Shall We Play Pt. 01

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Wife decides to play.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/01/2019
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"I don't know Amanda, I guess I'm just bored."

I think that was how it started. I was sitting in my best friend Amanda's living room sipping wine. My name is Alissa Wallman. I had just turned thirty-nine which may have something to do with the dramatic change in our life that I track to that day. I've been married to my high school sweetheart Logan for twenty years. Our daughter Emily just turned twenty is off to college. No, she wasn't a wedding night baby, Emily was born three months after we got married. We had talked about getting married but one night of drinking and forgetting a condom sped that process up.

Amanda is my best friend. To many of our friends, we were referred to as double A. Amanda like me married young. I think that is why we became such good friends. She is a year older, already hitting the big four zero. She is married to Russell and they have a son Jimmy who is now in the army.

Our husbands are the best of friends also. They are away on a fishing weekend leaving Amanda and me to drink wine and gossip.

"I don't know; there is just no excitement in our lives. We do the same thing all the time," I said.

"I know what you mean. Is your sex life as shitty as mine?" Amanda asked laughing.

"Damn Amanda, I didn't think we've had drunk that much."

"What, we're too mature to talk about our sex lives now? We used to talk about sex all the time now that we're old we can't. Russell and I have sex maybe once a month, what about you and Logan?"

She was right; we used to talk about sex to compare and trade ideas to enhance our own sex lives. It had been at least five years since we had talked about our sex lives. I'm betting it was because we both had our sex lives diminish.

"Logan and I are about the same. If we have sex more than once a month that's a big month. I'm just as much to blame though. I like to go to bed early, while Logan likes to stay up late. I just wish there was a way I could shake things up."

Amanda laughed, "I know, we could have affairs."

"Amanda, don't even kid about that."

"Hey, I'm just kidding. I know Logan would never cheat on you." Involuntarily I looked down. "Wait, you're hiding something. Oh God, did Logan cheat on you?"

I looked up surprised, "No he didn't do that."

"Oh fuck, it was you. You had an affair?"

There was a long silence. Amanda knew me well. She had me. "I wouldn't call it an affair; it was just four times."

"Four times? And you've never told me. When, where and who? I want details."

"It was when Emily was in kindergarten. Logan was working incredible hours; I hardly saw him much less got any attention from him. I signed up to help with the Valentine party and was paired up with one of the dads to do the decorations. I don't know if you remember Mindy Black, but it was her dad, Robert."

"Yeah, I remember her. Her parents were divorced. Robert was hot."

"Robert invited me to his house make the decorations. Robert and I worked really hard for a couple of hours cutting hearts and making other decorations. Robert brings out some wine and we start drinking while we work. I don't know how it happened, but we were working closely together. His arms were around me helping me glue some paper. His hot breath was on my neck while his arms encircled me. My head was telling me to stop him, but my body was on fire."

"Damn, you're turning me on."

"I turned my head to tell him to stop and our lips met. His hands were inside my shirt massaging my breasts before I knew it. Somehow, I got turned around and my hand was on his crotch. The next thing I knew my pants were off and Robert's face was buried in my crotch. After my first orgasm, he scooped me up and took me to his bed where we had sex twice."

"Oh my God, you slut. That is so hot. I can't believe you kept that from me. Wait, you said four times. Why four and why only four?"

"We did it one time at his house, two times at our house and then we spent a weekend together."

"A weekend? How the hell did you pull that off?"

"You remember when my aunt Alice was sick, and I was having to go to St. Louis to help her? One of the trips I had planned on staying with her for an entire week. My sister called letting me know she was going to take over for the weekend. It just so happened that Robert was at a conference in downtown St. Louis. We got a hotel room and spent the weekend eating room service and having sex."

"Shit, that is so incredible. Was he hung?"

"He was about the same size as Logan but if was different how he did it. It was so exciting and naughty. I wasn't a mom or a wife; I could be nasty with Robert. I was able to let go and just have wild sex. I let him play with my ass and I kissed and licked his."

"Why did it end? Did you get caught?"

