Seducing Daddy


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"So how we going to do this?" I asked Lyndsey.

"No idea! I'm well out of my depth here. I didn't know how well off your family was."

I felt a little embarrassed about my background. "It's not my money and I'm still the person you knew before we got here."

"That may be so, but still, look at the way your dad lives! He's well out of my league."

I was becoming annoyed at this. "Why?"

"He's loaded, charming, good looking, well educated. Why the hell would he be interested in me or Heather?"

"Because he's a man and all of them think with their dicks."

Lyndsey thought for a moment. "You know what, you're right! But I don't think he's going to be as easy as my dad was or Heather's for that matter."

"What would you suggest?"

"Well, if we can get him interested in Heather and myself then perhaps. if you catch us. then you could blackmail him?"

"Blackmail? Blackmailing my own father into fucking me?"

"Well, it could be worse, he could get nothing out of it."

We rode and talked, trying to plan the best way to get my father to go along with our plan. Lyndsey was right though, he wouldn't be an easy conquest. Eventually we arrived at the waterfall and got off the horses. We sat on the edge of the pool, generally chatting about everyday things like how university was, what the tutors were like and the other students. Dad seemed to take an interest in Heather and was sat beside her trying to gain all of her attention. Lyndsey seemed to notice this and winked at me. "Is there somewhere I could ermmm, go to the loo?" she asked.

"I think I need to go too. Come on Lyndsey, I know a place we can go."

Lyndsey and I got up and headed off to relieve ourselves, leaving Heather and my dad to chat with each other. We decided to offer them both some space and hoped that Heather would make a move on him.

We walked through the woods and sat in a clearing considering what may be happening by the waterfall pool


Heather looked at my father, his dark hair and piercing blue eyes complemented his nicely tanned skin. He wasn't exactly athletic in build, but he wasn't fat and round either. His black T-shirt and black jeans slimmed him out and showed off his thick upper arms and his broad shoulders. His 5ft 10in frame was very nicely proportioned as she watched him look over at the waterfall with a faraway look on his face.

"You are so lucky to live here," she commented.

He turned to face her and smiled. "You have no idea how much hard work this place is or what it cost to build. When Abbey and I bought the place, it was an empty shell and it took us 10 years to get it in the shape it's now in."

Heather hung off each word he spoke. She wondered how she was going to get him naked and on top of her. Given how much she'd enjoyed the previous weekends, she wanted to make the most of this weekend given its perfect surroundings. "Do you ever swim in the pool?" she asked.

He nodded. "Occasionally, though I rarely have the time these days just to sit back and relax."

Heather saw her opening. "Well, you're not busy now so we could take a dip."

He laughed. "The girls will be back in a few minutes and besides I have no swimming trunks."

Heather smiled. "That doesn't really matter does it?"

The smile went from his face and he looked at her with puzzlement. "Well, yes it does. I don't think I'd want to be caught naked with my daughter's best friend and I certainly wouldn't want to be naked when my daughter gets back."

"Why not? It's just a body and its not like we'd be doing anything other than swimming is it?" Heather pushed.

He shook his head. "No, I couldn't. It wouldn't be appropriate, so let's just enjoy the summer sun and the surroundings."

Heather wasn't about to be put off so easily. "OK, well Vicky isn't my daughter and it's not like she hasn't seen me naked, so would you mind if I had a swim?"

Suddenly his tone and attitude changed from one of nonchalance to one of great interest. He attempted to hide the eagerness in his voice but couldn't. "No... ,no..., not at all, please be my guest," he stammered, fumbling over his words.

Heather stood up and undid her jeans and slid them down to her ankles. "Damn, I need to take my shoes off first," she commented, as she turned around and started to undo her laces. She was making sure he had a good view of her arse. Her knickers had ridden up between her arse cheeks, offering a view that was mostly flesh and very little material. She bent over pointing her arse in his direction as she slowly undid the laces and pulled the shoes apart to take them off. My dad coughed and cleared his throat, he was so taken aback at how relaxed she was getting undressed in front of a complete stranger. He couldn't take his eyes off her, running them up and down her legs from where her jeans sat to the top of her arse and those two round delicious cheeks that begged to be slapped and kissed.

Heather stood back up and kicked off her shoes. Slowly, she slid the jeans over her feet then, standing upright, she had her back to him while she folded them up and placed them carefully on a tree branch. Next she removed her light cotton top to reveal, from the side, her ample breasts encased in a bra that offered an abundance of cleavage.

