Seasonal Reset: Strict Supervision

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Melissa dominates one of her subordinates in the back room.
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Melissa sighed, leaning forward on her desk with a frown. This night was, to put it bluntly, a bunch of bullshit. Her promotion to regional manager was supposed to come with additional responsibilities, sure, but babysitting a store during its reset? This was grunt work. It was for an assistant manager to deal with, like that annoying Gabby who kept kissing her ass every chance she got. Or for the store's actual manager James.

But James was out with an emergency surgery, so it fell to his direct supervisor to be on-site during the reset. It fell to Melissa.

At the very least, the brown-noser was so eager to prove herself, she was happy to do the heavy lifting, leaving Melissa to mostly relax. But she was still here, a night wasted. A night she was supposed to be on a date, her first in months.

"Fuck," Melissa sighed, looking at her phone. One in the morning, still another seven hours until this ungodly shift would be over. She opened her phone, once again cycling through the same six sites she usually did, pointlessly hoping there'd be a new article to read in the dead of night; no dice.

She could walk the floor, make sure everything was running smoothly. No, of course it was, and she'd always hated when the district manager would wander the floors when she was an associate. Besides, micro-managing was clearly Gabby's thing. That, and kissing her ass.

'Mm, she is a good little ass-kisser, though,' Melissa thought, smirking. 'I bet she'd do a good job covering every inch, worshipping my rear, putting her little tongue to work-'

Melissa caught herself, shaking her head. This was no time for thoughts like that. Not on duty. Just because that butt-slut Ainsley could get away with it - obviously she knew how to get men worshipping her rear - doesn't mean she should entertain the thought. Not at her level.

But fuck it if she couldn't keep her thoughts straight any longer. She flipped through to her dating app, found the messages with Peter... the photos... the videos... all sent as she'd instructed, like an obedient boy. And though he'd accepted her rescheduling, assumed it was just her teasing him out more, she still couldn't come to terms with it herself. Because she'd needed that date.

She hadn't had a good fuck in months.

"Shit!" Melissa cursed, louder this time, slinging her phone down in frustration. Peter was going to be her reward. All the long hours spent earning this promotion, fighting and outperforming to prove her worth at the expense of anything resembling a personal life. And now the job she'd worked so hard for was getting in the way of her fun. If not with Peter, she should at least be alone in her bedroom with her toys. Instead, she was alone in the back office with nothing to do.

Alone all the same, though...

More wicked thoughts.

Melissa looked to the office door, shut. No window, or any way to see in on her. The desk she sat behind, meanwhile, was between her and the door, and there was no way to see what was going on under it; she gripped at the hem of her skirt. She glance over to her personal laptop, filled with all sorts of fun distractions in files marked discreetly and buried in unmarked subfolders.

Melissa considered for a moment. The only reason anyone should come back here was if there was a problem. And the way Gabby was trying to impress her? She'd only do so in a truly serious case. Odds were high she'd be alone in the office for hours. Free to do whatever she wanted. No, what she deserved. And even if someone came in, she could play it off, right?

Of course, as she opened her laptop, she knew the answer to that last question no longer really mattered.

As her computer loaded, Melissa stood up. She looked down, considering the outfit she was wearing. Standard office attire, really, something to fit her position: a whit, buttoned blouse under a black suit jacket, with a matching skirt that ran just to her knees. Stockings for her legs, heels below that. Normally, she'd have worn pantyhose, but she'd been dressed for her date when the call had come and hadn't bothered to change out of them. As she slid the skirt up her hips, she was glad for the ease of access to the matching black panties she wore below.

For a moment, Melissa considered losing her bun, but letting her dark blonde hair down would likely raise more suspicion than she needed. Instead, she slid back into the seat and lowered it, making sure she was only visible above the waist and spread her legs. The store's A/C sent a shiver along her body as the cold air breezed past her bare thighs, but she knew the growing heat inside her would make up the difference soon enough.

"Now what to watch..." Melissa muttered to herself, her voice dropping into a secretive whisper. She clicked through her different folders until one caught her eye and sent a smirk to her lips. She hmmed to herself as she clicked on it, a selection of office-themed videos appearing.

'Might as well indulge the setting.'

