Self-Fulfilling Son


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"Mikey, listen we need to - "

"Yes?" he said in a deep voice, now as his 18-year-old normal self.

"We, uh, we need to," Michelle had trouble concentrating, his naked body distracting her.

"Need to what? Everything ok?"

"No, no, we need to - "

"Make love, right? Now that I'm old enough, I'm a man, let me thank you like a man would," Mikey grabbed her, pulling her against him.

"No!" his mother tried to resist, tried to end this before it became another sex dream.

"Hey, it's ok," Mikey stopped. "This is what grownups who love each other do."

"But, we're - "

"In love. Right?"

Michelle touched his face, ran her thumb across his soft smile; she couldn't say no. "Yes. I love you with all my heart."

Michelle grabbed him, pulling his mouth to hers.

She pulled off her top, slipped out of her shorts, and jumped into her son's arms. "I love you," she said over and over, kissing him.

Mikey guided her to her back on the roof. "This is where I belong," he said before guiding his cock into her.

He settled in, Michelle pulling him in for more kissing, locking her feet around him. "This is your home, in me."

"Forever," Mikey said, propping himself up on his hands. Michelle's hands found his stomach, resting there as he pumped his hips back and forth, his cock in and out.

Her eyes fluttered, she licked her lips, moaning constantly. The birds were still chirping. "Get me pregnant," she breathed.

"As you wish," Mikey kept pumping.

Birds were flying overhead. Her moans and their chirps grew louder and louder.

"I'm cumming," Mikey grunted. "Give me a baby!"

"Yes! Yes!" Michelle cried out, the birds flying lower now, almost on top of them.

"No!" Michelle woke up, gasping for air.

She looked at her phone, 9:14 am. Morning birds were chirping right outside her window. She was running late for the day's first client. Michelle jumped out of bed and quickly got ready.


That night they lost power due to a thunderstorm. Michelle, in her underwear and t-shirt, sat next to her son on the couch. He was shirtless, in his boxers. Candles were lit nearby.

"Hot as crap," Mikey wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Yep," his mom did the same.

"Hey thanks for letting me help you. Thanks for letting me be your assistant. And NO it's not so I can look at your butt all day," Mikey said.

Michelle laughed, "You're silly. But you're welcome. I'm glad you're there to help."

Mikey smiled, placing his hand on her bare, sweaty thigh. Michelle rested her hand on top of his. "We've been sweaty all day."

"I know. Hopefully the power comes back on soon."

Michelle kissed his bare shoulder, resting her head there.

"Mom, I love you," Mikey said.

"Aww, I love you too."

"I'm here for you - always."

"Mikey?" Michelle sat up.

"Just saying. I'm here. To take care of you, to keep you company, to work with you. If it means we're kinda like a couple, that doesn't bother me."

Michelle caressed his face, "You're so wonderful to me."

She leaned over kissing his lips slowly and softly. They lingered there, Michelle holding his face. Her spine tingled when Mikey trailed his fingers over her thigh.

She came to her senses, ending her sweet kiss. "I, uh, need to get some sleep. I have a feeling this heat will make it rough."

Michelle took her leave, Mikey nodding good night to her. He didn't playfully slap her ass. Michelle noticed, but said nothing.


Michelle was stuck in traffic. The air conditioner in her car wasn't working. There was no breeze coming through the rolled down windows. Not having any idea how long she'd been waiting, she rested her forehead on the steering wheel. Cars were honking around her; no one was able to move.

Someone startled her by knocking on the side of her car. It was the older woman client she sees frequently. "Hi, sweetie, your boyfriend is waiting in that direction."

"My boyfriend?" Michelle asked. She saw the woman's husband, Hank, appear behind her.

"That's right. He's that way," Hank pointed.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Michelle shook her head.

"That nice young man with you at the gym?" the woman asked.

Michelle wiped sweat from her forehead. She glanced at the time on the car's middle console display where the radio controls were. It was a series of dots and dashes.

"You better hurry up, get out of this heat," Hank suggested. Michelle looked again at the time. It was now blurry out of focus.

"I don't know what you mean," Michelle felt heavy in her seat.

Looking at her reflection in the rearview mirror, she saw her skin appear like liquid droplets. She touched her cheek. When she removed her fingers from it, skin followed in a gooey-like effect. She looked again and her eyeballs melted out of her sockets.

