Sharing the MILF List Ch. 12


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I was seeing people glancing at us in ways that suggested they had heard "MILF" and "go down on her" I pulled Kyla into my arms and kissed her soundly. She grunted and kissed me back. I released her lips and nodded. "Yes, let's do something fun, something you think is fun, anything you like."

"Shopping!" She nearly shrieked but then sobered. "You would hate that."

For a moment I almost agreed but then I thought better of it. "Hmm, shopping? For cloths you mean? Taking these clothes off and putting those clothes on, you mean? I think you are right, it might be fun."

I don't know if it was what I said or what was in my voice or my eyes or my general expression but Kyla Clark blushed to the roots of her hair and I mean red as a stop light.

Then I had a new thought and my little soldier rolled out of the racks and came to attention. I knew I was onto something, so to speak. "But Kyla, if I go shopping with you, what do I get? You need to trade me something." I hoped she could read my mind, my squirming little lizard brain was in overdrive.

She looked up at me, slipped her arms around me and kissed my lightly on the lips. "Why, Mr. Duncan, you can have me." She said coquettishly.

I smirked, liking where this was going. "Naw. I have already had you. I was thinking of something, ah, new."

Kyla sobered, pulling back to look at me. She undrooped her arms and stood before me, studying my face. I was better at poke her than poker; I could not keep a straight face. I grinned lasciviously.

Kyla studied my face. "What are you thinking, Sonny Duncan? Do you mean that I am a sure thing and no longer interesting?"

"Are you?" I asked.

Kyla smirked. "A sure thing?" She nodded. "Yes."

"Prove it." I said, pouncing. She did not see it coming.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She said, a twinge of exasperation in her voice.

"Kyla, let's go shopping but if I go with you, you have to promise to ask another woman to fuck me. Till you find one that agrees. You have to watch me fuck another woman, a stranger that we agree would be fun to do in a dressing room."

She stared at me. She shook her head.

I shrugged. "Fine. I'll go till I get bored and then I'll leave. You will be airtight soon, I'll see to you by myself till then."

Kyla's face twisted and she shook her head. "No, no wait. I can do that. Really. I think I can talk a woman into fucking you." She grinned, the idea taking on a life of its own. "It might be fun. Besides, you are helping me with Landon and whatshername."


Kyla Clark nodded. Her face looked determined. "I can do this."

The first few stores I just followed her around while she touched and cooed at clothing. She tried stuff on that made her look like a school teacher or someone's mother. She asked my opinion the first time she tried on some floral crunch that made her look like a lamp shade. "You look like an old lady. Reminds me of my fourth grade teacher." I kept the "lamp shade" comparison to myself, figuring it might be too much.

She did not appreciate my appraisal but pursed her lips and changed. She returned and asked what next.

I cast around and found a startlingly attractive woman with her hair mounded up on her head like a conehead. I pointed. "Her. Ask her."

Kyla twisted around and stared at where I was pointing. She glanced at me and then sidled over to where conehead was nosing through a rack of blouses. A moment later, Kyla was hurrying towards me. "We should go."

"No go?"

"I think she is going to call the police."

"You need to be subtler." I said as we walked as casually as we could directly out of the store. I twisted around at the door and found the woman glaring at us.

"Fuck you, Sonny." Kyla said. But then she burst out laughing. "Oh my gawd, that was so fun! Let's do it again!"

I shook my head, not in negation but in wonder. My lizard brain clearly knew something I didn't.

We wandered into another department store. Kyla found another green outfit. "That looks like something my mother would wear." I said, intending it to be a negative comment.

Kyla grinned and went to try it on.

I snapped my fingers and took out my phone. I had forgotten something. "Sammy, dude, what you doing?" I said when he answered.

"Cruising, dude. The lost art. Chris is with me. Want us to pick you up? We can cruise for chicks and then go fuck somebody's mom. How about yours?" Sammy horse laughed.

"Listen, I need you to do something for me."

"Anything, man."

"Go fuck your mom."

Sammy hissed. "On my way."

"Wait, hold on killer. I want you to go to Laura Wills house and pick up . . . you said Chris is with you? Then just pick up Annie. Take her to your house. You have her till Sunday, 6 pm."

"And Mom?" Sammy said, his voice rough with anticipation.

"Till then." I said. "I need to get some studying done." Maybe my most inane comment ever. "I'll call Annie and have her go over to Laura's house. And Sammy, tell Chris you both should slip Laura a long length of cock for a short time, just to be friendly. Okay?"

