Shy Auditor Shows Her Assets Ch. 02

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Ann’s co-workers get into nudity.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 03/01/2011
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Next day we had a quick breakfast in our cabin and then gathered in the conference room. There was now a row of file cabinets, full of paper records, along with three laptops connected to the main server by WiFi.

Jim outlined our approach and we got to work. Around noon, there was a knock at the door that led to the office. Jim said come in and the door swung open.

Betty, the receptionist, was standing there pushing a cart filled with sandwiches, drinks and cookies. Betty was nude.

She smiled and wheeled the cart next to the table. She set the food on the end, put out condiments and napkins and asked if there were anything else. Jim answered we were all set. Betty turned and we all watched her ample rear depart.

Dan broke the uncomfortable silence, "Well, I'd have to say this is a first in my auditing experience." Silently, I agreed and wondered how she could be so comfortable walking around naked.

We broke for lunch. We finished work by 4 and Jim announced we were free until 8:00 am the next day.

Back in the cabin, Carey announced she wanted to take a look around the camp.

"But," I said, "You'll have to be...I mean you won't be wearing..."

"Yeah, I know, Ann. I'll be naked."

"Anyone going to join me?"

Jim and Dan looked at each other and I could immediately tell they had talked about it.

"Well," said Dan, "I guess I'd like to see the place. If you don't mind, Carey."

"Hell, no." she said. "Look, guys, I am not hung up on this shit. I don't mind being naked and don't care if anyone—including all of you—sees me or not."

"Okay," said Jim, "but I wonder if it's appropriate since we're co-workers, and I am the supervisor."

Carey laughed. "Chill, Jim, we are adults and I see nothing wrong with nudity. So, stay here or come along. Decide for yourself."

She headed upstairs and I followed. Carey went into the bath and I sat on my bed. I could hear the shower running and about 10 minutes later she appeared with just a towel wrapped around her head.

I gasped to see her landing strip gone and a completely shaved pubic area shining between her legs.

She heard me and followed my gaze to the newly shaved spot.

"I figured that this was as good a time as any to go smooth," she said as she casually rubbed some sunscreen on her vagina. She then applied a layer to the rest of her body. She asked me if I would do her back. I couldn't refuse, so I rubbed the lotion on her back and legs.

"Don't be afraid to get my ass, Ann. I definitely do not want a burned tush for the week."

Inwardly I groaned and applied some sunscreen to the tight buns. Another first in my life, I was touching another woman in a private place.

Carey now inspected herself in the full length mirror. She smiled and pronounced herself looking good. She caught me eye in the mirror.

"This really freaks you out, doesn't it, Ann?" she asked.

I began by denying it, but then slowly nodded.

"I don't mean to be a bitch or anything, but I don't get it. We all have bodies, so what's the big deal? And, I agree with Suzie's appraisal last night at dinner," she said. "You seem to have a great shape. So, if you are worried you won't look good, I'd say that is unfounded. Hell, look at Betty. She is not a bikini bod, but I thought she looked so natural without clothes. But, I am not pressuring you to do anything. At the same time, I am not going to avoid doing something I want because it might make you uncomfortable."

I told her she should go right ahead and I would deal with my own hang-ups.

She turned and kissed me on the cheek, picked up her towel and headed out the door. "Come and send me off," she said.

I was about five steps behind when she called out, "Hey, guys, Ann is coming down."

I could just see the tops of their heads from where I stood. The looked at Carey walking down the stairs and then back at me. I took a few more steps and then saw them turning away and grabbing for their towels. I also saw their naked asses.

They fixed their eyes on Carey as she joined them and pronounced herself ready to go. I was now next to them. Jim said, "Shit."

"What?" I asked.

"Goddam it," he said, "I can't go right now."

"Why?" I said.

Dan was now almost doubled over holding in a laugh. Finally, he exploded and said, "Because he's got an erection."

I looked down and saw his towel tenting out.

"Apologies," he said. "Carey, I was not expecting you to look so, well, so provocative. Sorry."

"No problem, Jim," she assured him. "Why don't you go to the bathroom down the hall and take care of things, then we can get going."

Jim was scarlet, but nodded and hurried away.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

Dan and Carey let out howls.

"What?" I pleaded.

Carey looked at me and made an up and down motion with her hand.