Melissa slid a finger along the edge of her panties as she selected one of her favorite videos. A brunette, dressed not unlike herself, was interviewing candidates for a new position at the company. The current interviewee was handsome, built, and eager to say the right thing. He was qualified, the brunette acknowledged, but was he willing to go the extra mile? He assured her he was as she stood and slipped around the desk. She would need proof, she said, leaning on the desk's edge in front of him, smiling at him as she started to hike her skirt up. The man was stunned for a moment, but he soon smiled, too. Anything for the job, he said, getting on his knees, submitting to the brunette's demand, slipping her panties aside and diving in to eat--

"James, you there?" came a voice with a sharp knock on the door. Melissa jolted upright, removing the fingers that had just started teasing inside of her and clumsily pausing the video. Fuck. Fuck! "James, it's Sam, I... oh!"

The door swung open on that last statement, revealing Sam, one of the store associates and Melissa's former coworker.

"Why knock if you're just going to barge in anyway?" Melissa huffed, still adjusting in her seat. She pulled extra close to the desk just to make sure her exposed bottom was hidden and trained an annoyed look on Sam. "What is it?"

"Sorry, Mel, I didn't know... I just asked Gabby if the manager was in, she didn't say it was you. Where's James?"

"He's out, so it's me tonight. Turns out a promotion isn't a full-proof way to get out of this bullshit reset after all."

"Shit, sorry you have to be here with us," Sam ssaid with a laugh, one that died quickly as her eyes sharpened on him. "Sorry, Mel."

"I'm your boss now, how about you call me Ms. Burton." It was an order, not a question.

"Yes, Ms. Burton," Sam said, his head bowing slightly.


Melissa bit her lip, her exposed pussy twitching at the sight. Maybe this situation could prove beneficial after all.

"Well, what is it?" she asked, allowing one hand below the desk to trace the sides of her slick entrance.

"I'd been hoping to talk to James about my vacation request. It still hasn't been approved."

"Is that so?" Melissa asked coolly. "Well, no reason I can't take care of that. Let me just see."

Melissa leaned forward, minimizing the video and accessing the store's scheduling system. As it loaded, she glanced Sam up and down. She'd never put much thought into him, but he was a cute-enough guy. Kind eyes, well-kept brown hair, and clean-shaven. He had a nice build, even if the work polo did nothing for him. More importantly, he seemed a bit nervous, making it clear he took her new position over him seriously, at least once she'd pointed it out.

The question was, how seriously?

"Hmm, Sam, Sam..." she muttered to herself, pretending to scroll. She'd already found his profile, but she wanted to make him sweat. "Ah, here we are. Let's see..."

Melissa clicked into his profile and, sure enough, there was his vacation request, submitted well before the deadline. Unapproved, but entirely reasonable, set for the next scheduling window. Odds were James had started the schedule, gone out, and left it to Gabby to finish, only for her to miss the request. It would take a little tweaking, but it was a simple fix.

That said, it was also leverage.

"Yeah, it looks like your request didn't get put into the system after all," Melissa said, tsking as she did. "When was it for?"

"Uh, in two weeks. The 5th through the 10th."

"That's really soon, Sam, we've already got the schedule set to be posted tomorrow."

"I put the request in, Mel," he insisted. Then, when she gave him a sharp look, "Ms. Burton."

"I'm sure you did, I'm just not seeing it." Mel made a show of looking around the desk. "Well, if you said you submitted it, I can look for the paperwork. As long as James signed and dated it, shouldn't be a problem."

"Do you think maybe we could call him, then? Maybe he knows where it is."

"He's indisposed, Sam. I'll take a look around. Now, if that's all?" Melissa watched, waited. How badly did he want the time off?

"Look... Ms. Burton, I really need the vacation time. I haven't been back home in a while, I've already bought the ticket. Can you please help me out here?"

Melissa considered Sam for a moment, enjoying the pleading look in his eye. God, she wanted to slip inside of herself so badly in that moment, but she kept her cool. Instead, she did her best to pull her skirt back down before standing, though certainly not so far down as to be entirely professional. The way Sam's eye glanced down and widened as she stepped from around the desk told her she'd nailed the positioning.

"I suppose I could make an exception even without the paperwork, if it's really that important to you," she said, gliding past Sam, smirking as she watched him watch her out of the corner of her eye, a smirk that widened as she heard him shift in his chair to sneak a peek at her ass as she reached the door.

