Schoolies Week


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I smiled. "I liked it. Try it yourself next time."

She eyed me. "I might just do that."

* * *

That was the night Mrs. Wentworth moved out. Megan and I'd gone to bed before they got home but I could hear them arguing after they came home from wherever it was they'd been.

"I've seen how you look, you bloody pervert," I'd heard her yelling and oh boy, she sounded like she was fair spewing. "You crack a bloody fat every time she's out there by the pool in her cozzie. Well, I've had it up to here with your perving, you bloody root-rat."

"Stop coming the raw prawn with me, Kylie," I heard him and he wasn't exactly quiet himself and it sounded like they'd both been hitting the piss. "You're off your bloody face, 'n if you tidied yourself up a bit instead of going out looking like a dog you might get a root from the old fella a bit more often."

"In a pig's arse," Mrs. Wentworth screamed, and she really was yelling at the top of her voice. "The only time your old fella's good for anything is when you see that little tramp in that bloody non-existent cozzie of hers and all you do then is go whack off in the shower...."

They kept it up for another hour and the last I heard was the front door slamming shut and I lay there kind of thinking "oh crap, what was all that about?"

* * *

I had no idea what to say in the morning so I didn't say a thing. Really. I shouldn't have worried.

"Kylie's moved out," Mr. Wentworth said, and he didn't exactly look cut up about it.

"Oh," I said, kind of looking down at my weet-bix. Yeah, I ate weet-bix for breakfast now instead of congee. I'd taken them all to have Congee once in Chinatown, downtown Sydney on a Sunday morning and they hadn't exactly enjoyed it so I'd kind of adapted. Weet-Bix wasn't bad, but I did miss my congee.

"Good riddance," Megan said later, after her Dad'd headed off to the lawyers, and she didn't seem to cut up about it either. "Mum's been as mean as cat's piss the last few months. You heard her last night, she was as mad as a cut snake, I tell 'ya. Really spit the dummy about Dad. Gave him an earbashing."

"What was it all about?" I asked, coz I did kind of like Mrs. Wentworth, even though she had a bit of a temper on her. She'd been quite friendly when I'd moved in but the last few weeks, well, I'd been kind of not getting the best feeling about her, like she didn't like having me there or something. "Did she really move out?"

"Yeah, she's gone," Megan said. "She called me this morning. Moving in with her boyfriend."

"She's got a boyfriend?" I said, wide-eyed. Shocked, to be honest.

"Yeah, been carrying on with him for a while," Megan said. "Her and Dad, they've been doing the marriage counselling thing for a while now. Guess that didn't work out to bloody well."

I guess it didn't, coz she never came back.

* * *

Well, that'd been a few weeks ago and things settled down. Me, I had my head down studying for the finals 'n so did Megan. I did go out on a couple more double dates and Doug enjoyed those blowjobs and I got a bit better at them and Megan gave Chaz her first ever blowjob so he was real happy too after the first one turned into a regular event. Mr. Wentworth seemed to have a bit more time as well coz when I was down in the pool with Megan he'd come down and join us and he helped me with my sunscreen when Megan wasn't around to do my back.

He even took me shopping once for a couple of new bikinis and I wore one for him that afternoon so he could see what it was like and he put so much sunscreen on me I wondered if I'd stir-fry in the sun coz I was just dripping but he was a nice guy and I liked him so I just kind of lay there smiling coz he was good at massaging my shoulders after I'd been swimming and I'd finally figured out what crack a fat meant and when I looked, yeah, Mr. Wentworth was cracking a fat and I kind of liked that.

So yeah, I learnt a lot of things over that first year in Oz.

* * *

I leant to speak 'strine as well.

Too right I did, mate. Except...

"Okay, okay, tell me about Schoolies Week," I said. Guess this was another little lesson in Aussie culture coming up and I'd had a few of those over the last year, let me tell you. Bloody strange place, Australia. Nice people, but a bit... strange.

"Now we're talking," Megan said, and a year ago I'd have been totally confused coz yeah, we were talking so why did you need to say that but whatever. You got used to it, just like you got used to that accent. And the slang. I'd tell you more about the slang but you'd need a bloody book, mate, and I'm not pulling your tit. The slang was a language all of its own and it still had me stonkered more than every now and then. Aussies weren't slow to take the piss out of you either. Fair suck of the sav, I'd found that out bloody well fast enough 'n Megan's friends had really pulled some corkers on me.

