Shade's Destiny Ch. 05


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Why on earth was this all coming out now? It can't be about Stacy. She's ... she may be important to me but she seems no more than a puzzle piece from what Shade's just told me. What else don't I know? I don't even know enough to ask.

"What else don't I know Shade?"

"You know what you need to know lover. You know that I love you, that I've done what was needed, when it was needed, to protect you from a ruthless predator, and that I think your April is just gorgeous." I saw Kim's head turn to her sister. Shade kissed Kim. "Uh huh sis. Our fledgling lesbian is getting her bearings. April is absolutely gorgeous. And she'll be at the party a week from Monday." Kim giggled. Shade spoke with a certainty that I couldn't even begin to imagine. In the few seconds that flew past I realized I envied her confidence. So much of this was still so new I couldn't begin to begin to flail and grab some of whatever it was she had. Something told me it was acquired over time, which made perfect sense. And I knew, with absolute certainty, I didn't have whatever it was Shade had. Maybe – some day!

Somehow this had all been settled. I won't begin to try to fumble through an explanation cuz I haven't a clue other than what I've told you. I hope that gets you through the night. Smirk! We had ourselves quite a night thank you very much!!

Saturday morning began the way Friday night ended, both in bed and in the shower. While we were recovering and drying off Shade offered that she thought some sort of punishment was in order for the way I had frightened Kim. She turned a deaf ear to my protests and assertions that I had apologized profusely. She insisted; she did offer me the option of what form the punishment should take. That's where it got interesting.

"You know she has the hots for me." She agreed. "So it can't be anything of an overtly sexual nature. Please."

"So what are you suggesting dear," was the tart reply, delivered with a smile.

"She could handcuff me to a chair and make me listen to hours of Vanilla Ice." We agreed that would be inhumane. I was stuck. I had a thought but didn't want to say it out loud. Knowing how my Vulcan could see into my head she likely already knew. You're probably right Dyke, so just say it. Hearing that voice was enough to get me angry and oops! "Well, she could spank me." Shade's eyes glittered. Snicker!

"My, isn't that an interesting idea." She tried but couldn't stifle the smirk. "How many would you say is enough?" Oh for gods sake!

"Five!" An eyebrow cocked. "Ten!" Arms were folded. "How many is enough?"

Shade came and kissed me. We were both nude, still in the bathroom, and still (well at least I was) buzzing from the sexual energy expended. Each of us roamed over familiar, tingling territory. Slightly breathless, she panted, "Why don't we ask her." Damn! She took my hand, marched me to Kim's door and opened it to find her naked, sleeping and sprawled across her bed. She smiled at me, motioning me to go to the other side of the bed. Shade leaned over and began kissing her legs. I did the same but to her neck, shoulders and back. Kim tried to bolt, screaming. Shade's hands held her legs; mine held her shoulders. She laughed, screeching, "What the fuck are you two doing?" We continued; she moaned.

Shade climbed on the bed, turned her sister to her back and kissed her, both of them very naked. "Morning Kimmy, I thought you needed a little love after getting shocked so badly last night by the very naughty Destiny." Kim's eyes flitted to me. I smiled and shrugged. "I asked her what she thought her punishment should be. She suggested spanks." Kim's jaw dropped. "So I want to know how many you think would be proper?" She stared at me with disbelief in her eyes. She looked at me. What could I do but nod in agreement.

"Destiny will lay across my lap so I can hold her wrists while you spank her." Bitch turned and smiled at me. I glared. Shade sat at the head of the bed and beckoned me. Kim scurried to her knees and out of the way. She's really gonna do this! Okay fine. I crawled on the bed and over her lap. Shade held my wrists with one hand. I knew there would be some sort of catch. I felt her fingers slip into my still moist pussy. I closed my eyes and waited.

SMACK! Ow! Goddamn. SMACK! Shit! After five I was near tears. Shade's fingers were more torture than the spanks. Five more ... I would have cried except ... two more and I exploded. I heard Shade whisper. Kim spanked me, not nearly as hard or as often. My body shook as the orgasm took hold of me. Somehow it didn't surprise me. But it was the first time in my life I'd ever cum like that, from that. Geez it was amazing! When I finally stopped moaning and shaking they turned me over, cuddled me and held me. Kim wiped my tears; she had them too. Shade kissed me. I barely had the energy to respond. When I could breathe I whispered, "Shade you bitch, my ass hurts. So good!" We all laughed. I didn't want to put it in the story. I hated what I'd done to Kim. Shade insisted.

After we'd dressed we had breakfast. I asked Kim, "Shade told me she expected you to be gone. What happened?"