My dad let out a brief moan. "Oh God!" he said quietly.

Heather turned to face him. then reached behind her to her bra clasp and started to undo it. "Sorry?" she enquired, knowing exactly what she was doing.

"Nothing!" he replied in a slightly higher pitched voice than his normal speaking voice.

Heather undid her bra and let it fall to the ground. Next she hooked her thumbs into her knickers and pulled them down, again bending over as she did so, leaving my dad to imagine what the view would now be like. She looked at him and smiled. "You OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks."

She stood, lifted a leg, opening her thighs as she did, so he would get a glimpse of what she was offering, and took off her socks. My dad gulped and let out a long, slow breath as she dropped her socks onto her bra and knickers. Standing in front of him totally naked, she stared at him for a second or two. "Sure I can't convince you to join me?" she asked, as suggestively as she could.

"You have no idea how tempted I am, but I really can't. Vicky will be back in a minute or two and it's not normal to see your father naked."

Heather was determined. "So what about nudist families? You think that's wrong?"

"That's different! They grow up like that. This is... Well it's different isn't it? I mean it's a total surprise."

Heather walked towards him and held out her hand. "Come on. Look, if Vicky is that embarrassed or objects to it, then she can turn her back or something while you get dressed. It's really not as big a thing as you're making out. My dad has seen me naked and it's not like I haven't walked in the bathroom and caught him in the shower. It's the same with Lyndsey; she's been caught naked and caught her father naked from time to time."

He mused on her words for a few seconds. "Fuck it! I guess you're right and it's only a swim isn't it?"

He started to pull off his clothes. Heather turned and walked into the water, a smile on her face at what she'd just achieved. She swam to the middle of the pool and turned to see my dad naked and just getting into the water. She paid particular attention to his cock which seemed to be semi hard. It was a nice thick cock, not too long and not too short, though it did have a bit of growing to do.

Heather swam over towards him. "See, it's not that hard is it?" she quipped, playing with the words and hoping he would pick up on the double meaning.

Dad looked nervous as Heather approached him. "I guess not," he offered weakly.

Heather swam round him several times, brushing her breasts and legs against his skin. He flinched slightly, but didn't push her away. Heather swam to his front and faced him. "I wonder what I could make hard?"

Dad reacted and pushed her away. "I'm a married man, Heather! And my daughter will be back any second," he protested.

Heather wasn't about to give up. "So what you're saying then is, if it was just you and me, then you might consider it?"

"No, I wouldn't. I couldn't. It wouldn't be right. I'm married."

Heather swam to the back of him and wrapped her legs around his thighs. She put a hand on his shoulder and reached around to find his cock was incredibly hard. "That isn't what your cock says," she whispered in his ear, as she began to wank him slowly.

Dad didn't resist her touch, he remained with his arms down by his side, but his hands were on her thighs. "Please don't do this Heather, please. I'm married."

"Shhhhh, it's OK, I won't tell anyone if you won't."

"Heather, please stop. I'm going to cum if you keep doing that," Dad weakly argued, his hands now gripping her thighs. He started to tense and his grip grew tighter as she worked his cock harder and harder.

"Dad!!!!! What the hell are you doing??" I demanded from the bank of the pool.

He looked over at me. Heather backed off and swam a few feet away from him, throwing me a wink with a huge smile on her face.

"Vicky!! I..., I..., I...," he stammered, attempting to explain himself but being unable to do so.

"Mum is not going to be pleased with you," I threatened him, not really intending to carry it out, but knowing just the threat would put him on the back foot. I glanced over at Lyndsey who was trying to stifle her laughter.

"Vicky, please! Don't tell your mother. I'll do anything," he begged.



"Hmmmm, now what could I possibly want? I have a nice job with a steady income, a nice house, a good lifestyle. The money you gave me when I left home is still in that high interest account, so what could you possibly offer me to keep my mouth shut?"

"I don't know sweetheart, I honestly don't know. Please don't tell your mother."

"I know what he could offer you Vicky," Lyndsey volunteered, "and I'm sure he'd love it."

Dad started to look apprehensive as the suggestion was made. "What can I offer?" he asked.

Heather swam up to him and put her arms around his shoulders and rib cage. "You could offer her that lovely cock of yours," she whispered in his ear, lowering her left hand to feel his cock once again.

Dad reacted by pushing Heather off and turning to face her. "Are you fucking crazy? That's my daughter."

