Seduction of a Young Housewife

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A young wife and mother becomes a sex object of an older man.
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Seduction of a Conservative Wife, the final chapter.

Characters: Liz and Alec (husband & wife), Rob (older man), Samantha (babysitter),


This fictitious story is my version of an epilogue to "Seduction of a Conservative Wife", Chapters 1 -- 4, written by 'toooldforthis', last published in 2017. I have endeavoured to contact the author and receive no reply so have instead submitted this story as a possible ending. The characters I have kept based on their original personalities and expanded slightly to bring the story to a successful conclusion. I strongly suggest the reader review the previous four chapters to get the full story and build up to this ending. This ending is one of many possible.

Back story:

The saga of Liz, Alec and Rob. After 10 years of marriage with two children husband wants to spark up his and wife's love life. However, the young couple is unwittingly manipulated by a well-endowed older man. Wife's curiosity is aroused to the extent she virtually becomes his sex slave and husband is a cuckold. Can she overcome her lust for Rob and be accepted by her husband and return to their former lives or will their marriage be destroyed?

Editor: many thanks to Jez for corrections and suggestions, in helping compose this story.



Late Sunday night, Liz was very angry with Alec for falling asleep, she was extremely horny and was looking forward to some sex. But she figured, he had worked hard on the mural and deserved his rest. However, she wondered was it Alec she wanted or perhaps Rob's massively thick cock?

Alec was up early Monday and had breakfast with the children and was walking out the door by the time Liz walked into the kitchen.

"Couldn't sleep any longer?" he asked, and with a peak on the cheek, he left.

Liz was a bit taken back.

With the kids at school, Liz was in an empty house, and her sex craving was back.

"What is wrong with me? I'm always thinking about sex these days like a young teenager." she mumbled to herself.

She figured she best keep busy and started the house cleaning and washing. With the morning's work done, she was ready for a bit of lunch. As she walked past the guest room, she noticed the bed appeared ruffled. That was strange; she had always kept the room ready for unexpected guests. She went about remaking it and decided to give the carpet a quick vacuum.

While vacuuming, she discovered a used thong! "Where did this come from?" she wondered. Liz knew she only wore a thong when seducing Alec, and this one was definitely not hers.

For the rest of the day, the thong had her disturbed, trying to fathom where it came from.

While picking up the children from school, she ran into Carol, and it all came back to her about Alec meeting Carol and the pub Saturday night. They chatted for a while, and Carol invited them over for a drink sometime.

"I'll talk with Alec and get back to you." Liz responded

While making dinner the children were doing their homework at the kitchen table, but Liz only heard half of what the children said; she was still distracted by the thong and Carol.

Alec arrived home just in time for dinner, which was not normal for him. A quick kiss on the head for Liz and sat down at the family table.

He explained things were very busy at work with a new contract, and he needed to work in the study tonight. In his mind he knew that that way he had a reason to avoid his wife. With his guilt, he just could not look her in the face.

The truth was he did very little work today as the guilt weighed upon his conscience. Liz's words came back to him time and time again "anything else without your permission and without you being there would be nothing more than cheating." He had cheated big time with two young women.

Liz was getting very suspicious by now and wondered why he was avoiding her.

With the children in bed, she popped her head in the study and saw Alec busy at work on the computer, entering numbers on a spreadsheet.

"Would you like coffee?"

"No thanks." Came his reply without turning around.

"Well, don't stay up too late. See you in bed", Liz was still burning for sex.

Alec held out until 1am and suck into bed, trying not to disturb Liz for fear she might want sex, then he would have to face her, and feeling too guilty to perform.

Alec was awake before the 6am alarm sounds. He had a quick breakfast before leaving for work, not before placing a note on the kitchen table explaining why, with hugs and kisses for all.

There was no time for Liz to think in the morning about missing socks, with the usual breakfast rush, lunches to prepare and the drive to drop the children off in time for class.

Finally home, Liz made herself a coffee and started wondering if has Alec had had sex with Carol in the guest room. That would explain his distant behaviour.

She was getting angry and noticed the sex craving had diminished the anger appeared to be overriding the burning desire of the previous days.

