Shameless Christmas Party


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Jane started giggling, and it was impossible for Sandra to not join in. Her boss' logic was as flawless as ever.

"Now that it's just us girls..." Jane began with a curious grin. "Any chance you want to share the story behind the photo?"

"Oh, it was just a stupid thing for a hen night."

Jane again held up the photo to look at it. "It doesn't look stupid. Looks like a beautiful young woman enjoying herself."

Sandra blushed. It was embarrassing to sit there with her boss, watching a sensual photograph of herself. But at the same time, it was unmistakably exciting. Jane didn't seem to judge her for the picture, so why should Sandra feel ashamed? She began telling her boss about the hen night and the photo session.

"I wasn't even going to have my photo taken, but I actually enjoyed it once I got started," she admitted as she wrapped up the story.

Jane looked pleased. "Good for you!"

"I guess I got a bit carried away."

"I think you had a well-deserved good time," Jane said with a content smile. "I can tell from the picture that you enjoyed it."

There was no point denying it.

"So, do you want your photo back then?" Jane asked.

Sandra opened her mouth to say yes, but something in her boss' tone made her hesitate.

"I noticed that you didn't ask for it before," Jane continued. "You know, when David held it up to show everybody."

"I was just too embarrassed to do anything."

Jane chuckled. "Maybe. But can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything," Sandra said.

"Was there also a part of you that liked it?"

It was true of course. But admitting to her boss that she'd even partly enjoyed her colleagues looking at her erotic photograph was beyond awkward. She could just lie and deny it. Then again, Jane had been honest with her, admitting that she was dressing provocatively tonight to the benefit of her staff. How could Sandra be less honest? She realized that her hesitation probably gave away the truth anyway.

"Yes," she said and giggled nervously. It felt exciting to admit it, like exposing hidden desires within her.

Jane looked pleased. "I thoughts so. It takes an exhibitionist to recognize another, I suppose."

An exhibitionist—was that what Sandra was? She had never thought of herself like that. Nor of Jane.

"So, since you liked it, are you sure you want it back?" Jane asked, studying Sandra's expression. "Or do you perhaps want to give them a chance to see it again?"

Sandra hesitated. "I don't know...."

"If it makes it easier, I can assure you that they have all seen far more of me than you show in this picture."

Sandra was stunned. What did that imply?

"Uhm, what?" Sandra asked. The idea that her confident boss might have flaunted her body for her staff was thrilling.

"Oh, maybe I'll tell you later," Jane said, grinning at Sandra's puzzled expression.

"Come on, I told you about my photo session!" Sandra protested, surprised by her own audacity.

"That you did. But we really should get back to the others now. It's time for dessert. So, what should it be? Do you want the picture back, or do you want me to hang on to it?"

Sandra felt as if faced with a red or blue pill situation. Taking back the photograph would be the safe thing to do; she would go back to her colleagues and let the embarrassment wear off. If Jane was right, her colleagues wouldn't judge her for it, and things would slowly return to normal. But if she let Jane hold on to the picture, she didn't know what might happen. Jane's anticipant expression revealed beyond doubt what answer she'd preferred.

"You can keep it," Sandra said softly, justifying to herself that she should please her boss.

"Excellent!" Jane said, and paraded back into the dining room with the picture in front of her.

Sandra hesitantly followed. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but was still shocked when she watched Jane lift down a painting from the wall and replace it with Sandra's picture. With her head spinning with a cocktail of emotions, Sandra took her seat, right beneath the revealing image of herself. She blushed as all eyes in the room darted between her and the picture above her.

"Thank you," David said. "It is a great gift."

"Hey, don't underestimate a good stapler!" Thomas said.

His remark relieved some of the tension in the room, and conversations drifted into normal topics. Yet, Sandra noticed how her colleagues constantly sneaked peeks at the picture. To some extent, she gradually grew accustomed to her ordeal. Not in the sense that she didn't care, but she got used the thrilling sensation it gave her.

But just as she began to accept the surreal situation, she was rendered speechless once again. Jane had excused herself to go and fetch the dessert. Returning, she carried a tray with six small cups of chocolate pudding, topped with red cherries. It seemed unusual for a Christmas party, but the choice of dessert was far from the most unorthodox thing with the image. While in the kitchen, Jane had removed her dress.

