Shelby Strode's First Spanking

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Shelby gets her first spanking at school.
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Shelby Strode clutched the straps on her backpack nervously as she stepped through the doors of the Mary Louise Academy for Girls. Today was the first day of school, but that was not why she was nervous.

Shelby caught a glimpse of her reflection in the glass entry doors, so she stopped to check it once again. Her appearance hadn't changed much since she checked it for the fifteenth time that morning in her bedroom mirror.

Her light brown, shoulder length hair was clean and fresh. Her white blouse was ironed and neat. Her red and black plaid skirt was buckled snugly around her slim, eighteen-year old waist. Although she'd grown an inch or two over the summer, her skirt was still at regulation length, stopping at three inches above the knee. Her nails were freshly painted a bright crimson, her favorite color. Her feet were adorned with a pair of black leather shoes. Beneath her skirt, a brand new pair of white cotton panties were wrapped snugly around her firm teenage buttocks.

A shift in the wind sent a cool gust of September air up Shelby's skirt, sending a wave of goosebumps across the surface her bare legs. Shelby hurried inside the building and rubbed her palms against her skirt to warm her thighs.


Shelby didn't need to look up to know who called her name. Emmy, her best friend since Kindergarten, stood across the hall smiling. The two girls outstretched the arms and ran towards each other to celebrate their reunion with a tight embrace.

"How are you, babe?" Emmy squealed.

"Great, so good to see you!" Shelby said. They playfully rocked each other back and forth, not releasing their grip even slightly. Emmy was dressed the same as Shelby, as did every girl at the Mary Louise Academy for Girls. Shelby and Emmy hugged each other tightly while the other students walked past them on either side.

"Sucks we only got two classes together this semester," Emmy said, chewing on a piece of bubble gum.

"I know, right?" Shelby said, finally releasing her friend.

"Well, we always got text messaging," Emmy giggled, holding up her cell phone and wobbling it left and right with a grin.

Shelby's expression dropped.

"Not a good idea," Shelby muttered. "If we get caught-"

Emmy rolled her eyes.

"Oh don't worry about that, we're allowed to get in a little trouble now! We're Seniors, baby!" Emmy exclaimed.

Shelby shook her head. She did not want to get in trouble. Not this year.

The reason for Shelby's nervousness for this school year started because of what happened at the PTA meeting the previous May. While Shelby did not attend, her father told her afterwords what had happened.

A new superintendent had been hired, a very no-nonsense, by the book former principal named Vera Harradine. She would oversee both the Mary Louise Academy for Girls and the nearby boys' school. Upon her introduction to the PTA, her first announcement was the introduction of her newly implemented policies.

"I am reinstating corporal punishment in both of these schools," Harradine said. A hushed tone overtook the room, with many teachers and parents alike shocked by the announcement.

"Corporal punishment was practiced regularly when I was a student, and schools did not have anywhere close to the behavior problems they've been experiencing recently," Harradine said. "Therefore, beginning this fall, I will be re-instituting corporal punishment as the primary disciplinary method for all infractions."

Superintendent Harradine's announcement was met with much opposition among the parent and teachers, however it was met with equally as much support. After much disagreement and debate, the PTA settled on a compromise. Students could be punished via corporal punishment only if the parent of said child signed a consent form and submitted it to the school's main office.

A month before the new school year started, one such form arrived in the mailbox at the Strode household.

"No, Daddy, PLEASE, don't sign it!" Shelby had pleaded to her Father.

"Shelby. Stop." Shelby's father looked her straight in the eye, and Shelby knew saying another word would be a big mistake.

It was all because of Cara. Shelby had never been spanked as a little girl, or any time in her life for that matter. Her mother had been opposed to it and her father was the type of man who always deferred to his wife for such matters. After their divorce Shelby had free reign to do as she pleased for a few years and play her parents against one another for her own purposes. Then Cara came along.

Shelby did not like her father's new girlfriend and Cara did not care for Shelby either. Shelby knew Cara had something to do with her father's decision to sign the corporal punishment consent form. It was the way she smiled when her father announced at the dinner table that he was considering it. After dinner, Shelby watched as her father sat at the kitchen table and placed his signature at the bottom of the page. All the while Cara casually whistled while washing the dishes just a few feet away.