"Uh, th-thanks, Ms. Burton."

"But you will need to prove it," she said, locking the office door.

"Prove it?"

"Prove how important it is to you." Melissa returned to the desk, standing in front of it, so close to Sam. She glanced down at him, enjoying the uncertainty on his face. Leaning back on the desk's edge in front of Sam, Melissa slowly took the sides of her skirt in her hands and pulled it up, revealing her panties to Sam, whose eyes again widened.

"Mel, w-what are you--"

"Ms." she said, emphasizing each word. "Burton."

"I... um..." Sam stuttered, unable to look away from her hips as she spread her stance a bit.

"I want to be clear, I'm going to give you the time off either way," Melissa explained, letting her suit jacket slip off her shoulders to reveal her bare arms. "I would never want to pressure you unfairly. But it's such a long, dull night, and I figure since you're here anyway, maybe your skills can be put to better use than sorting housewares."

"I'm, um, actually sorting the furniture displays, and--"

"Sam," she said firmly, cutting him off and drawing his eyes to hers. As he watched, she unpinned her bun and shook her hair down. "I don't give a fuck what you were doing. I care if you're going to be a good employee and help your boss out. Understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Burton."

"So are you going to?" she asked, keeping her look stern even as her inner voice begged for his confirmation. And after a long minute, he replied.

"Yes, Ms. Burton."

"That's a good boy," Melissa commended with a smirk and a husky giggle. Knowing she had him under her command, she reached out and gave Sam a pat on the head. "I appreciate a man who's comfortable taking orders from his superior. A man who knows his place."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam replied, staring up at her with a yearning smile. God, he was easy.

"Now, I've been hoping for someone who can help me with my problem," Melissa continued, leaning back and grabbing her laptop. She turned it towards Sam, enjoying how his eyes went wide as he saw what was on the screen directly. His mouth fell open when she hit play, the office filled with low moans as the dutiful interviewee resumed eating out his interviewer. "Someone who knows how to assist a woman like a professional. Do you think you're the man for the job?"

"Yes, Ms. Burton," he said again.

"Well, then, on your knees," Melissa said firmly, leaning back against her desk, fully hiking her skirt up, and spreading her legs for Sam. She gave him no mind, instead watching the video; she expected Sam to earn her attention and approval. The moans filled the room as the stud on-screen continued working his mistress over. "Get to it."

Sam didn't dare hesitate, immediately following Melissa's order and dropping out of his chair and between her toned legs. He leaned right into her, still disbelieving, and as his nose hit the exposed flesh of her thighs just above her stocking, a jolt ran through Sam, his erection throbbing. He placed a kiss, sucking slightly before moving a little higher to do so again. He nipped at her flesh, feeling the heat of her exposed slit through her panties mere inches from his face.

"Aagh!" Sam yelped, a hand suddenly gripping his hair tight to turn his head up. Melissa stared down at him coolly, utterly unimpressed.

"Does he look like he's taking his time?" she asked flatly, gesturing to the video. "I'm not looking for your most romantic moves, I'm looking for you to fucking eat me out until I scream. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Sam gasped.

"Then eat," she ordered, using her free hand to tug aside her panties before shoving Sam's mouth firmly against her pussy. No longer given the choice to take it slow, Sam obeyed, letting her wetness overwhelm him as his tongue jutted out to feast. Spread and waiting as she was, it wasn't hard to bury himself in his supervisor's slit, sucking her clit and delving inside with the strongest thrusts his tongue could manage. Melissa moaned as he finally gave her what she wanted, purring out, "Goooood boy."

Sam simply pressed on, lost under her spell and intoxicated by the experience of his boss using him for her own pleasure. Her thighs gripped the sides of his head tightly, keeping him in place where he so clearly belonged. However, he had enough freedom to explore, and he couldn't help himself from testing the limits.

"Oh!" Mel gasped as Sam lifted one of her legs higher, spreading her wider. "Someone's really getting into his work. I should make a note of... of... ohhhhhh, you dirty boy."

Melissa's last words came out with a lustful little laugh, a reaction to Sam allowing his tongue to lap farther down past her pussy and tease the edge of her asshole. It was an awkward angle, but he made it work, if sub-optimally.

And Melissa was no fan of a suboptimal performance.

