Side Effects

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I am prescribed strong painkillers.
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Consciousness started to filter into my brain, I was slowly becoming aware of noises around me, a steady beeping and the low sound of voices. Someone was holding my hand and I realised I was lying in a bed, half propped up. It wasn't my bed though, and I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids were like lead and I could barely move them. I tried harder, forcing them apart and slowly light began to filter in, softly at first then more harshly.

"What....?" My voice was croaky and I could barely understand myself.

"Nurse, Nurse," a voice called out, "he's waking up." It was my mother's voice and as I forced my eyes to open wider I could make out the blurred outline of three figures. Slowly they came more into focus as my eyes became accustomed to the glare, it was my parents and my sister. We were in a stark white room with bright fluorescent lighting and with a start I realised I was in hospital.

Slowly I took in more surroundings, I had wires attached to me and a clip on my finger, all leading back to machines standing by my bedside. There was a tube stuck below my nose and I could feel a soft waft of air coming from it. My mother's face was full of worry, and I could see that tears were streaming down her face.

A nurse appeared and I heard my mother again. "He's awake, isn't he? Please tell me he's OK." The nurse peered into my eyes and then shone a little torch into them making me blink again.

"Well the signs are good, I'll go and fetch the doctor, he'll conduct some tests, but I'm sure that now he's awake it won't be long before he's back to himself." She disappeared and my mother came and hugged me, her tears making my face wet. Dad too hugged me followed by my sister, all with broad smiles plastered across their faces.

"We've been so worried David," my mother said as the doctor came in, dressed in green scrubs with a stethoscope round his neck. He too peered into my eyes with a torch, looked at the readouts from the machines and then pronounced me fully awake, adding that I wasn't completely out of the woods yet but that it shouldn't be long.

"You've got a concussion, and some pretty bad bruising all over your body, but luckily nothing broken, so you need to take it easy for a week or so, and we'll keep you in for one more night, then I think you'll be able to go home if your parents can keep a close eye on you." My mother nodded vigorously. "We'll give you some strong painkillers, take them religiously for three days, then only if you really need them as they can do some strange things to you. Side effects can be constipation and perhaps a light headedness, a feeling of being a little spaced out. Absolutely no alcohol or drugs for a week."

"He doesn't take drugs!" My mother interrupted loudly.

"I'm sure he doesn't," the doctor replied, "just telling you that's all." With a final scribble on my chart he left.

"Why am I here?" I croaked as the nurse lifted me up slightly and allowed me a sip of water, tasting like the finest nectar as it slipped down my parched throat.

"Don't you remember anything?" My father asked as I shook my head, instantly regretting it. "You've been in a car crash, a car crossed the carriageway in front of you and hit the cars ahead of you. You hit the back of them and were then rear-ended. Luckily the air bags all activated and protected you, but the car's a write off, although don't worry about that now. We're just so glad that you're going to be OK."

"How long have I been here?"

"You've been in a coma for two days."

"Two days?" I couldn't believe I'd been out for that long.

"And Mum and Dad haven't left your side for that whole time," my sister, Jenny added as Mum squeezed my hand. The nurse came in again and I was able to look at her properly for the first time. She was perhaps early thirties and dressed like the doctor in green scrubs, she had bobbed blond hair and a trim figure. Her name was Julie I saw from the name tag pinned just above her breast, one of a rather attractive pair, I couldn't help noticing.

She gave me some pills then addressed my parents, "I have to get all these wires off him now and various other matters, then someone will come in and give him a bed bath. I'm sure he'd be grateful if you gave him some privacy for a while. In any event those pills I gave him will soon have him asleep and getting some proper rest. Don't worry, he won't slip back into a coma again now. Why don't you go home for the night and get some rest yourselves, you've done absolutely everything you can for him. He should be proud of you."

Mum, Dad and Jen all left, somewhat reluctantly, all kissing and hugging me and I was finally left alone with Julie. She started unsticking all the sensors, wrapping up the wires carefully. I couldn't help but peer down the V neck of her scrubs as she bent over me and was rewarded by a glimpse of her bra encased breasts, surprised that her bra was bright red. I wondered if her panties matched.

