Sheba: Solomon's Lost City Pt. 01


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"Sheba, the Queen who seduced Solomon!"Hawk cried.

Sir Henry looked at Hawk curiously but seeing in Hawk's face surprise instead of ridicule he sighed and decided that he needed to tell Hawk the full story.

"Lieutenant Masterson, Hawk if I may call you that let me talk and then you may make up your mind if you want to join me though I hope you will," he sighed and spoke again, "There are many who will tell you that my ideas are foolish."

Before the older man began he gulped down a large mouthful of brandy and signalled for another. Refreshed he looked about the chair and satisfied that no one was listening started to talk.

"As I have told you I have a farm in the East Africa territory and have lived there earlier this century. During my time I heard of many amazing things but I heard this as well and I have proof from my researches that it is real, The man combed his moustache and drank a swallow of brandy.

"Most people have heard the story of Solomon and Sheba but what has come to us is only the lies and myths that were remembered. Using Egyptian and Ethiopian documents I have found the truth. The Queen of Sheba's name was Makedah according to the Ethiopians and her son by Solomon Menelik was the first Emperor of Ethiopia. I was always interested in the story of Solomon and Sheba so that when I had time from my trips of commerce to the east I sought out information about the story of them. Of course commerce and business was my focus and I made my riches in Africa and the Indies," Sir Henry drew in a breath of cigar smoke and then continued," Later when I no longer had to worry about my investment and I could leave the running of my business I made the acquaintance of archaeologists, including the great Flinders Petrie."

"Some laughed at my thought that Sheba existed and that it was in Africa and not Arabia as the Bible said. However Petrie showed me some translations that proved that it had existed even before Solomon knew of it. He though that it had been in that Land called Punt. There was even hints that it had been founded by the Atlanteans in dim antiquity. I know, I know there has been no proof of their existence but I think we may find that proof Hawk when we find Sheba."

"It was considered a rich kingdom the source of spices and most of all the most remarkable diamonds of red, green and blue hues. It was said that with even one of these stones the powers of the wise men of Atlantis and Egypt could enhance their mental powers a hundredfold. There were disputed legends that the Queen had a crown of these stones that allowed her to control the actions of men around her, it was called the Rainbow Crown," the man sipped down another mouthful of brandy and continued.

"It is known that the Great Queen Hatshepsut sent an expedition to Punt and it was thought that it was on the Red Sea but I have proof from the tomb of the general in charge Nehsi that the land of Punt lay at the sources of the river Nile in the mountains of the Moon. I think that Senmut Hatshepsut's lover and adviser fled Egypt with their daughter Neferure to Punt later in her reign and refounded the city of Sheba with his daughter as Queen since the original inhabitants had degenerated into a form of white ape that they enslaved."

"Then they disappear until Makedah enters Jerusalem and conquers Solomon. At the end of Solomon's rule she must have fled back to Sheba which she had rebuilt with Solomon's help. I have found other records in Egypt that says she fled with her two children, twins a boy Menelik who founded Ethiopia or Axsum and her daughter also called Makedah who became Queen of Sheba in her turn. It is said that she took a great treasure from the Temple of Solomon, given to her by Solomon himself when she returned to her city."

He stopped for a time and then spoke again," Searching the Assyrian lands I have found that some of the Lost Tribes of Israel fled to Sheba and that they took the ancient staff of Aaron which had been cut from the same thorn bush that God inhabited when he spoke to Moses. So I have decided to search for the city Hawk and I need you to help me."

"Why do you call it the Lost City of Solomon? From what you say it was built a long time before him," Hawk asked.

"Ah well I think that the city has been built many times but it was magnificently rebuilt by Solomon who could not refuse the Queen anything she wished, more he wanted the diamonds that they mined. Oh yes I know they say King Solomon's Mines were in Ophir and that was south of the Mountains of the Moon but I think he kept the secret of Sheba closer to his heart and that is where his real mines were, even if Allan Quartermain says he discovered them."

"Why do you think you can find it, when no one else has Sir Henry? Hawk asked softly.

