Scratching an Itch Ch. 02

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The wives seek retribution for their husband's behavior.
9.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 01/01/2024
Created 05/07/2023
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It's now the morning after and Elise and Tom have yet to discuss the activities of the previous day when Tom's two best friends, James and Andy, had the pleasure of having sex with Tom's wife, Elise.



Sunday morning dawned cool and bright as I rolled over in bed and realized that Tom wasn't there. Looking across the room I saw sunbeams slanting through the blinds and tiny motes of dust dancing in the shafts of radiance. There was the sound of a neighbor's dog barking in the distance.

'I can't remember when I've slept so soundly,' I thought as my mind struggled to embrace the new day. Slowly, I began to remember snatches of what we had done the day before. Images blossomed in my mind, images of me sucking the cocks of both James and Andy and then, following my husband's instructions, letting them fuck me.

Suddenly, my mind snapped back into reality like a thunderclap from a nearby lightning strike. 'Holy shit! I did it! I had sex with Andy and James yesterday while Tom watched.' Mental pictures and emotions flooded my mind.

Just as quickly I began to wonder about Tom! Where is he?

When I threw the blanket aside, I was shocked at my nakedness. I normally sleep in pajamas but, not last night. Then I remembered that Tom and I had engaged in mad, passionate sex before bed. Sensing an unusual tenderness between my legs, I glanced down and saw the matted, dried cum coating my pubic area. 'I guess that's what happens when you fuck three men in a row,' I thought.

Despite my nakedness, I had to find Tom. so I shoved my feet into slippers and rushed into the bathroom, wrapping my robe around myself as I went. Without stopping to look at my hair or give a second thought to my appearance, I hurried downstairs. 'Where was my husband?'

I was worried that Tom might be having second thoughts about what we had done. I had to find him to make sure that everything was still okay.

As I stumbled down the stairs I felt the unusual sensation of cool air drifting under my robe and caressing my bare pussy. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I turned toward the kitchen and felt a little better when the aroma of freshly brewed coffee slipped past my panic and registered in my brain.

Despite this reassurance, my panic reared its ugly head once again when I realized that he wasn't in the kitchen where I had expected him to be. When I finally saw him he was on the back porch, sitting back in a lounge chair with a cup of coffee, enjoying the combination of the warm morning sun and the fresh cool breeze that had blown in with a cold front while we slept last night.

Finally, I was able to relax enough to reach into the cupboard and grab a cup, despite my shaking hands which made the process of filling that cup with some of the remaining coffee a real challenge. Emotional support cup of coffee in hand, I slid the patio door open and joined him.



'Here she is at last,' I thought. I was surprised at how relieved I was when Elise finally joined me. It seemed as if I had been sitting here forever waiting for her to come down. I had awakened about an hour ago and had been reliving yesterday afternoon. We had not talked about what happened after James and Andy left yesterday.

When James and Andy left, we were both tired and a little stressed out so we had showered together. At first, I was simply being a good husband as I soaped her back. I was still in awe of what we had just done and my hands just naturally followed their instincts as I reached around and cupped her breasts. Strangely enough, my right hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it wandered downward and cupped her pussy, slowly thrusting two fingers into the warm moist place so recently visited by the cocks of my two best friends.

Not surprisingly, I felt Elise reaching back to corral my rigid member that was insistently poking at her ass. It wasn't long before it became apparent that neither of us was as tired as we had first thought.

We quickly dried off and adjourned to our bed where we fucked like bunnies. I pounded into my wife with more vigor than usual and she met me thrust for thrust. I pulled out just before I ejaculated and shot all of my cum onto her pussy.

After that, we stretched out on the bed, talked about inane things, read a little, and finally drifted off to sleep.

This morning I awoke early and decided that it would be a good time to give things some additional thought. After I dressed, I went downstairs into the kitchen and made some coffee. When the coffee was done I had taken a cup outside where the sun was shining brightly and there was an invigorating chill in the air. Perfect weather for some serious thought.

