Sheba: Solomon's Lost City Pt. 02


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"Well your manhood has not been harmed. It rises like the sun in the morning in all its glory and majesty," she intoned in mock seriousness.

"I think this must be dealt with, don't you," and without a further word he felt her hands close about the hardening shaft and begin to pump the flesh until he was fully erect.

Then instead of her hands it was her mouth and she lovingly caressed the hot bulb of his cock as she tweaked his nipples sending agreeable sensations through his nipples. With the pleasure that was feeding into his body he felt his cock buck into the woman's (Nyamate?) face. She ceased sucking on his cock and he again heard her amused voice.

"You have been too long without a woman and we of the People take care of all the needs of our guests very seriously."

"My name is Charlie," Charlie croaked.

"Then Charlie I shall relieve of your suffering," with that said he felt her climb across his body and he could only imagine her squatting above his body. He felt her hand take his cock and then her tight lips slipping around the head which he imagined a flaming purple. Slowly she guided her wet cunt down his shaft and he felt the butterfly touches of her fingers that even now must be rubbing against her clit. In the darkness he imagined her to be Prue, teasing Prue who allowed him to see her breasts and would touch his cock but refused to allow his relief. Prue who was the bitch-Madonna to whom he was enslaved.

Then she turned into Connie and she was naked holding her magnificent breasts and pinching the bulbous nipples he had seen Hawk kissing as he and Prue would watch them through the windows of government house. Once he had come upon Connie and Hawk alone making love and it burned into his memory so intensely that he had masturbated to orgasm three times until he had been able to think of anything else. Then he imagined the most perfect woman he could and he pumped his cock into her grinding cunt.

Panting as though in a marathon he felt his cum rush through his cock into the woman's cunt. She slammed her body down on his cock and she gripped and pulled it with her tight muscles. He hoped she had cum but that thought flew away as he ground and gnashed his teeth and his cum squirted into her body until he could give no more. His cock softened and then slipped out of her tight hole.

"That was most excellent Charlie," the woman said tenderly.

Taking a cool damp cloth from somewhere in the room she began to clean up the spilt cum and sweat from his body. Even this simple job drove him to the heights of passion since her touch on his body drove him to a most pleasing distraction. Already he felt his spent cock becoming aroused and the woman seemed to be concentrating her efforts around the hardening flesh.

"Ohhh Charlie what a man you are, I think you may need relief again soon," the woman cooed in his ear.

Somehow Charlie gathered himself and croaked out a question," What about the others of my Party?"

The woman stopped and sighed deeply," They have been taken by Ndahura and the Chwezi my lovely pale skinned man."

As she talked she ceased trying to arouse him.

"They have been taken by an evil people who will torment and kill your friends Charlie," the woman said sadly," the Chwezi were once a great people and served the Queen of Sheba until they rebelled. After many deaths they were exiled from the Great City and sent into the wilderness, at first they seemed fair and friends to all but soon their evil became apparent as they enslaved those who were weaker."

The woman continued to talk but did not touch him, it seemed to Charlie that it was a disembodied voice that spoke from the air itself," How we groaned under their demands and cursed their depravities on us. They changed becoming more like the animals they were though the women remained beautiful as the most glorious of nights but they are not right in their minds Charlie."

Through the silence Charlie realised that the woman was debating with herself if she would say more. Then she spoke words that were seemingly made of stone," They eat the flesh of men Charlie, they eat their flesh! Your friends will not live out the night!!"

Charlie now seated screamed out a wordless no and began to hammer his fists into the rope webbing of the bed he had been lying on.


As the darkness closed around the captives the hell began. From the black shadows drums hammered into the air and the bearers huddled closely together as though they were safer. In the darkness flames appeared about the massive ape's head sending lurid shadows dancing across the vine covered black stone. Other fires were lit nearer the prisoners and she saw men and women gather near the gate of the compound.