She called Carol and took her up on the offer drinks on Wednesday at 6pm.

Liz rang Sam and asked if she could babysit Wednesday night.

"Not a problem! I could do with the money with university starting in a month, and you know I love coming in your house."


Alec noticed his guilt was diminishing day by day.

He clearly remembered Liz's actions later after the first time with Rob calling out his name as she came. Then later in the lounge riding Rob's fat cock to another orgasm, while sitting next to him, her husband. And afterwards, as if to rub it in, she took it one step further by sitting on his lap, resting her head on his shoulder as if to say to Alec you've lost me.

That smirk on Rob's face saying "You're mine now, I shall have you whenever I want and however I want, and you will belong to me totally for as long as I want you!" was burnt into Alec's brain.

Alec reasoned that if she had done the reverse, had sex with him on the lounge and sat on his lap, it would have messaged to Rob that Alec was still her lover and husband, father of her children.

He remembered later that evening Liz giving the speech, "I love you deeply and passionately, and we don't have sex, we make love," then to finish "I will never, ever, stop loving you". It sure as hell didn't feel that way!

By the time Alec got home, guilt was replaced with a cool anger. He decided to play the game and if he got the chance, he knew he would fuck Sam again without any guilt.

Entering the door, he walked into the kitchen and hugged Liz, kissed her head asking her about her day.

"So, so." was the cold response.

Shit he couldn't win and withdrew quickly, hugging the children and hearing about their day.

During dinner, Liz announced they were having drinks with Carol and Richard, tomorrow evening, and Sam was babysitting.

"What brought this on?" he paused mid-stroke mouth open, then said "Sunday you were adamant drinks were off. What changed!"

"I change my mind." was all she said.

After dinner more confused, he retreated to the study to do more work. By 11pm he headed to the bedroom and Liz appeared to be asleep.


Wednesday morning was a repeat of Tuesday he got out of there claiming work commitments.

Arriving home, he was told to get ready for drinks at 6pm at Carol's.

"Get a move on, we don't want to be late."

While dressing, Alec noticed Liz was wearing a thong, something he knew she disliked what was going on? Was it for his benefit? Now he was perplexed!

"I'll get it," Alec called out as the doorbell rang and he opened the door to Sam. She looked exquisite in a summer dress outlining her breasts and small waist. He could hardly keep his hands off her. But her demeanour had changed, she acted aloof and brushed past him into the lounge room to the children.

"What is going on in my world with these women? Sam could not keep her hands off me on Sunday. Was she feeling guilty or perhaps she achieved her mission in seducing me, and now I am surplus to requirements?" He wondered to himself.

They arrived at Carol's and were handed a Martini as soon as they were ushered in. Richard and Alec started chatting about their workplaces, the weather and the local football club, both agreeing the coach was letting the side down and should be replaced. All the while, Richard was taking glances at Liz's bottom.

Carol and Liz were head to head. Alec could not hear what they were talking about with Richard rabbiting on about the club.

Conversation moved to the kids' school new play area and up and coming gymnasium on which Carol had helped form a committee to obtain.

"Carol, like this skirt I am wearing this evening?" Liz asked out of the blue, turning around and bending slightly to display the tight skit across her bottom. "I had a problem; bikini briefs would show panty lines, so I decided to wear a thong." Her head turned to look at Carol waiting for a response.

Alec looked over to Carol and Liz, who had her back to Carol and appeared to be showing off her ass. What the hell? he thought.

"Ahmm...ahm," Carol was a bit taken back, "Yes I can see what you mean, that skirt is very tight across the buttocks".

"The only problem with thongs they run up the bottom crack and feel uncomfortable." Liz said turning to face Carol.

"Do you wear them?"

"Heavens, no!"

"Not even to seduce Richard?"

"Oh yes, but they very red, skimpy and not on long enough to become uncomfortable."

"Right. Well, time to go," Liz called out as she looked at her watch.

The look on my face must have shown my surprise. At which point she said, "I promised the babysitter we would be home by seven."

"Well better be off." I turned to shake Richard's hand

"Yes, old man." was Richard's reply.

Liz gave Carol a small hug and we were out the door.

Liz was quiet on the way home and I chose not to press why we left so early.