Sandra stared wide-eyed as her boss approached. Jane's red underwear contrasted alluringly against her dark skin, and her breasts swayed heavily in the confines of her low-cut bra. When Sandra finally managed to tear her eyes away to look around her colleagues, she got even more confused. None of them seemed particularly shocked. Sure, they were all equally transfixed on Jane's appearance, but they all acted like it was perfectly normal for their boss to re-emerge in nothing but her underwear and a Santa's hat.

"Those look delicious," David said, nodding ambiguously at either the desserts or his wife's tits. The rest of the guys smiled and nodded agreeingly, all still staring openly at their boss.

"Oh, I know you like your chocolate sweets," Jane said. She continued, pretending to be hurt. "Seems this is what a girl has to do to get some attention tonight."

Sandra didn't know how to behave. She couldn't help staring at her boss' chest each time Jane leaned over to place the dessert in front of one of the guests. She blushed when Jane caught her eye. The black woman winked at her, but that didn't dampen Sandra's embarrassment. What was with her tonight? Why was she suddenly so obsessed with Jane's breasts? Sure, Sandra had felt bicurious tendencies before, but it was getting out of control tonight. She really had to restrain herself or she'd end up making an even bigger fool out of herself.

Then again, how could she be expected not to stare when her boss was strutting around in her underwear. The fact that Jane had kept her matching red high heels made the image even more striking. Why was Jane doing this? And why was no one else surprised?

The atmosphere felt oddly normal as they ate their desserts. Everyone chatted about their holiday plans and compared Christmas traditions. But Sandra didn't partake. She sat quiet, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Do you mind helping me clear the table, Sandra?" Jane said eventually, making Sandra snap out of her rumination.

"Of course."

"Are you OK?" Jane asked once they were alone in the kitchen. "You seem very quiet."

"No, I'm sorry. I just..."

Her words trailed off, and she tended to some of the dishes.

"Would you rather I put my dress back on?" Jane asked.

"Oh, of course not," Sandra replied, sounding more zealous than she intended. Part of her confusion was realizing how much she enjoyed her boss' display.


"I guess I'm not used to see my boss in her underwear," Sandra admitted, not meeting Jane's eyes.

"You're not judging me, are you?"

"No. I'm sorry," Sandra said. Even when standing in front of Sandra in just her underwear, Jane seemed surrounded by an aura of unadulterated confidence. "I was just a bit surprised, that's all."

"Well that's good," Jane said. "You're not supposed to know what to expect at a Christmas party. Certainly not in this house."

"Obviously," Sandra said, smiling nervously.

Jane chuckled. "I wasn't sure what to expect tonight either. I know the rest of my employees very well by now, but you're still new, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. But seeing that picture made me think you might be a sister in arms, so to speak."

Sandra felt bashful under Jane's scrutinizing stare. It seemed her boss was trying to get a good read on her.

"I may be wrong," Jane said. "But I'm usually a pretty good judge of character. We'll see. Now, why don't you go out and enjoy yourself. I'll be out in a moment."

Sandra's head was in turmoil as she tried to make sense of her boss' words. Jane's voice always had a sensual ring to it, but tonight it seemed more pronounced. Maybe Sandra was reading too much into it, but how could she not when her boss paraded around in just her underwear? Was this what Jane alluded to when she said her employees had seen more of her than Sandra was showing in the picture? Or was there more to it? Part of her wanted to ask questions, but she didn't dare to push it. And maybe she didn't want to know.

As she joined the others in the dining room, she was reminded of how the crazy night had begun. Her erotic picture was still hanging there for all to see. She thought briefly that maybe Jane had stripped off to make Sandra feel less ashamed. Or maybe she was just using it as an excuse to show off. Then again, Jane didn't seem like the kind of woman who needed an excuse. She seemed quite comfortable with her exhibitionism.

That notion became even more apparent when Jane joined them. She changed the background music from cheesy Christmas songs to some more upbeat tunes. She began swaying her hips to the music, obviously aware what effect it would have on her guests.

David eventually got up and joined her, and the two began swaying together. Antonio stood and held out his hand to Sandra.

"May I have this dance?"