"Stop. Now." Melissa ordered, two firm, quick words. With only slight regret, Sam obliged. Melissa lowered her leg back to the ground and put a hand on Sam's head, making sure he looked at her as she regarded him with judging eyes. "Is that what I said to eat?"

"No, ma'am," he replied sheepishly, eyes flinching away.

"But is that what you want to eat?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Really?" Melissa pushed Sam's head back, giving her the space to finally slide her panties down past her knees. She then slowly turned until she was facing the desk, her ass right in Sam's face. She glanced over her shoulder at him, reveling in the way he patiently waited for whatever command she gave him despite how desperate he clearly was to take her. She put one hand on the desk to lean forward, using the other to grip her ass cheek and spread herself open, revealing her rosebud. "You want to eat your supervisor's ass?"

"More than anything."

"More than anything, what?" she said sharply.

"Ms. Burton," he quickly added.

"Well then you better get to it," she said, arching her hips back with little warning to press Sam directly into the crack of her ass. With no hesitation, Sam went to work, his tongue pressing into Melissa's tight asshole. After a few exploratory licks, he started to apply measured force, testing the grip of her anus with his probing tongue.

"That's right, mm, get in there," Melissa mewled, rocking back into his thrusting tongue. "You want top marks, ng, you earn them."

Sam obeyed, pushing forward with renewed vigor. His tongue burrowed hard, stretching her ring and forcing it to allow him deeper access. He devoured her ass, moaning in pleasure as he allowed her to all but sit on his face. Firmly in place as he was, Melissa moved her hand from her ass back to Sam's head, pushing him deeper and helping him penetrate her further.

"Mm, what a dedicated employee you are, Sam," Melissa grunted, bouncing her ass slightly into every lick and thrust. "More than deserving of those vacation days. Deserving of s-so much. Employee of the month material."

Melissa caught herself, realizing she was being too praising too soon. Fuck, it felt good, but he didn't need to know that.

"Mmm, but you could certainly do better, couldn't you? Where are those lazy hands of yours? Why aren't they hard at work, too?"

As she hoped, he again took her command, and suddenly, Sam's hands were firmly upon her ass, spreading her wider as a moaning Sam began to lick deep, tongue moving from ass to pussy, flat, broad strokes that teased her anus and clit in rapid, alternating succession. Holy shit, what an obedient little mouth he was, pushing her so close to the edge.

"C-come on, then. Sh-show me you... you really want... really want to please your... your... BOSS!"

As Sam's tongue once again punched deep into her asshole, Melissa tipped over the edge. The orgasm tore through her body, and with no concern for Sam, she collapsed back fully onto his face, claiming it as her throne as she cried out in primal bliss. The way his hands gripped tighter at her to support her was just further proof of how loyal and submissive he was to her in that moment, furthering her pleasure as she let out a chorus of "Yes, yes, yes!"

As her orgasm finally subsided, Melissa gave hips one more forceful roll atop Sam's face before collapsing forward onto the desk. She panted to catch her breath, but it was nowhere near as desperate as the gasps Sam let out. She again looked back at Sam, his face a wet, sticky mess from the smothering her pussy had given him. She was all set to smile, make another cheeky comment, when she glanced down and noticed the hard length of his erection, loosed from his pants.

"And who said you could get that out?" Melissa spat, pulling herself off the desk. She was still feeling the aftereffects throughout her lower half, but she couldn't show that weakness to Sam. Nor could she let on how impressed she was with what he was packing. Not the largest she'd seen, but solid and girthy. She took the chance to kick her heels and panties off as she stared at her panting subordinate, giving her better balance. The loss of height brought her closer to his face, and it would've been so easy to kiss him. But he'd been a bad boy. "Well?"

"I'm sorry, I... I didn't think--"

"No, clearly you didn't. Stand up."

Sam listened, getting to his feet. He started to reach for his cock, presumably to put it away, but Melissa slapped his hand away.

"Pants off," she commanded, unzipping her skirt as she did. She let it fall, leaving her bottomless in just stockings. She crossed her arms and waited for Sam to comply. "Don't make me repeat myself, Sam."

Sam unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. He tried awkwardly to get them off of his shoes before ultimately kicking them off as well. He was left in just his socks, a far less attractive visual than her own, but he still had that impressive cock jutting out at her. Besides, he should be made to feel a little pathetic.