Kim shrugged, saying, "I was. Some friends and I had plans. They were being bitches. I wasn't in the mood so I came home. I supposed I'll try again tonight." I felt like even a bigger jerk. She came home to find some peace and quiet.

Naturally, Shade had to lob her two cents in. "This morning more than made up for last night." I glared at her. Kim giggled. I glared at her too! She pursed her lips real tight trying to stifle the laugh. It was impossible. We all laughed. "Tell Kim more about April lover." I was right in the middle of taking a sip of coffee.

"When I first met Stacy she and I went shopping on a Saturday. We had lunch after. The server was really cute; her name is April. I never went back, never saw her again." I thought about it for a moment. "I can't even really explain why I wanted to go there. Who knew if she'd be there three years later. She was. She remembered me. It was very, very nice seeing her again." Kim's eye had gotten wide as I spoke. She looked at Shade. I knew it was coming.

"I gave April my card, told her about the party a week from Monday, and told her to email me so I could send her an e-vite." She beamed, quite pleased with herself. Kim, knowing her sister, just smiled and shook her head. "I'm sure she'll have loads of fun at the party." Kim did the eye-darting thing again. What the hell is this party for or about? Kim's expression told me she knew; she could see I didn't. I didn't waste my time looking at Shade. I did the next best thing.

"Where are we going shopping today?"

"See sis; Destiny is learning quickly." Oh for god's sake! "When she doesn't want to talk about something anymore she changes the subject." Kim couldn't stop laughing. Yeah, ain't this grand? "I think we'll start at Shelley's. Olivia's is a must. I don't know; I'll think of something. Do you have any stores you want to go to?"

"We have different taste in clothes Shade. I think I'll go where you suggested and we can try on things. I don't know ... like I said yesterday, most of my stuff is from before. I'm ready for something new. I just don't exactly know what yet."

She nodded and stood. "Let's get started then. Are you coming Kim or do you want to stay here until you make plans?"

"I think three's a crowd today. It'll be nice to veg out. I can get some reading for school done too. A little peace and quiet will be nice. You two have a fun day." She kissed us both and cleared off the table. We each put on light coats, took our purses and headed to the elevator and the garage.

"I think I want to do something with my hair. Maybe after we get back from the trip." I paused then continued. "Shade, I don't want to go back to Tessa's. I don't like her." I saw her glance at me.

"Well, she's not everyone's cup of tea. Some like her, some don't."

"Soon after I started I asked Lindsay, who always impressed me as someone who cares a lot about how she looks, where she went. I can ask around again. Or if you have anything else let me know. Maybe someone at this party you keep talking about has some ideas. By the way, what about bathing suits and stuff for the trip. When do we shop for those?"

Shade smiled. "Oh Kim's in charge of that. No worries. It's handled." Hmm. Okay. Shelley's wasn't open yet. So, of course, we walked down the street to Ds. Daisy was there, gave us both hugs and kisses ... and never said a word about the party. Very interesting!! She insisted on paying for our coffee. Shade looked at me; I shrugged.

We looked for a table. It was just after ten and the place was packed. I was mortified. Daisy shooed a woman, alone at a table, to go sit with another single so 'my good friends' could have a table. We got some glares from the women around us. Shade can glare with the best of them. I did see Daisy bring the poor lady a fresh cup of whatever she was drinking. No dudes again. It had been a while since I'd been here – for coffee. Honey, I've got a ball gag on her. Thing is – she likes it! I spit up my coffee. Shade looked at me. How do I explain an angel whispering in my conscience?

Shade was antsy. She called Shelley's store. I looked at the clock. Almost 10:30. Geez, not good. She doesn't seem to be getting an answer. Shade was annoyed. She made another phone call – Olivia? Apparently so.

"The other store isn't open yet. Are you? Oh good ... we're leaving and will be there soon. Bye!" Well damn! I can only imagine what she's like in the car dashing from appointment to appointment. Goodbyes said to Daisy who winked at me. Geez Louise ... this party!! So off we go to Olivia's. Pussy remembers Olivia. Yummy!

"Olivia was very excited that we're coming to shop lover." Damn! How? How does she do it?

"Did you tell her why we were coming today?" Oh my god why did I put it that way? Shade smiled.

"She knows we're shopping for new outfits for you for work and the like." Oh, okay; that sounds reasonable. "Are you damp thinking about last time?" Help! She reached and took my hand. "I'm an awful tease aren't I? It's really not fair. I saw you squirm when I mentioned April."

There was something lurking way back deep that suddenly popped. "Why are you so worried about Stacy yet seem to be pushing me about Connie and now April? I honestly don't understand it."

