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The skinny girl is now a woman.
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Her name was Sienna.

I guess I had known her for all of her life, but I really didn't get to know her until she had become was about ten.

I knew her parents. In fact we got together at least once a month. I worked the soundboard for a group that they were in. I didn't have to be there for every practice, but at least once a month and at performances I was there.

Sienna has 2 older siblings but her closest sister was 4 years older than her. That is why at about 10 she came into my life on a regular basis. Her older sister was "too busy" to babysit her younger sister. So she tagged along to the rehearsal. Her mom, Clara, told her to sit quietly and wait. It would only be about an hour and a half and then they would leave.

She saw me sitting at the soundboard and asked her mother if it was okay to sit and watch me. She said, "Yes, but only if Kurt says it is okay." I told her that it would be no problem, and from then on Sienna sat next to me and I showed her what I was doing.

A few years of this went by and even when she was old enough to be home alone she would still choose to be there at every performance and almost every rehearsal.

I heard all about the "school drama" and the "boy drama" and listened as she went through the narcissistic phase that all teenagers go through.

At eighteen she went off to college and I hadn't seen her again for about two years. It was the night of a big performance. The group was to be in a lineup of 5 groups with a combined performance at the end. I needed to be at the venue, an hour and a half away, at about 1:00 to set up the equipment. It was going to be a long day.

My group was scheduled to play second so about 2:00 they all walked in and then I saw Sienna.

Two years had done wonders. At eighteen she was just getting out of her awkward teenage years. But at 20 she was definitely a woman.

She came right over to where I was sitting and sat down like she had done so many times before. "Well, hello stranger." I said. "Hello Kurt. I wondered if you'd remember me." "I remember a skinny kid that used to sit and watch me work the soundboard, talk about school and boys. You look a little like her but you're no longer a skinny kid. You're definitely a young woman now."

She blushed a little. "Well, mom said this was going to be a big show. So since I just got back for winter break I figured I'd check it out. She seemed to appreciate that. You have to throw the parents a bone every once in a while."

"Well, I'm glad to have the company."

We sat and talked, caught up on life. School was going well. Soon it was like old times, comfortable, talking about anything and everything.

Rehearsal went well and I had a chance to talk to the other groups and their sound techs. Coordinating five groups equipment, where and when to move equipment into position and where to put it after each group plays, took a little time and it seemed like it might be a logistical nightmare. Each group had about 10 to 15 minutes in between sets to get their gear in place and the other group's gear moved out of the way.

Finally it was concert time and our group did very well. The crowd really got into them. After they got done I hopped up onto the stage and moved our gear back and out of the way. Sienna helped me and we worked together like a well oiled machine. I couldn't help but watch her curvy body move about the stage. I noticed the other techs eyeing her also.

We then took a seat in the audience to watch and wait for the final part when I would need to work the soundboard again.

At about 9:00 Sienna's mom, Clara, came over to where we were sitting and told me, "It's snowing pretty hard out there." I checked radar on my phone and saw a huge storm coming over Lake Michigan from Wisconsin. "Wow, that looks bad."

"I'm going to talk to the other groups and see what they want to do. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I looked at my phone and thought to myself, "There is one more group after the group on stage then their combined event. After I pack up I won't be out of here until midnight. Then in this storm I won't be home till 2:30, if not later." I don't mind driving at night but I definitely don't like white knuckle driving.

Sienna leaned over and looked at my phone. "I'm glad I'm not driving in that. I hate to drive at night, let alone in a snowstorm." "Yeah it looks like it will be slow going." I said.

Clara came back, "I spoke to some of the other groups and they still want to do the combined performance. They think that we can share sound equipment for that performance. That means that you can get an early start back. Hopefully you can miss the worst of the storm."

"What about you guys?"

"A number of the groups live in town here and they said we could crash with them if we didn't want to try to drive. You'll be hauling the trailer with the gear. You'll have a hard enough time getting home if you leave now, let alone if you stay to the end."

"I think that may be a good idea. I have an appointment at 10:00 tomorrow morning that I can't miss, otherwise I'd just stay tonight too."