I blushed and said, "You mean he's..."

"Yeah, he sure is," she said as Dan held his sides.

In a few minutes Jim returned without the bulge under the towel, mumbled another apology and the three departed. I stood on the porch and watched them head down toward the lake. After about twenty paces, the guys removed their towels and draped them over their shoulders. I gazed in amazement at the naked butts of my co-workers as I watched Carey's head move to look in the direction of each man's crotch.

"God," I thought, "She makes that look so easy."

About an hour and a half later I heard voices downstairs so I put down my book and ventured a peek. Carey, Jim and Dan were in the kitchen having some beers.

Thankfully, the three had their towels securely wrapped around their waists, although Carey's breasts were clearly on display.

She noticed me and waved me down and handed me a beer from the fridge. We stood around the kitchen island munching on pretzels. I asked how the afternoon went.

"Terrific," said Carey. "This place is awesome. The lake and all the facilities are first class. And, we met some really nice people."

Dan and Jim nodded in agreement.

"So, you guys were all right with being naked?"

The three of them shared a look and then laughed.

"What?" I asked.

Carey said, "Well, Dan, had to take a time out."

"A time out?" I wondered.

"This is so embarrassing," said Dan.

"Tell me," I said.

Carey finished her beer grabbed another one and said we should sit on the porch. We took our drinks and snacks and plopped down in the comfortable wooden rockers.

"Things were going great," began Carey, "until Tam talked us into the yoga class."

"Tamaqua was with you? And, she was..."

"Jeez, Ann, everyone is naked. Everyone, get it. Tam, Jeb, the people we had dinner with last night, and..." she paused to look at Dan and said, "Meg." Dan turned a deep red and silently drank his beer.

"So, as I was saying," continued Carey, "everything was cool. Ok, I admit it was a bit of a shock when we first ran into Tam. She is, as you would imagine, smoking hot when naked. But, we were cool. Even running into Jeb, who if I may be graphic, is tall and very well proportioned to his height, if you get my meaning?"

I tried to put the mental images of both Tam and Jeb out of my mind.

"So," Carey went on, "Tam says we should try the yoga class. It's under the open pavilion and very relaxing with the breezes blowing through. Dan says he'd love to since he is a big yoga fan. So, we follow Tam, get our mats and take our place in the last row as the place is quickly filling up. There is an empty mat in front of Dan. A young woman, who is the instructor, gives us a quick intro and tells us to get in our first position. Now, I have never done yoga, so I don't know all the names and was just trying to copy Dan and the others. So, we're stretching out, when Meg walks in. Now, I am sure I speak for all of us when I say she is one of the most beautiful women to be seen. And, nude? Oh my god!

"She takes the mat in front of us, half turns and gives us a mile wide smile. The next position is, I can't remember, but I call it the barking dog. You lean forward, rest on your elbows and your butt is sticking right up. So, Dan lifts his head and is looking right into the exposed hindquarters of beautiful Meg. I mean there is nothing left to the imagination at this point. We all start rocking a bit, and, let's just say that action and reaction occurred."

"Huh?" I said.

"Ann, visual naked female stimulus and action equals male reaction."

"Oh, you mean he..."

"Yep," she said with a giggle. "Proud to stand up and take notice. And, Dan, from a woman's perspective, very nice."

"Holy shit, what happened then?"

"Tam, who was next to Dan saw the problem," continued Carey, "and quietly had him follow her out of the pavilion, with his towel strategically covering the happy fella'. We were in the back row, so only the instructor and maybe a couple others saw."

"What can I say," offered Dan with a sheepish look. "It just happened. I didn't try to be a jerk."

He explained that Tam was very cool, saying it happens and led him down to the lake for a swim. When they got out, things were back to normal. She did suggest he not rejoin the class, at least not today.

We all had a good laugh, and then went back to our bedrooms to clean up and get ready for dinner.

When Carey and I were alone, she dropped the towel. I again marveled at her newly shaven private part.

"So, really, Carey, how was it?

"Do you mean how was it going around naked, how was it being naked in front of Jim and Dan, how was it seeing Tam, Jeb and Meg naked, or how was it looking at our team mates' cocks?"

"Oh, I never meant that last part," I protested.