Prue holding firmly to her father watched the mouth of the stone head intently as the Amazons formed a guard about the dias in front of the jaws. Next to her Sir Henry passed in and out of moments of lucidness. The horror of the situation had even made Prue forget that she was naked and covered in filth and mud. The drums hammered in monotonous regularity and it was joined by a guttural chant from the gathering horde of savages.

"So sorry Prue lass. You must get out of here," Sir Henry groaned next to her and then passed into his delusion," Do you see Prue the way the work is of Ancient Egypt. Indeed it may older than Egypt...."

With that he passed into mumbling that she could not understand. Then a shattering scream echoed through the valley as the iron gate between the fangs of the stone head were opened. Silence descended as the drums stopped suddenly and the gathered masses began a harsh keening that seemed to form into a repeated name....Ndahura. A name filled with sinister purpose and intent.

Then silence descended over them as a figure stood amongst the flaming torches at the jaws and raised his arms.

Prue watched the silhouetted man as he gazed over the darkened mass of savages before him, he radiated a sense of horror that spread through her body. He settled his fat form onto a stool that had been set behind him after his silent greeting. As he settled that seemed to be the signal for the depravities to begin. The gates to the corral creaked and shuddered as they were thrown open and the Amazons rushed into the enclosure seizing ten of the bearers and hurrying away towards the fires.

Fires sprouted nearer the corral as the held prisoners were pushed towards the huge fires nearer the jaws. They could be seen all too clearly as the savage tribesmen carried long poles towards them. Before anyone in the corral could think about what could be done the Amazons seized each man by his limbs and hauled him into the air. It was now the other horrified captives saw what their fate would be.

The poles were shown to be sharpened stakes which were thrust though the bearer's bowels, driven through their bodies to appear through the neck of those taken. Those who were fortunate died however more remained alive and twitching as they were hoist upon the stakes that held the poles above the flames. Stifled screams escaped the men's lips as they were turned over the flames that were cooking them slowly.

"Oh God they are cannibals," Prue whispered unable to tear away her eyes.

Yet though cooking the bearers were being surrounded by the animal like men who cut flesh from the still writhing bodies and ate the bloody mass before the cooking men's eyes. Thus they saw their precious flesh being devoured as they felt their bodies being grilled above the roaring flames.

Prue grasped her stomach as she dry wretched onto the dirt below her. Then screams of fear rose from the bearers as the Amazons invaded the corral a second time and grabbed onto any man who was there. Throwing them to the ground they began to carve the raw meat from the men's bodies and thrust it into their mouths. Mouths that dripped bloody and red as they feasted on the still warm flesh of the men between their legs. Sometimes more than four women held the men down as they carved their meals from the struggling bodies. Some fought over the delicacies of cocks and the testicles.

Even more shocking were the women who kissed and played with each others bodies as they ate the bloody giblets in their hands. As they feasted on the human meal they made they seemed to become more aroused and they touched and stroked the bodies of their sisters in arms. Their dripping carmine lips pressed against each other as they fumbled with caressing the red stained breasts and shredding the flesh in their hands when they did not suckle at the firmly thrusting breasts near them.

Barely believing her eyes she saw that this was a bacchanal of surpassing debauchery. Sometimes as part of their lovemaking ritual they would stuff sweet morsels of bloody flesh into the cunts of their lovers and then as they held them to the blood muddied ground they used their tongues and teeth to lick it out of their lover's cunts.

Mixed with the cries of pleasure were the screams and sobs as the bearers died beneath the knives and fingers of the frenzied Amazons who seemed to take delight in the slow death of their victims. When one of the beast men who remained far away from the women jumped onto an Amazon his cock hard and ready to thrust into her cunt the other women pulled him off her body to make him part of their bloody feast. As Prue watched with horrid fascination she did not see the party of Amazons behind her until hands seized her shaking body.

"No...." the woman cried but a cuff to her head stopped the cry as she was pushed to the ground.