I thought about the day when Elise had confided in me, telling me about her desire to be used like some sort of sex toy by three black men. I had found myself way out of my depth. This was new territory and I had responded like a typical horny male.

You might think it was strange that sharing my wife with three black men was not my primary concern. I'm not a jealous person so the thought of allowing my wife to participate in something so erotic was a huge turn-on to me.

My concern was about us entering into a situation that found Elise and me alone with three black men that we didn't know and my ability to keep my wife safe under those circumstances. It didn't seem likely that there was a way that I could ensure her safety alone so I decided that the best that I could do was to have a couple of my friends go along with us.

My logic might be questionable but, I concluded that the only way to ensure the cooperation of my friends was to offer them an opportunity to sample the same goody package that the three black men were going to get. Eventually, I convinced my wife that this was a necessity and she agreed to my condition.

Yesterday we sealed the deal and the three of us had fucked my wife. Now, insecurity had set in. I was scared. I had no idea how she would feel this morning and, honestly, I was afraid to find out.



As I slipped into the chair next to Tom I parted my legs revealing my nudity and said, "Good morning."

His eyes widened as he glimpsed my bare pussy momentarily. After the view changed when I relaxed back into the recliner, he gave me a sickly smile in return and mumbled, "Morning."

I was reveling in my newfound freedom.

His less-than-enthusiastic response was somewhat annoying, pulling me down from my own personal high, I decided to face things up front and address the elephant in the room. "What the hell's wrong with you this morning? Not having second thoughts are you?"

He jerked in his chair as if I had hit him with a stick. "Letting James and Andy fuck me was your idea. Don't tell me that you're having second thoughts now."

"Me!," he exclaimed. "I'm not having second thoughts. Yesterday was the most erotic day of my life. I'm worried that you may have changed your mind."

We both laughed at the incongruity of the situation. Suddenly, I was able to relax. "I expected that there might be a little buyer's remorse," I chuckled. "Let's set the record straight. I had the time of my life yesterday. When James and Andy fucked me something in my mind simply clicked. I knew that this was how our lives were meant to be."

The relief that Tom felt when he heard my words was written all across his face as he reached across to me, held my hand, and pulled me toward him for a kiss. The kiss was somewhat suspect as I watched his eyes flick lower where the top of my robe had parted.

After settling back into my chair I taunted him by leaving the robe open allowing him occasional glimpses of my tits. Taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, I told Tom, "We do need to talk and make sure that we are both good and that what we did changes nothing concerning how we each feel about the other."


They spent the rest of the day talking about their experience. Elise told Tom how it had felt when she was fucked by someone other than her husband and Tom told her how excited he had been as he watched her suck and then fuck his two friends.

They even spent some time looking at the video Tom had taken as Elise had been used, after which they had gone upstairs and fucked like they had last night.



It was Tuesday before I was finally able to corner Andy and James to discuss Saturday's happenings. I also wanted to know if they had told their wives and what their response had been.

"What the hell do you mean, you can't go through with it," I exclaimed. You've had my wife so now you want to back out? Wasn't Elise good enough for you?"

James rushed to explain, "Woah, let's not get crazy Tom. We didn't lie to you, it's just that our wives are going to kill us as it is when they find out about the afternoon we spent working on Elise instead of working on your den, where we were supposed to be working."

"If we compound the situation by not telling our wives until after Elise gets her three blacks things will be even worse," Andy elaborated. "That's why we need to find some way to tell them now, otherwise we may not be able to be there for you."

The three of us put our heads together and, despite our best effort, we were unable to come up with a workable plan. In the end, it was totally out of our hands.



It was very hard to get anything done on Monday with my mind wandering back to all of the unusual sensations that I had experienced on Saturday. Every time I thought of what had been done to me, and how I had behaved I got goosebumps.

Tuesday began a little better than Monday and I had gotten an early jump on my work. I was finally able to concentrate on the job at hand, so I was a little startled when the phone on my desk rang.

I almost knocked over my cup of lukewarm coffee as I reached for the phone. Finally getting the coffee under control, I raised the handset to my ear and said, "Hello, this is Elise. How can I help you?"