"When I came home Emily was there to greet with a big hug. I started bawling with her in my arms. I told Logan and Emily that I was just so happy to see them that the stress of being away was too much for me. In reality, it scared me to death that I might have screwed up my family and my marriage for a couple nights of hot sex. I told Robert the next day to tell him we were done. He said he understood and thanked me for a great time. I vowed then I wouldn't do anything ever again to jeopardize my marriage or family. It did add some excitement to our bedroom. I tried to make it up to Logan by being a little more slutty in bed. He resisted me at first then he loved it."

Amanda demanded I give her more details. With the wine flowing, I told Amanda the intimate details of the hot sex Robert and I had. "See, that's what I'm talking about. We need that kind of excitement in our sex life," Amanda said.

"No way, I'm not cheating on Logan again. That was too stressful and not worth it."

"Yeah, you're right. I don't think I could cheat on Russell." There was a moment of silence. "What if it wasn't cheating?"

"I don't get it; how do we have sex with another person that would that not be cheating?" I asked.

"Is it cheating if Logan knows and agrees to you having sex?"

"Amanda, why in the world would Logan agree to me having sex with another man?"

Amanda gave me a sly smile, "He might if it meant he got to have sex with another woman."

"I don't want him having sex with some slut."

"What if it wasn't just some slut?"

"I can't believe we are talking about this, I'm not cheating on Logan and I don't want him cheating on me."

"Come on, walk this through with me. You said it yourself the excitement of the affair was that it was something new and different. You were able to be the sexpot you couldn't with your husband. So, we need to find a way to get that kind of sex without jeopardizing our marriages."

"I guess, but that's not possible," I said confused.

"Just work with me. We would need to find partners that we know are clean and safe." I nodded in agreement. "Those partners we would have trust that they would understand the idea of discretion. We don't need others knowing our business."

"You sound like you have someone in mind."

"I do, I think I know someone you would approve of fucking Logan."

"Would stop beating around the bush, who are you talking about?"

"Me, I will fuck Logan."

"What? You're going to sex with my husband and I guess I'm to have sex with Russell?"

"Now you're getting it. See how that will solve all the issues? Don't say no too quickly. Just think about it. We are both wanting some excitement in our sex lives. We both just agreed that we could get that excitement by fucking someone new, but we are not going to cheat on our husbands. This is perfect, Russell has the hots for you and I've seen how Logan looks at me."

"You're crazy; we are not having sex with each other's spouses. Are we?"

"You know Alissa, during this whole conversation we've had about sex, you have not said the word fuck. What we are talking about is just fucking for the excitement of it. To shake up our dull lives and our pitiful sex lives. Yes, we are going to do it; we just have to figure out how we are going to do it."

The two of us sat there in silence just staring at each other. I was trying to figure out if she was serious. I couldn't help but picture my best friend naked with my husband on top of her. The more I thought about it, I saw the logic, if you call it that, in what Amanda was saying. It wasn't as if I hadn't looked at Russell and imagined what he would be like in bed. Russell is a tall thin man with size fourteen shoes. You know what they say about guys with big feet. I have always wondered if that was true.

"You're thinking about it, I can tell. Are you picturing Logan banging the shit out of me, or Russell licking your pussy before he mounts you?"

"Shut up. Yes, I'm thinking about it. How do we know the guys would even go for this?"

"Oh my God, they are guys. They think with their dicks. If we tell them it is alright to fuck us, they will jump at it. I would bet anything they have plotted how to get us to swap with them. I want you to say it, tell me you want to fuck Russell."

We had another moment of silence. I finally broke it. "Alright fine, I want to fuck Russell."

Amanda jumped up shouting and cheering, "That's my girl."

"Not so fast with the 'my girl' crap, how do we do this. I can't just go to Logan and tell him I want to fuck my best friend's husband."

"You could, but we will make them think this is their idea."

Amanda and I went through another bottle of wine trying to come up with the right plan. We discussed everything from strip poker to spin the bottle. We couldn't come up with a plan that we thought would work.

Amanda spoke up, "Maybe we ask the Rolands for help."

"You mean Lana and Ryan Roland. Why them?"

"I just found out that they have been throwing 'key parties' for the last two years."

"Key parties? What's a key party?" I asked.

