Scratching an Itch Ch. 03

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Elise wants three black men to make her air tight.
11.3k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 01/01/2024
Created 05/07/2023
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With my hands immersed in warm sudsy water as I washed the dishes, I took time to enjoy the panoramic view of our backyard through the new bow window we had recently installed. The sun poured in through the window lending a healthy glow to my skin along with its warmth.

There were several pots of herbs on the shelf at the bottom of the window which I had watered earlier in the day. As I glanced down at them, I was reminded that it had been warm today and I needed to remember to do the same for the plants outside. I made a mental note to take care of them tomorrow.

My view was drawn back outside by the red, purple, blue, and white hollyhocks standing tall against the fence at the back of the yard.

Tom and I had gone for a different theme along the left side of the fence where the edge of the grass had been cut in a meandering line that wandered leisurely toward the back. This left a bed along the fence that contained several randomly placed rocks and a variety of low-growing greenery and flowers.

It was a nice backyard. Tom and I had done all of the design and work ourselves. There was more to do, I smiled, wasn't there always more to do? We wanted to start a vegetable garden in the right rear corner but that would have wait until we had time to do a bit more study.

Despite the warm sun, the rapidly cooling dishwater brought my thoughts back inside. The memory of our adventures during the past weekend scrolled across my mind one more time.

The girls, as I thought of them, were my friends Laura and Miko who had used my husband as their personal sex toy while their husbands had been forced to watch on the computer screen at Laura's house. It had been their way of paying back their husbands for not telling them about having sex with me. Now, it was time to move forward and scratch the persistent itch that I had to be a complete and utter slut for at least one time in my life.

If you haven't been following along, you may not know that I want to be sexually used by three strangers at the same time. I don't just want to fuck three men, I want to be 'airtight' with cocks in all my holes. But even being fucked 'airtight' by three strangers wasn't enough for me. I wanted those strangers to be black men.

I'm sure that there are sluttier things that a woman can do but, to me, it would be the ultimate submission to allow three black strangers to penetrate all of my holes and use my body for their pleasure. I don't believe that there is anything that a white woman could do that would shout out 'slut', more than that would.

The only problem remaining was to figure out where we were going to get my black lovers and how we could pull this off safely. Fortunately, I now had the encouragement of my husband Tom, his two friends James and Andy, and their wives Laura and Miko. 'We can do this,' I thought.

Miko & Laura-------------------------------

Around lunchtime, Miko and Laura were on the other side of town, at a café known as Julio's. It was small and intimate, having been converted from a private residence into a restaurant. As a result, rather than a large dining room, there were several small, private rooms; each room had a slightly different décor.

Laura was looking around trying to decide what the theme was for this room and noticed Miko frown slightly. Wondering what was bothering my friend, I asked, "What?"

Miko took a sip of her wine, and after placing the glass down softly on the table said, "My tits are so sore that I'm not wearing a bra. Tom was more than a little rough with them the other day and they still hurt."

Laura remembered watching as Tom ruthlessly fucked Miko and used her tits as handles to help as he thrust his cock into her like a pile driver. At the time I remember wishing that I could change places with Miko. "I'm sorry he hurt you, sweetie. We can think of some way to make him pay the next time we see him."

Miko looked up in shock. "Are you crazy? I'd let him fuck me like that any time he wants to. My husband should take lessons. I haven't been fucked like that one time in my whole life. I'm not lamenting my sore tits; I'm trying to figure out how to get him to do it again. You should try it. I've never cum as hard as I did with Tom!"

Laura simply couldn't resist the urge to laugh out loud, receiving a funny look from the waitress who had just arrived with their lunches.

As they ate, the conversation kept drifting back to the activities of the weekend. The next step was the wild time Elise wanted to experience with her three black guys. Both girls' husbands were supposed to be on hand to act as bodyguards.

"I don't know about you Miko, but I plan to be there. I may even try to get some attention from one or more of those black cocks for myself. James will probably be shocked, but he wouldn't dare complain."