Dead silence. Shade drove; she never looked at me. I was absolutely still, very uncomfortable, wary. She found an empty parking lot and pulled in. She turned to me. "Stacy ... loves you." What? "You may not know it but I do. It tapped that monster deep inside me." I nodded. She didn't have to say it. She didn't need to know that I didn't know if I could love Stacy. We are close but geez. I was still a bit surprised that I could be in love with Shade.

"A part of me really likes you finding yourself, this new you. I like watching you look at other women. You never did. You're learning about you, this you. I love the self discovery. It's beautiful. I also love that other women find you as attractive as I do." What? "I see the shock on your face. Are you really surprised? I've been attracted to you from the first time I met you. Stacy could hardly sit still when she told me about you." She what? Shade smiled. "Oh yeah lover, she was into you big time and you had no idea what she was." She leaned and kissed me. "This make any sense at all?"

My brain felt like a maze with mice scurrying through the corridors looking for cheese. Stacy was attracted to me way back when. There were signals but I didn't get them – then. Barging into the changing room. Holding the blouse in front of me; standing so close to me. Her hand on mine at the restaurant. I brushed them all off. My god! I'm completely okay being me now. Learning details about way back when?

"Confusing isn't it?" I nodded, she smiled. "When I see Connie and April I think 'give the woman you love some room to explore.' As long as you don't stumble into another situation like Libby (I wanted to vomit) I'm okay with it."

"Ya know what Shade. That sounds real good. But you took what you knew might threaten you and put her in a position where she just threw her hands up and quit. So what if that happens with Connie? April? You and your 'people' gonna roll out your magic show?" This wasn't about them; it was all about Stacy and Shade would know it. But I was just mad enough to say it. And more than angry enough to mean it!

"Wow!" Shade shook her head. "Lover, this is only one of the reasons I love you like I do. You do cut through and get to the heart of it. Yeah, good point." She was quiet for a while, fidgeted with her hands and squirmed in the car seat. I sat and waited. "I honest to god don't know Destiny. I know we put me through the ringer the other night and I'm better for it. But it's still too soon to think I have all the answers." Looking at me, she said, "Do you think maybe I'm ready for another try with a shrink?" You're asking me? How the hell would I know?

"Shade, lovers can't be each others therapists. Lover has to find a way to accept who lovee is and vice versa. It's awkward phrasing but it's the best I can do off the top of my head." She smiled. "You have to make that decision on your own. Just know I'll support you and love you regardless. Now can we puhleez go do some shopping?"

Shade laughed, we kissed, and she pulled onto the road and headed to Olivia's. Pussy was happy!

"Well looky here. Wonder Woman and Catwoman; heroine and villain. Hard to tell the other night who was who the way you two carried on!" That was how Olivia greeted us. She held me away from her, looked me in the eye, and said, "Destiny, you looked so sexy. Cai did the most amazing job; you looked like an Asian Wonder Woman. I just wonder who 'triumphed' at the end of the night ... good or evil." Shade laughed in the background. Olivia's kiss and hug were warm, inviting, but not sexual. Yes, she's still gorgeous!

"Olivia, Destiny wants to put a little zip into her daily wardrobe. Not like before; but edgy, feminine and showing off her fabulous figure." I laughed. They both looked at me. How the hell did Shade know all that about what I wanted?

"Yup, and I think I have just what you wanted. Destiny, if you'll lose those clothes we'll get started. We have a whole lot of outfits to try on." Sigh. She did! I was pretty embarrassed to be wearing the bra and panties I had on. Especially in front of Olivia - who'd had me try on the costumes, as I call them, that I'd worn for what seemed like so many months.

Earlier, when we'd finally gotten dressed, I'd whined about the bra and panties. Shade sidled up to me, took my face in her hands, and cooed, "Lover, don't you worry that pretty head of yours about such things. Your Shade has ordered a bunch of new panties and bras from my fav online store. They should be here before we leave for our trip." Her eyes were wild and dark. I shivered. I could sense mischief in her tone. But when she slid her fingers between my legs she smiled into our kiss. Okay Shade, yeah, I'm excited too. I shivered again as her fingers trailed through the moisture to tease my clit. Naturally, she left me like that. We finished dressing ... me with my head spinning and panting.

I'm not going into too much detail about the clothes. We did buy a bunch of stuff that day and have added more on other shopping forays. But I will share details about a few of the outfits I particularly like from our visit to Olivia's Emporium.

