Seasons with Samantha: Autumn


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Feeling Bryce enter her once again Sam could do nothing but slip forward and melt into a kiss with him, a soft loving kiss, care and affection filled the room, Bryce helped guide Sam across the room to the sofa. They fell together over the arm of the sofa, Bryce landing on top of Sam, this was how they fucked, always together, always facing one another. Sam could feel a million kisses on her face and neck as Bryce treated her with the respect she deserved, her cousin, her lover, her friend whatever Bryce was to her now he was boring into her but keeping it so sweet and tender.

Bryce was the first to come, the sudden stop of his movements told Sam everything she needed and she prepared for him to come inside her. The feeling of Bryce's come shooting inside her was enough to send off her own orgasm, Bryce could feel the heat flow through her body, the hairs sticking up on her arms. He fell forward and, with them both tired and sweaty, lay on top of Sam, Bryce heard Sam speak, it was mostly to herself but partially to Bryce as well.

"Blessed are we, the lovemakers."


And right there, all the guilt came back, all the shame, all the self-hatred it all came back. Every time I find myself falling in love with Sam something fucks it up and I'm back to the regret. Ironically enough the reason I can't just tell Sam the truth is that I love her too much, she's my best friend and I know that if I tell her it would only hurt her and make her hate me and I cannot live in a world without Sam.

It's this kind of shit that proves there is no God, if there was he wouldn't make this so fuckin difficult.

Chapter 7: Comfortably Numb

I left early the next day, I didn't want to talk to Sam. After the guilt trip last night I knew speaking to her would only hurt me and I would hurt her.


Bryce and Jonathan stood outside in the yard, as usual the mornings were quiet. T.J. arrived not long after 9.

"The fuck have you been?" Asked an infuriated Jonathan.

"Jesus don't bite my fucking head off."

"Sorry, I'm out of fags. I sent Tommy a text asking to pick some up but he ain't back yet. Just tell me why you're late."

"I was taking Caleb to the hospital. He scalded his hand and had to see his therapist."

"He alright?" Bryce was concerned about his cousin.

"Yeah, never felt a thing because of his brain troubles."

"Good, I actually met Billie last night, we had a chat."

"Really, she never to Caleb or at least he never told me. Actually while we're on the subject." T.J. turned to Jonathan. "Your brother tried to get off with Billie, nearly forced her, luckily enough Caleb broke his fucking nose."

At that point Tommy, a fellow worker, arrived with Jonathan's cigarettes.

"Cheers Tommy, I'll pay you back at lunch."

Tommy left them. Bryce remembered what he was told about Vincent last night. "He's got a point Johnny, I was talking to a guy at the party last night who used to hang around with Vincent, told me he fucked an unconscious girl in an alleyway."

"Oh please like I don't know my brother's a cunt, you take one look at him and you know he's a sadistic motherfucker, your cousin must be a fuckin spazz to get anywhere near him. He ran away, yes, but we still see each other, every time I see him I see my father and we all know how well that turned out. Christ I fucking hate that cunt, fuck it I'm having a fag."

"Actually Johnny can I bump one."

"You sure Bryce? I thought you quit."

"Yeah well right now I'm doing a lot of things I'm not supposed to."


"Forget it."

Jonathan passed a cigarette to Bryce, he lit his own first before lighting Bryce's.

"Before I forget." Said T.J. after Jonathan and Bryce had started their cigarettes. "Me and Jane have set a date for the wedding, September 12th, you both can come if you want."

"I might, can't promise anything though. That's a Sunday and I visit Lori in the hospital on a Sunday, missed it the last few weeks though so I need to make it up to her."

"I'm afraid I can't T, me and Sam are moving into our new apartment that day so I'll be busy."

"No worries, I just thought I should ask."


The rest of July and August were pretty quiet for me, work was good and I gained a friend with T.J., me and Sam never got another chance to have sex, whenever we were alone we weren't. I could tell it was hurting Sam more than me, if she saw an opportunity, even if it was only a few seconds, she would find and kiss me. We almost got caught a few times. Thinking back, as much I loved sleeping with Sam I was fine with our time apart because it gave me a chance to try and figure out why I could not feel what she felt. And for the life of me I didn't know, I mean there was so much to why I should love her, the little things we did together, the talking into the night, the holding hands when no-one's looking, the little touches and giggles we gave each other. It was just, every time we slept together I felt the guilt again, I always remembered how bad I felt with Paige and now...