Miko nodded her agreement enthusiastically. "Oh yes! That sounds decadent and fun. I bet Andy will shit when he sees me with a big black cock. Of course, that doesn't put us any closer to finding our three black men. I hope the guys can think of some way to find them."

Tom, Andy & James-------------------------------

At almost the same time that the ladies had been sipping wine, the three husbands were conspiring in Tom's office. The afternoon had been slow, and James and Andy had gravitated to Tom's office to discuss what was foremost on everyone's mind. It was almost foreordained that the conversation would turn toward their recent sexual exploits and the as-yet unfulfilled desire of Tom's wife, Elise.

Tom looked at his two friends and voiced the unspoken question, "Where the hell are we going to get three black guys? I don't have any black friends and I don't know any of the guys that work out in the warehouse. What about either of you? We've got to make this happen soon or Elise might change her mind."

James shook his head, "I doubt that Elise will change her mind but the guys in the warehouse might just be a little too close to home. Don't forget that they know all three of us and even though Elise will be the one getting fucked both of our wives will probably expect to be there too."

"Oh yeah," Andy exclaimed. "I know that Miko has every intention of being there. There's no way that I want the guys in the warehouse to get wind of this. The next thing you know one of them will be hitting on our women. We've got to find a better source. Maybe we could go to a bar, you know, one of the ones on the other side of town."

Tom didn't think that would be such a good idea. "Have you ever been in one of those bars? I have and I don't think I'd feel safe there alone and I certainly don't think I would feel good about our ability to keep the ladies safe either."

Andy looked thoughtfully at his two friends and said, "What about looking on the internet?"

Shocked at the simplicity of the suggestion, the three of them huddled around Tom's laptop as they began their search. It took a while and more than a little creativity but eventually, they found what they were looking for. A website devoted to black men who enjoyed fucking white women, specifically white wives.


Later that evening, when Elise and I had settled down in the living room, I told Elise about our discovery.

At first, Elise thought that I was making a joke. "Yeah right. Next thing you're going to tell me is that they list their height and weight along with the length of their cock."

She was shocked when I burst out laughing. Once I regained control I sputtered, "Actually sweetheart, they do. Most of them post photos of themselves naked so you can see that they're telling the truth."

Now it was Elise's turn to be amused. "I don't believe this. You're going to have to show me. Go get your laptop. This I have to see for myself."

A few moments later, I returned with my laptop and sat down on the couch making room for Elise to sit down beside me. Elise watched as I booted the computer and made the necessary selections. In no time at all, I had the website up and Elise was treated to photos of more than twenty different men, each one proclaiming that he was the best one to satisfy a white wife's needs.

"Oh my, look at the cock on that one," Elise gushed. "I'm not even sure that I could take that inside me, but wouldn't it be fun to try? What do you think honey?"

Her husband chuckled, agreeing, "It's certainly impressive. Heaven knows it would be a complete turn-on to watch you try. If you think this will work, why don't we pick out three men and fill out the form so that they can contact us?"

After much study and discussion, we decided to select the man with the huge cock and two others who were almost as well equipped. We checked out the form which did not solicit personal information but did require electronic contact information. At the bottom of the form, there was a requirement for the applicant to provide nude photos for the men to review.

"Oh boy," Elise said. "I don't feel comfortable about that. Photos that get on the internet almost always manage to get shared. That's not something I'm prepared for."

I agreed, but after some thought I suggested, "We can get around that. I've got a photo that I took a few months ago. Do you remember the night you let me take those pictures? Remember the one where you were lying on the bed naked with your legs slightly spread? I could blur out the face so that they could only see your body. I also have a photo of you from the other night. The one where you were bent over the couch sucking a cock and getting fucked. Your hair was hanging down and your face was obscured. Those two should get us a good response."

After considering the options, we both agreed, and I uploaded the two photos. Now all we had to do was wait.

Elise, Miko & Laura-------------------------------

Elise listened to the rumbling thunder and hoped that it wasn't a portent of the way the day was going to go. It had taken a few days but, eventually, all three men had contacted them.