When she lifted her head she looked into the fierce eyes of the captain of the Amazons herself, the woman who had stripped her of her clothes barely hours before. Prue shuddered as she saw the lust that burnt there and when the light showed the woman's bloody teeth that were sharpened to gleaming points she whimpered. As she shivered and was pulled to her feet she heard her father groan as he was dragged in front of her. His skinny white naked body seemed so fragile as the two of them were dragged through the orgy of men and women as they gave themselves to the most debauched pleasures.

As they passed through the writhing mass Prue was surprised to see some men holding down a woman here and there and fucking them fiercely. As one would finish another would take their place and hump furiously between the woman's open thighs. Then as they passed she saw others protecting the ones who were fucking. The captain seeing this spat but refused to extract her soldiers who were being raped before her eyes. Prue was horrified again as she saw cocks being stuffed into women's asses.

Yet though being taken by the brutes the women seemed to find pleasure in their being taken and even to take pleasure with the blows that the men would strike at the women as they fucked them. Though some women were being taken by the groups of men most were between the thighs of their fellow women and Prue could see them licking at the naked cunts or biting into the breasts that were offered with an insane rapture on their faces.

Slowly the woman was dragged up the steps to the man who looked from the stool. Even in the flickering light Prue blanched as she looked at the obscenity that sat on the throne. His large stomach bulged over his groin though a woman squatted between his legs and sucked at the cock between his legs. His face seemed to be totally bestial his yellowed teeth showing in the grimace he gave as the woman pumped his cock with her hand and kissed the small cock at her lips. His piggy eyes seemed to glare at them as he held the woman at his groin.

Then he let out a shrill cry as he came and Prue watched the yellow cum dribble from the cock that the woman released and she wiped her mouth with a greasy cloth near her head. Rising to her feet Prue was amazed to see that if the man was a beast the woman was a beauty. Draped about her hips was short loincloth that exposed her buttocks and barely covered the black fleece of her cunt. Looking back at the man she saw the man straighten the leopard loincloth about his hips and then the leopard headdress.

"So these are the pale skinned ghosts that have invaded our lands," the man squealed like a pig.

What was truly amazing was that Prue understood him since he spoke a accented version of Aramaic a language her father had taught her saying that they would need it once they reached Sheba. As she started the woman thrust out her firm conical breasts and looked at her with interest.

"The woman seems to understand us father," she spoke with a sultry haughtiness.

"Ah so the ghost understands I wonder what her cunt would taste like or would it have teeth do you think daughter," the man squealed laughing at his own joke as he sat up and signalled that the woman was to be brought closer to him.

Prue suddenly understood that this creature was the woman's father and he had made her suck him off. Prue's mind fled from the fact and she shuddered as the man's stubby fingers stroked the soft white breasts and then pinched her nipples softly at first watching as they rose to prominent peaks. Prue wanted to vanish into the floor as the man stroked and tested her flesh. When he moved his hands between her legs it was only the fact that they were being held open by two of the creature's servants that stopped her from trying to flee.

His fingers combed through her soft, sparse down and then along her lips which he opened so that he could see her prominent clit and he touched it sending an uncontrollable shudder through her body.

"No......." she groaned as he pushed a finger into her cunt, he whirled it slowly around her now violated flesh. Suddenly he stopped and began to laugh in his high pitched piggy laugh.

"Oh daughter this one is a virgin, what a great joy we will have as we teach her to love us," the man's squeal was offensive but horrifying.

"The woman is ours Ndahura," the voice was a sharp as a knife as it cut through the air.

The man glared at the woman who had stepped from the shadows, her gold gleamed at her breast and cunt. It was the captain of the Amazons. As she stood next to Prue the other woman stood next to her father.

"You forget yourself Imama," the woman said simply.

"I think not Ekineba for is it not written in our laws that I have first choice for all women," the woman held her stabbing spear loosely but threateningly in her hand.

"Ah but my cousin these are ghosts do they not appear so," the other woman replied as though talking to a child.

Laughing cruelly she pinched Prue's nipple hard causing the woman to gasp in pain," It would appear your ghosts feel pain and they can be fucked, no they are people like you and I. As I have told you she is mine."