Heather had come this far and she wasn't about to give up. "She's also a young tight pussy. Fucking her would be no different to fucking me or Lyndsey and a few minutes ago I had your hard cock in my hand. I was wanking you off and you loved it. A hand is a hand, a mouth is a mouth and a pussy is a pussy."

Dad looked shocked by the suggestion, "Not when it's my daughter's!"

While Heather had distracted Dad, Lyndsey and I had taken off our clothes and slipped into the water to join them. I sneaked up behind Dad and decided to take charge of the situation. Lyndsey was close to me as I dived under the water and headed to Dad's cock. Lyndsey approached him and turned him around so that I came face to face with his cock. I took it in my hand and started to wank it slowly. Lyndsey was up close to my dad now and smiling at him. "What a lovely cock you have," she purred, as Heather once again wrapped her arms around him. Dad just stood there not knowing what to do.

I couldn't hold my breath any longer and popped up out of the water. "Surprise, Dad," I smirked, my hand still on his cock and slowly working it. "I rather like Heather's suggestion which is why I have your cock in my hand."

Dad tried to recoil. His hand came to mine in an effort to push it away, but there wasn't any real effort made. He grabbed my wrist but allowed me to continue what I was doing. Heather and Lyndsey swam around him to each other and started to kiss. His eyes followed them and his grip on my wrist loosened slightly but, instead of the halfhearted attempt to stop me, he was now encouraging me, moving my hand up and down his cock.

I couldn't believe it; he was helping me wank him off in the water. His cock felt thick and hard in my hand. It pulsed and twitched as my pace grew a little faster under his direction. "You happy, Daddy?" I asked.

"Oh yes baby, I'm so happy right now. I can't believe this is happening," he replied, as he turned to look at me. He moved a little closer, his right arm coming around and pulling me towards him by my waist. He kissed my cheek then kissed me on the lips. A gentle tender kiss that shouldn't be shared between father and daughter.

His left hand was still under the water and it let go of my wrist. He ran his hand down my stomach to my hungry pussy, seeking out my clit and massaging it with the tip of his middle finger. I gasped as he gently but firmly massaged my aching swollen clit. I worked his cock a little faster and he started to tense. "I'm gonna cum, Vicky," he moaned.

At this I stopped what I was doing and let go of his cock; I pushed him back a little so there was a step between us then, taking a long deep breath, I plunged under the water. I found his cock with my mouth and greedily took it in. I sucked hard taking it to the back of my throat and swallowed a few times to compress the head. Within seconds, hot spunk was being forced down my throat as I drank down my own father's seed. His hand reached down to the back of my head and he finished his orgasm, fucking my mouth hard holding my head in place by my hair. Stream after stream of hot thick spunk pumped into my mouth and down my throat.

Finally, his cock stopped pumping its seed and he relaxed his grip. I came up above the water and gave my own father a cummy kiss, sharing his seed. He reciprocated, pushing his tongue into my mouth and pulling my body closer to his with his arms. His cock was still hard and seemed eager to please. I wrapped my legs around his waist and guided myself into position. With a thrust he entered me and I started to ride my own father's cock. We kissed and held each other, our bodies pressed together in the water. "Fuck me Daddy, make me cum Daddy," I begged.

His pace picked up and his cock seemed to grow inside of me. He started to lift me up and down in the water as we fucked and his pubic bone worked its magic on my clit. I came hard, my pussy tightened and my legs gripped his body as my arms pulled him tighter and tighter into me. With a grunt he came again inside of me. I could feel his watery cum filling my eager little hole as his cock swelled and pulsated with each thrust.

Lyndsey and Heather were getting each other off as my father and I relaxed, our orgasms having worn us both out. We released each other and swam towards the pool edge and pulled ourselves out. We lay on our back looking at the bright blue afternoon sky, content with our efforts.

"Fucking hell Vicky! Where did you learn to fuck like that?" he asked, looking towards me.

I smiled, "I'm not exactly a nun you know. I've been fucking for a few weeks."

Lyndsey and Heather joined us at the side of the pool and lay down. "You know there are three of us," Lyndsey said to Dad with a wry smile on her face.

"You mean I get to have all of you?"

She nodded. "Yes, all of us as often as you like."

"Fucking hell! My poor cock hasn't seen this much action in years. Oh well, it's a dirty job but someone has to do it."