Finally she was done. "Right, just your catheter now." I had wondered why my penis felt so strange, but hadn't been able to explore it while my family were there. "It won't hurt, just a strange pulling sensation," she explained, pulling the bed covers back and lifting my hospital gown up. I looked down at my penis, a tube coming out of my urethra running down and out of the side of the bed.

Julie took hold of me and gently started to ease the tube out. I couldn't watch and averted my eyes wondering how on earth she knew how it would feel if she didn't have a cock herself. She was right though, it didn't hurt and then finally it was out. She reached for a wipe and holding me in one hand gave it a wipe.

To my intense embarrassment my penis started to get hard and within a second or two I had a full boner. "I am so sorry," I apologised, feeling my face go bright red.

"Don't worry David, I've seen it all before and believe me, I'd be really surprised if a healthy twenty year old like you didn't get an erection in these circumstances. You've not had any relief for several days and you must be getting backed up. However I'd not advise any sex or masturbation for a day or two if you can possibly manage that." She looked at me and with an impish grin gave my cock a quick fondle before lowering my gown and replacing the bed covers.

She left the room and was replaced by an orderly who proceeded to give me a welcome bed bath, but I have to say the he wasn't a patch on the delightful Julie. He was a very nice guy though and chatted to me throughout, asking me why I was in hospital although I really couldn't tell him much. As he finished I found myself becoming very drowsy and my eyelids became too much to hold open and darkness overcame me.

I was dreaming, well I had to be dreaming but the clarity of the dream made it appear completely lifelike. Julie had come into the room I was in, not my hospital wardroom, but a simpler room, just a normal metal framed cot on which a form was lying. He looked up as she came in and smiled at her. "You came then?"

She nodded, "But I don't know how long I've got, I'm still on call although everyone seems fully settled and the others can manage most things. She pulled her scrubs top over her head revealing her scarlet bra, supporting two beautiful looking breasts, a delectable cleavage between them. Reaching behind her she unsnapped the clasp and they tumbled out, full and firm looking topped with pale nipples.

The figure on the bed rolled over onto his back, still in his scrubs, and I could see that it was the doctor who'd attended me earlier. Julie reached for his waist and pulled at the draw cord, undoing the bow and then pulling them down his legs together with his underwear. His cock sprang up, fully erect and immediately she leaned forward and took him in her mouth, rubbing the base as he reached for her head, holding his hands either side of it. I could see her mouth sucking at him while her hands were busy at work.

"God, I've missed that, you suck my cock so beautifully. Here let me lick you as well." Julie removed her own scrubs and I was pleased to see that I had been right, her panties did match. She slipped them off and I realised she was a true blond, her curly pubic hair was as blond as the hair on her head.

She swung her legs over him and they settled into a classic 69 position, her head bobbing on his cock as he buried his face between her legs. I could see her puckered hole, her pussy lips as he drove his tongue into her, prising her crease open with his fingers. She raised herself up and pivoted round sitting astride his hips and lifting herself up grabbed hold of his cock and guided it between her legs. She sank down slowly and I could see her lips parting as it slipped inside her.

They began to move slowly, Julie undulating her hips as he thrust up inside her, her breasts were bouncing on her chest, her nipples now looking darker and harder as her arousal rose through her. They moved with more intent, seemingly wanting their release quickly and I could see their need as he began to slam harder and harder up into her pussy. Suddenly he groaned and grabbed her hips, "I'm going to cum," he gasped.

"Not inside me, he'll be home," cried Julie in a panicked voice as she lifted herself off and slid rapidly down his legs, taking his cock once more in her mouth. I could see her swallowing until she could take no more and she pulled it out, semen still spurting out over her face and neck.

Just as he finished there was beeping sound, "Shit, that's my pager, I've got to go. See you later I hope." With that he rolled out from under her and standing up dragged his scrubs back on and without a backward glance, literally ran from the room.

Julie sighed and rolled back onto the bed, one hand finding her breasts and the other her pussy, She started to rub herself and I realised that she hadn't cum and was going to finish herself off. Thrusting two fingers inside her pussy she began to saw them in and out and I could hear her squelching as her juices flowed copiously out of her. With a cry her back arched, thrusting her hips into the air and her fingers rubbed frantically at her pussy. Then just as suddenly she was still and she collapsed back down onto the bed, breathing heavily.