"Got it, Sonny, my man! We will do as instructed. Wait, damn you Sonny, I was going to study tomorrow myself."

"I am sure it would be more fun to do so with Annie sucking your cock."

"Fucking impossible." Sammy growled. "Hey Chris, how about a sleep over? You, me, my mom and Annie?" I hear Sammy talking away from his phone. He came back on a moment later, virtually with no delay. "Chris is good with that I think." Sammy lowered his voice. "But Sonny, I think he is disappointed that his mother is not part of the fun."

Sammy was always thinking of others. What a guy! "I am working on that. Tell him to be patient just a little longer. Tell him . . . "

"Tell him yourself. I am fucking driving my Camaro home to fuck my mommy!"

"Hello, Sonny. I think Sammy is losing his mind." Chris said calmly into the phone. "Did you really tell him to fuck his mom?"

"Chris, dude, I know we have made you wait . . . " I spoke over him so missed the question.

"No worries, really. I think you have her number. She is so wound up all the time. But she is committed. The other day I put my cock in her and she got so hot so fast she beat at me till I let her up, screaming she was going to come. She was panicked about it. You have her hooked on waiting. When it is time, fuck me, I think she will come like a hurricane."

"I hope so. Glad you think I am on the right track. It is pretty great of you two to play along."

"I am not playing, Sonny and neither is Mom. She wants this. She is getting exactly what she wants. I am not fucking with a good thing."

"Well, okay. Go fuck Mrs. Honeywell and be sure to make Annie eat her. Make Alissa eat Annie too, though. Oh hell, you guys can figure out how they fit together. Have a good time. I need the weekend off." Need was one thing, getting what you needed was another.

I saw Kyla emerge from the dressing room wearing a slash and burn evening dress in fierce green that trailed behind her. "Gotta go buddy, have fun."

"I'll tell Alissa you told me to fuck her ass four times." Chris said.

I hung up and grunted. I tried to remember what I had told Alissa before she left us. I needed to call her. And Annie. Kyla arrived, strutting like a Greek goddess at a museum opening. "Nice. Which window were you thinking of for that? I have to say you make those curtains look great, though."

Kyla glared at me and turned on her heels and stamped away.

"Hey, wait. Come back here."

She turned and switched back to goddess from pissed woman and glided gracefully back to me. "Yes?"

I pointed. "See that woman? The black woman with the ass?"

Kyla nodded. "Fine. Fine. I'll try something different this time." She glided over to the woman and they spoke for a moment and then Kyla retreated to the dressing room. The black woman followed her, talking animatedly. A few minutes later, Kyla appeared. Her face a look of consternation.

She arrived and looked past me. "On the rag, she said, or she would do you in a heartbeat, Sonny boy."

I snorted. "What did she really say?"

Kyla snorted, matching my sound almost exactly. "She huffed and puffed and flounced away. No sense of humor."

"Were you being funny?" I asked.

"No. Dead serious. Let's try a different store. This is surprisingly fun. Pimping I mean!" We sauntered away, finding a new hunting ground.

Kyla was getting into to the spirit of our pussy hunt. She pointed at a tall, willowy red head of maybe twenty-five or so. I shook my head though it was a good option. By the time we got to the next place, Kyla had pointed at five or six women and gotten no better than a six on my pussy meter. I insisted on an eight or better and when she complained, I told her with a nine on my arm, they would never agree if they were no competition. Kyla thought that over and decided to be complimented and challenged. We changed stores. Walking in I stopped.

I saw the woman I wanted. She strutted about with her double chin in the air her huge breasts proceeding her like the bumpers on a tug boat. The double chin was not because she was portly but just the way her chin blended with her thick neck. She was not perfect but she had the largest tits in the place. Loved those tits. "Her." I said nodding. This time, Kyla ambled off with a purpose and moments later at the woman engaged in a conversation. After a few moments she came back.

"You don't want her." She said.

"Did you ask."

"Tits are not everything, Sonny. You don't want her."

"Why? What's wrong with her."

"Sweats." Kyla said, wrinkling her nose. "Smells."

Who can argue with that? We left the store. By the time I got to the next store I had convinced myself I needed to call Alissa. I wanted to hear her response to what was coming her way. While Kyla shopped, I called Alissa. She answered. "Yes, Sonny." She said. "Yes, Master. Anything for you, master." She said, teasing. "Gawd, Sonny, I am still excited from the theater. I want it again."

