School Virus

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Ruby asks the hottest girl at school out to Prom.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/10/2017
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Author's note: By remarkable coincidence, every student at Ruby's high school is at least eighteen years old. Wild, huh?

"Mom? Dad? I, um. There's something I have to -- no. There's something I want to tell you."

. . .

"See, I'm. I'm." Ruby gave a nervous cough. "I'm bisexual."

. . .

"I still like guys! It's just that -- well, I like girls too, and I think I like them a bit, well. A bit more, I think. That's . . . that's all."

. . .

"Ugh! That was horrible!" Ruby flung herself back on her bed, her otherwise empty bedroom giving the performance zero feedback either way. She punched her pillow, which deformed into a bowtie shape. "Why is this so haaaaard?"

As if to punctuate her frustration, the loud tones of her father's alarm clock began to ring through the house. Six-thirty, time to rise and shine and seize the day and do your best and don't get in trouble with the cheerleaders again young lady, I'm warning you, come straight home.

Ruby buried her face in her pillow as she heard the knock come at her door like clockwork. "Time to get up, sweet pea," she heard her mother call.

"Coming," Ruby grumbled, loud enough for her mother to hear through the door.

"Breakfast in half an hour. You have the bathroom first today."

Ruby's father had been in the Navyfor two decades, and he ran the house as tightly as any of the ships he served on. She didn't mind it so much, to be honest -- save for the criminally early time he expected his two children to awaken.

At least he allowed them to sleep in on the weekends.

Ruby dragged herself out of her bed, pulling the bathrobe from its hook on her closet door. Yet another day in the boring, pitiful life of a closeted bisexual teenager.


Her mother had the radio on when Ruby finally made it downstairs.

". . . and I'm saying, why? You know, why? Is it containment? We know the virus isn't fatal, and yet that's little excuse." The pundit apparently thumped the desk hard enough to jostle his microphone.

"Exactly," came his equally anonymous partner. "Any other country, they'd have locked down Denver the moment the news broke, but here? Par for the course for this administration . . ."

Ruby rolled her eyes as the faux argument rolling across the airwaves encountered some static along the way. Everyone was talking about the virus these days. It wasn't fatal -- in some ways, it wasn't even inconvenient, depending on who you talked to.

She remembered her Biology teacher describe the virus as Neuro-Plastic: it attacked certain centers in the frontal lobe of the brain, shutting down specific inhibitive behaviors and reshaping how others communicated with the rest of the nervous system, if she recalled correctly. Her usual teenage sulking in the class hid a deeper interest in the subject, one she could barely disguise at the best of times.

The point is, those infected would have a heightened libido, and lowered inhibitions. They'd be sex-crazed, and would be rather public about it.

"Could you shut that garbage off?" came her father's call from the kitchen door, as Ruby grabbed a lowfat yogurt from the fridge.

"Fine," came the call from her mother, as she flipped the power switch, cutting one of the pundits off mid-sentence.

"Honey," said her mother, and Ruby paused at the tone of voice. She turned to her mother, as she felt motherly hands pull down on her shirt to cover her midriff. "I don't want you wearing this shirt to school. You know that."

"It's fine, mom," Ruby sulked, the words coming out more angsty than even she had intended. "Nobody cares."

"I care," her mother snapped. "Honestly, Frank, your daughter's dressed up like a-"

"Like a normal teenager," interrupted her father, as he cracked open an egg, dropping the white and yolk into a bowl and stirring it. He sighed, then, and said, "Though your mother has a point. It would be different if you were going out with your friends at the mall. School should be a bit more professional."

Ruby dropped into a kitchen chair and sighed. "Fine. I'll change. Happy now?"

"Very," smiled her mother, who adopted a lighter, teasing tone. Then, her face became more serious again. "If you were . . . infected," her eyes flickered to the radio, then back to Ruby. "You'd tell us, right? You'd . . . trust us to not, oh, how did you say it? Totally, like, freak out?"

In spite of it all, Ruby had to laugh at how perfectly her mother captured her own tone. "Like, totally mom. I'd, like, tell you first thing, like."

"That's my girl," her mother said, as she kissed her on the forehead. "Well, I'm off to work," she said, grabbing her purse from the counter. She gave a businesslike kiss to her husband as she passed through the kitchen door. "See you all this afternoon. Love you."

Ruby heard her mother walk her high heels through the living room, and then a shout of surprise from her older brother Tracy. "Mom, stop!" he said. "I don't like being kissed on the cheek."

