Should've Taken the Plea Ch. 01


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"Good... a little privacy," Bella sighed, freeing her grip on Martha's back at the same time motioning for Trina to close the doors of the gym behind them.

"Now go over there and get a few of the floor pads and lay them out, Trina," Bella ordered.

"What are you... going to do?" Martha trembled.

"Me... nothing... absolutely nothing Dear," Bella chided with a hint of condescension. "Your friend Karen just told us how sweet you are and frankly, Trina's become quite smitten with you since the little sit down she had with you the other day... you've been all she's talked about the last few days... she kind of just wanted to spend some more time with you... that's all."

"I don't think I understand," Martha whispered, still not totally grasping what Bella was hinting at.

"I'm sure she's a really nice girl... But... ," Martha continued until she was abruptly jolted by Trina, who had slid directly up behind her.

Her chest and shoulders heaving nervously as the demure 20 year old Cuban girl began to softly rub her back, Martha studied Bella's chubby face for any trace of rationale.

"Like I said Martha," Bella softly added, her rich Cajun accent now completely evident, "Trina's taken quite a liking to you... and since she always does everything I ask of her... I figured you were the least I could do for her. Don't be afraid Martha... you wont need to do anything... you wont even have to reciprocate... just let Trina take over and she'll take care of everything."

"Reciprocate... she'll take care of everything... what is she talking about?" Martha internally gulped, Bella's demonic voice rattling inside her head at the same time she felt her shirt being raised from behind.

Martha's synapses went haywire the instant Trina's fingernails dug snugly into the flesh of her exposed waist.

"Just go over there and lay down Martha... trust me... the girl knows what she's doing," Bella offered, her crass invitation causing Martha's stomach to turn.

"This was your biggest fear about coming in here... and now its happening... dammit... and now its happening " Martha sobbed, her tears covering her rose-red cheeks until they glistened horribly under the yellowish lighting.

"Don't be so tense Martha... just relax... lay down and just relax, " Bella continued hypnotically.

"Is this what they did to Karen?" Martha found herself wondering, doing anything she could to try and detach herself from the situation.

Mashing her teeth together and wincing when she felt her rear end collapse against the blue mat underneath her, Martha felt an odd but inevitable sense of resignation when she looked up and saw Bella and Trina standing above her.

"You're down here now... there's nothing you can do," Martha realized.

"Kick your shoes off Martha... get comfortable," Bella grinned, pacing back and forth now like a drill sergeant addressing her charges. "Go ahead Trina and get down there with her... help Martha take her pants off."

Transfixed by the way the young Cuban girl knelt down beside her, Martha couldn't help but shiver at just how pretty and innocent Trina appeared up close.

"Her skin is flawless... almost like velvet coffee... and her eyes... they're so empty... almost hollow... its like her only purpose is to serve," Martha observed, closing her eyes when she felt Trina's fingers sneak into the elastic band of her orange, prison issue, pants.

Stunned by just how determined and possessed such a seemingly timid girl could be, Martha felt as if she had become the proverbial blood in the water as Trina forcefully undressed her.

"Now get her shirt off... I bet she didn't even put her bra on this morning," Martha could hear Bella mockingly demand the instant Trina had pulled her pants all the way off.

Even though it was on the periphery of her consciousness the whole time, it wasn't until Trina placed her knee between Martha's bare legs and leaned down face to face with her that Martha fully comprehended that she was about to have her first lesbian encounter of her 54 year life.

Reflexively retching her head side to side as Trina nuzzled closer, Martha tensed initially then went limp as the young girl reached around her back and pulled her shirt up over her head.

"UURRGGGHH... NOOO," Martha bitterly groaned, the cool flow from the gym's air conditioning ducts causing a million goosebumps to rise on her pale flesh.

Seated on the mat now, clad only in a pair of pink panties, Martha instinctively tried clenching her thighs together even though Trina was crouched in front of her and her right knee was firmly planted directly in front of Martha's steaming crotch.

"You're gonna pass out before the girl does anything to you," Martha told herself, holding out hope that might be the only way to avoid the outcome of her sudden dilemma.

As hard as she tried however, Martha couldn't force herself to black out and when Trina moved down and slowly rubbed her hands, first down Martha's arms, then down each side of her torso before gently massaging each of her lily white legs, Martha found herself involuntarily rocking her head backwards, allowing Trina complete control over her body.

"Well that didn't take too long," Martha blindly heard Bella crack, noting the ease in which she had submitted to Trina's advances.

"This is just what you thought prison would be," Martha berated herself as Trina slid her panties off her waist and down her legs. " You knew you'd become somebody's Bitch before it was over with... you do the crime... you do the time."