Antonio turned out to be a good dancer, even though the confines of the living room didn't give them much room to move. In the corner of her eye, she noticed that Jane soon switched dance partner to Thomas. They danced slowly, and Sandra was sure she could see Thomas caressing Jane's naked waist as they swayed. But David blocked her view as he tapped Sandra's dance partner on the shoulder.

"Do you mind if I have the next dance?" he asked.

Sandra would normally not have thought much of having an innocent dance with her boss' husband. But the fact that his wife was dancing next to them in nothing but her underwear made the situation charged. Her colleagues took turn dancing with Jane, and Sandra found herself unable to divert her eyes. Jane moved with such grace, shamelessly enjoying the attention of her three cavaliers. It seemed the swaying of her hips increased every time she swapped dance partner. Her red bra and panties may have been a Christmas tribute, but now they added to her sinful appearance. She looked so desirable, and Sandra couldn't tell if she wanted to take Jane's place or join in and dance with her. Sandra's breath grew heavy.

She blushed as she finally tore her eyes away from Jane and looked up meet David's eyes. They barely danced anymore, merely embracing each other as they watched Jane dance with one guy after the other. She suddenly became aware of how good his body felt against hers. There was hunger in his eyes, and she felt a sudden urge to kiss him. She quickly looked down, trying to control her raging thoughts.

"May I cut in?" Mark said.

Jane had excused herself to prepare something in the kitchen, and Sandra was tempted to make joke about being the consolation prize now that the half-naked had vanished. But she was so flustered that she didn't trust her words to make sense. And she was relieved to switch dance partner. How could she even allow herself to get worked up by dancing with her boss' husband?

But dancing with Mark didn't calm her. She couldn't stop her hands from gently caressing his shoulders. She'd always found him engaging, not the least because of how he always found time to help her out at the office. But what she felt now wasn't admiration of a respected colleague. It was a longing for the impressively fit body that hid under his shirt. She felt his hand move over her waist, tracing her figure. Their eyes met, and once again she felt the urge to kiss her cavalier.

Her mouth even parted invitingly for a brief moment before she stopped herself and backed away. She mustn't let her raging mind take over. If she gave into temptation now, she wasn't sure she could stop herself.

"I'm just going to see if Jane needs some help in the kitchen," she said.

Mark nodded softly, and his soft smile revealed that he could see straight into the hunger inside her. Or maybe she just wanted him to see it.

Would it be so bad if she gave in? Sure, it would be awkward at the office afterwards, but Jane had already pranced around in her underwear. Could anyone really hold it against her if Sandra had some fun with a colleague after that? Hadn't Jane even suggested Sandra should allow herself to be a woman rather than a colleague for the night, whatever that meant?

As she walked away, she decided that the best option was to flat out ask Jane. Sure, it would be awkward to ask her boss if it was against company policy to fool around with a coworker, but she felt she had bonded with Jane tonight. And the last thing Sandra wanted to do was to overstep some boundary just because she'd interpreted the signals wrong. Her heart beat rapidly from the mixture of excitement and nervousness as she walked into the kitchen.

But as she entered, her heart nearly stopped. Inside the kitchen, she found Jane leaning back against the kitchen desk, one hand absentmindedly stirring a pot on the stove. The other wrapped around Thomas's neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Thomas's hands roamed over Jane's naked skin, and the two seemed lost in intensifying passion. Sandra stood dumbfounded, struggling to make sense of the imagery.

When Jane opened her eyes and glanced at Sandra, she seemed unmoved by the blonde's presence and flagrantly continued to make out with Thomas. Eventually she leaned back, placing a finger on his lips.

"Tell the others to have a seat in the living room," she said to him. "I'll be out with the eggnog in moment."

Only then did Thomas register Sandra's presence. He smiled coyly at her, wiggling his eyebrows as he passed her. His eyes certainly didn't look sad now. Unsure what to do, Sandra was just about to turn and follow him outside when Jane addressed her.

"Hi Sandra. What can do for you?"

It took a long time for Sandra to remember why she had gone to look for Jane in the first place. And what she meant to ask seemed irrelevant now. A million new questions spun in her head, but she couldn't formulate any of them. What do you say to your boss after you've caught her making out with her employee, while her husband waited in the next room? What was even more confusing was how natural it looked. Of course Jane was allowed to behave like that.

