenty years and no one has seen him since."

"I'm sorry," I said, a little embarrassed.

"Don't be," she replied. "It was a long time ago." We fell silent as I thought frantically, trying to think of something else to say.

"It could be worse. My ex-wife always shows up to those types of functions with her husband," I said, and then trying to make her laugh again, added, "Of course, over the years that's been two or three different guys."

"You're joking," she said in disbelief.

"No, I'm serious," I replied, putting my hand over my heart. "You should see the poor grandchildren." She finally laughed again.

"So, how about going to lunch on Thursday?" she asked, getting back to the beginning of the conversation.

"Why not dinner tonight?" I asked, surprising both of us. She looked flustered for a moment and took off her glasses. I noticed that she had beautiful eyes.

"It wouldn't be proper," she said after hesitating a moment. She put her glasses back on.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"It would look to much like a date," she replied. I knew she was correct, but I didn't care. That was odd in itself. I usually preferred dating woman far younger than Bethany, but there was something about her.

"And?" I asked. Bethany's surprise turned to shock.

"You're asking me out on a date?"

"Why not?" Bethany blushed a pale shade of pink as her hand went to her mouth. It only lasted a moment before she smiled and shrugged to herself.

"Thank you," she finally said. "It's been quite some time since I was asked on a date by a handsome man."

"So I'll see you tonight," I said, appreciating the complement.

"That's not possible," she sighed. "It would be far too unprofessional for me to date one of Mr. Phillips employees."

"Do you think he'll really care?" I asked.

"No, but I will," she replied. I looked at her carefully before nodding.

"I understand," I said with a sigh, and then asked, "How about that lunch?"

"Maybe next week," she said. I nodded and she turned away. I watched her go and noticed that she had a very nice shape under those frumpy clothes.

"Oh well," I said to no one in particular, but for the next two weeks I found myself looking at Bethany whenever she was near. She had to notice my staring, but she never commented on it.


"Oh yes! Right there Joe!"

I focused on Beatrice's nipple as she rubbed my dick back and forth over her pussy lips. I knew just what to do to bring Beatrice pleasure. I'd been doing it for ten years.

Beatrice was only thirty-eight years old. We met at my sister's during a party. She was lonely that day and so was I. A few weeks later we went to Aruba for a long weekend.

We never really became serious, but Beatrice was a dynamo in bed and over the years we'd meet whenever both of us were unattached. I called her the night before because I needed a distraction to stop me from thinking about Bethany.

"Give it to me now!" Beatrice demanded. I shoved my hips forward until I was fully embedded in her wet pussy. I started moving back and forth while still nibbling on her nipple.

Beatrice had a little extra weight on her small frame that seemed to grow with each passing year, but she was still an attractive woman. Her hair was long, dark and frizzy. She didn't shave her pussy, but she did keep it trimmed close. I never understood some people's infatuation with a shaved pussy.

"Oh Joe, I've missed you!" she cried as her head thrashed back and forth. It was six months since we'd been together because Beatrice had been seriously dating a guy. I was sorry when I heard they split, but that didn't stop me from enjoying myself as I thrust into her.

Her chest was only an A cup, but her pointy nipples never failed to turn me on. I switched my focus to her other nipple. I waited for what I knew was the right time before pulling Beatrice into a deep kiss and using both hands to pinch her long nipples. Beatrice locked her ankles behind me and came. I could feel her nails scratching my back and she moaned deeply into my mouth.

"Did you cum?" she asked me when she finally came down from her high. I smiled in answer and thrust into her slowly.

"That's what I love the most about you!" she laughed. "You've got a hell of a lot of staying power." It was true, but at my age I was also usually done for the night once I let go.

I grinned as I thought back to my youth. It was pretty much the opposite back in those days. A pussy like Beatrice's would have made me cum in a matter of minutes, but then again, I would have been ready for a second and possibly third go the same night.

Beatrice rolled over onto her stomach and I smiled. Sometimes she liked to climb on top of me. I found it enjoyable, but I really liked it when she let me take her from behind. I love a big ass and as I said earlier, Beatrice's grew a little more each year.

'Bethany's ass is a lot smaller than Beatrice's, but it looks nice and round.' I caught myself thinking. I smiled and shook my head. This was not the time to think about Bethany.

"Is anything wrong?" Beatrice asked. This brought my attention back to her meaty ass. I pushed into her pussy.

"What do you think?" I asked. Beatrice just groaned as I slowly picked up the pace. Soon she had her ass high up in the air and my balls were slapping her clit with each thrust. She came again, but I just kept fucking her from behind.

