Shady Waters Hotel Pt. 02

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George and Alison watch the secret life of a lonely teacher.
9.6k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/23/2021
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Welcome back to Shady Waters. We hope you enjoyed your last visit. This time the agenda includes spying on a sexy mature teacher. Please let us know if you enjoy your stay. Your feedback helps us provide you with a better service the next time you holiday with us! All players are consenting adults over the age of 18.

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By the following afternoon George was only just holding it together.

He'd hardly slept and had been dwelling on the beautiful teen all day, trying to work out what she knew, formulating what he would say to her, and trying really hard not to think about what an awful dilemma she had turned out to be!

The only thing he knew for sure was that she had got into his office somehow and if she had a key he needed to get it back! So he made the decision to confront the girl. It was a big risk and had to be handled just right.

A little after 4pm he heard the squeaky hinges of the front desk access flap open and close.

You've got this Georgy, he thought to himself.

He opened the office door and the beautiful schoolgirl swung around on the stool to face him. All of George's plans and confidence disappeared like a puff of smoke. Alison Coleman was all long limbs and sexy vitality. He had to take several deep breaths to steady his nerves,

"Hi, Mr Carter," she said smiling widely, seemingly unaware her skirt had ridden up her thighs and she was flashing her panties... a thin white strip of cotton over her sweet sexy pussy...

"Come in here please Alison," he said in the sternest voice he could muster.

Alison was just about busting with excitement. She had been thinking about seeing Mr Carter all day, playing out all sorts of mad romantic scenarios in her head...

"Close the door and sit!"

Alison walked past him into his office and sat squirming on the hard timber visitor's chair. George perched himself on the corner of his desk in front of her. His arms were crossed and he had a very cranky look on his face...

Somethings wrong, she though anxiously. He looks like he might put me over his knee, she thought giddily, and spank my bottom.... my bare bottom... Her pussy was tingling...

"I am very disappointed in you Alison," he began, talking like a high power executive instead of the glorified janitor he was. "I have trusted you and you have taken advantage of that trust!"

"I... I... don't know what you mean Mr Carter," she said innocently.

"You took my shirt yesterday," he said angrily. "You somehow found a way into my locked office and stole it from the back of that chair!"

In an effort to scare her even more he leaned right over her and put his hands on the back of the chair, either side of her shoulders. "It was right HERE!"

The top buttons of his shirt were undone. She could see his muscular chest... just the right amount of manly body hair... and that sexy musky scent he had...

"How... how do you know it was m... me?" she replied in a small voice.

This momentarily stumped him. He couldn't say he saw her the previous evening. He decided to bluff his way through. She was only young after all... easy to intimidate.

"I KNOW it was you, Alison," he said furiously. "I am absolutely one hundred percent SURE IT WAS YOU. What do you have to say for yourself?"

He held her shoulders firmly, squeezed her upper arms... Alison just wanted to melt against him. His hands felt strong and his breath was hot on her face... close enough to kiss...

To his horror, Alison's lower lip started to quiver.

"Oh please don't be angry with me," she sobbed, throwing herself onto his lap. "I... I... just wanted... something of yours... something that was c...close t... to you..."

"Now now," he mumbled, clumsily patting her springy red curls. "Now now... Now now..."

Unsure what to do he stroked her back, feeling the heaving sobs wracking her slender body. Gods, what have I done? he thought.

"I...I'll g... give it b... back," she cried. I... I can b... buy you some new ones..."

"No need Ali... no need..." he said softly. "It's nice that you wanted my shirt. I don't mind at all. I have heaps of them... plenty to spare...

"I didn't mean to make you hate me," she wailed.

"Oh now that's not true at all Ali," he said gently. "I th... think you're absolutely splendid..."

She pressed herself closer and felt the outline of his massive cock twitch against her cheek. Her crying turned into snuffles and then she put her arms around his waist... snuggling into his crotch...

"I know it was wrong Mr Carter," she sniffed. "But when I saw you upstairs... I just wanted it... it smells like you... "

George suddenly felt like he would faint... he couldn't seem to breathe...

"You... you saw me?"

"Well... yessir... I... I saw you yesterday when I... um... borrowed your shirt... I don't mind a bit... I quite liked watching you Mr Carter..."