Sir Henry leant forward and whispered," I have a map Hawk and I intend to follow it. I found it in an ancient Egyptian tomb that was not molested by the robbers. "

Hawk considered what he had heard and he considered what he would do. He had heard of Sir Henry and knew he had many investments in British East Africa and that Africa was said to be rich in lost civilisations. Looking at the old man he smiled and offered him his hand as he spoke.

"I'm your man Sir Henry for as long as you want me."

As Sir Henry took his outstretched hand Hawk though that the man 's eyes gleamed with unshed tears of joy.


As the ship came into the port Hawk watched as the dark green coastline turned a mottled patchwork of browns and greens. Black smoke billowed overhead as the old liner made its venerable path to its berth off the Port of Mombasa. The light green Indian Ocean was now stained by the excesses of the population on the island. Even so Hawk watched in amazed wonder at the land before him. Tonight he would be in Africa and in two days they would begin their train journey on the Uganda Railway and then to the fabled Mountains of the Moon.

"Africa is a very beautiful Mistress Captain Masterson. Beautiful but dangerous like all the best women," Lord Greystoke had told him barely five months ago in London when he had discussed his trip with the English nobleman.

He remembered those volcanic blue eyes boring into his own. Whereas Hawk would have been considered a young Viking with his own piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke was a Celtic Warrior of yore with his black hair and muscular body. The man seemed to attract legends as dung attracted flies. It had been said that he had been brought up as a child by a mysterious tribe in Africa, it was even whispered that they were some sort of ape. What Hawk did know that was this man who held the commission of Major in the Kings own East African Rifles had been involved in some hair-raising adventures against the Germans either in Tanganyika or in the Belgian provinces to the north near where they were travelling. He also knew that he was only talking to him because he was the cousin of his wife Jane.

"Even your wife my Lord?" Hawk suggested merrily.

The man looked at him and then gave a deep chuckle, "Especially my Jane Captain. You make them beautiful and deadly in the States."

Hawk smiled and agreed silently with the vital man before him. Jane his wife was a woman who could cope with anything. She had met this man mysteriously in Africa as she had travelled from her home in Virginia with her father to India. Saying she was beautiful was to undersell her. Just walking into a room could make every man want her and every woman realise that she was plain compared to this woman.

Hawk blanched again at the title of Captain, he had been given it and honours that he felt were overdone with his discharge. Then it was a whirlwind of appointments and meetings like this one. He had met many men who had an intimate knowledge of Africa and each had been interesting in their own way. Greystoke though was different, he was almost a race apart.

"You said Africa was dangerous my Lord," Hawk reminded the man.

He sipped at his whisky and then continued," Yes very dangerous. It is raw and doesn't have the lies that our own worlds bring. Many a man and woman has given into the wildness of it and it has devoured them like a lion devours a gazelle. However a man can love that wildness and where you are going is very wild and dangerous indeed."

Then he was back in the present as an arm slipped around his. Smiling he continued to lean on the railing above the ocean and looked out at the city nearby. He could smell the stench of human odour mixed with the scent of spices as the wind blew it towards them. It seemed to suggest of further adventures to come. Turning he looked at the woman beside him and smiled broadly as he looked at the attractive face of the Lady Constance Shelby beside him.

"So our journey to Uganda starts there," she said in her refined accent.

Hawk smiled at her. He had been surprised when she had stepped onto the ship that had left Marseilles in the leg of their journey Malta then to the Suez Canal and down the Red Sea to Mombasa, already they had travelled from London to the foremost port on the south coast of France. Sir Henry had almost been singing as he had travelled towards Africa. He had also hinted at surprises on the trip with an almost unholy glee.

One of the surprises had been when he had met the Lady Constance Shelby at Malta. She was much younger than her husband being in her late thirties as compared to his late sixties. She was a second wife and was a well-known society beauty. Her gold hair stood out in the crowd but it was when you were close to her that you saw the finely chiselled features and her well formed figure. More she did not try to hide behind women's games but had a directness that left Hawk gasping with admiration. Later he would gasp for other reasons but when they met he had been dismayed with the fact a woman was joining them on this adventure.