Pause Video Blog 'Relationships' Part 2.


September had finally come around, in just a few days Bryce and Sam would be moving into their new apartment together. That night Bryce took a walk around his hometown, he had planned to meet up with Jonathan but something came up, he was alone but he didn't mind. Looking at his watch he saw it was nearing one in the morning.

While on his walk Bryce took a turning a found himself passing the swimming pool where Sam spent some of her free time, Sam was actually a champion swimmer and even won a few medals but stopped after an accident left her with a fractured knee. She still swam but not competitively. Bryce looked at the front door which surprisingly was open, listening closely he heard the sound of splashing coming from within. Obviously he knew better but curiosity got the better of him and he carefully walked inside.

Inside the splashing got louder, Bryce peeked in from behind a corner but all he could see was Sam. She was climbing the diving board, Bryce couldn't see much of her but he could see her hair and from the looks of it she had already been in the pool. Sam reached the top of the diving board and Bryce could see all of her, she was stark naked.

Bryce suddenly remembered finding Sam naked at the Lake House, how open she had been but here, at home it was still surprising. Sam raised her hands and dived off the board and glided into the water, the was an ethereal quality to her swimming, the entire pool room was dark, the only light being from the moon which shone in through a window on the roof, the light bounced off the ripples filling the room with a strange glow. The way Sam looked in the water, her gliding in the water, she was a ghost, no effort was made in her actions, the scene was a strange mixture of eroticism and incongruity.

Sam climbed out of the pool on the opposite side from where she dove in, her eyes met Bryce's and she smiled, as though she known he was there all along.

"Hey there little brother, you been there long?"

"Long enough, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I've got a set of keys from when I worked here that I haven't handed back. Every so often I'd come here at night and just swim for a bit, don't worry I turn the camera's off before I get in."

"I should hope so, aren't you going to cover up?"

"Why should I do that, there's only you here."

"Well yeah but, y'know, it's..."

"What's wrong little brother, cat got your tongue? Or is it a pussy?"

"Fuckin hell Sam I miss my innocent cousin, you're scaring me right now."

"Oh don't be such a baby, you love it. Fine I'll cover up, can you pass me my towel."

As Bryce reached down to pick up Sam's towel she ran up and pushed him into the pool, the abrupt cold took Bryce by surprise, he felt like he was spinning for hours before he righted himself up so he could breath.

"Jesus fuck Sam. Sam?"

A splash behind Bryce told him Sam had jumped in the water, Bryce turned around and saw his cousin giggling to herself as she treaded water.

"That wasn't funny Sam."

"It was Bryce, I'm sorry but I needed to do it."


"So I could do this."

Sam lunged forward and kissed Bryce, pressing him up against the side of the pool, he hard nipples prominent on his chest and her pussy hair swaying in the water, pressed against his hand, taking the initiative Bryce cupped Sam's pussy, his middle finger entering her and stroking the inside of her cunt. With his free hand Bryce unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down, quite difficult under water, and pulled his dick out. Bryce removed his hand from Sam's pussy and replaced it with his cock, slipping into Sam. The ripples in the water were getting bigger and bigger as Sam got faster and faster, her legs pushing against the sides of the wall so she could lean backwards in the water, it was a new angle but Bryce wasn't complaining, his hands were placed on her back, holding her up as she tilted back. The pleasure in Sam was getting higher and higher, her arms shot out wards and she grabbed Bryce's shoulders, using him as leverage to pull herself up and kiss him again, Bryce's hands travelled down to her ass and gripped it. Everything was getting too much for Sam; the water around her, her nipples against Bryce's chest and her cousin's hands on her ass, she was getting close to coming.

"God little brother, keep going. Fuck me Bryce, please, harder."

Bryce said nothing, he just did what he was told, his grip on her caught tighter. Sam was going crazy with lust, the heat around her would've boiled the water if she let it.


The water was splashing everywhere, Bryce could do nothing but watch Sam get possessed, he was so astonished by Sam's actions that he almost didn't feel himself come in her. Sam slowed down, staying close to Bryce, her head in his shoulder, in the silence the water could be heard gently hitting against the wall.