"Bullshit, Ann, I think you did. I know you are shy, but that doesn't mean you aren't curious. So, the truth is that Jim has a nice one. Not too long and sorta' thick. Dan, however, is definitely in the well hung category. And, when he got hard, it was awe inspiring."

I knew I was blushing from head to toe.

To change the topic and take my thoughts from imaging the penises of my co-workers I asked, "So, how did you feel with your new look," I said motioning to her crotch.

Laughing she replied, "Well, it certainly got a rise out of Jim. But, I am so happy that I did it. I'd say that 90% of the women are totally smooth and the rest have tiny strips."

"Even Tam and Meg?"

"See, Ann, you do have a healthy curiosity. And, the answer is Tam is bald as a baby and looks unbelievably sexy. Meg has an enticing blond strip."

Carey was filling me in on other observations as I slipped off my shirt and shorts, ending up in my bra and quite sensible panties.

"So, Ann, do you think you might join us? We are all going back out tomorrow after we wrap up for the day."

I felt my stomach lurch, as usual, at the thought of being naked among other people. I did, however, wonder what Jim, Dan and our hosts might look like naked.

"Carey, I don't know. It would be such a big step for me. Hardly anyone has seen me nude. Even when I was playing ball, I hung around 'til most of the girls left to take my shower. To just all of a sudden run around bare-assed in front of all these people, including my boss and co-worker, I almost puke thinking about it."

As we were talking, Carey had moved into the bathroom and was showering. She obviously was completely unaffected by her nudity.

She stepped out and started drying her hair with her towel.

"How about baby stepping?"

"What?" I asked.

"You know like the movie, 'What About Bob?' Taking little baby steps and working up to bigger actions."

I shook my head not getting her meaning.

"Ann, how about you get naked in our room. You can experiment being nude around another person—me. Then, maybe you can take the next step."

"Like what," I asked.

"Like, well, like being naked in the cabin. The three of us talked about it coming back. We all said it would be great if we didn't have to wear clothes when we got back here. But, we all agreed it would be too embarrassing for you. But, if you didn't mind, or better yet, joined us, then that would be another step.

I considered this and watched in amazement as Carey non-chalantly dried her sex as she was talking.

"It would be one thing to do it our room, but I think that I am probably most apprehensive thinking about seeing Jim and Dan or them seeing me."

Carey dropped the towel on the floor and began applying lotion to her body, her small breasts bobbed with her touch and again she spent lots of time on her bald crotch.

"Fair enough, but take a first step," she urged.

"Like what and when?"

"Like strip and do it now. Take a shower."

My mind began racing. Was I even considering doing this? Was I crazy? But, almost by their own will my fingers moved to the back of my bra, seeking the clasp. They were shaking so much, I couldn't get it.

"Let me help," said Carey. She crossed, put her arms around me, while her breasts softly pushed into mine, still hidden behind the silky cups. I shivered at the exotic touch of our nipples. She undid the clasp and stood back, pulling the bra down as she moved.

Following my first instinct I covered my breasts with my hands. Carey laughed and said, "I've already seen them, Ann. Relax."

I sighed and dropped my hands to my side. Carey looked directly at my chest and let her eyes travel down to my panties.

"Need some more help?" she asked softly.

Shaking my head, I slipped my fingers inside the waistband and eased my undies to the floor.

I straightened up and summoning all my courage stood facing Carey, not bothering to cover any part.

"Wow, Ann," she said as her gaze wondered up and down. "You have an amazing bod. You always dress so conservatively that I wouldn't have expected something this beautiful and sexy."

I snorted, "Sexy? Right!"

"Believe it, honey. That is a righteous bod."

We held each others eyes for a moment and I knew she was serious. I felt better and more confident than I could have ever imagined being nude just inches from another nude person.

"Well, take your shower and let's go to dinner, I'm famished," she said while taking a step closer.

She looked directly down at my wild, full and untrimmed bush. She ran her fingers through the dark brown tangle and offered, "Sweetheart, if you do decide to venture out of this room, this jungle needs some serious thinning. I'll help you because it's obvious you have never done any gardening."

She then spun me around and slapped my ass and pushed me toward the shower. I walked in a half daze. I had stripped in front of a woman. I also felt a strong tingling in my loins and recalled her nipples against mine and most especially her touch on my pubes. "What the hell is happening," I asked myself as I showered.