I adore my pencil style sleeveless gray, black and white plaid sheath dress with a built-in black belt and black vertical panels on the sides. It hugs my figure very well and the pencil styling, combined with the length of the dress that reaches just below my knees, causes me to mince my steps, adding a bit of sexiness to my walk. What I really like is the air of sheer elegance this dress gives me. It says sexy, it says elegant and it says Destiny, you are one confident lesbian! Um, I mean one confident woman. Hey dyke, you are one sexy lezzy ... so go with it! Honey I'm so sorry!

My black lace shift dress is adorable and hangs on me like a comfortable slip. The lace is beautiful and lays over a black lining on the body of the dress, leaving my arms exposed under the soft lace for a sexy look. Sexy, not slutty, elegantly simple, as the neck line is low yet doesn't reveal any of my treasures. The length is perfect at just past mid-thigh. Easy to get off too but I'll keep those thoughts to myself. Wink!

I quickly fell in love with my jersey knit dress. It's so soft, comfortable and I love the flouncy look. It is matte black and a pullover, yet the design makes it look like a wrap-around dress. This appealed to me as I didn't have to worry about becoming unwrapped yet I get the benefit from the look. It's so pretty, so feminine, yet sexy, with chiffon ruffles. The ruffles circle a modestly low neckline, flow down one side of the dress from the neckline, then across my body in an 'S' pattern until it wraps around the bottom of the dress just above my knees. I knew all eyes would follow that 'S' pattern, taking it in - and the delights hidden beneath. Mmm ... That thought leaves me with tingles.

The black shift dress is basic yet so elegant in its art deco design. It has a high neckline and is slightly flared at the bottom of the dress, which falls just below mid-thigh. I like that it is sleeveless, showing off my upper arms, but the semi-fitted style of the dress means it hugs my boobs snugly, making them stand out without showing any cleavage whatsoever. I call it subtle sex appeal, and the multiple straight deco-style black bands that crisscrossed the dress would aid in drawing the eye. Yeah, this dress would cause the casual observer to wonder what lay beneath, but more importantly, it would cause the one I care about to want to take it off. Yup, I'm smiling!

Oopsie. I think it did a little too good of a job describing those particular dresses. Stop will ya! Sigh. Someone was lurking, it's late, I'm in my, um, new undies, and she's breathing in my ear, fingers roaming. So ... geez, I'm writing here! I may, oh my god ... not be back till morning. Gotta go!! Shade!!!

Author's Note: As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies. Another author put it so well: "The site is free. The author is 'paid' in comments and votes." I hope you've enjoyed yet another chapter of a rather long tale.

I love writing, I love my girls, and I enjoy taking them on their journey. I work hard at my craft and I have a lot of fun along the way as well. There's a lot more to come and I hope that you'll stay with the story as it continues to unfold.

To all who have commented and emailed – I can never adequately express my thanks for all the kind words. They mean so much!! I write to everyone who comments with a name. It's the very least I can do!! ~ Vixen ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Love this!

An excellent chapter in an amazing story.

beentheredonethatbeentheredonethatover 10 years ago

could not have commented better than adidasgal, she says it all. Her comments are remarkable. i have read most of the stories she comments on, that way you know it is worthwhile reading. keep it up adidasgal. BTW i love this story


adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

Naughty Destiny! I LOVE IT!! This chapter takes on a whole new dimension for me in the form of Shades deviousness and emotional meltdown, Destiny's shock, anger and dominance. After reading about Stacey's humiliation and the length to which Shade goes to keep them apart, my pulse quickens. Destiny's intention to violate Kim, almost gave me a NAKATTACK!! **LoL** sighing in relief when she quickly comes to her senses. Even though Destiny is justified in her anger, it was completely misdirected. Still visibly shaken, I vent my frustrations on the one person to blame for this near tragedy..... SHADE!!!!!!!!! and for a cheek she turns on Destiny? URGH!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, How is it possible for a character in a story, to evoke so many emotions in me.

But then again, I am only human, in one paragraph I would dislike her intensely, but the next, she would endear herself to me by making Destiny so happy. Shades persistence in partnering Destiny with anyone but Stacey, still riles me but when D adopts the attitude of "look and admire, but don't touch" I can't help but smile. YAY!

Destiny's new found confidence is growing by the chapter while the erotic wantonness and love between these two, continues to sizzle unabated in the wonder that is............ SHADES DESTINY!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago

The end: "I may, oh my god ... not be back till morning. Gotta go!! Shade!!!", pretty much gives away that Destiny will end up with Shade.

JogrindeJogrindeover 11 years ago
Second Paragraph of Authors note says it all!

I enjoyed your writing, your girls and their journey, secrets and their deepest thoughts & I really enjoy the fun you have as its evident when readiing and we have the same fun in reading and seeing the story unfold!

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