In shock, George looked down at the shock of curly red hair nestled in his lap.

"You... you... saw me upstairs?" he gulped. His worst fears were being realized...

"There was a little door," she said, gesturing over her shoulder. "Over there in the corner."

George's mind raced. The inquisitive little bitch hasn't just found her way into my office... she's found my secret door! I must have left in unlatched... stupid, stupid, stupid...

Now it was properly closed, it was indiscernible from the rest of the timber paneling but George knew there was no denying it.

"I went up the round stairs. I didn't know where you'd gone... so I just went down a hallway... those little thin hallways... and... and... there you were Mr Carter! I watched you," she continued, pressing her cheek more firmly against his growing hardon.

"Well... well... that's... that's just great," said George, trying to sound angry rather than frightened. "You saw me... p... p... playing with myself! Well, that's just super!"

"Yessir. And I know you were watching me last night... I wanted you to see me... do that... as well. I do it all the time... all the time... But you know that already don't you Mr Carter? You've seen me play with myself lots of times haven't you?"

"I most definitely h... have not," he said.

"I think you have Mr Carter," she said huskily, snuggling warmly against his now massively hard erection. "I think you like looking at me... I was... I was imagining you were touching me...

This was not going at all to plan. If the gorgeous little slut decided to tell the police there would be no denying what he'd been doing. His DNA was sprayed all over the hidden corridors. A black-light would light the place up like a disco.

"You just must never tell anyone Alison," he pleaded. "This must remain our secret... absolutely our secret. Please Alison..."

"Yes... oh yes, Mr Carter... absolutely. I do not want to make any trouble..."

"Well now Ali, I know you didn't mean to make a problem but, well... you have," said George. "This could be quite difficult for me..."

Sensing she had the upper hand, Alison stood up between his legs, standing quite close. The stunning young woman looked at him adoringly and George felt his face turning crimson.

"I would never do anything to hurt you Mr Carter," she said.

She was close... looking like she wanted to kiss him. Her hand moved over his crotch, her delicate fingers playing with the large tented mound in his Gabardine pants.

Swinging to his feet he ducked away from her like she was a monster and not a beautiful sexy schoolgirl. The situation was slipping through his fingers.

"Bloody hell Alison," he cried, conscious that his gigantic cock was obviously rock hard, sticking out like a circus tent. "What do you want from me? I'm a married man... I've got... I've got... responsibilities..."

Standing with her hands clasped in front of her like a very good little girl (rather than a blackmailer) she regarded him with those big green eyes...

"I want you to take me with you when you go looking," she said.

"God almighty," he gasped.

"I want to watch people when they don't know I'm there," she said eagerly.

"Bloody hell Alison," he cried. "I don't know..."

"I want to see all the things you see Mr Carter... please... oh please..."

George's mind raced. If I say no, she could tell her mother about me. I could lose my job and maybe go to jail. On the other hand, I could simply let the little slut come with me...

How beautiful she is, he thought, looking her up and down. And she dreams about me! This was maybe the hardest thing to understand.

"There'll be rules," he said. "You'll do exactly as I say..."

Her pretty freckled face broke in a wide hungry grin.

"Yessir," she said. "I'll do anything..."

"Yes, yes, you bloody will... exactly as I direct..."

"Yes Mr Carter," she said, standing up straight, her hands clasped behind her back. "Can we go now?"

"Don't... don't you have homework to do?"

"Oh Mr Carter," she said, as though she couldn't believe he'd said anything so idiotic. "That can wait..."

"Well... Okay. I've warned you. If you're sure, the first thing to do is get out of that uniform. Clothes get dirty and that invites unwanted questions from my nosy wife...or your mother!"

Alison knew that was true. After yesterday afternoon in the hidden hallways, her uniform looked like she'd rolled in dirt.

She watched George strip out of his own clothing until he was next to naked, wearing nothing but his wide-front underpants. The white cotton was stretched all out of shape, ballooning up and out in the shape of his engorged fourteen-inch erection.

Looking at it made her dizzy. It's impossible, she thought madly...

"We only wear underclothes in the corridors," he continued, looking at her expectantly.

Alison met his eye for a moment and then, dropping to one knee, untied her shoelaces. She took off her scuffed black school shoes and put her short white socks inside them.