"Alright then. Can you get all the equipment off the stage during the next break?"

"Yeah, no problem if Sienna will help me."

Sienna looked at me and said, "Yes, if you can do something for me?"

"And what would that be?" I asked quizzically.

"Can I go back with you and have you drop me off at home?"

"Yeah, but you'll miss your parents combined performance."

"Mom is that okay?"

"It is okay with me as long as it is okay with Kurt. Do you mind dropping her off?"

"No problem. It will be nice to have the company to keep me up on the drive back."

"Good. I'm sure she wouldn't want to hang out with us old folks after the show anyway."

"Thanks mom." Sienna said.

"Don't thank me, thank Kurt."

"I will" she said.

After about 15 minutes the 5th group finished and we jumped onto the stage to move the equipment. Sienna bent over in front of me to grab the stage monitors and I had a hard time not staring at her fine ass. I hoped no one noticed.

We were able to get everything off the stage without too much trouble. Then we started hauling it to the trailer as the next group started playing. Within a half an hour we were packed up and I told Sienna to let her parents know we were leaving.

As she walked away to find her parents I couldn't help but watch her walk away. She had definitely grown up in the 10 years since she first sat next to me at the soundboard.

I backed my truck up to the trailer and hooked it up. I was just about to check the lights on the trailer when Sienna came back.

"All set?" She asked.

"Can you check the lights as I push the brakes and blinkers?"


All was in working order. My truck was a little old but she never let me down.

We hopped in and started out. There was already about 3 inches of snow on the ground. I said to her, "We'll have to take it slow. I don't want to end up in a ditch." Then she said something that made me do a double take. "Well if we end up in a ditch we'll just have to snuggle up and make the best of it."

That got my mind spinning. What did she mean by that? Maybe it was totally innocent. So I said something to make light of the statement. "Well if we do I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend time in a ditch with."

We both chuckled and I put the truck in 4 wheel drive and started toward home.

Conversation was light and it was definitely nice to have Sienna keep me company. After about a half an hour on the road it had become obvious that it was going to be a long trip. We were only going about 30 mph and I was definitely driving with both hands on the wheel.

Then Sienna did something that took me by surprise. She undid her seatbelt, flipped the center seat console up, moved over to sit next to me and buckled up. "Well, it has been ages since anyone has sat there. It is nice to have someone sit next to me like that."

"I think it's nice too. I used to ride between my parents when I was young. It gave me a sense of being safe."

I drove on and about 11:30 Sienna got a call from her mother. They chatted for just a minute when Sienna handed the phone to me. "So how is it going?" She asked.

"We've only gone about 30 miles. At this rate we probably won't get to your house till about 1:00."

"Well don't rush."

"I'm not. I'm just taking my time. I'll get your girl home safely."

"Well, don't try to drive to your house after. Just stay at our house tonight. You can sleep in our bed."

"No, I can make it home okay. I'll just take it slow."

"Let me speak to Sienna."

I handed the phone to Sienna. I can hear her mom telling her not to let me drive home after we get to their house. "Okay mom, I won't. Bye mom." "Text me when you get home." Her mother said. "Okay mom." Sienna assured her.

She hung up, "I guess your sleeping at our house tonight." She said with a mischievous look on her face.

Shortly after the call Sienna snuggled up against me and placed her hand on my thigh. Even though I was white knuckle driving and concentrating on the road I could feel my groin begin to tingle. I was hoping she didn't see the bulge in my pants growing. Then she started drawing little circles with her index finger on my leg. I looked at her and she looked up at me with a smile on her face. I kissed her on her forehead, then she kissed me on my cheek.

The rest of the trip was slow but uneventful and I finally got my bulge to go down even though she left her hand on my thigh.

When we got to her street it had not been plowed yet and there was at least 14" of snow. I told her, "I'm not going to be able to drive down your street. With this trailer I will get stuck. Can you make it from here?" Their house was about 100 yards from the corner. "Yes, but I'm not getting out. You'll drive home." "No, I am going to park in the school parking lot around the corner. I'll be able to turn around and be pointing out to the main road to make it easier to get out in the morning." "You promise?" "Yes, I promise." "Okay then, see you in a couple minutes."