After a few minutes she stood and pulled her clothes back on as I watched, seeing her lean forward and drop her breasts into the cups of her bra then cover them with her scrubs. She pushed her hair back into position then tidying the bed slightly, left.

I was coming to, my head and body aching and I reached down to my crotch, realising that I must have had a wet dream or something as I was sticky with cum. I dried myself with the front of the gown and looked at the clock, two-fifteen it said, and I guessed that it was in the middle of the night. What a dream I'd had, or was it? It didn't seem like any dream I'd had before, yes, I'd had erotic dreams but nothing so vivid and realistic. Also it wasn't as though I had been there watching, more like I was everywhere, aware of everything going on, seeing everything in absolute clarity, and then clearly I'd had an orgasm.

My head hurt and I was just contemplating pressing the button for the nurse when the door opened and Julie walked in. "Ah, you're awake then. In pain?" I nodded. "Just as well I'm here to give you some more pills then." I looked at her, she was an exact duplicate of the Julie in my dream and as she approached me I could see something in her hair, something that looked just like spunk. What on earth had I witnessed?

She gave me the pills, made a notation on my chart and said, "I probably won't see you again, my shift finishes shortly and I'll be going home for a couple of hours with my husband, another nurse will take over. I wish you all the best with your recovery David, and remember what I said about leaving it for a day or two if you can." Too late for that I thought! With that she was gone and I was left with only my memory of that vivid experience.

When I awoke again it was indeed another nurse who gave me my medication, just as it was beginning to get light. She was pleasant enough but didn't have quite the same appeal as Julie. Pretty soon I was engaged in the lengthy process of being discharged, a further examination by a doctor, a different one, and was finally pronounced well enough to go home. I still couldn't remember anything about the accident or anything immediately before it, but otherwise I felt totally compos mentis.

Both Mum and Dad came to pick me up, bringing some clean clothes for me to wear. A porter wheeled me in a wheelchair to the exit where I was finally allowed to stand, and allowed myself to be led to the car. I do admit to feeling a little wobbly, but I was in no pain courtesy of the pills I'd been given, a fresh supply of which was in my pocket. I'd been left in no doubt that too many taken at one time was extremely dangerous, and that I was not to drive or operate any machinery whilst taking them.

I sort of expected to have some concerns about being in a car, but experienced nothing of the sort, although some of the potholes did produce some pretty hefty jarring to my bruised and battered body. Nevertheless we made it home safely and I was escorted into the house where my sister was waiting. She was most solicitous, offering to get me tea or biscuits, something to read and although we'd always been fairly close, my accident had clearly worried her and she was being extra nice.

It wasn't long before it started to get on top of me, the complete calm of the hospital being replaced by a busy house, people constantly moving and talking and asking me if I wanted anything. I wasn't ungrateful, I just felt as though I needed some peace and quiet and thus opted for a very early night, popping a couple of painkillers before getting into bed. I woke about four hours later and saw that it was still only eleven o'clock and I was once more in some pain so took some more. I should have waited another couple of hours, but knew that I'd never go back to sleep if I was hurting.

I lay back and closed my eyes, feeling the darkness swirl about me, then suddenly I was in my parents' bedroom, not physically, but just as I had been in the doctors' room at the hospital, aware of everything around me without actually seeing it. My mother was sitting at her dressing table cleaning her face, dressed just in a bra and panties. Nothing sexy I noticed, just plain white, although I could just about make out the darkness of her areola through the lace at the front. Her breasts wobbled enticingly as she spread various creams over her face.

Dad appeared from their en-suite bathroom, dressed in just a pair of boxers. He came up to Mum and stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders looking at her in the mirror. "It's so good to have him back home." He said, gently stroking Mum's shoulders.

"Yes, I was so worried, well I know we all were seeing him lying there in that coma. I hope he recovers quickly and we get our boy back fully soon."

"I'm sure he will," Dad said, "the young bounce back very quickly and he's pretty fit and healthy."