Fifteen minutes later, we joined the guys and headed to the dining hall. We sat again with Tam, but the other people were new to me, but not to Carey, Jim and Dan. We had an enjoyable meal and they invited us to go on a nature hike up to the nearby peak after we finished work tomorrow. All except me nodded and said good night.

We got back to our cabin and Jim suggested a nightcap. He poured tumblers of single malt scotch he must have brought with him. We sat on the comfy couch and chairs near the fireplace.

Jim looked at Carey and she nodded.

"So, Ann, I guess Carey mentioned what we were thinking about regarding a dress code for our cabin."

I nearly choked on my scotch and mumbled some sort of incoherent reply.

"We do not want to put you in an awkward position," he said.

"Yeah, like the one Dan was in after looking at Meg's sweet spot," called out Carey.

The three of them laughed together.

"No, seriously, Ann," continued Jim, "I had envisioned us just doing our job and not getting caught up in the nudist part. But, I have to say today was eye-opening. Not just because we were among naked people, but because of the sense of freedom and a feeling of shedding not just clothes but a lot of stress."

I sipped my drink and nodded. My mind was racing at a furious pace. Could these men I worked with for three years, who sat next to me at meetings, who made presentations to boards of directors actually be suggesting we start hanging around naked.

Dan spoke up. "Ann, we realize that you are a private person and obviously may not feel comfortable going around without clothes. What we are wondering is would it be too hard on you if the three of us became more, shall we say, relaxed?"

I remained silent for a minute or so and then asked some questions. "First, do you mean when we are working on the audit? I don't think I could handle being in that conference room and having three naked bodies working on spreadsheets."

We all smiled at the image and Dan said. "No, clothing will still be worn. Since we are already wearing very casual dress, it won't be a big deal. So, clothes on during work."

Jim and Carey nodded in agreement.

"Second," I continued, "I really don't want any pressure to join you."

The three all readily agreed with Jim adding, "Ann, there will be no pressure, overt or subtle. We are doing this for us, not to influence you to go nude."

"Third," I concluded, "I don't want this to become an excuse for sex. I, hell all of us, have to go back to Boston in a few days and work together—with clothes. I don't want you guys 'going native' turning into something else that may impact our jobs and, quite frankly, my career. I need this job and I want to move up."

Jim spoke for the group. "I promise you, Ann, that will not happen. Although none of us in a committed relationship right now, I am in 100% agreement that a sexual relationship among any of us would be poison and could damage our ability to work together. It could end our association with the firm. So, no, there will be no sex involved among us guys with you women."

I studied the dark amber liquid for a long time and then looked at the three of them. "Shit, why not. I can handle it, I hope. If you guys want to do it, I will not stand in your way."

The others beamed, but Jim pushed a little further. "Ann, I accept what you say, but I need to know that you are not agreeing because of peer pressure. You say you will not stand in our way, but will you be too uncomfortable?"

"Honestly, Jim, I haven't a freaking clue," I admitted. "But, I'm willing to be open to it. So, go ahead. But..."

"But what?" asked Dan.

"But, when does this start?"

Jim replied, "How about tomorrow?"

"Like after our work is done?" I asked.

"More like when we get up in the morning," he said. "If any of us feels like not getting dressed until we head over to the conference room, then so be it."

"So be it," I said and wondered if I would even sleep tonight worrying about what would greet me with my morning coffee.

We finished and Carey and I went upstairs while the guys cleaned up.

As soon as we were in our room, Carey turned and hugged me.

"Thanks, Ann," she said. "You are terrific. I think this is going to be fun. And, maybe you will join in. It won't kill you. No one really ever died from embarrassment, you know. That's only an expression."

"I might be the exception," I moaned.

"Well, you admitting that we could be nude around you is another baby step," she said. "How about one more?"


"Like," she said lifting her t-shirt over her head and exposing her breasts, "our room is now clothing free all the time."

She dropped her shorts and looked at me. Although I was nude in front of her just a few hours ago, the butterflies were going crazy in my tummy.

"I cannot freakin' believe I am going to do this," I admitted as I lifted my polo shirt over my head. I again fumbled with my bra clasp. "Well, one advantage is I won't have to mess with this freakin' bra any more."

Carey moved behind me and unclasped it. She slid the straps down my arms, her fingertips brushing along my breasts and cupping them briefly.