I drove to the school and pulled into the parking lot, almost getting stuck, but was able to do a large loop and parked close to the entry. Being Sunday tomorrow I was pretty sure they wouldn't be plowing until later in the afternoon at the earliest. I would be leaving by around 8:00 so I wasn't worried. I trudged through the snow and finally came to their house. I knocked on the door and in a couple seconds she opened it up. She was already dressed in flannel pajamas, ready for bed.

"Did you text your mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, did it when I walked to the house."

I took off my coat and boots and walked into the kitchen. Sienna asked, "Do you want something to eat?" "No, I'm not hungry, but thanks" "Are you sure?" "Yes, but my muscles are all tight from the drive. Can I take a hot shower to relax?" "Sure, I'll get you a towel."

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sienna brought me in a towel. I thanked her and then she left. I got into the shower and soaked myself under the showerhead letting the hot water run over my aching shoulders.

After about 10 minutes I got out and put my pants back on but left my shirt off since I was going right to bed. I stepped out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Sienna was there in her pajamas. Even thru the thick fabric of flannel I could tell she had no bra on because her breasts swayed as she moved. I could feel the tingle in my groin again.

Lay down on the bed and I will give your shoulders a massage." She said. I thought to myself "If I don't lay down soon she will see my bulge growing in my pants." So I laid down.

She stood beside the bed and started massaging my shoulders. It felt great. It had been years since I'd had anyone give me a massage. After a couple minutes she said, "I can't get a good angle like this. I'm going to sit on your back if that's okay." Well by this time my cock was bulging in my jeans and I wasn't going to argue. "Sure." I said.

She straddled my lower back and started massaging my shoulders and my whole back. I couldn't help but moan as she worked out the kinks and soreness. After a few minutes I felt her lean over me and press herself on my back. It felt soft. She whispered in my ear "How does that feel?" My mind raced then. I realized that it wasn't the softness of flannel but warm skin on skin. She must have opened her pajama top while she was massaging me. She was now pressing her breasts against my back. What else could I say but, "It feels soft and warm. It feels good." "Good, I'm glad." She said.

After a while of getting more massage she said, "Turn over." as she swung her leg over and knelt beside me on the bed.

"I don't think I can." I said, knowing that there would be no hiding my bulge. As if reading my mind she said, "What, are you afraid to show that bulge in your jeans?" "Well it is a little embarrassing." "I don't think so," She said, "It looked good on the trip home."

I didn't know what to say so instead I just turned over. She swung her leg back over me and straddled my groin. All I could do was look at her breasts. They were gorgeous. A solid C cup if I had to guess, about the size of large oranges. They were framed by the flannel pajamas on the sides and a deep tan line underneath. The nipples were deep red, hard as erasers and her areolas were puffing out from her mounds of flesh. Beautiful. They reminded me of 2 Sundaes - Large scoops of vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and cherries on top. Yum.

(Hmmm... I guess I was hungry.)

She started grinding her pelvis on my bulge. It felt great. It had been 3 years since I was last with a woman in this way.

I reached up and cupped her breasts. They were firm and soft. I gently tweeked her nipples and massaged her mounds. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan. I sat up and took one of her nipples into my mouth and gently sucked. It tasted so good. I flicked it with my tongue and she caught her breath. I stopped and looked up at her. She opened her eyes and looked down at me with a "Why did you stop?" look in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lowered her to the bed.

I started kissing her, our tongues met and did a little dance. We kissed passionately for a while then my hands began to explore this nubile body. I again massaged her breasts, lightly squeezing her nipples. My hand slid down her smooth stomach towards her loins. Her hands started exploring also. I felt like I was a teenager again, excitement, anticipation, anxiety, and wonder were just a few of the emotions running through my mind.

My hand slipped down and slid within her pajama bottoms. I could feel the soft lace as I reached the panties. My hand caressed the soft cotton as I reached for her womanhood. Her panties were moist and as I rubbed her swollen vagina, her breath started getting heavy.