"Too bad!"

And the door slammed, leaving Tracy to sulk into the kitchen. He was already dressed in jeans and a dark hoody, his headphones around his neck.

"You job hunting again today?" Dad said, as he poured out the eggs into a frying pan, the cooking spray sizzling.

"Yeah," Tracy said as he pulled a box of cereal down from the counter.

Ruby finished her yogurt, then tossed the empty carton into the trash can. "Emily will be here in a few minutes," she said, as she gave her dad a short hug. "I'll see you tonight."

"Later, loser," called Tracy.

"You too, prick."

"Now children-"

But Ruby had already vaulted up the stairs to her room, so she couldn't hear the rest of her dad's comment.


If her parents knew what she was really planning on wearing to school, they wouldn't have let her out of the house without a full armed escort, Ruby knew. She sat in the back of Emily's pickup, her fake school outfit sitting in a wad on the floor next to her. Instead, she was wearing a black tube top that bared nearly all her midriff, and a miniskirt that came to mid-thigh.

She hadn't bothered with keeping on her bra or panties; not for the last week or so, really. By this time, she was fully aware the virus (which the CDC had yet to even name, let alone arrange an appropriate response for) had fully infected her. Her, and nearly the rest of her school.

She didn't feel sick -- at least, not physically. And her libido had been naturally high before, anyway.

At least the virus left her actual sexuality untouched. She had heard rumors that its victims had become more-or-less pansexual maniacs back when the outbreak had been confined to a single midwestern college campus. That hadn't been her experience at all, however.

She was attracted to the same people, in nearly the same way, as far as she could tell. Now, she could just be more open about it.

"Catch!" Emily said, as a wad of cloth came sailing through the air. It was her white lace panties, Ruby saw, as she caught them over her hand. "You wanna hold onto those for me?"


Emily grinned in the rearview mirror. "You know. Keep an eye on them?"

"That's not funny!" said Ruby, throwing the panties against the car door. They fell between the door and seat. "Unless you really want to . . ."

"Ha ha, not a chance sister." Emily was as straight as they came, but she was open enough (or under the influence of the virus enough) that she was confident teasing her friend. In truth, Ruby couldn't have found a more supportive best friend. Emily had even offered to be her wingman, back when Ruby had first come out to her before all this virus stuff happened.

Emily tossed her shirt back, and Ruby was interested to see her friend sporting a cute little polka dot bikini top.

"Your folks catch the bug, yet?"

Ruby shook her head. "Not that I can see. Or it takes longer for the symptoms to manifest than we thought."

"The what to what?"

Ruby sighed as she fixed the last of her minute outfit. "The sex urges might take longer to show up," she explained.

"They'll snap soon enough, I'm sure," Emily said apologetically. "Hey, you wanted to ask Lindsay out to prom today, didn't you?"

Ruby looked away, her face a bright red even as her nipples hardened under her top. Emily pulled into the parking lot, waving at one of the school police officers as he performed a "spot check" on some of the student's outfits.

"Yes," she finally muttered.


"I said ... yes," Ruby said, only slightly louder this time. She was not meeting her friend's eyes. Lindsay had come out as lesbian just a few months before, and Ruby had been crushing on her ever since. Well, she had a small crush on her before but . . . well, now that she knew a relationship was possible, she honed in.

"Well, okay then." Emily had pulled out her breasts, an uncapped stick of scarlet lipstick in her hand. She applied the tip to her nipples, then spread it around her areolae.

Once done, she offered it to Ruby, replacing her bikini top for now. The latter looked down at her black skintight top skeptically.

"Won't it smear?"

"Nah, not this stuff. Come on, it will make the guys go even crazier for your tits. And you're farther ahead than me in that department already."

Ruby peeled the tube top down off her breasts. Her friend was right this time; her own breasts were at least C cup, while Emily had to make do with twin B's.

Emily made up for it with her slimmer figure. Not quite cheerleader thin, but close enough. Finished, Ruby snapped her tube top back into place, the jolt satisfying against her body.

Her body. She looked at herself, realizing she felt at home within her body for the first time in a long while. The smile she shot her friend as they got out of the car was genuine.


"Get your breath masks here," came a familiar-sounding call as Emily and Ruby entered the commons in front of the school offices. Ruby was surprised to see Mr. Quillam was the one passing out the masks today, though, and she made her way through the fast moving line as Emily wandered off toward her first class.