"I've read about them and seen them in a couple of movies. Couples get together for a party and the guys put their keys in a bowl when they enter. At the end of the party, the ladies pick out a set of keys. They take the owner of the keys home with them." I looked at her puzzled. "To have sex, Alissa."

"Oh my God, is that true? They go home and have sex? I can believe that actually happens in our town?"

Amanda patted me on the arm, "Yep, it happens. I've been trying to find out who goes, but all I've been told is that they are people we know."

"I have to say Ryan is smokin hot."

"Wow, are you plotting to fuck another woman's husband after mine?"

"Shut up. I think I have a plan. We can use the Roland's Key Party story in my plan. My big thing is for us not to be embarrassed if the guys are really against this. This week I want you to bring up with Russell the Roland's Key Parties. Don't tell him I know. Be shocked but curious about it. I will do that same with Logan. That is step one to gauge their interest."

"What is step two?" Amanda asked.

"We go lingerie shopping. Oh, and when you are talking about the Rolands 'Key Parties' talk about that you would be very self-conscious about your age to go to such a party."

Amanda looked at me confused, "What's the point of that?"

"I want the guys to feel the need to make us feel we are sexy. That's where the lingerie comes in."

"Damn you are devious. I get where you are going. We start talking about the party. We insinuate that we are not hot enough to go to one of those parties. We are by the way. We get into a discussion about how sexy we are and that we just bought some hot lingerie. A suggestion is made for us to model the lingerie."

"You are reading my mind; you think it will work?"

"Hell yes, it will work. We will go shopping tomorrow before they get back."

I looked at my best friend, "We're really going to do this?"

"Yes, I would jump them right now if they were here."

We decided to call it a night. I think we both wanted to get to our little friend in our nightstands. I buried my vibrator in my very wet pussy when I got to my bed.

The next day Amanda and I went lingerie shopping. She admitted that her vibrator got a good work out the night before just like mine. We shopped for a while, but I finally let Amanda talk me into a pink Chantilly Lace Babydoll. It was virtually see-through below the bra with V cut matching panties. Amanda chose a Keyhole Lace Teddy. It was like mine, pink. It had almost no back and she looked stunning in it.

Our guys got home from their fishing trips that night and they were treated to two horny wives. Logan climbed into bed when he got home. I think he was wanting to go to sleep but didn't complain when I started sucking his cock.

On Tuesday night I told Logan that we were having Amanda and Russell over Friday night for dinner. We do this enough he thought nothing of it. I put the next part of the plan in action when we were cleaning up the dishes from dinner. "You're not going to believe what I heard about the Rolands; you know Lana and Ryan." Logan nodded like he knew who I was talking about, but I don't think he remembered them. "I've heard they've been throwing swinger parties for over a year now."

Logan was clearly gauging my reaction. "You mean like sex parties?"

"What I heard was that they have what are called Key Parties." The look on Logan' face told me he knew exactly what I was talking about. "The guys throw their keys in a bowl and the women pick a set of keys at the end of the night. I figured they were all young people, but I was told they are mostly our age and many we know." We continued to discuss the concept with me not dismissing it but not endorsing it either. "I just can't imagine any guy wanting me to pick out their set of keys."

Logan had fallen into my trap. Logan walked up behind me grabbing my tits. "Every guy in that room would be dreaming of you pulling their keys out of the bowl. They would pray to get their hands on these beautiful tits."

"Oh, strange man who I've just met tonight. I don't think my husband would like you feeling up his wife."

"Well my very sexy hot lady, when your husband put his keys in the bowl he gave you permission to do what you want. When you picked out my keys, you get me for the night. In fact, I just saw his keys getting pulled by that woman who is not near as hot as you."

"I guess my husband is having sex with that woman, so I need you, stranger, to take me to my bed and fuck me." I knew that would get him going; he rarely hears me say fuck.

Logan rushed me up to our bed stripping my clothes off as we went. We fucked hard with both of us having tremendous orgasms.

We were breathing heavy in each other's arms. "Damn Alissa, that was really hot. We need to role play like that more often."

"Is that what we were doing? It was fun being a nasty girl; you didn't mind, did you?"

"Mind? No, it was so hot. You are so sexy; I loved it."

"Come on; I'm not sexy. I'm thirty-nine almost forty."