"Okay. Schoolies Week, well, it's a week-long party after the final exams for all the Year Twelve students that're finishing High School for good 'n a lot of people head up to the Gold Coast 'n just rage but there's quite a few other places to go and it's just cool. You know, parties, drinking, clubs, dancing, guys, hang out on the beach, just generally having a good time and letting off steam and..."

"I get the picture," I said. "Doesn't really sound like my bowl of rice." Although...

"Come on, give it a burl, Ching-Ching," Megan pleaded. "It's after the exams. Nothing you can do after they're over except wait for the results. Come with me. Dad's already said he'll buy us the tickets."

"I can buy my own," I said, coz it wasn't like I didn't have a good allowance from Mum and Dad.

"Cool bananas," Megan squealed. "You're gonna come with me then?"


Okay, in the end, yeah, nah, I said okay, I'd go, and I never did have to pay for the tickets coz Megan's Dad really had already paid for everything. But first there were the exams, and then graduation.

* * *

"Why did they call you a duck?" my Mum said afterwards and she was totally confused. Proud, coz I'd been up there on the stage getting that award and making that gracious little speech and thanking all my teachers and the school and my parents and all my so wonderfully competitive classmates and yadda yadda yadda, but my Mum had no idea what it was all about.

"Dux, Mum," I said. "Dee. You. Ex. Dux. It's, like, the top scholar award for the final year of High School."

"Ah, top scholar," my Mum said, nodding and smiling and she understood that alright although she still looked like she didn't believe it even though she'd been right there watching when they hauled me up on the stage and the Principal did the presentation and I did my gracious little speech, rubbing it in oh so graciously to all those competitive bitches and their Tiger Mum's and that'd been almost worth all the hard yakka all by itself, I tell ya. That ho, Corinne Kim, she was just about spitting the dummy right there in public and I'd been specially nice and mentioned her in my speech 'n I swear her Mum and Dad wanted to kill me.

"You really Ducks?" My Mum's eyes were as big and round as a gweilo's eyes. Big enough and round enough that I would would've laughed out loud except she was crying as well as smiling.

"Yeah, I'm Dux, Mum," I said. "Really." Worked my little butt off to be dux, but wow, totally worth it. Year 12. My last year at High School. North Sydney Girls High and yeah, Dux. That just totally slayed and I was so totally stoked I could've floated out the bloody door.

"We're so proud of you, Ching-Ching," my Dad said. "This is why we send you to Australia to study, to give you such an opportunity in a country like this."

Jeez, my Dad had tears in his eyes as well and oh my god, I was tearing up myself 'n I told myself don't be a galah, Ching-Ching, keep it low-key so I gave my Dad a hug instead.

"Thanks, Dad," I said, coz I'd been back to China to see them back in the hols and yeah, nah, I totally appreciated living in Sydney 'n it totally slayed to be a chinese Aussie rather than being Chinese in China, let me tell you that right up front. Especially being a Chinese girl in Australia, coz it was just way better for girls in Australia and thank god my parents had sent me here. They sure tried hard and yeah, nah, they'd embarrassed the fuck out of me now and then over the last couple of days but you know, moments like these, I totally appreciated everything my parents had done for me 'n I could handle a little embarrassment coz they were my oldies.

"Congratulations on your daughter's achievement, Mr. and Mrs Chu." Mr. Wentworth was right there, shaking my Dad's hand.

"Thank you, thank you," my Dad said, doing that Chinese thing where you grabbed the other guy's hand with both of yours and shook and sort of bowed and I wished he wouldn't do that coz it was so frigging Chinese and this was Australia, but oh well, oldies, and they were from China 'n I guess Aussies were used to that kind of thing now coz there were so many bloody Chinese here now 'n that was when I knew I was turning into an Aussie coz I was standing there thinking they were Chinese and I wasn't.

"Bloody good show, Ching-Ching," Mr. Wentworth said to me, grinning and it was that smile that said, yeah, he was as proud of me as my Mum and Dad were and I wanted to just hug him. "Hey, did you ask your Mum and Dad yet about going up to Surfers for Schoolie's Week with Megan?"

"Uh, no," I said, glancing sideways at my Mum and Dad. "Not yet."

"Well, you better," he said. "I already paid for the bloody tickets for the two of ya, as well as the hotel package, so you better ask now."