I grabbed her thick hips and started driving into her with as much force as I could muster as she neared her third orgasm. Her pussy throbbed and I let loose deep inside her.

"Yes!" she cried and joined me. We thrashed about until we were both done cumming.

"That was amazing," she sighed when we were done.

"As always," I added. She laughed and we lay catching our breath.

"So, what's her name?" Beatrice asked, surprising me.

"Whose name?" I asked.

"Joe, we've been friends for ten years," Beatrice said with a grin. "We've also been sexual partners for most of that time. Usually there is someone else on your mind when you give it to me as hard as you did tonight."

"Beatrice..." I began, but she cut me off.

"I'm not complaining!" she said as she brushed her hand through my hair. "Tell me her name and I'll thank her."

"Bethany," I said with a laugh, and then told her the whole story. She listened silently.

"This sounds serious," Beatrice finally said.

"We'll see," I said with a shrug. We talked for another hour before I got out of bed and left. I drove home without putting the radio on. I walked into my house and sighed. Beatrice was a great release, but I still couldn't get Bethany off of my mind.


"Mother, just go to lunch with the man!"

Bethany sighed. She should never have told Jennie about Joe, but she couldn't focus on the kindergarten graduation the day after and Jennie noticed. Her daughter quizzed Bethany all during lunch because she thought something was wrong. Bethany finally admitted the truth and Jennie hadn't let up in the two weeks since.

"I can't date someone who works for Mr. Phillips," Bethany said into the phone as she finished cleaning the dishes.

"Mother, it's just lunch," Jennie replied. Bethany could picture her daughter's frown. She grinned despite herself. Jennie meant well, but sometimes she sounded more like a mother than a daughter.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Bethany said, ending the call.

"Okay mother, but think about it. This Joe seems like a nice guy from your description," Jennie replied. Bethany hung up the phone and sighed. She was having problems doing anything else but think about it.

Bethany glanced at her reflection in one of the pots and sighed. She felt old and outdated. It hadn't always been that way. It all started when she became a grandmother and her boss decided to retire within six months of each other.

She started her job with Bradley Sr. twenty years ago. He gave her the job out of the kindness of his heart when her ex-husband disappeared. She worked hard those first few years and learned whatever it took to become useful. Bethany liked to think she more than paid him back. He'd said as much before he retired.

In those days Bethany's job challenged her. She didn't realize how much she would miss that challenge until it was gone. Bradley Jr. wasn't half the businessman his father was and worse, he tended to use her as nothing more than a glorified secretary. She never felt so bored in her life.

It was six months after the change over that Bethany realized that she didn't have much of a life outside of work, but by then it was too late. She liked the money she was making and enjoyed the five weeks vacation she received each year. Bethany had no desire to change employers.

She was sure that Bradley Jr. thought about ridding himself of her frequently, but Bradley Sr. still owned the majority of the stock and he was always very loyal to those who were loyal to him. She didn't have to worry about losing her job, but that didn't make it any more enjoyable. She was just marking time when Joe joined the company.

She knew more about him then he guessed. He worked for a competitor and Bradley Sr. had her keep tabs on competitors' employees worth keeping an eye on. He even tried to hire Joe once some years back.

Joe had a great reputation and he would have had a job the day after his old company closed if he had been willing to relocate or Bradley Sr. was still in charge. Bethany was sure to bring his name to Bradley Jr.'s attention, but he didn't seem interested despite the problem they were having. She lost her patience as the months went by and finally did something that she seldom did. She sent an email to Bradley Sr. It wasn't about Joe, but she did mention the fact that his company was closed and some good people were available. Bradley Sr. took it from there. One month later, Joe was hired.

He started quietly enough, but two week in he fired half his staff and hired some of the other employees from his old company. There were cries of cronyism and worse, but Joe stuck to his decision and Bethany realized he was even better than she expected. Almost every single one of the people he fired was all but useless and those he hired seemed to already be getting more done.

Bethany thought he might actually find a way of saving the company from Bradley Jr.'s incompetence if he stuck around long enough. She liked his style, not to mention his looks. Bethany sighed. She was thinking about him again.

She went to her bedroom and stripped her clothes. She made her way toward the shower, but stopped in front of the mirror. She stood there looking at herself as she undid her bun.

"Not too bad for a fifty year old," she said aloud once her hair was down. She was actually only forty-eight, almost forty-nine, but it was close enough. This was the first time in a long time that she could remember really looking at herself naked.

Bethany still weighed within a few pounds of what she had when she was thirty and she still liked the way she looked. Okay, she could do without the small stretch marks childbirth gave her and her C cup breasts sagged more then she liked, but they were still nicely shaped. She lifted them with both hands and smiled.