"You do seem to get loud at times Sam."

"You do something to me little brother, it's so hard not to scream out every time we're together but if I know we're alone I can't help myself."

"Well not that I'm complaining but I would really love some warning next time."

Sam giggled and kissed Bryce again, they got out the pool and dried off as best they could before leaving the pool. The cold air chilled through them giving them a reason to hold close to each other on the walk home.


Me and Sam moved into our new apartment on the 10th, it was a good place, large enough for both of us and guests. There were two bedrooms -- not that we'd need a second -- and a small bathroom which Sam joked was perfect for showering together. Except I don't think she was joking. We spent at least three days unpacking everything, since Sam had more stuff we put her stuff in the bigger bedroom we would share and my stuff would go into the smaller room. John and Mary came by the first day to help but Sam convinced them that we could finish up ourselves, when we finished Sam kissed me and asked if I could get her some lunch from the shop. If only I knew her true intentions.


Bryce took a walk around the new neighbourhood, he'd been there before during his midnight walks and it wasn't far from John and Mary's house but the actually know where to find everything was a new experience. Soon enough Bryce found a small shop and bought a couple of sandwiches and drinks for him and Sam, he made a note to go on another walk tonight. Bryce returned home and put the lunch on the kitchen table.

"Sam? Sam you here?"

There was no answer which Bryce considered strange, he thought about grabbing a knife just in case she was in trouble but then he noticed a note taped to Sam's bedroom door, Bryce walked up and read it.

'Homecoming present inside little brother'

Confused, Bryce opened the door and looked inside, there was Sam lying face down on the bed, she was wearing a thin white tank top and nothing else, her bare arse on show to Bryce's hungry eyes. The lights were off but Sam had turned the desk-side lamp on, the effect on Sam's ass was that one side was shining bright while the other was bathed in darkness. Sam propped herself up on her elbows and smiled at Bryce.

"Hello little brother, like what you see?"

"You have something planned don't you?"

Sam wiggled her ass at Bryce. "You could say that. What would you say, to us celebrating our now official new home, with a little ass-play?"

Bryce couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You, you serious Sam?"

"Of course little brother, you've taken one cherry it seems only right you should take a second."

"You know it's going to hurt right?"

"I know but I also know you'll never hurt me."


Fuck me why did she say that?


"Besides." Continued Sam. "I doing this because I love you and I want this to be special for both of us."

"It's your choice Sam, course we'll need to prepare."

"Say no more little brother, I know just what to do."

Sam sat up and spun around on the bed and sat on the edge, Bryce could see her pussy hair glistening in the lamp light, wet with her juices. Sam unbuckled Bryce's trousers and let them fall to the floor, followed swiftly by her pulling down his boxers. His hard cock bounced in front of her as she gently licked the sensitive head, she moved her head round and kissed the shaft, feeling Bryce quiver with each touch of her mouth. Sam could sense she was driving her cousin crazy so she skipped the rest of the foreplay and brought Bryce's dick into her mouth.

This wasn't the first time Sam had blown Bryce but with the knowledge of where this was going Bryce had to fight not to come in Sam's mouth. Easier said than done, Sam was really going for it, she was getting almost all of his dick in her mouth and her tongue was all over it from inside, coating it, getting it ready for her plan. Bryce put his hand on her shoulder to stop her, any more and he would've ruined it all.

Still smiling, Sam released Bryce's dick from her mouth, letting her tongue slide down it as she backed away. She turned back around and lay on the bed again, her ass on show once more. Bryce wasted no time, he bent down to Sam's level but not at her head, he started with his head by her ass, kissing her cheeks softly, giving them a gentle bite. He wasn't making this an act of violent sex this was more a fun, loving one, Bryce slowly climbed upwards, kissing Sam's back as he moved along her. He reached her neck and kissed that, kissed her cheek, kissed her ear, Sam could feel the head of his cock resting between her cheeks.

"You still want to do this?" Bryce asked, mirroring their first time together.

Sam nodded and let out a breathy "Yes."

Bryce took one and directed his cock to Sam's hole, the head went in first, Sam drew a sharp intake of breath at the shock of it, Bryce moved slowly in, not wanting to hurt Sam in any way. As more and more went in Sam felt more and more filled, her eyes were tight shut but her mouth was wide open, she wasn't breathing. Bryce moved again.