"Glad to hear it. Sammy is on the way. Did I tell you to fuck him?"

"I, uh, I don't know. I think so. Maybe. I was so high coming out of the theater I was not thinking straight. I think I came a bakers' dozen times."

"Sammy is coming home to come and Chris is with him. They are bringing Annie. Fuck them all, Mrs. Honeywell. Oh fuck, I have to call Annie. Have a good time."

I hung up. Kyla held up a pink blouse and when I shook my head carried it to the dressing room, looking back at me with a smirk. Clearly she did not think I had any taste but bad taste. I had not seen anyone of interest yet. I dialed Annie.

"Shonny? Yous call?" Annie slurred into the phone. "Mommy ish eating me." She gasped.

For a moment I was confused but then I remembered. My mother was taking condom training. I guessed Sid found something for Annie to do. My cock, already hard, twitched and I hoped Kyla was going to find someone soon. I wanted to come in someone, some else but really, Kyla was a great option. I thought about her ass. My pants became a real possibility but that would be awkward.

Then Sid's voice spoke to me. "What's up, Sonny? Need something?"

"Send Annie to the Wills house. I have arranged some entertainment for her." Then I had a thought. "You don't have any objection to her doing your attorney do you?"

Silence. "No." Sid said finally. "So long as no one knows."

"If Annie keeps it to herself, no one will know." I thought about that and figured it was not much of an assurance. "They'll be doing their mothers. And Annie, of course." I waited. "Mutual assured destruction?" I half asked, hoping that somehow would make sense.

Sid waited. Finally, he said, "I'll send her over." His voice was tight. The following silence invited more comment and finally he did speak. His voice had lost its tension. "And Sonny, thanks for your mom. Annie has been warming her up. She is quivering with excitement, has been since I picked her up. I owe you, Sonny and I pay my debts. And about the legal pussy you have on line, I'll let you know when it is time. I am leaving it all alone for the moment just to see if the dickheads figure out the game. If I have to come collecting the vig is going to be a lot higher, but that is good for you, guy. You're my cunt collector. If they pay you, I am content; if they don't then I get to stretch their imaginations a little—and their women." Sid's laugh rumbled. In the background I heard Annie squealing through a very vocal orgasm which I suspected was for my benefit. What a nice lady!

"Sure, Sid. Anything you say."

"See ya. I'll send Annie right over. Six Sunday, you say?"

"Sure. She'll be banged good. I bet you'll fit her fine. She should be oiled enough to slide you right up between her eyes."

"I am fascinated by what you have going with your MILFs. Annie has told me what she knows. I know I cannot get involved but I'd love to know what you have been up to." He laughed. "Cici is going to walk funny for a while but it should make her smile."

I chuckled at that. I thought about telling him about the account on Literotica but hesitated. He hung so I hung up, the thought unspoken. Funny, I could not tell if that was a dumb idea or not so I left it alone. Kyla was still nowhere in sight. When she finally emerged, she drifted towards me. She arrived and put her arms around me. "I asked another woman. She was next door. I went into her booth and asked her. She said, no. So I kissed her. Sonny, I kissed a strange woman. Fuck me, she kissed me back! We have to go."

I yanked on the store's blouse she was wearing. "Forgetting something?" She looked askance at me for a moment but then unbuttoned it hurriedly and shucked it off and pulled her white sweater over her head and into place. She gestured for us to go.

I saw people staring at us. She had just showed the world her body and bra-clad tits. I shook my head and we walked out of the store, the help glared after us.

"So who was this woman you molested in the dressing woman? I mean by that, what did she look like?"

"Pretty. Young. She put a hand on my breast after I kissed her and smiled. I think she would have eaten me up right there."

"What are you doing out here with me?"

Kyla laughed nervously. "She fucking scared me." Kyla blinked and shook her head, she said. "I am not accustomed to this sort of thing."

"Let's go back." I said, my cock hardening.

Kyla gulped and looked away. "I can't. I just can't. Not yet. I have been coy all my life. I have never made a pass at anyone before tonight. I just showed cleavage and trolled around till I got a bite and they bent me over the furniture. Suddenly, with you out here, I am . . . " she laughed a clanging, tight laugh. "I don't know what is happening ."

She looked at me, her eyes shining. "I like it but I have to, to adjust, I think."