"Uh," I said, blushing coz I hadn't had the courage to ask my Mum and Dad. I mean, I understood Schoolies Week. How could I not, coz once Megan had explained, I realized just about every other girl at school was totally into their schoolies week planning and they were all organized. Heading north to Brizzie and Surfers mostly, but heck, half a dozen of them were going to Bali and they were all talking about which guys they knew were going where and who they were gonna score with and where'd you go to get the best weed.

I did appreciate what my oldies had done to get me here, I really did but I did want some fun too. Only, well, all that study. Who had time except for the odd date? But now? I'd graduated and I had no idea how to ask.

"What is Schoolies Week?" my Mum asked.

"Bit of a treat for the kids," Mr. Wentworth said, winking at me and it was hard not to giggle. "Week away up north on the beach after school ends. They all go, relax, have a good time and come back ready for some hard yakka over summer before Uni starts."

He shrugged. "If it's okay with you, Mrs. Chu, Ching-Ching can go with Megan, I bought them both a package as a graduation present."

"That is very kind of you," my Mum said, smiling at me. "You go enjoy yourself, Ching-Ching. We are flying home in two days anyhow. Ching can come up to visit us at home later in Summer, once everything for next year at university is organized."

And yeah, just like that, I was going to Surfers with Megan for Schoolies Week.

"It'll be totally sick," Megan said from behind me.

"Dinky-di," I said and Mr. Wentworth laughed.

* * * * * *

"Byron Bay, here we come. You got everything, Ching-Ching?" Megan asked and we were all wearing our Schoolies Ids on our wrists and our Party Passes round our necks. Flew in on Jetstar, tagged at the Brizzie airport. Like sheep or something 'n I guess we were some kind of a mob coz we were all huddled together. "Got your Party Pass, right?"

"God, I hope so," I said, looking down at my bags. Nervous. I was kinda nervous coz we were right there, Brisbane Airport and waiting for our bus to the hotel down at Byron Bay 'n that sounded like totally a good place to rage. Thirty five of us and the noise was just wild. The whole airport seemed full of Schoolies like us, pouring off every aircraft that arrived. Total bloody chaos and I wasn't the only Chinese girl here so at least I didn't stand out like a dog's balls.

"Here we go, rattle ya dags," Brenda called, 'n she was the organizer, she had it totally under control and we were all picking up our bags and dragging our suitcases out to where the bus waited for us and Megan gave me that grin of hers, the one that said "wicked" and we were on our way.

* * * * * *

"Whaddaya wanna drink, Ching?" Megan was up on her feet and we'd grabbed a table with half a dozen of the girls and the hotel Mr. Wentworth had booked for us was about two minutes walk from the beach and round the corner from this bar and it was just ace 'n there was a live band 'n everything 'n the joint was really going off.

"No idea, you choose," I said, really getting into the vibe coz it might not've been K-Pop but the music was really fast and fun and the bar was just bouncing and it was only six and the place was starting to fill up and some of those guys. Well, hello! Spunky!

"Here ya go," she said, and Jesus, it was bright yellow and foaming.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked in my best 'strine.

"Fluffy Duck," she said and I giggled coz yeah, fluffy and yellow and when I sipped it, oh, yeah, nice.

* * *

Eight o'clock and four Fluffy Duck's later, Megan and I were just having a ball and it was, like, totally hysterical coz some of those guys were totally spunky and we were busy rating them 'n I was laughing so hard I was just about falling off my stool.

"What about those two?" I asked Megan, eyeing the two guys at the bar and licking my lips. "I reckon fifteen and a half out of ten. I'd blow either of them." I thought about that and just about died laughing. "Both of them."

"Ching-Ching," Megan just about doubled over she was laughing so hard. "You're such a dag."

"I really really wanna blow that guy," I said, coz oh my he did look so tasty. "Come on." I took her hand, knocked off my Fluffy Duck and headed towards them and up close, they looked even spunkier.

"Hey guys," Megan giggled. "Buy us a drink?"

"Wotcha drinking, gorgeous, I'm Brian," the guy I wanted to blow said to Megan. "Me mate here's Lachlan."

"Forget the drink," I said, taking Brian's hand. "I wanna suck your brains out through your dick. You coming with me?"

"Ah, yeah, sure, why not?" he said. "Can't refuse an offer like that," and he was following me out of the bar and Megan and Lachlan were following along behind and they followed all the way up to our hotel room and as soon as we were inside Brian wanted to kiss me. Me, I glanced at Megan and giggled, then turned back to Brian and God, he did look good.