"Stop Bryce, please." Her voice was coming from her breath, Bryce could barely hear her.

"Am I hurting you Sam?"

"No, I just, I just need to get use to it. My God little brother we should've done this years' ago."

"I know Sam, but we have all the time to make up for it."


Listening to myself I truly meant it, I really wanted to be with Sam for as long as I could but there was still that doubt, still that uncertainty to the legitimate nature of my feelings.


Sam had calmed down, she told Bryce to continue and he did so, ever slowly he continued to push into Sam. It was a lot easier this time given her getting used to the dick inside her and Sam kept telling herself the worst was over, but that doesn't mean it wasn't difficult. Sam couldn't even feel Bryce moving, all she could feel was an emptiness being filled that should've been filled years ago. After what seemed like hours Sam felt Bryce's mouth by her ear.

"It's over Sam, I'm inside you, all of me."

"God Bryce I know, I can feel you. I love you so much little brother."

"I love you too Sam."

Bryce moved out then back in, he slowly fucked Sam's ass, holding her tight and letting her share the pleasure. Sam loved every minute of it, just being with her cousin in this most intimate way was enough for her. Bryce too loved the intimacy, he'd never done anal before so this was new to him as well, of course he went slow and careful so as not to hurt Sam but the tight, warm sensation around his cock was too much and he was getting close to coming.

"Fuck me Bryce, don't make this about love we're fucking now fuck me." Sam spoke in the same whisper she'd had since they started.

Bryce followed his command and fucked Sam a little harder, faster, still not wanting to hurt her until finally he heard her whimper and her ass tighten, Sam had come and just knowing that finished Bryce. Sam could feel her cousin's cum shoot deep into her bowels, there was a warm feeling in her stomach and she loved knowing where it came from, and she didn't care one bit. Bryce pulled himself out Sam and lay down next to her, Sam draped an arm across Bryce's chest and kissed him.

"How do you feel?" he asked her.

"Comfortably numb."

"You aren't hurt are you?"

"No little brother, I'm not. In fact, I don't think I've ever felt this good before."


Sam kissed me again and we lay there the entire night. Sam fell asleep not long afterwards and I just lay there watching her. That night was one of the closest times we had together and yet I still did not share her feelings and if tonight didn't turn me nothing would.

Like it or not I would eventually have to tell Sam I wasn't in love with her.

Chapter 8: The Assassination Of T.J. Gallagher By Some Vicious Cunt.

I didn't tell Sam straight away my true feelings, or lack of them, I kept putting off telling her with the most ridiculous reasons; we were just moved in and it would be too difficult to tell her now. I'll tell her now, oh but she just got in, I'll tell her now, oh she's got news, her band's playing a battle of the bands well I can't tell her now I'll only distract her.

For weeks this went on and before I knew it, it was October which brought some horrifying news with it.


Bryce had a day off which he planned to spend with Jonathan, as Bryce got closer to the front door he heard shouting coming from inside. Suddenly the front door burst open and out came Vincent Moreno, Johnny's younger brother, holding his jaw and what looked like a burst lip. From the looks of him his nose was recently broken as well. Vincent spotted Bryce and smiled at him.

"Hello Bryce, how's dear young Sam these days?"

"What the fuck are you doing here Vince?"

"I just came to delivery my dear sweet brother some news, he didn't take it so well."

"Knowing you, you probably deserved it."

"Ha, well that's the third punch I've had in as many months so I guess I should take the hint. Want to make it four?"

"More than you know. Fuck off Vince."

Vincent ignored Bryce "I've been hearing rumours Bryce, if they're true then please tell James I said hello. And that Katie's cunt is as loose as ever."

"Fuck off Vincent."

Still chuckling Vincent walked away, he spat blood on the pavement just before he left. Bryce walked carefully inside, he knew about Jonathan's wrath first-hand. Bryce leaned in and knocked on the door to let Jonathan know he was there.

"What the fuck...? Oh Bryce it's just you."

"What was that about with Vincent?"

"Motherfucker comes in here and with a boldface he told me T.J., he told me T.J.'s dead."

"What, how, why..?"

"That's what I said, he told me that he passed the crime scene this morning. He didn't fucking care he was just gloating, I hated his smug face so I just fuckin punched him."