"Captain Masterson Connie is invaluable to me and I can not leave her behind when we travel into the Great Unknown," Sir Henry declaimed.

"No the expedition will end before I give up Connie coming with us," and with a dramatic flourish he stalked from the lounge leaving the Lady Constance and him alone.

"You must forgive Henry, Hawk he has very fixed views on this matter. I suppose there is very little that I can say that will convince you but I have lived in Africa for many years. In fact I believe you have met one of my cousins Lord Greystoke," as she spoke Hawk admired how her breasts almost seemed to want to burst the seams of her cream jacket and expose themselves to the sunlight.

Damn Hawk thought why was he thinking like this she was married and he disagreed profoundly with her being here. Yet there was something about her that seemed to arouse him when she was near.

"Breast or leg?" she said.

"What?" Hawk spoke in startlement.

"Would you like some breast or leg of Chicken for lunch Hawk?" she said again almost laughing at his outburst.

Hawk smiled ruefully as he realised that he had been thinking of more baser matters.

"Breast Lady Constance," he replied at last.

"Connie please Hawk. If we are to be on this adventure let us be friends at least."

She offered him her hand and he took it admiring the smallness of it in his own larger hand.

"Very well Connie though I still think you should not come with us," he said stubbornly.

Then at the futile protest they laughed. As he did so Connie leant forward and allowed Hawk to gaze down her shirt that was opened for the first two buttons. He made out the swell of her breast. Startled and embarrassed he looked into Connie's bright blue eyes shone. As she looked at him she reached forward and placed her hand on his knee and caressed the bone. Already he felt his cock grow and he shifted in the seat uncomfortably as she licked her full lips.

"Sir Henry won't mind," she whispered seductively.

"What?" Hawk spoke in confusion.

"He's impotent and knows I have needs. As long as we are discrete and careful then he will ignore our affair. Come with me, we have separate staterooms," as the woman spoke she rubbed her hand up and down his thigh.

It was wrong he knew that it was so but his lust for her was growing with each brush of that gentle hand and then it touched his hard cock that threatened to burst through his trousers and he burnt with mad passion for this woman. Growling he stood watching a small self-satisfied smirk lift her lips as she led him by the hand to her room. She had barely closed the door when he attacked her and ripped her shirt and shift from her voluptuous breasts. His lips pushed onto hers and he tried to thrust he tongue between hers.

"I am not some whore for you to use Captain Masterson," Connie spoke sharply.

Hawk stopped and realised that he had been considering her exactly in the same light of those women he used at the end of a tour of duty. Though not violent he had learnt that he needed a quick release from the stresses of his flights and battles in the air and there had been many a French maid who had willingly offered themselves to the young American. In time he had only learnt to consider his pleasure and though no woman would have complained about his ability they would have said he needed to be slower, take more care and thought about his lover. Thinking that he was no longer wanted he moved to the door only to find that Connie's hand wrapped about his well-proportioned cock.

"And where are you going? I said I am not a whore but I want this thing in me now," she growled into his face as she stroked his hard cock.

With a quick flip of her skirt she exposed her firm naked buttocks to him and her thinly fleeced cunt. Already it was damp with excitement and she reached under her body to rub at her fat clit that was exposed to the air. The sight of her nudity excited him even more and he thrust his cock deeply and quickly into her exposed cunt.

"Oh Goddddddd!!!!!" she cried with ecstasy as his cock slipped into her and began to pump mercilessly, it filled her and rubbed against her excited clit tripping her quickly into orgasm.

"Ngggggg, fuck me, fuck me hard," though a lady Connie loved to talk and hear dirty talk as she was taken and if it did not come for her partner then she would make it herself.

"That's it fuck me hardddddd!!!!"

Hawk did not need any encouragement. He used his cock with skill and trying to hold onto control he found that he could build an excitement through his body that he had never known before, he found that it was most exciting to mix short fast strokes with long slow ones that had the woman who he was fucking cuming with a steady regularity. He enjoyed it as she wept and came so powerfully the spasms flowed through her body into his aroused member. As he plunged his cock deeply into her he felt her ass cheeks press against his groin as though she wanted more of his cock in her. Even her sexy, filthy language was exciting him and he thrust harder as though he wanted to push his cock through her body.