"No!" she looked away. The elderly couple was gone. Glancing to her hands, seeing them wavy, like water, Michelle became aware she was dreaming.

"Mikey!" she smiled. "It's time to end this."

Michelle floated through the roof of her car, passing through the solid object. She hovered above the interstate of traffic, seeing an endless stream of cars all the way to the horizon. "That way," she heard an unseen Hank say.

She nodded, confident in her abilities to put a stop to her incestuous dreams, and flew away, above the cars, toward the horizon.

Michelle glided above the cars for what seemed like hours. She was a few feet above them. As the sky became darker, with orange and purples hues, the cars seemed to congeal together. She reached below her and touched a roof - it moved like water, tiny waves rippling away from her finger.

Michelle looked forward and saw the cars gradually blend into a river. The slow moving water sparkled in the dusk sun light. In the distance, she saw a huge hill, with a small house on top. Michelle flew toward it.

Mikey was inside, in a kitchen that looked very much like her own. He appeared to be fixing supper.

"Mikey," Michelle rushed to him.

"Oh, hey, Mom. You're just in time for dinner," Mikey casually said.

"What? No. There's no time to eat," Michelle said.

"Of course there is. For me at least," Mikey said, bending and picking up his mother. He carried her to an empty table in the dining room.

"Put me down. We need to talk; we need to end this. No more sex dreams about you. It's wrong," Michelle said.

Mikey placed her on the table. "Sex dreams? We're not having sex. I'm eating dinner." He flipped her over to her tummy, holding her down.

"What, what are you doing?" Michelle looked over her shoulder, squirming, trying to break free. Mikey climbed on the table and sat on her legs. He reached for her shorts.

"Stop! No! It's wrong," Michelle pleaded.

"It's ok. I know you want to get eaten. I know you want this too," Mikey said, pulling her shorts down, exposing her bare ass. "This is my dinner," he said slapping and holding her ass.

He pulled her up, causing her back to arch slightly, and knees to bend. "Mikey, no! No! Please don't! We can't - "

Mikey opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and dove right in. "Ahh, yes!" his mother cried out, almost instantly orgasming when Mikey's tongue entered her ass. "Don't, don't stop!" she begged.

Licking all around inside her, his tongue occasionally darting in and out, Mikey ate her asshole out. The pleasure it was sending Michelle was far better than any pleasure she recalled receiving from having her pussy eaten.

"Good?" Mikey paused.

"Don't stop, Son!"

Mikey grinned and licked from her oozing pussy back up to her puckered anus.

"Yes! Yes!" she screamed with pleasure, Mikey tongue-fucking her ass. "I want this!"

Michelle felt an orgasm building and building, ready to explode. "Yes! Yes!" she reached behind her, holding Mikey's head at her ass.

"I'm cumming!" she cried out. "Mikey!"

"Mikey!" Michelle woke up, gasping for air, her body drenched with sweat. It was hot, the power still hadn't returned.

"Ahhh, shit," she moaned, lying back in bed, catching her breath. She slid her hand down her tummy, into her panties - soaking wet. "Damn," she settled down, her body feeling numb.

She checked her phone, it still had battery life left. It was just after 7am. The numbers looked normal. She jotted the dream down in her dream journal. As she wrote the words of what Mikey did to her, she couldn't help but pause, close her eyes and moan. It felt so good.

In the bathroom a few minutes later, she stared at her reflection. No distortions or deformities.

The power came back on. "About time," she sighed, then undressed to shower.

"That was insane," she thought, moving her hand away from her pussy, telling herself to not masturbate to thoughts of the dream. She finished her shower, got on her workout clothes, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Fixing a smoothie for the day, she heard Mikey approach. She flinched when he playfully slapped her ass. Michelle turned around and hugged him, "Good morning."

"What, no fussing at me for slapping your booty?" Mikey asked

Michelle thought to herself, "I dreamed this morning your mouth was all over it. So what if your hand is in real life."

"Nah," she answered. "Slap away!" Michelle turned, continuing to cut up fruit.

Mikey laughed and opted not to. Michelle glanced at him as he flipped through the TV, waiting for his smoothie.

She sat on his lap, they downed their drinks in silence. Michelle kissed his head, signaling it was time to start their work day, and got off his lap.

Mikey slapped her ass when she got up. She reached down to kiss him again, "You're such a naughty boy."

"Sorry, you know I'm just messing around."

"I know. I don't think I mind anymore," Michelle left, playfully slapping her own ass, thoughts of her dream still fresh on her mind.