Just a few moments ago, Miko and Laura, along with their husbands, Andy and James, had arrived, and a short time later, the three guys had left to rendezvous with the three black men. Elise shivered knowing that very soon, three black strangers would be offered her body for their use and enjoyment.

Looking at her two friends, Elise smiled. "I suppose we ought to head for the hotel room. There's no telling how long it might take for our men to decide if they're comfortable with these guys."

Laura immediately agreed saying, "Yep! We're looking forward to getting some action ourselves."

Elise frowned, "What do you mean? You're just coming along to help monitor the situation. I'm the one going to get fucked by these guys."

In her soft voice, Miko added, "Come on Elise. We may never get a chance like this again either. If you think that we're going to stand by and just watch you fuck three black guys and do nothing ourselves you're nuts. We'll help get them hard and keep them hard. The triple penetration is your fantasy, but we may fuck one or two of them just to see what it's like. You wouldn't want to deny us that would you? Not after all that we and our husbands have done and are doing to help you?"

Elise thought about that for a moment and then said, "No, I guess not. To be honest I was concentrating so hard on getting what I wanted that I never considered the possibility that either or both of you might want to get in on the fun. I'm glad we talked about this. Come on. We better get going."

Tom, Andy & James-------------------------------

Just as the ladies were heading out, their husbands were arriving at the Sideline, a sports bar where they had agreed to meet the three men. They stood just inside the entrance, allowing their eyes to adjust to the lower light levels. After a moment, they noticed someone waving at them from a table over in the corner.

There were only two guys at the table and both men rose as the three husbands approached. No one was sure how to proceed until Tom held out his hand and said, "You must be Jamal."

The large, well-muscled black man took his hand and smiled. "Wrong," he said, laughing. I'm Abdul," and indicating the other man said, "That's Jamal. Now let me guess, you're Tom, right?"

Tom smiled, "Clearly, you're better at guessing than I am."

They all sat down, and Abdul said, "I had an advantage. It makes sense that the man who is giving up his wife to black strangers would take the lead. Now, I want a beer. What about you three?"

As they all settled into the booth, a waitress appeared, and they each ordered a beer.

Tom observed, "We were expecting three of you. Do you have any idea where the missing party might be?"

Abdul, a tall, thin, coal-black man spoke for the first time. "We were just wondering that ourselves. Jamal and I haven't met before and neither of us knows the other man so we've no idea what might be holding him up."

As the five men got acquainted, the three ladies arrived at the hotel. Elise and Tom had dropped by earlier and checked in, so they did not have to stop at the desk, but went straight to the suite.

Elise, Miko & Laura-------------------------------

Elise used the key card, and the girls entered the suite and began to look around. The suite was well-appointed and consisted of a large room with a couch, a couple of chairs, a wall-mounted television, a minibar, and a separate bedroom.

"Wow," was all Miko had to say.

Laura looked all around the sitting room and then walked into the bedroom. On the king-size bed was a soft white comforter. The headboard, footboard, nightstands, and credenza had a warm wood finish. One wall was covered in a white, textured wallpaper while the other walls were painted white.

Laura's only comment was, "Dayam. All that black manhood is going to stand out against all this white."

Elise smiled in anticipation, "Yep! That's what Tom and I thought. How about a drink?"

Tom, Andy & James-------------------------------

As the girls relaxed, sipped their drinks, and discussed their plan of action, their husbands had just ordered a second round. By now, it appeared that the third man was missing in action. Since they couldn't wait much longer, they discussed whether to call everything off or to proceed with just two black men.

Naturally, both Jamal and Abdul were looking forward to sinking their dicks in Tom's wife, so they were concerned about losing the opportunity for a little married white ass. Trying to be helpful, Jamal suggested, "There are five of us. We could still accommodate your wife's desire to experience a triple penetration. One of you three could substitute."

Tom shook his head, "You miss the point. Yes, my wife wants to be triple penetrated, but she wants it to be by three black men. I've fucked her and so have my friends but, she wants three black men. I doubt she would be willing to accept anything less."