Hence, Shelby was going to make an extra effort to stay out of trouble this year. No senior skip day. No senior prank. Shelby had gotten this far in her life without ever getting a spanking and she did not want to get her first in Principal Lightner's office.

"So where's your locker this year?" Emmy asked.

"It's B-383," Shelby said. "I think that's over in the science wing."

"Cool, mine's B-371. We're probably pretty close," Emmy said.

The two girls hurried down the hallway, weaving their way between the throngs of students packing the narrow walkspace. Turning a corner, Shelby ran smack into Judy Schrein, almost knocking her over.

"Watch where you're going!" Judy snapped. She glared back at Shelby. Judy had small beady eyes that made her look as though she was always angry, even when she wasn't.

"Sorry, Judy," Shelby said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Judy said. "You're not supposed to run in the halls."

"We weren't really running, I just turned to see if Emmy was still next to me and I didn't see-"

"Shelby,' Judy said. "All you need to say is 'yes.'"

"Okay," Shelby said, defensively.

Shelby was not going to like having Judy as a TA. Judy and Shelby had never been friends. To Judy, Shelby was always the pretty one, the popular one. In her four years as a student, Judy had not once been invited to a party or social gathering. It didn't help that Judy was not particularly friendly, but Judy didn't think there was anything wrong with the way she acted. To her, everyone was just mean and disrespectful because she came from a poor family.

Now that Judy had graduated, she was back this year as a TA. This gave her some limited power over her former classmates, which she was all too happy to wield.

Shelby and Emmy continued down the hall, slowing their pace somewhat as they could feel Judy's eyes burning into them as they walked away.

Judy dusted herself off and walked briskly to her first class. She shot another glance back at Shelby, only to see she had now disappeared into the crowd. It made her blood boil how Shelby had tried to claim she hadn't been running. That was a straight-up lie. Judy was a TA now. She deserved respect, and she was going to get it.

It seemed to Judy that Shelby was such a privileged child. Shelby went home every day to a three-story house, after her father picked her up in a Mercedes. Judy had to get by on food stamps to support her handicapped mother. If it weren't for her father's life insurance policy paying the way following his death five years earlier, Judy would not have been able to attend this school. And Shelby's father literally bought her a pony for her sixteenth birthday. A pony! Judy bit her lower lip as she assertively strode down the hallway, fuming. It was actually a horse Shelby's father had bought her, not a pony, but it made little difference to Judy.

While Judy trudged into her first class of the day, Shelby made her way to the science wing to find her locker.

"Here it is, where's yours?" Shelby asked.

"Right here," Emmy said, at a locker little more than fifteen feet away.

Reading off a small card, Shelby entered the combination to her locker and pulled up the latch.

An empty space consisting of two hooks and a shelf appeared before her. Shelby knew she would have no trouble filling all of this space within the week. Shelby removed a photograph from her book bag and taped it onto the inside door of her locker. The photograph showed Shelby riding her horse, Pepper in a meadow over the summer. Shelby smiled and checked her watch, counting the hours until school was out so she could ride her again.

After her first hour English class was concluded, Shelby stepped out of the classroom only to find Principal Lightner waiting for her.

"Shelby, may I speak to you please?" Lightner asked.

"What about?" Shelby asked, nervously.

"In my office," he said.

Shelby followed Principal Lightner to his office and took a seat across from his desk. This was not the first time Shelby had been in Lightner's office, but never before had she been this uncomfortable. Had she done something wrong? Shelby was certain she could not possibly be in trouble this early in the school year. Lightner shut the door before taking a seat himself. Shelby gulped.

"Is everything okay?" Shelby asked.

Lightner rested his hands on his desk.

"As you're aware, Judy Schrein is a TA this year," Lightner said.

Shelby nodded.

"I know, I ran into her this morning," Shelby said.

"Well, Judy tells me you were very disrespectful to her, and that you've been disrespectful to her for the past three years," Lightner said.

Shelby bit her tongue. She should have known Judy would try to make a big deal of this.

"I don't know why she thinks that," Shelby said. "Judy's always been bossy, and she was never a TA until today."

Lightner adjusted his glasses and tapped his desk.

"Be that as it may, she is a TA now and you have to respect her. I have TA's monitor student behavior in the halls and they report back to me," Lightner said.