They returned that evening to a cool home, the air conditioner still on. "Exhausted," Michelle said. "I'm going to shower and meet you downstairs."

"Me too," Mikey headed to his shower.

They nearly fell asleep on one another after dinner. The TV in the background, Michelle in her underwear and tank top, cuddled with her son on the couch.

"Mom," Mikey spoke up. "Getting sleepy. I think I'll head to bed."

"Me too," Michelle said. She stood, extended her hand to him. "Let's go."


"To bed. I'm not done cuddling with you. So you're coming with me," Michelle led him out of the living room, up the stairs, then to her bedroom.

"Get on there!" she playfully pushed him to the bed.

She climbed on and into his open arms. "There we go. This is what I need," she said.

Mikey laughed, his hand trailing down her back to her butt, playfully patting it a few times.

Michelle rose up on her elbows, playing with his hair. "Goodnight," she leaned in and slowly kissed his lips.

"Goodnight," he replied, letting his hand rest at the rise of her ass.

Michelle felt so warm and at peace. The notion that he should not be in her bed, never occurred to her. She was asleep in minutes.


Michelle found herself on a swing. It was tied to a large branch, high above her head, of a tree on a hill. She could see lovely green landscapes consisting of soft, rolling hills, bright, green fields, and winding rivers. The sky had scattered white fluffy clouds floating among a brilliant blue.

She was naked and felt so full. Michelle looked to her tummy, seeing a bump appear above her belly button. She smiled and touched it. "Yes," she licked her lips. It was Mikey's cock.

Her son was behind her, his hands resting on her back. He was still, letting his cock rest comfortably in her intestines, entering her digestive track from her anus.

"So full," Michelle moaned in the dream. Mikey's exaggerated cock was so much longer here than in reality. He pushed it inside her, deep into her body, all the way in - causing her tummy to bulge out.

Mikey gently pushed her and his cock slid out of her body. When Michelle returned to the starting point, his cock effortlessly slid right back into her ass, pushing past her rectum, into her colon. "There it is," Michelle giggled seeing her stomach bulge out once more.

Mikey pushed her again and again on the swing. In the dream, gravity seemed different. He'd push the swing, it'd slowly go up, then slowly swing back, his cock sliding right back into her body. Michelle moaned every time.

Mikey kept going, kept pushing her, each time Michelle got higher and higher. Then finally, she swung right over the branch, stopping vertically in mid-air. "No!" Michelle was stuck, the swing unmoving; she was upside down.

"Wait!" she called out to her son. She looked up from her reference point, seeing the ground above her. She saw Mikey's nude body walk away, down the hill, through the bright, green grass.

"Come back!" she called to him. "I need you in me!"

Michelle looked around, still sitting on the swing, upside down. "No. I don't need him in me. I have to tell him."

She looked to her wrist. There was no watch. She had no mirror to look in. "I do though. I need him, I want him so badly," she thought.

Michelle grabbed the seat of the swing and pushed off it, hanging from it, high above the ground. "Mickey. I need you!" she argued with herself. She let go and floated down.

When she landed on the grass, knowing she was dreaming, she searched for him. He was nowhere in sight. "Mikey!" she called out to him, her calls echoing off of something she couldn't see.

"Mikey! Please come back!" Michelle hopelessly ran around the green fields, looking for her son.

"I want you in real life!" she stopped, alone in the vast countryside.

"Do I?" She thought. "No!" she closed her eyes, images of Mikey in real life flooded her vision. She saw them kissing, undressing, having sex.

"Yes!" she opened her eyes, the wind blowing the grass, the sun high above her in the field. "I need him!"

"I'll, I'll seduce," she nodded, talking to herself. "I'll seduce - "

Michelle woke up, gasping, shocked by her words still ringing in her head. She grabbed her phone. It was 7:10 am. She turned over and read the time again. She threw the covers off, hopped out bed, and looked at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. She looked normal, not distorted in any way. She looked at her phone, 7:11am.

Then she saw her son, sleeping peacefully in her bed. Michelle glanced at her normal reflection, then back to her son. She watched him for a while; thoughts of seeking professional help entered her mind, not for having those strange dreams, but now having a desire to cross the line, sexually, with her son.

She took a deep breath. "No appointments today. I think I need to get away for a bit. Clear my head, before I do something horrible" she thought.