Abdul joined the conversation saying, "I can get you a third man in just a few moments."

"Now how the hell do you plan to do that?" Tom asked. "It took us a week to contact you two and set things up."

Abdul chuckled, "There must be ten men living on the street that I could find in just a few minutes. I admit, they might not be the cleanest black men you will ever meet but they'd probably give their soul for the opportunity to fuck a lovely piece of white meat like your wife. Your wife wants black men, let's give her a black man. Besides, I don't want to miss my opportunity either. I've never sunk my dick in a married white woman, and I've been looking forward to enjoying that experience for some time."

Tom looked at Andy and James. "I don't know guys. What do you think?"

Andy chipped in, "Elise is expecting to get thoroughly fucked today and I, for one, do not want to be the one to tell her that we called things off, but it's your call, Tom."

Tom thought about it and finally said, "I don't want to be the one to tell Elise no either. I guess we don't have anything to lose if we take a look. Let's see what you can come up with Abdul."

The guys were almost finished with their drinks and were getting a little restless when Abdul finally came back into the bar followed by an older black man with gray hair and a gray beard. His clothes were fairly clean but, saying that they were well worn and that he was well washed, would be a kindness.

As Abdul and his friend came closer, Tom began to notice a less-than-subtle odor coming from his unwashed body and clothes. He wasn't too sure exactly how his wife would react to this newcomer but, she did want to be used by three black men didn't she? And she had said that she wanted to be a slut numerous times hadn't she?

As Abdul approached the table he introduced the new man, "This here is Leo. He says that he's never fucked a white cunt and his balls are loaded with cum and ready to go."

Tom noticed that Leo's grip was firm, and despite his unwashed condition, he seemed like a nice fellow. 'Why not?' Tom thought.

Having made his decision, Tom looked at everyone and said, "I'm going to call the ladies to let them know that we're on the way, so we need to get going."


When the six men arrived at the hotel, they found the ladies all enjoying a drink as they chatted in the sitting room. Tom introduced the three black men to all of the women, and everyone settled down to get acquainted.

After a while, I decided that it was time to get started. "Ladies, I want the three of you to stand over here in front of the couch."

"I've set up everything and I have a couple of cameras that will record the complete scene. I'll do the close-ups as we go."

Miko promptly objected. "No one mentioned video and photos. I'm not comfortable with that idea at all. What if someone else saw the video?"

"Miko," Tom soothed, "No one will see the video but the six of us. Still, if you feel uncomfortable you don't have to stay. I don't know how the rest of you feel but something like this may never happen again and I intend to have video to look at whenever I want."

Miko's husband Andy gave his wife a hug of support. "Sweetheart, you don't need to do anything that you don't want to do. I've got to tell you though; I feel the same way that Tom does. If you're going to participate, I want a video."

Finally, Miko sighed, "Okay. I want in on some of that black cock too, so I guess I don't have much choice."

Quickly, before anyone else had time for second thoughts, Tom repeated his instructions. "Okay ladies, I want the three of you to stand over here in front of the couch."

When all three wives had done as he asked, he realized that the coffee table was in the way, so he pulled it forward, providing more room between it and the couch.

"Okay, guys. Pick a lady and stand behind her, please. There's no need to push and shove if you don't get the lady you want. We'll make sure that each of you has a chance to sample all three of them before we're done."

After everyone was settled, Tom said, "I want each of you gentlemen to reach around and play with your partner's body, fondling her tits and crotch.

Tom took time to get a video of each of the ladies as their black partners thoroughly explored every part of the women's bodies. Every man started with his partner's tits but eventually, they all ended with one hand squeezing a breast and the other between their legs.

"Let's get serious guys. Get those tops off so we can see their tits." All three men went to work.

Elise's tits were the first to see the light of day. She was only wearing a tank top without a bra, so all Jamal had to do was raise the top over her head, exposing her tits. Jamal immediately cupped her soft white orbs. As Tom moved in close, Elise leaned her head back, clearly enjoying the attention Jamal was giving to her nipples, as he pinched and pulled on them.