It was the next store that I finally got clear on what I was going to do with Laura Wills. It had been nagging at me for several weeks and suddenly, it came clear to me. Chasing an inspiration is like trying to satisfy a finicky woman, difficult and challenging.

Kyla appeared. She walked through the racks of clothing to me and took my hand. "Come on, Sonny. I've got the right one for sure." She pulled me towards the fitting room but I resisted.

"Who?" I insisted.

Kyla turned to look at me, on hand on my chest and the other still holding my hand. She lifted my hand and pressed it against her breast, massaging her sweater with my hand. "See the slight blond girl in the store livery? Straight blue skirt and the white blouse, sort of the page boy cut and the black glasses? Nice ass. See her?"

I found the woman. She was one of the staff in the store, blond hair curtaining her face. She turned her head and looked at me. Her expression did not change but she held her gaze on us for some time. She watched Kyla massing her breast with my hand for a few moments, only turning away when someone spoke to her. She had small breasts and a tight little ass that turning away showed to me, a view that was much to her benefit.

I nodded. "I see her, yes." My cock was swelling in my pants. Whether it was because of the blond or Kyla's big boob being pressed into my passive hand I could not tell. Some confusion is sort of fun.

"I told her to come to the dressing room with a red outfit. I pointed to that one there and told her, if she wanted to play, come with that in red. She said it doesn't come in red so I said something in red, if she wanted. She said she thought she could find something to do the trick."

"Okay. Have you asked her?"

Kyla shook her head. "Not exactly. Come with me, though." She pulled me towards the dressing rooms and we found the end dressing room empty. We both tried to go in together and did not fit through the door. We laughed and I gestured to her to go first which she did. I followed and as soon as the door closed, Kyla had her hands on me, pulling me down into a fierce kiss.

Breaking the kiss, she whispered. "I found one. She said she was interested but I did not ask her to fuck you. I suggested that she might like to watch us. I told her I was your fourth grade teacher and we are having an affair no one can know about. I cannot go home and I would rather have her in the room so no one gets suspicious." Kyla kissed me hard once before continuing. "Sonny, I told her I wanted you to take my ass this time. I said you would but that was my part of the fantasy. I told her you wanted someone to watch. Since we cannot tell anyone, you want someone to know, someone to watch you fuck me. That is part of your fantasy, someone seeing you fucking my ass." Kyla was breathless with passion.

I was still processing her story and how it fit us when there came a knock at the door. "Ma'am? I have your outfit." A tinkling voice came to us through the door. "Would you like to come . . . out? Or shall I come . . . in."

Oh yes, this was a playful one.

"Yes, a moment." Kyla called out, loudly. "I got her here. The rest is up to you." Kyla whispered before moving to open the door. "Fuck her if you can. I want to see that." Kyla's voice quavered. She licked her lips.

Seeing the woman's tongue active on her lips like that made me shiver with arousal. I stepped into the lee of the door so no one outside could see me. This dressing room was an actual room, unlike the others which were only cubicles, this one had walls and an air vent of its own; part of the upscale milieu.

"Yes, I think I have what you want." The woman said at the door.

"Yes, I am sure you do." Kyla Clark said in her breathy voice. "Would you help me with something?"

I leaned out to look at the woman and she was glancing around her before she nodded. "Most of the rush is past. I think I have time to help with your fitting." She spoke over loud.

She stepped into the room and glancing at me, delicately closed the door. She locked it and then stood staring at me. Her name tag was stuck just over her left breast, a smallish thing that dimpled her blouse. The white blouse was diaphanous so I could see the pattern on her bra and a large mole just over her right breast. The name tag read, Siena.

I extended my hand. "Hello, Siena. I'm Sonny." She shook my hand. Her hand was cool, the skin smooth. Touching her sent a thrill through me.

"Hello Sonny." Her eyes dropped to my crotch. My cock twitched.

I held onto her hand and she let me. I held it till she swallowed hard and looked over at Kyla who was watching us like a dog waiting for a scrap from the dinner table.

"Siena, a nice name. Interesting." I said. We were all whispering and it seemed odd.

Siena smiled then. "Yes, I was conceived in some cubbyhole in a church in Siena. They named me after the city in Italy. Where I was conceived. I said that. I have never done that before. I thought about it all the time, though. Catching someone uh, doing it in here. I never thought. Oh heavens, my husband will never believe this."