"What about you?" Mum said, "I feel as though I've been neglecting you, I've been so concerned with David." She pivoted on the stool and wrapped her arms round Dad's middle, pulling his stomach into her face. "Perhaps it's time to focus on each other a bit more." With that she dug her hand into the opening of his boxers and pulled out his cock, still flaccid. She peered at it and said, "It looks sad, shall I give it a kiss better?" Without waiting for an answer she took it into her mouth and began to suck on it.

Unsurprisingly it grew hard very quickly and I saw that Dad had quite an impressive cock that my prim and proper Mother was now taking deep into her mouth, rubbing briskly at the base as she did so. Dad reached down and cupped her breast through her bra, I could see his fingers tweaking her nipples as he looked down at Mum's mouth wrapped round him. He deftly unsnapped her bra and she shrugged it off her shoulders, her full breasts falling out of the cups. They betrayed her age and children, sagging slightly, but still quite remarkable.

I'd never really considered my parents having a sex life, yes I'd seen them embracing often and had heard noises from their bedroom, but to see them engaged in something I thought only the young did was quite a surprise. Dad pulled Mum up, his cock plopping out of her mouth as he moved towards the bed, pulling his boxers down as he went. Mum stood up fully and slipped her panties off. She had a full bush, a thick triangle of curly hair between her legs as she crossed over to the bed.

She put a knee on the side and slid the other leg over Dad's body, then slid upwards until her pussy was above his face. He lifted his head and pushed out his tongue, pressing his face into her crotch, licking up and down. Mum gasped and reached out a hand to the wall to steady herself as Dad continued to lick her. "I love it when you do that," she moaned, "stick your tongue right in." Dad grasped her buttocks and pulled her hard against him as she rocked her hips back and forth, her breasts swaying on her chest, her nipples now dark and hard.

Dad rolled her off, and she lay beside him, her legs apart as he positioned himself between them, his cock pointing straight at her pussy. I saw it nudge against her as he manoeuvred himself into position, then with a smooth push forward his cock disappeared inside her as Mum's arms came round him. "God that feels good," she murmured as her body began to move in tandem with his, their hips rising and falling together, his cock momentarily appearing as he pulled backwards.

He raised himself into a semi kneeling position and held Mum's legs apart, her pussy and arsehole now clearly visible, his cock pistoning in and out of her as her breasts oscillated on her chest. She grasped them and squeezed them against her, her fingers scissoring her nipples as Dad pumped in and out of her. "Peter," she cried out, "hard now, fuck me hard!" I'd never heard my mother use that word ever and I was shocked at the height of her passion to make her say it.

Dad was now ramming himself into her with some force and pace and I could see Mum's face contorting as her breathing became ragged. "That's it," she cried, "that's it, I'm cumming now, fuck me harder, fill me up." Dad's face contorted too as he rammed his cock into her then threw back his head, clearly cumming himself.

As if in sync with them I could feel an orgasm erupting in me, I couldn't tell if I was asleep or not, but I knew I was cumming as well, my cock spurting spunk into my sleep shorts. I could feel myself slipping away from their room, a greyness replacing the clarity of the previous images as Dad pulled his cock from Mum, allowing a dollop of white to escape the lips of her pussy as he lay down beside her.

I woke and saw that it was now early morning, light seeping round my curtains and I wondered if it had all been an erotic dream. My sleep shorts felt and looked crusty and I knew that I'd had an orgasm, but was it a wet dream or had I just had a wank and forgotten about it. There was a knock on my door and I quickly covered myself up again. It was Mum with a cup of tea. "Thought you might like this," she said as she bent forward to put it on the bedside table. I saw her breast fall forward inside her robe and I could see that she had nothing on underneath.

She left, her backside swaying beneath the tightness of the robe and my hand went to my now hard cock and I had a delicious wank, recalling the images of the previous night, sure now they were real in some strange way.

I got up and showered, pleased to be in my own bathroom, well the one I shared with my sister, rather than in hospital. I took my time savouring the hot shower, and felt much better when I emerged, freshly shaven. I needed some more pills and swallowed them with breakfast, then settled back for the day, needing to take it easy, but already feeling a little bored and frustrated. Dad was at work again, Mum was catching up on her housework and Jenny, my sister had gone shopping with a friend. I watched some TV, dozed for a short while and read a book.