Sex with My Youth Pastor

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Church discipline can be naughty!
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All my life my family has attended the same Presbyterian church. It's fairly typical of the old large protestant churches with about two thousand members on the books and maybe three to four hundred who attended regularly. Christmas and Easter the place is jammed but in between the attendance is much more sparse even though we still need two services to make it comfortable. The Sunday services are well organized and are usually quite boring with none of the arm raising or theatrical oratory that many new churches offer today. To be brutally honest, in many ways our church is really more of a big social club which includes just enough religion to appease everyone's conscious.

Church has always played a central role in my life and I was been involved in a number of youth programs throughout my childhood and high school years. Now that I'm in college, I still remain involved in various bible studies and serve as a helper to the youth group leaders. It's fun most of the time and challenging in many ways. Our big night of the week, like most churches, is Wednesday night when everything is catered to the kids and we make our biggest outreach to the community.

Pastor Ken became the youth pastor at my parent's church just a year ago while I was away from home at college. He was only twenty five and engaged when he started, getting married a few months afterwards. He and his wife are the stereotypical youth leaders, young and good looking, full of energy with bubbling personalities. They get along great with the kids and from what I have seen whenever I am home they are developing the best youth program the church has ever had.

When I'm home from school I still like to help out at church so I have gotten to know Pastor Ken and Cheri (his wife) pretty well. Not quite six feet tall, he's lean and muscular with a warm smile that makes me melt every time he flashes it at me. It doesn't hurt that Pastor Ken is only five years older than me and in my opinion, quite a catch for Cheri!

Speaking of Cheri, she wasn't too bad herself with long blond hair she usually wore in a ponytail and boobs I would have killed for but which she usually downplayed with loose outfits and layered clothes. Normally she wore pants or long dresses but at a swim party one time, even in a one-piece conservative suit there was no hiding her incredible legs. More than once I came home from church and spent some "quality time" with myself imagining being with the two of them - separately and together.

As wholesome and All-American as he tried to portray himself, there is ONE thing I've noticed about him which I doubt most people have. Maybe I am just more sensitive to it but it is clear to me that Pastor Ken has a wandering eye for the teenage girls at church! Anyone else that might have seen him looking at a girl's ass maybe a few seconds too long would probably have shrugged it off. Since I find myself looking at some of the same girls he does (at least I've never seen him looking at the cute young boys that catch my interest), I doubt it's just a coincidence.

In addition to the younger teens, Pastor Ken has also shown more than a passing interest in my own ass, at least judging by the number of times I've caught him taking a good look at it. What is it about guys that they somehow think they can stare at a girl without her knowing it (even if she doesn't appear to - trust me, she does). Well, here's a news flash for you guys! EVERY girl has a first time experience and I don't mean anything to do with her virginity. What I'm talking about is the first time she notices a boy (or man) looking at her in "that" way - as a sexual object rather than a person. It may be a boy her age but more likely it's an older boy and possibly even an older man. After growing up innocent of such experiences and perhaps not even realizing how others are starting to see her, this can be traumatic for some girls.

I remember what an emotional experience it was even for me when I first realized that an older man in church was looking down at me with this hunger in his eyes, giving special attention to my little ass. He was looking down my dress and I didn't even have anything to look at yet! He was like a wolf drooling over a lamb and I wasn't sure how to feel - scared or excited that I was getting to the stage where a man could see me that way.

After I went home after church I sat down and discussed it with my mom. Fortunately I was raised by parents with whom I have never been afraid to discuss anything and this was one of those times my mother's counsel was needed badly. I remember telling her about how he had looked at me like I was a thing, like something in a zoo. My mom explained everything to me and tried to make me view it as compliment more than anything. She explained that men sometimes allow their lust to drive them to do things they can't even explain themselves.

For now though she just advised me to flirt with them and pay them back by driving them crazy with their desire to have me - but yet never would which is the ultimate revenge! I took her advice to heart and to this day I count it as the highest compliment a man can give me when he gives me "that" look.

Well, Pastor Ken was certainly the master of "that" look and he gave it to all the hot teenage girls - even a few not quite qualifying for that title in my opinion. Naturally I told my mom about it and we agreed that so long as all he was doing was looking, what was the harm?

Of course the last thing our church needed was a pedophile for a youth pastor so I kept an eye on him. It was as good an excuse as any since keeping an eye on Pastor Ken was actually quite an enjoyable chore for me. As I said before, more than a few times I've returned from church only to quickly changed out of my clothes and lay in bed naked, fondling myself as I imagined being with him. My mom caught me once and teased me from the doorway.

"Hmmm, so let me guess, just home from church and horny as hell... Pastor Ken wouldn't be on your mind again, would he?" she taunted me.

My bed faced the door so I spread my knees further apart to allow me to see her between them while my fingers remained on my pussy.

"Oh Mom!" I whined and she laughed at my pitiful protest.

She continues to watch me from the doorway, allowing me to finish my latest fantasy about how he was fucking me on the church altar. That was how I always envisioned being with him - somewhere in the church, usually with something happening elsewhere in the church that we could hear going on as he fucked me. With my mom watching I came especially hard as I loved to show off for her and besides, I knew she enjoyed seeing me masturbate.