"Fuck!!, Fuck!!!Harder, fuck me harder!!!!!"

Then he could hold no more, his breathing became ragged as he thrust into her with his hard demanding cock. He reached over her body and rested his body against her back as he humped his cock into her body furiously. Then he felt the the familiar tightness at his balls and rush of cum, as his cum ripped from his body into the air as Connie's body slipped beneath his. Cum shot through the air in strong rivers that cascaded onto her back and fleshy but firm ass cheeks. Taking his cock in his hand he pumped his cum over her until he could spill no more.

"Oh fuck you are so good. When I teach you more you will be the most perfect lover any woman could have my dear," she said as she threw him the remains of her shirt so that he could mop up the remains of his cum on her back.

Gently he touched her and she turned around this time to press her lips to his and they kissed in gentle savagery. He pressed the cum covered cloth to her breasts as she began to strip him. undoing buttons. They fell on the bed and she rose so she was over him and with a wicked smile to match her wicked eyes she spoke once more," The first time was very good my dearest Hawk but the next time will be even better and as she drew down his trousers she bent her head down to his cock and began to kiss his rapidly stirring flesh.

They must have been very loud for a number of times a steward had called through the door to them asking if her Ladyship was well. They even missed dinner in their passions. So Hawk learnt from a very skilled tutor the arts of lovemaking as they travelled from Malta to Mombasa. All through this Sir Henry said nothing nor remarked on the fact that his wife and assistant were not often to be seen on deck. Later Hawk was to find that he had been reading and planning his safari in intricate detail.


The pace of the journey quickened as soon as the trio left the ship. After the enforced lethargy of the trip to Mombasa the trip across British East Africa was breathtaking in its speed and execution.

The railway left Mombasa and the fetid green swamps of the coast to rise through the savannas to the south of the Ukamba uplands as it followed the Sabaki River. The trio travelled through a swaying golden sea of grass varied by smalls towns that the train moved through. For a couple of hours they were even able to see the snowy peak of Kilimanjaro sometimes they saw elephants in the distance though not near the track itself due to the hunters who hunted the beasts for their ivory and the growth of farming on the savanna.

It was only at the new town of Nairobi the declared capital of the British East Africa Province that they halted to make sure of last minute provisions and to pick up two members of the expedition. It was here that Hawk met Miss Prudence Shelby the stunningly beautiful daughter of Sir Henry and her fiancé Charles Eliot-Smythe.

Miss Shelby or Prue as her father and Charles called her was a woman who had been blessed with perfect blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes, two magnificent breasts, a wasp waist and sensual hips. She had also been gifted with a tongue that was rapier sharp and one that was used mercilessly against her step-mother and her new lover. She had attacked him as soon as she had seen him, calling him a treasure hunter using her father's scholarly exploration for his profit.

Hawk had found it difficult to listen to her and it was only with difficulty that he was convinced to remain with the expedition by Sir Henry herself.

"She's never forgiven him for marrying again and then to a woman much younger than myself," Sir Henry explained," as she gets to know you Hawk she will show a better side of her character. She really is a dear thing."

Hawk had his own idea about how dear she was but kept them to himself. At least her fiancé Charles or Charlie as he preferred to be called was a good man. He had been as dismayed as the others at Prue's attitude. A slim man he had light brown hair and a moustache that followed the course of his upper lip. Hawk had been amazed to find that he had been a captain in the East Africa Rifles during the war. Looking at him he seemed youthful and it was a shock to find him twenty-seven. He limped from falling off a damned horse as he explained though it was later explained to Hawk that he had actually been shot off the horse by a sniper in the advance on Dar Es Salaam.

The younger Hawk found it amazing that Charlie considered that Hawk was his equal but then Connie explained to him that he radiated a calm assurance and confidence that could only be found in leaders of men. With Prue around the two of them had to find snatched moments to enjoy with each other.

"She has always been jealous of me," Connie gasped as Hawk's cock slid deep into her cunt.