The man glowered on the stool but said nothing as the two women fought. He wanted her as she could see as he pumped his cock with his own hand. Before he could say anything Sir Henry spoke as he pumped the man's hand.

"Sir Henry Shelby sir, here to enjoy your company on our quest," the elderly man said in English.

The gathering looked at the man in confusion except Prue who was horrified at what had been done.

"Oh father what have you done," Prue whispered in despair as the chief began to smile evilly.

"Would like a bath sir. Seems I'm covered in mud and I would like to be clean," Sir Henry said making gestures that suggested a bath.

"Why daughter I think this ghost wants a bath, why don't we give him one?" after saying this he laughed without control, " Later we can taste what this pale ghost tastes like and he is a man!"

The woman also chuckled and signalled for something to be brought to them. Quickly a black iron cauldron that easily could take a man inside it was brought to them and a fire was lit beneath it as water was poured into the container. Ekineba smiling helped the older man into the pot as the water heated. Prue was held and gagged as she and the others watched the man settle into the pot with a smile on his face. As Sir Henry bathed the fires were fed to burn hotter.

"I say the water is getting awfully hot," the man complained and tried to climb out of the cauldron only to be pushed back into the water.

Each time he tried to climb out of the pot the others pushed him back into the water that was heating up quickly.

"My word sir I am clean enough, it is time to get dressed for supper," Sir Henry once remarked as his skin turned a dull red.

Then just before he passed out he spoke to Prue in English,"I am so sorry my little girl."

Prue wept as she saw her father pass out and the water begin to boil. Though testing her bonds she had been unable to break or weaken them. Unable to do anything she passed into merciful unconsciousness as the others began to use hooks so they could cut the boiled meat from the dead Sir Henry.


Hawk staggered as he climbed the steep path leading to the crest of the ridge, as he did so a muscled arm snaked about his waist and kept him upright. Looking at the source he smiled in gratitude and forced his feet to move forward again. He briefly brushed his head and felt the scar on his forehead and then looked at his companions again.

They were bare-chested and wore only heavy leather skirts that protected their thighs. They carried ox-hide shields and the short stabbing spears, at their waists they wore a long heavy knife that looked very serviceable should it be needed.

"Not long to go now, my friend," the man next to him spoke in Aramaic as they struggled upwards.

Hawk had been surprised when they had spoken to him in the language that Sir Henry had made them learn. When Hawk and the others had complained about the need the older man had smiled and said that had the Israelites of Solomon settled in Sheba then they would speak Aramaic and not Swahili which they had also learnt. Well looking at the men around him they certainly were Semitic, they had the swarthy features and blue-black hair and beards as well as the beak like noses that he considered familiar in that race. They were also spectacularly fit as they scaled the steep slopes with ease.

Still he had been happy that they had been friendly when they had found him late in the afternoon after the battle. Dazed and confused they had bound his wounds and carried him from where they had found him and had fed him. Slowly at first they had asked their questions and after a slow learning both parties had come to an understanding of what was being asked.

It had come as a shock when they had said that his friends were probably dead, he remembered the conversation vividly.

"I must go back to find my friends," Hawk said to the bearded captain his hair tied back by a blue scarf like he had seen in Egyptian tombs. As he spoke he dipped his unleavened bread into the gravy of the stew they had made for their meal.

"It is not possible young Horus," the men called him Horus after the ancient hawk faced god of the Egyptians and the other men had nodded their heads in agreement though he had seen sympathy there as well.

"But why, if I survived is it not possible that others of my party survived and need help," Hawk implored.

"We searched as best we could and some of my men saw pale figures in the prisoners that the demon Chwezi took with them," the captain sighed unhappily.

"Had we stayed longer their warriors would have found us and though they are demons they fight well," he continued, he thought a little and then spoke again," Were they taken to the Chwezi village they would be dead by now or wished they were."

Hawk was perplexed by these words and he asked why they thought his friends were dead. The man sighed deeply and looked into the fire that they sat around. Slowly he spoke, softly which made Hawk concentrate on what was being said.