Serum 42 XXL Pt. 04

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“No more bandages needed. You’ve got your hands back.”
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Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 08/14/2022
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"How are you feeling this morning, you ragamuffin, you?" Lucy entered Jackson's room as the first rays of sunshine angled in through the window.

"My balls already hurt, Mom." Jackson looked up at her with plaintive eyes.

"Oh, I see." Lucy frowned.

Twenty minutes later she was sucking down copious amounts of sperm while porn played behind her on her son's computer.

Later that day, she entered Jackson's room and found him napping. She crossed the room quietly to check on him and couldn't help but notice the absurd tent formed by Jackson's hard member.

"Let me just take care of this for you, Jackie," Lucy whispered. She told herself it was solely for her eighteen-year-old son's health when she uncovered him and woke him up with a loving blowjob. But it was the first time she'd satisfied him without his asking for help. Even though she played porn on his computer again, she undressed down to her panties and let his eyes rove her body.

That night, Jackson watched porn at his monitor, while his mother took care of him under his desk. She moaned and cooed as he emptied his balls down her throat for the third time that day.

As the week continued, Lucy took care of her son's unnatural urges with her hands, breasts, and mouth several times each day. They did it with Violet home. They did it with Lucy's husband, Delmore, home. Jackson needed help with his accelerated sex organs, and Lucy gave it to him with a mother's love.

Something happened over the next few days that Lucy did not expect. She became more and more curious about Jackson's pornography. It was normal, after all, for a mother to develop an interest in her son's hobbies. She'd often catch herself watching it out of the corner of her eye while her head bobbed up and down on that enormous penis. She wondered what it would be like to masturbate while watching strangers copulate. She especially liked listening to the amateur videos. The women often sounded like they were out of their minds with pleasure.

And then on Friday, the moment Jackson had been dreading arrived. Lucy took Jackson into the bathroom across the hall to check on his wounded hands.

"Let's have a look, sweetie." Lucy unwrapped the bandage on Jackson's left hand and dropped the bandage in the trash. "Wow, it looks really good. Let's check the other side." She unwrapped his right hand and carefully examined the cuts. They had healed almost completely. "Congratulations, Jackie." She gave him a chaste hug. "No more bandages needed. You've got your hands back."

"Great." Jackson looked down at the floor.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Lucy frowned at her boy. "You worried about school? You'll be back on Monday. You'll be caught up in no time."

"I'm not worried about school." Jackson scuffed his toes along the bathroom tile and looked up into his mother's clear, blue eyes. "Will you help me with my... you know... with that... anymore? Now that I can use my own hands again."

"With your thing?" Lucy shook her head and tried to look stern. "We talked about this, Jackie. Once you can do it yourself, there's no need for me to help you." The truth was Lucy was more than a little conflicted about stopping. Would she ever give another blowjob? Would she maybe try with Delmore? Her lips curved down in a sour expression as she imagined sucking her husband's little penis.

"Please, Mom?" Jackson steepled his newly freed hands in prayer. "Just until Violet reverses the changes."

"No means no, mister." Lucy put her hands on her hips. "And I'd like a 'thank you' for everything I've done this week. A lot of mothers wouldn't have handled their son's thing, you know. No matter how desperate he was."

"Sorry, Mom." Jackson hung his head again. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." Lucy stepped out into the hall. "Now if it needs taking care of, I'll give you some privacy. You can go to your room and watch all the pornography you want. I'll be downstairs folding laundry." Would she ever watch porn again? As she walked down the hallway, she thought she'd miss that special week she'd shared with Jackson. She took a deep breath. Oh, well. Mothers have to learn to let go.


"No, it's true, I swear. The key was delocalization. Those electrons got busy, Claire." Violet talked on her phone while sitting in the kitchen early Saturday morning. A forgotten cup of coffee steamed on the table next to her.