"Richard was having a hard time trying to keep his eyes off you!" I tried, but I didn't get any response!

Liz now realised it could only be one other person.

"Hi, we are home" Liz called out as we enter.

Sam seemed surprised we were home so early.

Alec checked on the sleeping children before walking into his study.

Liz said she had left her purse in the car and would pay for a full night babysitting. They walked out together.

Retrieving her purse, she gave Sam the money.

"I'll walk you home so that we can have a girl to girl talk."

Sam instantly knew something was up!

Halfway to Sam's house in a dark patch, Liz stopped reached under her dress and removes the thong underpants.

"I believe these are yours." She said, handing them to Sam.

Sam's eyes opened wide with the realisation she had been, caught.

"You had sex with Alec," Liz continues without a breath, "I trusted you, like a little sister; you were part of my family."

"I am so sorry Liz," Sam had tears welling in her eyes, "I look up to you as a big sister, and now I have betrayed that friendship. I just could not help myself flirt, I mean, Alec, he's so sexy. In-fact I thought he would have told me to stop acting like a little girl, but to my surprise, he didn't and the next thing we were in bed together."

"So you had sex twice? Once in my bed and then in the guest bed?" asked Liz.

"Oh no, both times in the guest bed, the second time was with Sophie and me together."

Liz's mouth dropped open, and Sam realised she just made it worse. Her betrayal was complete. She started crying again.

Liz turned on her heel and started walking back home, leaving Sam sobbing.

Alec was still in the study working when Liz got home, and she went straight to the bedroom.


At the breakfast table Thursday morning, Alec could tell from Liz's manner things had gone from bad to worse and left quickly for work.

Liz spent her day planning her next move.

Should she approach him with her discovery as he probably thinks he had gotten away with it? What made her angry is she was not cheating with Rob, Alec was consensual in all the assignations, why would he cheat on her?

Was her loving husband so weak he could not say no to a silly little girl who was simply testing her sexuality on him? Whatever it was, he had failed miserably.

Over coffee, she started to wonder what she saw in him some ten years ago before they married. Perhaps the marriage was a mistake, as their parents had told them, and she had also been a silly little girl falling for the first man that came along. Was this why she was finding the sex with Rob so fulfilling, making up for a need she should have worked through years ago by dating more men and being more open to sex?

Dinner that night was quiet. No one spoke. Even the children were subdued sensing all was not well in paradise. The mood was a radical change from a month ago when they couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Friday was repeat over every other morning that week with Alec leaving early and getting home late.

At dinner, Liz mentioned that Sam could not babysit Saturday night so Alec would have to do it.

Alec was dumbfounded. His wife was going to Rob's without him after all the talk about not cheating.

His appetite had disappeared and he explained, mostly for the children's benefit, he had work to do in the study.

Was it possible that Liz knew about sex with Sam, and this was how she was getting back at him? If he argued the issue, it would drive her to Rob all the more. Also, he doesn't want to bring intimate details up in front of the children and he knew Liz wouldn't either.

Alec tried to keep busy doing Saturday jobs, mowing the lawn and some gardening to stay out of Liz's way.

The morning dragged, the only saving grace was when Richard called and asked him to watch the local football game, and he was able to leave the house for three hours.

When he got home, the children had been fed and were in their pyjamas ready for bed. There was a cold dinner in the microwave.

Liz had been in the bathroom for the past hour with the door locked so she wouldn't be interrupted, enjoying a long hot bath. Rob had given her specific dress instructions. She was to shave her pussy bare for him, then rub special oil over her body for extra stimulation. She was extremely excited, her sex desire was at its highest she could ever remember and she could barely keep her fingers off her own body.

Once dressed as requested, if you could call it that, thought Liz, she put on a coat so Alec could not see what she was wearing and left without a word.

Alec could feel his world falling apart. He had lost his wife and most probably the family as well. Ten years of what he thought was a perfect marriage until he wanted to liven up their sex life.


Rob was surprised when Liz turned up early without Alec.

"No babysitter."

Rob put two and two together and realised Alec has been fucking the babysitter the previous weekend.