Her hand moved to my groin, squeezed and rubbed my cock through my jeans. I knew that I would not last long once I got started so I decided that I would concentrate on her needs before I did anything to allow my release.

I started rubbing her clit through her panties and she spread her legs a little. I could feel her panties were getting wet now, and I could smell her arousal. I slipped my hand into her panties and dipped my finger into her vagina. She was so wet I could hear the finger slide in and out. I went back to stimulating her clit and every once in a while sticking two fingers into her. Meanwhile I was sucking on her breast. Luckily all the attention I was giving her made her stop rubbing me, so I could calm down.

I switched breasts and started biting her nipple softly as I worked her clit and vagina. She started breathing very heavily and she grabbed my head with one of her hands and pushed my head onto her breast. I could tell she was about to have an orgasm and so I worked it hard, sucking her breast and circling her clit varying the speed and pressure. Then she came.

"Ooohhh" she moaned as her body quivered and she clamped her legs on my hand and pushed my head to her chest.

I was happy. No matter what happened next, and no matter how quickly I reached my release, at least she had been satisfied first.

The smell of her sex was strong and sweet in the air. I just had to taste her. So I got up and went to the end of the bed and slowly pulled her pajamas off of her, and then slid her panties down her slender legs. Wow they were great legs, shapely and muscled. I could tell she had been working out or at least jogging to keep them in shape.

I ran my hands up and down her legs and massaged them gently. As I got to her thighs she spread her legs, lifted her head to look down at me and said, "Please put it in me Kurt." "Not yet, Sienna, I have to taste this beautiful honeypot." It was beautiful. Her bush was nicely trimmed and shaved into a small triangle that pointed to hey sweet spot. Her outer lips were swollen with excitement and her inner lips were just slightly parted in anticipation of the fulfillment of her desire. Her clitoris was pink and stood out, wanting more attention. I smelled her aroma and blew gently on it. It started pulsating and Sienna let out a small moan. I could resist no longer. It had been years since I had been with a woman and I wanted to smell, taste and feel it all.

I slowly licked her from the bottom up to the clitoris and flicked the clit with my tongue. Sienna shuddered and spread her legs wider. "You taste wonderful." I said to her. She smiled down at me and urged me to go on by saying, "You can taste all you want. It has been months since I've been pleased in that way." I dove in, promising myself that I would please her. In fact, I planned on pleasing her more than once.

I first started kissing her inner thigh working my way up to her bush. I kissed and then ran my tongue through her pubic hair. She giggled, "That tickles." I kept working my way down her other thigh. Then I breathed heavily on her pussy. It responded with slow contractions and her clit poked out even more. I had to have that love button. I concentrated on the clit, twirling my tongue around it, then up and down, and finally drawing it into my lips and sucking on it. She started squirming a little so I increased my effort and also put a finger in her pussy. It was wet and slid in with no problem so I stuck another one in and started finger fucking her. She responded by moving her hips to help me get as much of my fingers in as possible. I kept this up as I continued to suck her clit and tickle it with the tip of my tongue.

It didn't take long for her breathing to get heavy and I knew that it wouldn't be long. I intensified my finger penetration and pressure on her clit with my tongue. Her hands grabbed my hair and pushed on my head, not away from but into her pussy. "Don't stop." She said. No worries, the thought had not even crossed my mind.

She came again. This time her legs closed on my head. She held me like that for about a minute. It felt like I was in heaven. I continued to tease her with my tongue, but I had slowed to give her a chance to relax a bit.

Sienna then spread her legs, lifted her head off the pillow, and said, "I need your cock in my mouth to return the favor. Get it up here."

"I won't last long if you do." I said. "It has been a while."

"Get it up here!"

I took off my jeans and straddled over her with my dick pointing straight at her face - 69 my favorite position. I could continue to enjoy her sweet taste as she enjoyed my cock.

I dove back in as she took me in her mouth. It felt so soft and warm. I started licking her clit and finger fucking her again. At this angle I had more opportunities to give her pleasure. I switched places with my fingers and tongue. I was now stimulating her clit and tasting her as deep as my tongue would go.