Over the course of the summer I got to know Pastor Ken and Cheri even better and had a couple of meals with them. There were always other leaders with us so it wasn't like it was a personal dinner or anything but I still got to talk to them on a more social basis and not so much church-related.

Pastor Ken expressed an interest in my college studies, especially since I was attending a strict Christian university, and we spent a lot of time comparing notes between mine and a similar one that he had attended. We both got a good laugh especially in comparing the morality requirements. At my school they are called "Lifestyle Guidelines" whereas at his it was "The Pledge". His school was even more strict than mine in that he had to actually sign a document pledging not to engage in certain activities and agreed to discipline including expulsion for any violations.

For me, we have "guidelines" under the pretense that they aren't mandatory. Of course, attendance at school is not "mandatory" either so there was an implied threat that if you don't follow the guidelines you can't attend school there.

Things got more interesting when we started to compare how well we actually followed the rules. It started out innocently enough - more about drinking and dirty dancing than anything else. Then it got to the point where our confessions got a bit more risqué. Although we didn't go into the details TOO deep, but by the time we were done we both knew the other had no respect for the "no sex" and "no immorality" sections of the rules.

I found this especially interesting for him given his intent to be a pastor but then I guess that was being unfair. After all he was a man and all men are animals deep down; it's a question of how house-broken they are! It wasn't until I laid in bed that night with my fingers pretending to be Pastor Ken's cock in me that I thought about the longer term implications of our little confessional. Although neither of us directly said it, the implication was that we both shared an interest in recreational sex and that that interest for him had not diminished after school - or even after marriage!


After that my mom and I had another of our little mother-daughter talks when I told her about my discussion with Pastor Ken and how he seemed to be eyeing me more openly now. In fact, once he even patted me lightly on the ass as he told me to go help someone which would have been rather innocuous except the last pat was more of a grab! He turned away and I didn't get to see his eyes afterwards but it left me wondering...

My mom, as usual, was ever my guardian angel who helped keep me grounded and out of trouble. She expressed concern over me even considering getting involved with Pastor Ken, not so much because he was married since she knew my infatuation with cheating husbands, but more because of the potentially damaging personal consequences should anyone at the church ever find out. That included her and my dad since they would be drawn into whatever scandal might erupt from the newly married pastor screwing one of his college leaders - something that many people would see as wrong on so many levels but just makes it all the more exciting and erotic so far as I am concerned.

In the end, my mom didn't outright tell me NOT to do anything with Pastor Ken (like she had with my cousin Tammy after our recent little get-together); but she warned me to be especially careful and discrete, not exactly my strong points unfortunately. That was good enough for me. With my mother's blessings (well, she didn't exactly say "no", did she?) I felt confident in going forward and seeing where this little adventure might end up.

Normally when I think a guy is interested in me, especially the married ones, I go straight for the jugular, putting him in a position where he has to admit his desire for me or face the consequences of his flirting becoming known to his wife.

In my experience, 99% of them don't make the first move out of fear of being denied and then reported, not because they don't want me. Thus by me being more forward, it eliminates the awkwardness and lets us get down to business as quickly as possible. Pastor Ken, though, was a case where I was going to have to be a little more subtle than usual which should prove interesting for both of us.

One the one hand I figured Pastor Ken would never initiate anything the way things were going unless I gave him more incentive to do so. On the other hand, I didn't want it to be where if someone were to find out that he would try blaming me for coming on to him. Even though such an excuse would not save his career, it would do exactly what my mother was afraid of and put the spotlight straight on my family.

Somehow I had to find a way to make Pastor Ken seduce me. Actually this shouldn't be too hard given he was already interested. Plus, from the way our last discussion went it would not be the first time he broke his pledge to someone about sex. OK, I'll grant that a marriage vow is a bit more binding than a collegiate pledge, but the principle is essentially the same.


The next time I saw Pastor Ken was at the Sunday morning service so I made sure to wear a flouncing sun dress where the material was so light it swirled around my waist with a twist of my hips. From the way my dad looked at me and winked when we got in the car, it must have looked good on me.

I winked back as my mom was in the car already. She must have told him about my new mission which didn't surprise me since she always told him everything we discussed. Dad's wink was his little way of saying, "Go get him girl!".

I made it a point to seek out Pastor Ken a couple of times that morning on the pretense of planning for the next Wednesday night activities. The last time I dropped a quick line to start the ball rolling.

In my best schoolgirl imitation I asked, "Pastor Ken, do you think we can talk about a problem I'm having at school? I thought a lot about our last talk and now I've been wondering whether or not I should get your advice."

Pastor Ken touched my bare shoulder lightly and replied, "Of course Kelly, you know you can come to me anytime you need something. Would you be able to come in a bit early though? I have a meeting scheduled right after the Wednesday service."

I agreed and over the next few days I spent most of my spare time dreaming and masturbating about me and Pastor Ken. Wednesday morning I even caught myself thinking about him in the morning while my Dad and I were having our regular sex before he went to work. When my dad came in me for just a moment I wondered how it would feel to have Pastor Ken cum inside of me but quickly banished the thought and focused on my dad's cock in me.