Jackson ate toast and watched her. She hadn't asked for any more samples all week and he was a little disappointed. Now, he supposed, if she needed more samples, she'd have him do it himself.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying." Violet nodded vigorously, pressing her phone firmly on her ear. "They decoupled. But there's no way to reverse it yet." She frowned and listened for a little bit. "No blood. I used... other samples."

Jackson's ears perked up. Was she about to tell the person on the phone that she had milked her brother's dick?

"You really won't believe me?" Violet looked over at her brother and rolled her eyes. "Well then, I'll send him over and you can examine him yourself." She nodded at Jackson like they'd just decided something together. "Fine, two-thirty. Bye Claire." Violet hung up.

"What?" Jackson raised his eyebrows.

"You have an appointment today at my friend's lab. She wants to check you out."

"Okay." Jackson shrugged his shoulders. Maybe it'd be interesting. "You coming with?"

"Sorry, Jackie." Violet shook her head and grabbed her coffee cup. "Chad and I have a date this afternoon."

"Oh, cool." Jackson tried to smile, but he was more than a little jealous of Violet's stupid boyfriend.


On a Saturday afternoon, Claire Ridland's laboratory was mostly deserted. Only, Jack and Claire occupied the wide-open space filled with tables, computers, and all sorts of chemistry equipment. They sat on stools facing each other, Claire held a stethoscope up to Jackson's meager chest.

"Seems normal." She looked over at Jackson and gave him her professional smile. He was cute, in a meek, undernourished sort of way. She could tell Violet and he were siblings. They looked a lot alike. "So, what's the morphological shift Violet was telling me about? She wasn't super specific."

"Morphowhat?" Jackson's palms sweated as he pressed them into his thighs. Claire was a petite, raven-haired woman, with pretty, gray eyes and a beguiling smile.

"Body change. How'd your body change?" Claire put down the stethoscope and folded her hands in her lap, on top of her white coat.

"Well, I lost a lot of muscle after the accident. Like immediately."

"Lost how?" Claire shrugged and reached for a needle and syringe. "Conservation of mass. It needs to go somewhere."

Jackson eyed the needle with wide eyes. "What are you doing with that, Miss Ridland?"

"It's Doctor Ridland, actually." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I need to draw some blood."

"Sorry, Doctor Ridland. I don't like needles."

"Really?" Claire sighed and put the needle down on the table. Was the little guy squeamish? "If not blood, what did Violet use for her sample? Did she swab your mouth? That might be her problem right there, I need something a little more potent than saliva if I'm going to run ribonucleic analysis."

"She used a sperm sample." Jackson eyed the needle on the table with obvious fear.

"She what now?" Claire raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Maybe I better show you." Jackson stepped off the stool and unbuttoned his pants.

"Whoa, what are you doing?"

He looked up at her as he unzipped and dropped his pants. "You want to see what happened with your conservation of mass? You want to know what all the fuss is about? Here you go." He pulled down his underwear, exposing his flaccid dick dangling between his legs. "I'm surprised Violet didn't tell you."

"Wait, so this was the result of the delocalization?" Claire leaned forward on her stool, eyes wide in fascination.

"I don't know what you mean." Jackson shrugged.

"I mean, your sister's formula did this?"

Jackson nodded.

"Wow." Claire stepped off the stool and dropped to one knee. She thought about putting on some rubber gloves, but she wasn't going to touch it so she didn't bother. "Violet Burton is going to be rich. I mean, if she can replicate the formula and create a counteractive solution." Without thinking, Claire reached out with her right hand and gently squeezed the penis. It was so solid. "I assume one of the issues you're having is an inability to form erections? It's too big, right?"

"Nah, I'm having the opposite problem." Jackson could feel his dick stir in the pretty doctor's hand. He could see Claire's pupils dilate in excitement as she watched the blood rush to this dick.

"Um, maybe I need a sperm sample, too." She removed her hand and watched the penis harden with amazement. Every time she thought it had finished growing, it swelled a little more. "There's a bathroom over there you can use. I'll get you a beaker." Instead of reaching for a beaker, Claire lowered herself onto both knees and looked at the now fully hard organ in front of her. She could see the clear precum oozing out of the head.