"Th... that's a good brave... girl. Now... now your... now your dress..."

George could barely get the words out. He licked his lips and swallowed. When she pulled down the zip on her hip and let her pleated tartan skirt fell around her ankles George couldn't help but gasp in appreciation. The crotch of her pretty white Cottontails obviously wet...

"Ahhh... good girl, good girl... and your... your shirt," he stammered, groping his cock through his underwear. "You can't wear anything but your... your bra and panties..."

"Yes Mr Carter," she said, thrilled by the effect she was having on him...

Never in her short life had Alison been as aroused as she was then. She undid the white buttons, one at a time from the top, then dropped the short-sleeved blouse off her shoulders where it fell to the floor with her skirt.

Her bra was one of those easy-fit types - like a sports bra - a simple stretchy white cotton bikini top with thin straps over the shoulder. Her boobs stretched out the front. Two perfect hills... half coconuts...

Mr Carter couldn't help but fondle his cock through the stretchy fabric of his underpants. A wet mark was forming where the head was pressing into the white fabric. He was staring at her dumbstruck, his eyes bugging out of his head... squeezing his big cock... squeezing, squeezing...

"Jesussss Ali... Alison," he gasped. "You... you're p... perfect..."

...and because he was rubbing himself she figured it was okay for her as well. She cupped her pussy through her panties, grasping her sensitive pussy like he was gripping his big cock...

"It... it's very exciting Mr Carter," she gushed. "Like really naughty..."

"Are... are you ready Ali?"

"Yes... oh yes, Mr Carter."

He took her hand and they stepped through the little secret door.

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The landing on the other side was dusty and poorly lit. A single naked light bulb illuminated the steep internal staircase that led to the floors above and down to the basement. Naked except for their underpants the unlikely duo made their way up to the third floor. He moved quickly and quietly along the dark secret passageways and Alison tried to do the same.

"It's very dark Mr Carter," said Alison.

"Keep your voice down Ali," he said squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"But it's so dark," she whispered.

"Don't worry baby. I know where I'm going," he muttered. "I think y... you're going to enjoy this... "

Navigating left and right with practiced confidence, he led her to a wall with a little metal plate that said, #3B-L, the living room of apartment 3B. There was the access hatch and just above, the peephole just like the one outside her room.

"She's not home yet," he said looking inside briefly. "But it won't be long..."

"Let me see," said Alison. There was not much room but she squeezed in front of him, sitting her panty-clad butt back against George's erection.

"H... how exciting," she gasped, pushing back against him.

She could feel Mr Carter's cock between her bum cheeks, nestled into the cleft of her ass... He was so close his beard stubble scratched pleasantly against her cheeks. He put his arms around her waist and she gasped...

"Oh, Mr Carter..."

"It's a whole other world I live in Ali," he whispered excitedly in her ear. "The things I've seen... unbelievable baby... just unbelievable! You'll see... You'll see..."

It was a room similar to her own lounge room...except it was a mirror image. Like 'Alice Through the Looking Glass', she thought to herself.

The door was in the same place but reversed, the same with the kitchen and the windows. The sofa and easy chair were much nicer than their threadbare old sofa and the TV looked huge. There was a nice looking coffee table that her mom could never afford, a dining table and chairs... The pictures on the walls were obviously all different. Her mom only had some photos of her and Orville but this one had proper big prints... a pretty mountain scene with a lake and a framed poster of a woman smoking a cigarette with the word JOB intertwined in her hair.

They both heard the sound of a key in the front door.

"Shhhh now Ali. Let's s... see... what we see," stuttered George, squeezing his big cock firmly against her butt, cotton against cotton...

The woman who walked into the room was wearing a pale blue pleated skirt and a pretty cream colored blouse that had long puffy sleeves gathered at the shoulder and the wrist.

"Meet the teacher," whispered George in her ear. "Miss Dominique Shapiro."

She isn't exactly beautiful, thought Alison. A little horsey maybe?

The lady was an average height and a little bit over average weight. She had a cute, slightly upturned nose, firm chin, pouty sexy mouth...

But it just doesn't mix very well, thought the girl.

Maybe her big dark eyes are a bit too big?... or maybe it's her hair?