"Dear God... how many other women has she done this to," Martha groaned under her breath, feeling her exposed vaginal folds flower and buzz as she watched the way Bella gleefully squeezed her crotch through her pants.

Her sweaty blonde hair sliding across the mat as she tossed her head side to side, Martha's skin warmed feeling the heat of Trina's gaze appraising her nudity.

"OOHHHH," Martha yelped, her entire body jerking when she felt the young Cuban girl's long fingers slither across her exposed pubis.

"Oh God Please... Just get it over with," Martha mumbled to herself, knowing she was caught in a ritual initiation there was no turning back from.

"Just relax Martha... just take a deep breath and relax," Bella cooed once again, the sound of her voice becoming distended as her arousal took over.

"She's freakin' enjoying this... she's enjoying watching Trina do this to me," Martha inherently accepted. "I can see why Karen didn't want to talk about it now."

Minutes passed like hours for Martha as Trina patiently and deliberately explored her ripe nudity, gently prodding and probing every inch of her trembling body until Martha was nothing more than a jellified mess on the mat.

"Look at all that pink starting to show," Bella crudely noted, imploring Trina to press her face directly into the swirling pulp of Martha's inflamed genitals.

Watching Trina first snake her tongue hungrily up and down the length of each of Martha's creamy thighs, Bella rubbed her crotch increasingly harder as her tiny slave dove all the way into the older woman's crotch, first rolling her tongue like a corkscrew into Martha's asshole before mashing her lips forcefully against the paralyzed woman's cunt.

"OHHHGAWWWDDD," Martha's voice echoed through the cavernous gymnasium as Trina's wedged her entire face against her churning sex.

Feeling as if her womb had turned to molten plasma, Martha let out a series of primal shrieks when Trina's lips and tongue penetrated her welcoming slit. Bucking her hips and waist up and down on the mat, Martha found herself reaching down between her legs to take hold of Trina's head, in an attempt to keep it steady as she watched the girl's pristine face ruthlessly lap at her foaming snatch.

"OHHH... YEAH," Martha heard Bella's voice from the side, causing her to blush even further from her embarrassing surrender.

"But God it feels like Heaven," she couldn't help but admit to herself as Trina reached up to massage her titties at the same time continuing her lavish assault on her cunt.

Ashamed of the way the nipples of her alabaster titties jutted like tiny fingers into the air as Trina used her teeth and tongue to nibble at her throbbing clit, Martha thrashed and squirmed wildly on the mat as the persistent young girl usurped control of her body.

Fixated by the way Trina's pretty face mashed harder and harder down on top of her sensitive vulva, Martha felt every drop of blood in her body shoot straight to her genitals.

"I've got to see her naked... I've just got to... ," Martha anxiously yelped, so overcome with perverse lust she had lost all concept of decency.

Reaching down aimlessly with her quivering hands, Martha blindly tried to grab a hold of Trina's top in a failed attempt to rabidly pull the girl's shirt off. Looking to her right through her slitted eyes, Martha bestial expression seemed to beg Bella to help Trina disrobe.

"Dont worry about Trina," Bella bent down and told Martha. "I'm the only one that gets to enjoy her."

With that, Bella reached down and grabbed Martha by the back of the head, gripping her tightly as she enjoyed the way every muscle in the prone woman's body twisted under Trina's oral prowess. Pulling Martha's head all the way back down to the mat, Bella continued to hover over top of her and Trina's fresh kill until Martha's entire backside lurched savagly off the cushion.

"OH GOD NO... OH SHIT NO... NO... NO... NO... OH... NOOOOO... DONT DO THIS... NOOOOOOOO... DON'T DO THIS... NOOOOOOOOOOOO... DON'T CUM... DON'T CUM... NOOOOOOO," Martha howled in orgasm, the last 'NO" erupting out of her mouth so loudly, it riccocheted through the prison's air conditioning system until nearly everyone in the prison stopped in their tracks.

* * * * *

Keeping her mouth buried against Martha's creaming snatch for nearly a minute, milking every last drop of her languid release, Trina didn't remove her life grip until Bella tapped her on the shoulder and whispered something into her ear. Standing above Martha as Trina dutifully darted up and disappeared, Bella stared down approvingly as the debilitated woman on the mat collapsed backwards into an exhausted Jesus Christ-like pose.

"Take a few deep breaths, Martha," Bella taunted, kicking at her bare feet several times to make sure she was still conscious. "Catch your breath then roll over... we've just started... "

Part 2 coming soon

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