Shelby nodded.

"It's just that, Judy goes WAY overboard," Shelby said. "She takes offense to the slightest thing!"

Lightner nodded. He would try to give Shelby an out.

"Well, then it would do well for you to work on being more sensitive to that. Judy just wants to be respected, so I called you down here just to let you know that," Lightner said. "You're not in any trouble, but I do want you let you know in no uncertain terms, that you MUST respect TA's as you would your teachers or me. Is that understood?"

Shelby nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I expect Judy will make no further complaints about your behavior," Lightner said. "If I hear from her again, I will have to take action. I hope you understand what that means."

Shelby felt her face flush red.

"Yes," Shelby said just a notch above a whisper.

Although Shelby was too worried to notice it, Principal Lightner was as nervous as she. He had never before in his life spanked a girl. And after fifteen years as a principal of the Mary Louise Academy for Girls, he had just been given not just the right- but the duty to do so. He was not certain how he was supposed to implement this new policy. For this reason, Lightner was as hopeful as Shelby was that this situation would not escalate any more than it had already.

"I would hate for it to come to that," Lightner said. "And I know you would feel the same way. Hopefully you two can work through your differences."

"Me too," Shelby said.

Lightner was relieved that Shelby looked so nervous. He hoped that he had spooked her enough that she would not be a problem.

Principal Lightner excused her and Shelby made her way to her next class.

As she stepped out the doorway, Lightner opened his top desk drawer. Sitting inside, was a gift given to him by Superintendent Harradine over the summer.

"Keep this in your office," Harradine said. "Use it when necessary."

Lightner took it from her and placed it in his desk drawer as she instructed. A thick, sturdy, wooden paddle.


When classes dismissed that afternoon Shelby was eager to get home. She only had a few sheets of homework and after that: Barn Time!

Shelby changed into a t-shirt and jeans and after waving goodbye to her father and Cara, Shelby hopped out the front door. The stables was only a short bike ride away so within minutes she was at the stall for whom she considered to be the greatest horse in the world, Pepper.

Shelby named her for Pepper Potts from Iron Man, her favorite movie not about horses. After strapping her up with her saddle, Shelby took Pepper for a ride around the pasture, before hopping over the stream and escaping into the woods. It was easy to forget all about Judy, and Cara, and life in general out here. The forest was so quiet and peaceful. She would occasionally come across a deer or other wildlife, which would often make eye-contact with Shelby or Pepper before darting off into the woods.

Around six o'clock Shelby knew she'd be expected home for dinner so she made her way back to the stables.

As she removed the saddle, she noticed the fastening strap had snapped. Shelby had been meaning to buy a new one, but English saddles did not come cheap and she wanted to save up for a good one. She used to be able to just ask her father to buy it for her, but things had changed since Cara had moved in. Shelby would have to find a way to pay for it with her own finances.

After putting Pepper in for the night, Shelby made her way back home. E-Bay had been her friend in the past for finding quality inexpensive horse accessories, so Shelby logged in. She found one with an asking bid of $250. That was within her price range. Only a few bids on it too. Shelby placed a bid. She saw the closing time was noon the next day. Shelby hoped she would get a chance to check it sometime between classes.


"Did you win it?"

Emmy hurried to Shelby's side in the hallway and peeked over her shoulder. Shelby was checking Ebay on her phone and had been all morning. She'd been outbid around six that morning so Shelby increased her bid to $290. Now it was five minutes to noon and it appeared Shelby was still in the lead.

"Cell phones need to be put away."

Shelby stopped. Shelby looked up to see Judy standing directly in front of her. Judy must have been watching her like a hawk in this crowded hallway.

"It's lunchtime," Shelby said.

"Doesn't matter. Cell phones have to be turned off on school grounds," Judy said. She stood in the hallway blocking Shelby's path to the lunchroom.

"It's on silent!" Shelby said.

Judy narrowed her brows.

"Why do you always have to always argue with me?" Judy demanded. "Is it so hard for you to just say 'yes' when I tell you something?"

Shelby was about to shoot back a quip when she remembered what Mr. Lightner had said to her.

"I'll put it away now," Shelby said.

"Turn it off," Judy said. "Or I'll have to take it from you."

Shelby sneered, and held down her phone's power button until the screen went dark.