"Yes, David knows," Jane said, calmly answering a question that Sandra couldn't bring herself to ask. Jane didn't even look up from the eggnog, gently stirring the pot.

"And he doesn't mind?" Sandra asked. She immediately regretted it, both because it wasn't her place to ask and because she somehow knew the answer.

"What can I say? I'm a lucky woman. We give each other a fair bit of freedom. But to be honest, he seems to like my freedom more than his own. God knows why."

Jane grinned widely as she turned to face Sandra. The blonde tried her best to keep her gaze at Jane's face. But her eyes were helplessly drawn to her boss' chest. The make-out session had an obvious effect on Jane, and her nipples distinctly poked out through fabric of her bra, even though it was padded.

"Actually, I know why," Jane continued. "It's a beautiful thing, watching a woman give in to that shameless slut we all have hidden somewhere inside us. Don't you think?"

"Mhm," Sandra answered ambiguously.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you see me as a role model," Jane said, her voice suddenly ringing with weight. She carried on without waiting for an answer. "Then take this advice from your mentor: don't be so hard on yourself. Give in to desire from time to time. Anyone who judges you for it isn't worth your regard."

Sandra's mind felt cluttered by conflicting emotions. But Jane's words shined like a beacon inside her, in part because they came from her adored boss, but they also connected with something deep inside. Something that demanded to come out.

"Now, it's a Christmas party, and it's time to serve the eggnog," Jane said, shifting her tone back to festive as she placed six cups on a tray and filled them, mixing in a generous amount of rum. She tossed a Santa's hat to Sandra. "Do you want to help me serve?"

Sandra put the hat on, grinning at her boss.

"Great, now we match," Jane said.

"Well, not quite," Sandra said, and continued without thinking. "Shall I take off my clothes too?"

The words leaped out of her so quickly that she wasn't sure she had actually spoken them. But Jane's sly grin reassured her that the suggestion now hung in the air. Sandra's immediate reaction was to take them back. Maybe she could pretend it was a joke.

"We would match better," the black woman said.

That was true, and nothing felt more right than following her boss' lead. If Jane could walk around like that, why couldn't Sandra? Words of caution still chattered in the back of her mind, but their volume was drenched by other voices. And while she hesitated, her fingers acted on their own accord, already busy unbuttoning the top button of her blouse.

Jane's intense eyes encouraged her to go on. A part of Sandra wished Jane would look away while she stripped down. But another, increasingly powerful part of her loved the scrutinizing attention. Once the last button was undone, she took a big breath and slipped the blouse off her shoulders.

Her fingers fidgeted nervously with the zipper at the side of her skirt. The sound as she lowered it rung through the otherwise silent kitchen. Her skirt was tight, and she had to wiggle her ass to ease it over her hips. As it fell to the floor, she stepped out of it. Normally she would neatly fold her clothes after her removing them, but a far more careless persona was emerging, and she just left her blouse and skirt on the floor. She stood for moment, allowing Jane to take her in.

"Beautiful," Jane said. "Good thing you wore red too. Now we'll truly match!"

"Shall I remove the socks too?"

"Nah, keep them on. You look simply adorable."

They exchanged smiles, sharing a moment of mutual admiration. Sandra could barely believe what she was about to do.

"I guess I'm not showing more than I did in that damn photo," she said, justifying her behavior more to herself than to Jane.

Jane replied with a knowing smirk and handed Sandra the tray. "Come, let's go serve some drinks."

Sandra followed, carrying the tray. But just before they entered the living room, Jane turned back and whispered.

"You know what I said about that shameless slut inside us? I think mine is coming out tonight. Tag along if you want."

"OK," Sandra answered, not sure herself if she was merely acknowledging that she had heard, or if she was agreeing to follow Jane's lead. And she couldn't focus on what exactly Jane might have meant. She was too busy grasping the fact that she was about to walk out to her colleagues in her underwear. It went against all her principles. This was an invite to see her as a sexual woman rather than just a colleague. She justified again that they had already seen more of her in that picture.

Their high heels against the floor made the four seated men turn their heads and stare as they approached, two women in nothing but their bright red underwear and matching hats. Jane held out her arm to present the new addition to the lingerie show.