"Good on him! What a jerk! He has driven her to me!" Rob chuckled realising he has now got Liz all to himself tonight.

Liz started to remove her coat, but Rob demanded she keep it on, while handing her a martini and ushering her into the lounge room.

"I'll get one for myself from the fridge," he said walking into the kitchen where he made a quick phone call telling the receiver not to come that night.

Returning to the lounge room, he found Liz waiting for him with a lustful gaze on her face.

"Well as we don't have Alec tonight them perhaps it's home movie night!" he announced.

Expecting the movie to be about Rob with another woman, Liz was surprised to discover it was herself and Rob in her bedroom having sex in the missionary position from three weeks before. As she watched the sex scenes unfold in the video, she looked like a porn star. She realised this wasn't acting, this was real sex without holding back giving herself freely to Rob, she was truly becoming his slut.

Alec had done an excellent job capturing their action on film. He may be a cheating bastard, but he made a good cameraman, zooming in capturing the action as it happened. While the sound echoed around the room, she could hear herself loudly moaning with each of Rob's long strokes and the slapping of flesh as Rob hit her cervix with a satisfied grunt.

Rob slowed his pace giving her time to catch up. She could see the lust in their eyes as they fucked. Their noses were nearly touching when she opened her mouth offering him a kiss.

Their mouths met and tongues intertwined. This was not just a kiss as they continued she could see by their action this was more as their mouths engulfed each other with hunger.

This had become a lover's kiss as she gave herself wholly to Rob. She had given him her pussy and was now becoming his lover, while he was taking her heart.

Suddenly the movie stopped, and Rob was standing naked a few feet away, Liz's eyes appraised his body; that hairy barrel chest, slight paunch, wide hips. Finally, her eyes come to rest on Rob's massively thick cock looking bigger and fatter than in the movie. All thoughts of Alec and the children gone. For that matter she could be an 18-year-old teenager, she certainly felt like that in his presence. She could feel her pussy get wetter by the second with the anticipation of that fat cock.

Without realising it, Liz had undone her coat and placed one hand between her legs, the other stroking her breasts.

"Stand up and remove that coat.", Rob commanded.

In so doing she stood wearing high heels, a skimpy thong and lace bra with her stiff nipples protruding. His next command was to remove her thong. In so doing she stood legs slightly apart and he spied her shaved pussy with the vulva brazenly in view.

Rob stood back to admire her beautiful figure. Who would have guessed this woman had borne two children? Her breasts were still firm, her tummy reasonably flat and those long toned legs seemed to reach for miles.

Liz watched Rob's eyes roam over her body, and it made her excited. She widened her stance showing off her bald pussy to her lover.

A grin appeared on his face, those daemon eyes devouring her, it sent a shiver down her spine ending with a tingle in her pussy.

Taking her hands, he led her towards the bedroom stairs. Ushering Liz in front of him, Rob watched her walk upstairs putting a slight wobble in her hips as she mounted them. Rob watched her bottom undulate as she walked. Stopping at the top she bent slightly with legs apart showing Rob her swollen wet pussy lips.

Rob came up behind her, his left hand travelling up her spine grabbing her neck holding her in place, his right hand suddenly come down on her bottom cheek with a resounding slap causing her to flex but being held still with his grip.

"Ouch," she responded and he did it again. This time she could feel her bottom cheek reddening and her pussy getting wetter.

"You're my bitch now," Rob whispered with aggression in his voice.

When she didn't respond he slapped her again a bit harder, "What did I say?"

"I'm your bitch now." Liz responded quietly.

Rob's his right-hand travelled down her bottom crack, his finger stopping at her anus for a moment. Liz froze not knowing what to expect. His finger moved a bit more and slipped into her pussy seeking her wetness. Liz moaned as his finger thrust in.

While working a second finger in her pussy, moving them back and forth, he announced "One last thing I think you should know Liz, I told Alec a white lie! I have not had a vasectomy! Do you still want to move onto the bed with me?"

A cold shiver went down her spine and questions ran through her mind like lightning bolts. When was her last period? Was she in her fertile cycle? What about her children and Alec? But overriding all of these questions was her sexual hunger for Rob and it won out, and she started walking toward the bed.