For a moment there was silence on the other end and then a somewhat familiar voice replied, "Elise, this is Miko, Andy's wife."

"Oh hi, Miko. It's good to hear from you. How have you been?" Something told me that this might not be just a friendly social call.

"I've been doing well, thanks. Elise, Laura is with me and we were wondering if we could get together for lunch today."

"Today?" I glanced over at the clock noting that it was just after eleven. "Sure. I don't see why not. Where and what time?"

"Laura and I were thinking that Guido's Italian Restaurant would be a nice change. It's a little upscale so the lunch crowd should be much more manageable and we can have some privacy. Would twelve fifteen give you enough time?"

"That would be perfect. I'll see you then."

As I settled back in my chair I wondered what was going on. While we had all been friends for some time Laura and Miko had never called and asked me to lunch before. I began to get just a touch nauseous as my internal alarms began going off.

By the time I left the office, I was a nervous wreck. Had Andy and James said something to their wives? Were they going to confront me and, if so, what would their reaction be? 'Only one way to find out', I thought as I headed to Guido's.

When I entered the restaurant I noticed that it wasn't too crowded, so I looked around the room and failing to see my friends, I wondered if I had arrived first. Then, way back in the very back booth, I saw Laura waving a hand at me.

As I joined them the waitress approached our table and we all ordered drinks. I was pretty sure that I was going to need some fortification. 'Were they looking at me accusingly?' I really couldn't tell.

The waitress returned with our drinks and we all ordered. I had a blackened chicken salad, Miko ordered the Chef's Salad and, Laura ordered a half tuna salad sandwich with a cup of tomato soup.

As we waited for our food, we exchanged pleasantries. I couldn't stand the suspense any longer and I finally asked, "What's up? As long as we have been friends we've never had lunch together during the week like this so something must be on your minds."

Just as I expected, Laura was the one to get the ball rolling by asking how things had gone Saturday when the boys had worked on the den.

Instantly, my worst fears were confirmed. They knew! Still, I tried to bluff my way through by praising the help that their husbands had given Tom but I knew that it was a wasted effort.

I watched as Laura reached into her purse and removed her cell phone. It was clear that this ambush had been well planned and coordinated because Miko pulled out her phone at almost the same time. Laura said, "Maybe you can explain the pictures that I stumbled across on my husband's phone and when I called Miko it seems that the same pictures were on her phone also."

Both of my friends laid down their phones and turned them toward me so that I could easily see what was on the screen. Although I had never seen the photos before I instantly knew what I was looking at.

On Laura's phone was a picture of me, naked, on my knees with her husband's cock between my lips while I stroked the cock of Miko's husband. I didn't want to look at the photo on Miko's phone but I knew that I had to. This photo showed me bent over the couch while Miko's husband had his cock buried in my pussy and I was busy sucking the cock of Laura's husband.

The two phones lay there, proof of my infidelity, evidence of the breach of trust I had with these two women. Of course, that's when the waitress walked up with our lunch. I sat there, completely embarrassed as she placed my salad in front of me. Then she moved both of the phones toward me to make room for the other dishes.

As she placed the final dish down she paused and looked at both pictures. Then she looked at me and said, "Nice. I'm jealous." Then she turned and walked away.

Laura and Miko continued to stare, waiting for some response from me. What could I say? I sat there, my face reddening with embarrassment as I looked down in shame. Finally, I mumbled, "I'm so sorry that I betrayed you but I'm not sorry for what happened. This was the first time anything like this ever happened to me and it was glorious. Please forgive me."

Laura reached for her spoon and tasted her soup. "Tell us about it. We want to hear everything and then, maybe we'll forgive you."

And that's what I did.



'You did what?", Tom exploded.

"I told them everything. I told them all about my itch and why I had been fucking their husbands. I told them that it was your fault that their husbands got involved because you were a wimp."