"That's the thing." Jackson felt his newfound aggression returning, just as it had with his sister. "I can't cum without help. If you need a sperm sample. Come and get it." He placed his hand on top of her head and gently pulled her toward his dick.

"I don't... I can't..." Panic flashed across Claire's face. And then a look of disbelief. "Is this how Violet got her s -?" Claire was cut off as the salty flavor of precum played on her tongue. She let this rail-thin boy push his enormous dick into her mouth. Her hands moved awkwardly out by her sides, unsure of where to go. Her fingers wavered this way and that until they eventually settled on Jackson's bony hips.

"Were you going to say 'sample'?" Jackson moved her head back and forth in short little thrusts. He didn't want to choke the poor woman, so he backed off when she started gagging and then didn't push her quite that far on the next stroke. "Vi needed two samples so far. She took the first one by hand. The second time she used her mouth, just like you're doing."

"MMmmgggghhhhhh." Claire moaned around the giant penis in her mouth. Why was it so hot to think about her friend giving Jackson a blowjob? Was it the size of his organ? Was it that they were brother and sister? Had Claire just discovered a new kink? Had she discovered several at once? Claire's poor panties were soaked. This was not how she thought her day was going to go.

"My poor sister was so into sucking my dick that she almost forgot to collect the sample the second time. She had to take the cum off her face to collect it."

"Ggggggghhhhhhhhh." Claire's fingers pressed into Jackson's hips and her head moved without his help now. She was sure she was minutes away from taking a sample off her own face, just like her friend. What had Violet created in her lab?

Fifteen minutes later, Jackson was ready. "Here it... aaaahhhhh... comes... Doctor Ridland... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh." He let loose.

Claire's cheeks bulged and quickly her mouth reached full capacity. She let the cum escape through her lips, run down her chin, and onto her white lab coat. She pumped her mouth on him until it was clear he'd finally finished. Then she quickly stood up, moved to the table, and spit the contents of her mouth into a waiting beaker. She put her hands on either side of the beaker and leaned over the table, letting the cum drip from her lips and chin down into the beaker and onto the tabletop. There was so much of it. A shiver ran down her body as she thought about what she'd just done.

"Wow, that was great. Best doctor's visit of my life." The background pain in his balls that had dogged him since the accident, only left when he came. It was a blissful hour or so until the ache slowly crept back.

"That was crazy." Claire didn't move from her position leaning over the table. "I'm not normally like this."

"Me either." "Jackson laughed as he buttoned his pants. "I used to be a normal teenager. Now look." He waved his hand at the mess they'd created. "Look, I'm meeting some friends for some video games. It's the first time I've seen them in a week and I'm already late. So, sorry to run, but..."

"Goodbye." Claire didn't look up at him. She'd have to get this all cleaned up before someone else wandered into to the lab for a little Saturday afternoon work.

"Okay. See ya." Jackson walked toward the front door. "Let me know if you need another sample," he called over his shoulder.


Violet had a lovely afternoon date with Chad. They went to the park for a picnic with a meal he'd cooked and some red wine. They then went to the movies and stopped afterward for a few drinks at a local bar. Violet invited him home and they crept up to her room like teenagers past curfew, trying not to disturb her parents. Chad was such a good guy, he didn't even seem to mind that she lived in her childhood bedroom which she'd turned mostly into a laboratory.

When they fell onto her bed laughing and undressing, the real disappointment started for Violet. Unfortunately for her boyfriend, Violet's mind kept comparing him to her brother. And it wasn't a favorable comparison. They made love. Afterward, Chad drifted off to sleep next to her, completely satisfied. Violet lay in bed for a long time, anything but satisfied. For the first time, she wondered if it wouldn't be so bad if she never figured out how to reverse the effects of Serum 42.