"It'd better be a good dirty fuck for us all," Heather told him, "we demand and expect nothing less."

We spent the afternoon fucking and sucking my dad. He must have cum a good 8 or 9 times before we all got dressed and retired to the house to clean up and have dinner. At dinner, Mum asked Dad how his day had been. He almost choked on his steak at the question, but managed to pull it together and said it had been interesting. She turned to Heather and Lyndsey asking them if they enjoyed themselves. They could hardly hold in their laughter and, with giggles, they agreed it had been an interesting afternoon. Then Mum said, which sent us all into fits of laughter: "Oh you'll have to go out and do it again tomorrow then," she suggested in the most off-handed way.

"Yes Mum, we will won't we," I said giving my dad a wink.

The next day we went back to the waterfall pool and had a lot more fun, despite the overcast day. We told my dad what had gone on the previous weekends and he seemed to approve. So much so, he suggested we each call our respective mothers and ask if our dads can come and do some odd jobs around the house the following weekend. Heather and Lyndsey spoke to their fathers first and asked if they'd like to come over for the weekend and they readily agreed. Then we all asked our mums if we could "borrow Dad for the weekend" and they all agreed.

The thing is, Heather's dad and Lyndsey's dad didn't know about each other, or that my dad would also be there. We kept it back from them as a surprise as we intended to have three horny cocks to play with all weekend, day and night. Those men would return home as though they hadn't just put up a few shelves but had rebuilt the house. We intended to work them hard.

But that's another story for another time.

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JLCCJLCCover 6 years ago
It was a hot little tale

Or 3 tails, as it were.

But I do agree with Nightshadow and Dark_Storm. Even ignoring the prominence of Vicky to the story, having two of the three scenes vividly acted out, only to leave a summary of the third was a real let down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

>...She knelt behind Heather and me. I felt something cold and slippery being spread over my asshole, then a finger was slipped inside. Some more of the cold substance was applied to my asshole and then I felt two fingers, then three, then four fingers being slipped inside of me. It felt a little uncomfortable, but wasn't painful. Next she >moved to Heather and did the same thing to lube up her asshole.

You're joking, right? It would prolly hurt like hell right from the start! Two fingers right off? Yeah that would hurt, lube or no. Then FOUR?! Hell yes that would hurt!!! ...and two ass virgins willingly saying 'suuure, never had anything up there before but that's what I want! Slam it in for ten, then give it time to close up, then force it back in for twenty, then do it again! Nothing like the pain of having a big, long dick forcing open my tightly closed ass repeatedly and poking at my intestines! Yum!'. ROFL!!

(Nothing like an entertaining plot piece, heh)

>Go on, push that cock right into my tight little ass. Don't worry about hurting me, I can take it all," she begged. He put the head of his cock against her slippery asshole and thrust in hard. Lyndsey squealed with delight. "Oh yes!!! That hit the spot. Now pump me, pump me like the dirty fucking bitch I am. Fuck my ass giving me all that >cock," she instructed.

Holy crap!! If he slid right in without her batting an eye, she better stay away from the Mexican food! Lol! She keeps that up and she'll be wearing diapers when she's forty, ROFL.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 8 years ago
I agree with nightshadow

I liked the story and even favorited it, but the structure was all wrong.

Considering it was told in the first person, with Vicky being the main protagonist of the story, and the title is "Seducing Daddy", the hottest action should have been saved for when Vicky finally got with her father. Instead, the story peaked with the seduction of Heather's father, and the scene with Vicky's father was written almost as an afterthought, rather than being the hottest action.

The story should have built until the final climax (no pun intended) of Vicky (and the girls) fucking her dad. What we got, instead, was a quickly written scene, told in the last third of the fifth story page, with little detail (just a quick BJ and even quicker fuck by Vicky, with no fucking of the other girls), because you already blew your figurative wad with the seduction of Heather's dad. You could have at least saved the anal action for the final encounter with Vicky's father. In fact, the action with Heather's father should have been used for the culminating scene with Vicky's dad.

A good story should have its peak near the the end, not in the middle. That's English Lit 101.

Nightshadow was right in his critique and speaks for anyone who appreciates a properly structured story.

HotLittleVickyHotLittleVickyover 8 years agoAuthor

Perhaps you personally feel cheated nightshadow but you should learn to only speak for yourself not others. Thank you.

prop69prop69over 8 years ago
Excellent story

Had my cock hard. what a wonderful way to spend a weekend.

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