'Did my wife just call me a wimp?' I found it hard to believe that my wife was not only calling me a wimp but that she was even blaming me for the current situation. All I had tried to do was to keep her safe, hadn't I? Well... truth be told, that wasn't all I had tried to do. I did try to manipulate things so that I could have a little fun with Miko and Laura.

"Well, It's kinda the truth isn't it?", Elise said as she smiled at me.

I had to be careful. Elise was pushing my buttons and the last thing that I wanted to do was to miss my opportunity. "That's what I get for trying to keep you safe while you scratch your itch. What did they say after you told them?"

"Look, they had me cornered and ganged up on me. What the hell should I have done? They had the pictures. By the way, I was wondering just exactly how they got the pictures. Did you give them to James and Andy?"

"Uhm, well, ah, actually I did. I emailed them all of the video and photos that I took. They wanted them and I was so proud of you and wanted to share them."

"So you decided to share the photos of your wife having sex with your two best friends. Brilliant move Eienstein. Now Laura and Miko have seen the photos. I don't suppose that it occurred to you that James and Andy will also be proud of themselves and more than willing to share the photos with their friends too? Possibly people that you work with. It seems like I've married an idiot."

"Come on Elise. That's just not fair. What else did they say?"

Elise told me that Laura and Miko were planning to come over on Saturday afternoon but they weren't planning to help me work on the den. It seems that they had some plan to 'use me' the same way that their husbands had used her.

'Hot damn,' I thought. 'I'm going to get some quality time with the wives of my two best friends.' "Elise, if that's a threat, it's not a very good one. Is that supposed to scare me?"

I hate to admit that what the girls had said had created a little concern that I might be losing control of the situation. When Elise told me that they wanted to 'make me their slut', I became even more concerned but I was in too deep to back out now.

Then she told me that it was all in my hands. If I agreed to be their slut, they would be here Saturday. If I didn't agree then James and Andy would not be there to back me up on Elise's special night. What the hell should I do now?

I was more than a little bit agitated about the turn of events. I'd be the idiot my wife accused me of being if I didn't take advantage of the opportunity to spend quality time with the delicious honey-brown Miko and the tantalizing Gypsy-like Laura. Still, I wasn't so sure that I liked the idea of allowing myself to become their slut. What exactly did that mean anyway?

I told Elise, "You know I want to fuck both Laura and Miko but doesn't it depend on what their husbands have to say about it?"

Her response was immediate and firm, "Nope. Not any longer. They are being told right about now exactly how this will all go down. James and Andy no longer have a say in the matter. The only decision is yours."

Elise told me that Laura was pretty savvy about cell phones, and the internet. She had a way to allow Elise to film what was happening and then send the live video to her computer at home where James and Andy would be watching. That way their husbands would be able to observe the proceedings but, since the sound pickup on their end would be disabled, they would not be able to say anything.

Neither of the girls was happy about what had happened between my wife and their husbands and they were only holding us guys responsible. It seems that Elise was going to get a free pass. Not only that but, Elise was going to be in charge of the show just as I had been.

As far as the girls were concerned, after Saturday night we would all be back on an even keel, and any decisions to go forward and how to proceed would be made by all of us.

Lost in thought, I almost didn't hear Elise when she asked, "So, do you agree?"

Being male, I thought, 'What could go wrong,' and replied, "Yes, of course. So what are the plans?"

Elise smiled saying, "You'll just have to wait and see."



It was Saturday afternoon and the girls were due to get here in less than an hour. Tom was in the den watching some sports event just like so many men do on a Saturday afternoon. I couldn't help the wicked smile that spread across my face as I thought about what was planned for him.

Now don't go thinking poorly of me. I love my husband terribly but, I also know him. I'll even grant you that I'm somewhat responsible for the situation because I finally decided that I wanted to be slut at least one time in my life, and I have complete respect for his intention to keep me safe while I scratched my itch.

Even so, Tom was the one who decided to rope his two best friends into the situation and now their wives were involved. That wasn't bad by itself but, I know Tom and he decided all on his own to attempt to manipulate the situation so that he could fuck Miko and Laura. Let's face it. He's a man.