Late that night, Delmore snored soundly in their bed, and Lucy snuck out into the hall. She couldn't sleep, so maybe a glass of water would do the trick.

The house was quiet as Lucy tiptoed down the hall. She was headed downstairs, but never made it past Jackson's room. She stopped and put her ear up against his door. The unmistakable sounds of porn filtered out to her. From the sound of it, he was listening to her favorite kind. Little electric shivers went through her. She knocked softly on the door.

A few seconds later, Jackson opened the door and looked out. "Hey, Mom. What's up?"

"I... oh, gosh, sweetie. Look at your thing." Her eyes were pulled to Jackson's erection, which had a towel draped over it. That was not to say that he held a towel over it. Instead, a towel hung from it like his penis was a clothesline. Was that his idea of modesty?

"Yeah, I was kinda in the middle of something." Jackson looked down at his dick and then back up to his Mom. She looked beautiful in her long nightgown, with her nipples poking at the light fabric.

"I could hear what you were doing, sweetie." Lucy pulled her gaze up to Jackson's brown eyes. "I was thinking that... even if I'm not going to help you... um... maybe I could watch some naughty videos with you. For old times' sake."

"Sure." Jackson stepped away from the door and let his mother in. He closed and locked it behind her. "Let me just get you a spot." He went and grabbed the spare chair and carried it over to his desk, his dick swinging back and forth under the towel as he moved. He put the chair next to his desk chair and sat back in his spot.

"Thank you, Jackie." With a few stops and starts, and much hesitation, she walked across the room and sat next to her son. She watched out of the corner of her eyes as he uncovered his penis. Goodness it was magnificent. "Um... what are we watching tonight?"

"I've really been into married women lately." Jackson looked at his mom to see the blush on her cheeks darken. "So, this is one were a woman is meeting this large guy in a hotel and she's recording it for her husband."

"Her husband wanted this?"

"I guess so." Jackson hit play and the poor little woman started moving on screen, getting absolutely demolished in the missionary position. He stroked his dick again.

"Wow, it seems like she really likes it." It was all too much for Lucy. The poor woman on screen going crazy with pleasure. Her son massaging his massive tool so close to her. The smell of sperm that seemed to permanently linger in Jackson's room these days. Before she knew it, she had her right hand on Jackson's penis, stroking in a frenzy. And to her surprise, he had his hand under her nightgown, wigging two fingers in her vagina. The both kept their eyes on the screen.

"Mom... I'm gonna... cum..."

"Ooooohhhhhhh... me too... Jackie." Lucy felt Jackson's penis lurch in her hands as it sprayed seed high into the air. That pushed her over the edge, and she trembled with her own orgasm. Goodness gracious, her son was giving her an orgasm for the first time. The thought heightened her pleasure. She shut her eyes and moaned, she could feel her hand and arm getting covered in sperm.

When they'd both calmed down, she looked over at Jackson. He had such a sweet smile on his face. "Could you turn that off now?"

"Sure, Mom." He shut off the video.

"Maybe, just maybe, you could show me more videos sometime?" She withdrew her hand from his penis. With her clean left hand, she gently removed his hand from between her legs.

"Yeah." Jackson nodded enthusiastically. "Of course."

"Okay." Lucy stood. She was a little wobbly. "I'm going to go clean up. Can you clean the rest of this mess?"

"No problem."

"Great." Lucy moved on unsteady feet toward the door. "Goodnight, Jackie."

"Goodnight, Mom." Jackson watched her round figure disappear into the hall. What a day. He grabbed the towel and started cleaning.

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Story progression lagging a bit at this point. Seems we just go from encounter to encounter, blow jobs mostly. 4*

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawlsover 1 year agoAuthor

Chapters 1 - 11 are complete, including the finale. Chapters will arrive on Literotica about a month apart.

If you want to read them sooner, or feel like supporting my writing, you can do that here:

Thanks for reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My only complaint would be the time having to wait for another chapter. Wonderful theory.


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