"Take your clothes off," I said, coz I wanted him, like, totally naked, right now-now, and I sank to my knees on the floor and started undoing his jeans and pulling them down and while he peeled his tee-shirt off I peeled off my own top and my bra and tugged his boxers down and off so that his cock kind of sprang out and slapped across my face and I loved that coz his cock just looked so gorgeous and he had these big balls and his cock was big and hard and totally ready to go and my mouth just watered coz I really did want to blow him.

"On the bed," I breathed, looking up at him and we moved together, my skirt left on the floor behind me and he was naked and all I was wearing were my black panties and Megan was doing the same with Lachlan and they were on the bed together except they were kissing and she was already jerking him off and he had his hand in her panties and he was touching her up and she sounded like she was totally enjoying that.

Brian moved onto the bed and he was on his back waiting for me, his cock jutting upwards, rigid, blue-veined, swollen and hard and everything I wanted and propped up on one elbow beside him, I reached down and took him in my hand and started stroking him and I was watching Megan as I worked on my guy's cock. Her hand was gliding up and down on Lachlan's shaft, stroking him as he kissed her and one of his hands was inside her panties as her hand worked in a steady rhythm.

Curling around, I kissed the tip of Brian's cock, licked him, toyed with his shaft as I engulfed him with my mouth, savouring that taste of male cock, that thickly swollen presence filling my mouth, stretching my lips around his cockshaft, plunging my lips as far down his rigid length as I could, drawing back, my tongue running over his sensitive flesh, licking, sucking, swallowing, plunging back down, again and again and on the other bed I could see Megan doing the same, half kneeling over Lachlan, her mouth working on his cockshaft as he lay back..

Lachlan groaned, the bed squeaked, Megan choked and jerked her head up, a long rope of cum linking her mouth to the cock she'd been sucking on and a spurt splattered across her boobs as she swallowed, another and another following as she continued to stroke him and in my mouth, Brian's cock throbbed and pulsed and spurted and he groaned and I swallowed and gulped and swallowed, tasting his salty ejaculate as he flooded my mouth, groaning loudly, and he hadn't lasted more than a couple of minutes.

* * *

"They weren't bad," Megan said after our hotel room door closed behind them, and they'd left grinning so I guess we hadn't disappointed them and when I looked at the time it'd been less than an hour since we left that bar with them and it wasn't even nine o'clock. "Bit fast though."

"Rather nice, actually," I said, licking my lips, swallowing. Semen. My mouth and tongue and teeth and lips were coated with it and I kind of rather liked Brian's taste. Different from Doug. Similar, but different and I licked my lips again, swallowed, tasting him and enjoying that flavour. "I'm going to brush my teeth and take a shower."

"Yeah," Megan said, joining me and the bathroom was big enough even though we were both a bit wobbly on our feet. Two sinks and I borrowed her mouthwash as well and she beat me to the shower.

Coming out, brushing my hair, I didn't feel sleepy at all and when I looked at the time, it was only nine thirty. Megan grinned at me from on top of her bed and that look on her face, I knew and my heart beat faster.

"Want to go out and pick up another couple?" she said.

I couldn't help giggling. "It's our first night here," I said, but yeah, I liked that idea.

She burst out laughing. "Your face. You want to, I know you do."

I looked at her and I smiled and then I giggled. "Yeah, I do," I said

"Let's go."

So we did and we went to a club and we danced and we had a couple more Fluffy Ducks each except maybe it was more than a couple and we found a couple of guys we liked and took them back to our hotel room and blew them and after they left we just lay on our beds looking at each other and giggling.

"I don't believe we just did that," I said, wiping cum of my forehead coz yeah, sprayed.

"I don't believe you're such a slut, Ching-Ching Chu," Megan said, looking down at her boobs. Messy. "Telling that guy you wanted to suck his brains out through his dick." She rolled onto her back, laughing and she was laughing so hard she fell off the bed and onto the floor.

"That look on your face," I giggled. "You looked totally..."

"Gobsmacked," Megan said, trying to climb back onto her bed but in the end she just gave up.

"Yeah, that's it," I managed to choke out. "Gobsmacked."

"What're we doing tomorrow," Megan asked after we both managed to stop laughing and Jesus, my bed was just spinning.

"Two more?" I said, and that started the giggles again and I had to hold onto my bed coz it kept moving.