I had him right where I wanted him. He continued to tell me how sexy I was and everyone who looks at me sees that.

The next day Amanda and I compared notes. She had similar results with Russell but didn't go the role-playing path. We both figured we had them where we wanted and were set for the party. I had our lingerie stashed in our bedroom just waiting for the right time. It was decided that we would not have sex with our guys the rest of the week to let them build up for the party. I was nervous about going through with the plan, but after Tuesday night the nerves were gone, substituted with excitement.

Friday night I was wearing a sexy blue blouse that showed plenty of cleavage and a short skirt. Happily, Logan noticed and complimented me. Amanda was dressed even more daring. Her tits were practically falling out of her blouse when they got to the door.

I caught Logan taking a peek immediately. I decided to call him on it. "She looks hot doesn't she?"

Logan handled it well, "Yes, you both look hot."

The dinner went as planned with guys continually staring at our tits. We had some alcohol, but Amanda didn't want a lot, she was afraid if the guys were drunk and they wouldn't be able to perform.

We adjourned to our living room to just general small talk. I was just trying to figure a way to work the Rolands into the conversation when Russell brought it up. "Can believe that the Rolands are running swinger parties?"

Logan jumped right in, "Yeah, Alissa was telling me about that."

We sat there discussing the concept, talking about sleeping with another's spouse. I could tell that the guys were surprised that we didn't dismiss the idea outright.

"I can't believe that they let chance determine who they are going to sleep with," Amanda said.

"The idea of having sex with another woman's man doesn't bother you, but the randomness of a draw from a bowl does?" Logan asked.

Amanda put her arms around Russell, "If I'm at that party, that means that Russell and I have agreed that we are okay with each other having sex with others. What's crazy is not knowing who that person is going to be."

Russell pointed to his wife, "What's crazy is my wife doesn't think she is sexy enough for one of those parties."

"That's funny Alissa said the same thing. Look at these two women. they would be the hottest women at any party."

"You guys are sweet, but we are just middle-aged women. You're just saying that to make us feel better," Amanda said.

The banter went back and forth for ten to fifteen minutes. Logan was even asking Russell if he thought I was hot and Russell was doing the same with his wife. "Hell, I will admit that I've been staring at each Amanda's tits all night."

I was afraid that Russell was going to be mad, but he said, "I know what you mean buddy, I've been peeking at Alisson's boobs all night too."

I couldn't figure a way to work the lingerie into the conversation, but Amanda beat me to it. "You say we are hot, but that is in street clothes. They hide our flaws. At a party like that, you would have to wear something different, more revealing."

Logan looked at me, "I'm not complaining but you both are rather revealing tonight and you look great."

Russell looked at his wife anxiously, "If you two want to strip naked, Logan and I would be happy to evaluate your hotness for you. Right, Logan?"

"Oh yeah, Russell and I would be happy to give you our opinion of how you two look naked."

"Hold your horses or other things, boys. We're not going to strip for you, but Alissa and I went shopping last weekend when you guys were gone. I think we could model what we bought. Alissa, are you up for that?"

"I guess we can; I thought it was going to be for a special occasion. But what the hell."

Amanda and I ran up to their bedroom to change. Amanda pulled out the bags then both started stripping our clothes off. "Damn, I'm horny. Our guys better make a move, I'm gonna need some relief," Amanda said pulling the tight Teddy over her body.

I pulled up the pink panties over my wet pussy and slipped on the babydoll over my breasts. "I can't believe we are going to do this but am very horny too."

"You better not back out on me," Amanda said

"I'm not backing out; I'm ready."

Amanda hugged me, "Let's go fuck each other's husband."

We walked down the stairs coming into view of the guys. The guys stood up silently for a moment. At first, I thought we had gone too far, but the guys erupted into cheers and hoots. "God Damn, you guys are hot!" Russell called out.

Amanda and I did our best sexy dances around our guys. We started with our own husbands then we switched to dance around each other's man.

Amanda looked over to me rubbing on Russell, "Alissa, our guys are saying we are hot but do we have here hard proof?" She winked at me then put her hand on my husband's crotch. "Oh, I think we have hard proof. Honey, your husband, is sporting a hard-on. I think you should check to see if mine is too."