When Wednesday evening finally arrived I went to the church early and arrived at his office a little earlier than we had agreed upon. It was empty and so I settled down to wait for him. after much debate I had finally chosen to wear a skirt outfit. Whatever I wore had to be presentable afterwards and the church was a little strict about wearing anything TOO revealing to church activities.

For many years they had enforced a one-piece swimsuit policy on girls until finally everyone simply revolted and ignored it. Of course thongs and risqué bikinis are still taboo, but every year it seems that the rules get stretched just a little but further. Personally, I would have loved to have worn a tight sheer cami without a bra but that would have surely drawn the ire of the religious fashion police so instead I picked out a white blouse that was about a size too small for me.

The bra was still missing though, something I refused to wear except under the most extreme circumstances. My boobs were a lot more ample than they had been back when I was sixteen but nobody ever said anything to me although the senior pastor's wife, who serves as the chief morality cop, had given a few of my outfits the evil eye over the years.

I looked at the clock and it was still about ten to fifteen minutes before our appointed time so apparently he wasn't going to show up early ñ bummer. I looked around the office and saw pictures of him and Cheri everywhere. Some were of them alone while others had them together. Most looked to have been taken before their wedding based on the location and weather.

Pastor Ken looked hot in them all and I found myself looking at one in particular on the table next to the chair I was in. He must have been at some southern beach and it showed him coming out of the water soaking wet and dripping water, the waves behind him and the sun showing off a deep tan over his rock-hard body. It looked like it could have come straight out of a magazine advertisement for some men's product.

I imagined myself on the beach, beckoning him to come to me as I laid on the hot sand with nothing on but a terry beach towel under me. Of course, in my dream he wasn't wearing the swimming trunks he had on in the picture, but instead was slowly approaching me like a Greek god emerging from the sea to take a mere mortal for his sexual pleasure.

My hand slipped under my skirt and I pulled my panties over to the side and started to masturbate. My finger reached inside of me as I imagined him taking me and forcing himself upon me, driving his god-like penis deep inside my mortal womb. God I was so wet and horny! I put another and then yet another finger in me as his cock grew and swelled within me. Using the palm of my hand, I massaged my clit while my fingers fucked me faster and faster.

I could feel my orgasm beginning to emerge and was almost there when suddenly I heard a noise like a door closing and I quickly pulled my finger out and straightened out my skirt. I managed to sit upright just as Pastor Ken came through the doorway. I knew I had to be flushed but hopefully in the dim light of his office he wouldn't notice. My fingers were still wet though but fortunately he didn't try to shake my hand but instead gave me a brief hug and sat down in his office chair behind his desk.

"So what's the story Kelly?" he asked, "I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to come see me. To be perfectly frank, I've been wanting to talk to you as well so your timing was perfect."

I drew a deep breath and started to relate to him a totally watered down version of my dilemma at school with sex - or the lack of it. I didn't tell him anywhere close to the number of guys I had been with or the number of times I was accustomed to being fucked when I was home, but I did allude to the fact it was a substantial number.

When I had finished I was on the edge of my chair so I pushed myself back and crossed my legs. My skirt rode up to my ass but I made no effort to do anything about it or even pay any attention to it one way or the other. His eyes shifted briefly and I know he took in a good look of my legs and ass but he didn't say anything. He took a few seconds to absorb everything and then it was his turn to take a deep breath. I was a little surprised at his reply though as it wasn't exactly what I had expected him to say - not in the least!


"Well Kelly, as I said there were a few things I needed to discuss with you. Frankly your admission about sex at school doesn't surprise me at all. From our conversation the other night plus a number of little things I've heard about you since I came here, I assumed you weren't exactly a virgin. Honestly, the church may not agree with my position on this but really I don't care if you are or not."

Pastor Ken paused for a moment and stared at me as if trying to gauge how I was responding. I did my best to stonewall so he continued, "What I AM concerned about is your conduct here at church. You must know that the young girls here all look up to you and I'm sure you know a lot of the boys do too - except they're trying to look up to you in a different way - like up the skirts such as the one you're wearing tonight. Tell me, do you think it's right for someone like you to have such an influence on them?"

Wow, that speech certainly caught me off guard! I quickly debated a response and blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"Well, I've seen you looking at the girls enough yourself!"

For just a moment he looked a bit startled but he quickly recovered his composure saying, "Well, I guess we seem to have some common interests. The question is, can we both separate our fantasy world from reality? I am not going to BS you and tell you I don't find some of them attractive, but I would also hope you know that nothing would ever happen, no matter what the circumstances. What about you though? Can you say the same if the opportunity should ever arise?"

"Well... I guess that would depend on what other outlets I had," I answered coyly back to him.

My initial shock had passed and I was trying to take back the initiative. I switched legs but without straightening out my skirt causing it to end up higher than before to the point my panties were starting to be revealed. If there was ever an opening for him, this was it. Thankfully he took it - or so I thought.