"Here," Mr. Quillam said, handing Ruby the thin paper breath mask. Ruby looked up at her Biology teacher quizzically. The man was wearing professional dress, though his shirt was entirely unbuttoned and his tie hung loose around his neck.

He had some sort of tattoo emblazoned across his chest, though Ruby couldn't tell precisely what it was. It had a lot of flames, though

"The district wanted us to hand these out," he explained in response to Ruby's expression. She took one, looking it over.

"But haven't we already-?"

"Yep," Quillam said. "The last of the teachers should be snapping this morning, in fact. Then," she saw a fire in the man's eyes, one that was unfamiliar, though not unwelcome. "Then, we should be having some fun."

Ruby "accidentally" brushed her hand against her teacher's crotch, and felt his straining erection. He groaned in appreciation.

"Find me when it does?"

Quillam nodded at that. "Oh, you had Ms. Redmond first period, right? English?"


Quillam shot her another grin. "She's getting close. Current odds are she'll snap within the first twenty minutes of first period."

"You betting on that?"

"Let's just say the sooner she snaps, the better for my wallet. So if you could help hurry that along ...?"

"Me, help? I thought she was straight."

"Probably straight. There have been quite a few surprises in the last few days, though. Well, you know that! You saw when Coach Taylor snapped."

That she did. Half the football team had found themselves walking with a limp for the rest of the day.

Ruby turned to let the next student grab a face mask. "Well, hope to see you soon!" She pinched one of her nipples to punctuate her farewell.



Ms. Redmond was indeed out of sorts when Ruby made it to her first period class. Her teacher's outfit seemed thrown together at the last minute, wrinkled and ill fitting. She spent a full minute straightening it out after the bell rang, as if it was important she was presentable.

The virus was working on her, that much was clear. She made no comment on Ruby's or anyone else's outfits, or lack of them. A jock had walked in wearing nothing but boxers and a small backpack, and she had even complimented him on his sense of fashion.

The virus had rewritten her sense of normalcy. Now, the only thing left was for her own behavior itself to snap into the new reality. She was very, very close, and it was always fun to watch in person.

"So, I wanted to pick up where we left off on last period. Julius Caesar, I believe we just finished reading through the second Act. If I could have a few volunteers to read for the various characters . . ."

The class humored her, of course. They could sense it too, the tension working it's way through Ms. Redmond's mind.

"Lucas, of course, if your perfect ass could play the part of the Soothsayer . . . I mean," she swallowed heavily. "And, ah, Brandon, for the part of Brutus. You'll have to put your cock into, I mean, your best performance into it, it's a rather demanding part."

Ruby took the chance to glance back at Lindsay, her current crush sitting three rows back. She saw the girl was wearing a full corset, her areolae peeking out of her top which framed some amazingly deep cleavage. Down below, she wore a skirt but, if Ruby guessed correct, no panties. Clips ran from under her skirt down to thigh length stockings, to complete the outfit.

Lindsay caught her staring, and spread her legs momentarily, flashing a split second of pink before dropping her skirt again. Ruby swallowed, blushing, and looked away. She reached down to her own skirt, running a finger along her pussy and brushing along the butterfly charm that hung from her piercing there.

Shuddering from the pleasure, she turned her attention to the front. Ms. Redmond was speaking again.

"So, the important thing to remember in this scene," Ruby noted with delight her teacher was tweaking her nipple absentmindedly, "is the presentation of Caesar's full, round dick . . . I mean, the presentation of him as an absolute tyrant in the eyes of his fuck buddy, Brutus, and . . . no, I mean, his friend. . ."

She was visibly sweating now. Her hand dug under her shirt, violently ripping her bra out from where it hung and mauling her breasts underneath her shirt, all without her conscious mind noticing.

"And I'd fucking like you to pay attention to his sexy ass as . . . as it gets impaled by Brutus's long, thick . . . um, ideals. Yes, his throbbing ideals, oh god," her fingers had found her pussy now, popping a button or two from her skirt in their single-minded aim. "Yes, oh god, while Brutus sticks his throbbing, oh, cock, up his wife's ass, and she begs him, oh, oh, don't stop DON'T STOP OH GOD."

Ms. Redmond had collapsed to the floor, her fingers pistoning underneath her skirt as she writhed in sudden orgasm, eyes pressed shut against the waves of pleasure washing over her. Ruby leaned forward, her own pussy getting wet at the sight of her teacher's total breakdown.