Michelle managed to avoid Mikey for the entire day. She walked along the beach, went shopping, buying nothing, doing whatever she could to stay out of the house.

They had a quick meal together, Michelle excusing herself to her room, to watch movies alone. She was satisfied, albeit saddened, to avoid her son all day. Sleep eventually found her.

"Mom!" she heard Mikey call out from somewhere in the distance. Michelle was in a forest at night. The trees looked different; tropical with huge leaves, turquoise in color and slightly glowing.

The moon was behind Michelle. It was so huge it took up most of the twinkling, starry sky. "Wow," she whispered.

"Mom!" Mikey called out again.

"I'm here!" Michelle called back, moving through the thick, alien-like foliage.

Michelle found her son, naked, standing by a small pond. The shimmering water, sparkling, teeming with bioluminescent creatures beneath the surface.

She didn't bother looking for reality checks. She didn't look for her reflection in the water or something, like the time, to attempt to read. She rushed right to her son and stood before him, caressing his face.

"Mikey," she peered into his eyes. He put his hands her waist. Michelle looked down, seeing she was naked too.

"We can't," she said.

"Mom, you've been dreaming about me for like this for months now. Every single dream you have is about you and I making love. Somewhere in your subconscious you must crave and desire that in real life."

"No, it's wrong."

"I know. But you still want it. You still want us to be more than mother and son."

Michelle placed her hand on his chest, nodding slowly.

"You could've made more of an effort to talk to a shrink, to get some help. But you tried to do it on your own," Mikey continued. "Too embarrassed to have to admit to someone you want to be lovers with your own son. I'm telling you though, it's ok, you don't have to be afraid."

"What do I do? I mean, I can't - "

"Yes you can. You can admit to me in real life about the dreams you've been having. Or don't. Just be with me, cross the line, make it happen."

"What if you are freaked out about it? What if you get angry?"

"Mom, you know how I've been acting around you. Flirting, slapping at your butt. I told you I'm there for you. Did you pick up on the double meaning?"

"But, but - "

"You know what you want. You know what you need to do. Wake up and make it happen," Mikey said, kissing his mother's forehead. He slowly backed away.

"Wait!" she called out to him, watching him slowly fade from view.

"Wake up. Make it happen," he whispered before disappearing.

Michelle was alone in the strange forest. She looked around her, to the starry sky, finally at the sparkling pond. "Wake up," she told herself. "Wake up!"

The ground shook beneath her feet. She clinched her fist as the earth below her grew, propelling her upward. The small pond flowed away, rushing down a small mound that was being born beneath her. The mound grew into a hill. Michelle was above the tree line, the earth pushing her higher and higher. The hill grew into a mountain. Michelle could see for miles. The gigantic moon, taking up most of the night sky. She saw a vast landscape of turquoise foliage before her. The horizon was purple and faded upward to black. The mountain kept growing and growing, finally stopping when Michelle could see the curvature of the Earth.

She floated above the summit, rising higher and higher into the atmosphere. She saw an ocean nearly black in color; she saw a shape of a continent not resembling anything she could recall. Michelle rose upward until she was in orbit, floating further and further away from the planet.

She could see the Earth in its entirety now. The moon, half the planet's size, was right next to it. "Mother and son," Michelle thought.

"Son," she rememberd Mikey. She turned around in space, facing a bright object very far away. "Sun."

She slowly breathed in and out. "Time to wake up," Michelle said, and flew directly toward the star.

Going faster than light, she traveled millions of miles in a minute. The Sun became brighter and brighter, taking up her entire field of vision.

"Wake up!" she yelled, focusing, flying right toward it. "Wake up!"

Michelle flew into the Sun.


She rose up in bed, holding her chest, "Mikey!"

She packed her things, didn't say goodbye to anyone and sped home, she would text them later. Mikey on her mind the entire several hour drive.

Michelle fell out of bed. She didn't look at her phone. She knew it was Sunday - no clients. She hopped in the shower, not bothering to check her reflection.

After her shower, she wrapped the towel around her body and stared in the mirror - not to check her reflection as a reality check, but to ask herself if she really did want to be lovers with her son. "I do," she admitted


"How do I look?" Michelle asked Mikey, turning around in the tight orange dress he requested she wear for their night out.

"Great," he grinned, eyeing her up and down.

"We're going to have a wonderful evening," Michelle approached him, pulling her dress up, revealing her bare ass. She guided Mikey's hands to it.