"Come on Shelby, let's find a table before all the spots are taken," Emmy said, taking Shelby's arm. Shelby grudgingly followed Emmy into the lunchroom.

"Get used to me," Judy said, letting out a smile for the first time all year. "I'm not going anywhere."

It took everything in Shelby not to turn around and slap Judy across the face. Shelby followed Emmy to a lunch table, seeing red every step of the way.

"I'm not even hungry now," Shelby said, dropping her purse on the table. "You go buy something and I'll save your spot."

Emmy walked over to the cafeteria line while Shelby waited at her table. The cafeteria was now packed with students, but Shelby could see Judy standing at the doorway with her arms crossed, observing the entire room with her chin tilted up, as though she needed to look down upon all of the students in the room.

Shelby checked the clock on the wall, and saw it was only one minute to noon. Judy had shifted her attention to some girls seated in the far corner who were talking loudly. Seeing an opportunity, Shelby whipped out her phone and held it under the lunch table. She powered it on and checked Ebay once more. She'd been outbid. Acting quickly, Shelby placed a bid of $310. She was hoping to get it for under $300, but $310 was not a bad price. Shelby watched as the timer reached zero and the bidding was closed. Shelby had won.

"Yes!" Shelby smiled, and slipped her phone back into her purse.

"Got it!" Shelby said, as Emmy returned carrying a lunch tray. "$310."

"Alright!" Emmy said. She set down her lunch tray next to Shelby and the two girls exchanged high fives. Then Emmy's face went cold.

"Uh oh," Emmy said.

Shelby looked up to see Judy approaching, with her eyes narrowed but her lips holding back just a hint of a smile, making Judy appear both angry and happy at the same time.

"All right Shelby, you were warned," Judy said, holding out her open palm. "Hand it over."

"What?" Shelby exclaimed.

"Don't play dumb. I saw you take out your phone after RIGHT after I instructed you to keep it off," Judy said. "So you'll be giving it to me now."

Judy flicked her fingers, beckoning Shelby to give her the phone.

Don't say it,

Shelby said to herself.

Don't make this worse.

Shelby took her phone from her purse and placed in in Judy's palm.

"Thank you!" Judy said, cheerfully. "And so you know, I don't HAVE to give it back to you ever, but if you give me a full apology in a week I MAY consider returning it, IF you promise to adhere to school rules from now on, of course."

"Just take it, Judy, I don't care," Shelby said.

Judy crossed her arms again.

"Oh. Right. Your Daddy is just going to buy you a new one. Must be nice," Judy said.

Don't, Shelby. Don't.

"Too bad you won't be able to call your boyfriend for the rest of the day," Judy said. "That must be hard. Hope it was worth it."

Shelby had had it.

"Oh for God's sake, Judy, get over yourself!" Shelby screamed.

Judy's eyes went wide.

"Excuse me?" Judy said.

"Nothing," Shelby said, looking away. She already knew she was going to regret this.

"Mr. Lightner is going to hear about this," Judy said.

Air shot out of Shelby's nostrils as Judy walked away. Shelby turned to Emmy.

"Bitch," Shelby muttered under her breath. Shelby looked up to see Judy still looking at her.

Judy heard.


"I understand that but- what regulations are there?"

Principal Lightner paced back and forth. He was hoping he would not have to deal with this situation. Not this early in the school year anyway. He clutched the telephone receiver in his hand, frustrated the cord was keeping him from pacing more than four feet from his desk.

"Well, I mean, WHO is supposed to perform the- punishment?" Lightner asked.

"You are, Gary," the Superintendent said.

"Even though I'm male, and the student is female, it's- not a problem?" Lightner asked.

"Did her parent sign the consent form?" Harradine asked.

"Yes, her father did, I've got it right here," Lightner said, checking the consent form on his desk once again just to be sure.

"Then it's not a problem," Harradine said.

"But do I need to have a female present?" Lightner asked.

"Just spank the girl, Gary," Harradine said. She hung up the phone.

Principal Lightner looked up at Judy. She had picked up the consent form and was now reading the print carefully.

"It does say a member of the same sex as the student has to be present to witness," Judy said. "I can do that. You can spank her and I'll witness."

Lightner had to sit down. He was expected to do this. That made him uncomfortable for reasons he could not confess to anyone.