Ms. Redmond slowed eventually, and, regaining her composure, a wide, relaxed smile plastered itself over her face as she opened her eyes again. "Oh, class," she said, as she stood up, unbuttoning the rest of her shirt as she did so. "I think we should all take a break to get a nice, hard fuck."


First period was over, and Ruby hadn't tried to approach Lindsay yet. Her history class was up next, however, and she also shared it with the girl. She'd ask her out there.

Right. As if she'd have the courage.

Ruby groaned, pressing her forehead against her locker. She felt a tap on the shoulder, then the tweaking of a nipple which sent an instant jolt to her pussy.

"Hey," said Emily. "So, how'd it go?"

"How'd what go?"

"The bombing run. No, you asking out Lindsay, dumbass! What did you think I was talking about?"


Emily rolled her eyes at her friend's lack of an answer. "Ok, this was cute a few weeks ago, but now it's just sad. You need me to help, don't you?"

"She's in Werthmann's history class. I'll ask her there."

Emily shot her a Yeah, right look, even as she flashed her bare ass to a group of passing guys to a smattering of whoops and whistles. Then, she said, "Fine. But I'll be there and if you don't ask her out, so help me I'll tie you both up and force it out of you."

"But," Ruby paused to admire the mental image of Lindsay tied up alongside her, "don't you have orchestra next period-?"

"Like Mr. Watt cares. He'll have enough dick in him he won't notice a dickless gal like me went missing."

"Right," Ruby said, closing her locker and moving down the hall to Mr. Werthmann's room.

The bell rang signaling the start of class, but Ruby felt no need to hurry.


Werthmann was standing at attention at the front of the class when Ruby walked in. He was actually lecturing, even as he slowly fucked one of her classmates in the ass while she bent over the table in front.

"And who, oh, god, could tell me the date the fucking Germans actually, ungh, invaded, oh, Poland?"

Lindsay, amazingly, raised her hand.

"September 1st, in Ninteen-forty."

"Nineteen thirty-nine, oh, you like that, don't you? Very close, however," and he grabbed both sides of the moaning student in front of him as he quickened his pace.

"Five minute break," he spluttered out.

Ruby had moved to take a seat close to the front, but Emily vetoed that plan, pointing to the two empty seats on either side of Lindsay. Ruby couldn't say anything against that, but she made sure to blush furiously as she took the left hand seat.

Lindsay was actually the first to break the ice as she turned to Ruby, an unreadable expression on her face. "I like your pussy piercing. I think it's super cute."

"You really think so?" Ruby said, actually looking her crush in the eye. Emily was waggling her eyes behind Lindsay, but Ruby did her best to ignore her, even as her heart rate skyrocketed.

Instead, she spread her legs and pushed back her seat, lifting her skirt to present the girl the charm hanging over her clitoral hood.

Lindsay slid to her knees, and crawled over to Ruby's exposed twat. She poked at the small butterfly charm. "Where'd you get it?"

"At Freddy's. The, uh, adult shop downtown."

"Ah. I love Freddy's! As of rather recently, that is," and Lindsay's fingers brushed against the pussy hidden behind the charm. Ruby took in a sharp breath.

"Oh, sorry!" said Lindsay, pulling back. Their eyes met again, Ruby betraying the desire in her gaze. Lindsay revised her move, her hand carefully traveling back between Ruby's legs.

"You like that, huh?"

Ruby simply nodded, biting her lip.

"Oh, god, you look so fucking cute." Lindsay rubbed her thumb against Ruby's pussy, her finger probing inward. Then, she leaned in and began to lick.

Ruby began, in turn, to moan, her hand resting on the full head of brunette hair bouncing between her legs. "Oh, fuuuuuuck," she hissed eloquently, as lines of pleasure began to race across her skin.

Lindsay pulled back, just for an instant. Her eyes teased Ruby in all the right ways. "I wanna see your tits. I wanna see them quiver and shake while you come."

Not breaking her steady gaze, Ruby slid her top down to reveal her already quivering breasts. Emily's lipstick sat as scarlet as ever on her nipples and areolae.

"Oh my god, if you could see what I see. Fuck!"

And Lindsay redoubled her efforts, positioning Ruby's miniskirt so her eyes never broke contact. Her stare was intense, determined. Ruby did her best to match it, as she played with her own tits.

The pleasure began to mount as the tongue dancing at the center of her sex began to probe inward. Lindsay, it seemed, was not a patient woman.