The lady's hair was very unfashionable. Thick and black, it was cut in a short bob with a really thick fringe just above her eyes. It may have been an okay look in the punky 80s when everyone wanted to look like Blondie but it didn't suit her older mature face. I was a hairdo for a much younger person.

No, Dominique Shapiro wasn't Barbie Beautiful, not even very pretty, but there was something about her, a certain sort of smuttiness...

The way she wore her conservative clothing was super suggestive.

The hem of her powder-blue dress was well above her knees. The light wispy material seemed to be billowing around her as she moved about, showing off her long shapely legs. And several of the buttons of her blouse were undone. Every time she moved there was a shadowy hint of big pendulous breasts swaying provocatively just out of sight...

"She's really sexy, isn't she Mr Carter?" Alison whispered breathlessly against his cheek.

"You have no idea baby..." he muttered, holding her close against him. "Wait... wait till you see what she does...!

All the boys at the school where she taught thought she was sexy as well. To them, her curvaceous pear-shaped body was excellent wet-dream/jerk-off material. If someone could have taken a vote they would have found Miss Shapiro was the biggest fantasy fuck at Burgess Atwood Boys School.

Dominique was a high school Geography teacher. Every day she taught teenagers about places, and spaces on their planet, when all they wanted to do was look up her dress or down her blouse.

There had been several adult relationships in Dominique's life, nearly five years for one, but in the end they all seemed to fail. When her latest fiancé broke their engagement, no other man seemed to find his way into her life. Now, at almost forty years of age, Dominique's greatest fear was never finding true love.

That was when started to seduce the schoolboys.

She had long been aware of the effect she had on young men. When she first started working she'd been upset by their unwanted attention but in the last few years, with no adult men to share her love, she had begun to enjoy them looking. They made her feel sexy and powerful.

Her attention-seeking began with a few casually undone buttons on her blouse and this went over very well.

One morning, running late for her class, she dropped her books in the deserted hallway. When she got to her knees to pick them up she caught sight of a young fellow watching her. He was standing beside his locker, looking right down her blouse, blatantly rubbing a very hard cock through his pants.

"Are you quite alright there Samuel Chambers?" she asked, smiling at the horny young fellow.

"Yessss... yesss ma'am," he managed, blushing as red as a beetroot. "I'm s...sorry miss..."

"Don't be sorry dear," she said. "It's perfectly natural..."

She took her time picking up her books and Samuel stayed and watched. The thrill she got at seeing the erection in his teenage pants made her feel like a goddess.

From that day, more buttons were undone and soon she stopped wearing a bra. Dominique's pendulous bell-shaped breasts swung heavily, hanging down free and loose inside her blouse, bouncing seductively... swaying shamelessly...

When a student asked a question she would bend deep over him to answer - making absolutely sure he could see right down her top. They almost all looked, hypnotized by the creamy white, upturned swell of her big breasts. If they were lucky, and Miss Shapiro leaned in extra close, they may even catch a glimpse of nipple...

When her skirts started getting shorter, there were battles to get into the front seats in her classroom. Dominique sat on the edge of her desk to teach, crossing and uncrossing her long shapely legs. The class would listen avidly to explanations of tectonic plate forces or the population density in India, all staring at her calves and her thighs, so sexy in her black or brown pantyhose... shiny high-heel pumps...

The horny teacher loved it. She was getting the attention she craved from twenty-five or thirty randy young men all hoping for that magical glimpse of her panties. Their flushed excited faces would follow her around the room, hanging on her every word.

She knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that every boy she taught (except John Murphy and Jeffery Lovett who were obviously gay) worshiped her. It was wonderful to think that they would all go home and jerk-off thinking about her.

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The final year students in Senior Geography were her favorite class. These ten boys actively adored her, all vying to help her do this or that. Carry her books or her bag, wipe down the whiteboard, or rearrange the room the way she liked it.

For these special boys, Dominique didn't like the normal classroom layout - where the desks are all in rows. Her preferred arrangement was to have them surround her. Each lesson she would get the boys to move their desks into a circle so they could all see her equally well. Standing in the middle she played them like a stripper, bending and twisting and twirling, teasing them as she taught her lessons. The boy's grades actually improved, learning through osmosis.