Silver Lake Angel


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Kim continued lying on the couch, directly confronting Tony's narrowed eyes with a passionate gaze of her own. She trailed a clear coat finger nail up and down the white gutter of flesh, bumping the waist band of her army shorts, and then back up between her tits. She finally flicked the jacket off her left tit, and Tony's face grew intense. She had small coral colored nipples, which were a little cold. She circled it with her clear coat nail a few times, and then grazed over the lithe button. Tony merely looked horrified. Avery hadn't intended for her to scare him, so what was she supposed to do now?

Finally she decided she'd have some goddamn fun, with or without Tony. So much for her post Jacuzzi relaxation. She spied the one narrow stack of her CDs seated next to Avery's massive album collection, and rose from the couch and walked towards it, swinging her hips and looking back over her shoulder at Tony, like 'just you wait.'

She pulled Arch Enemy's Rise of the Tyrant, and crossed the room to the stereo near Tony, who remained paralyzed in the throne. She hit play, committing the blasphemer of using CD technology in Avery's house, then she turned it up, and howled, "Fuck yeah!" As the air raid sirens began to wail, the guitar landed heavy and fast, and she threw her arms up and hammered her fists to the lightning paced metal. Her head got into it, snapping side to side. Soon her whole body joined the slamming grind, and her long bangs beating against her eyes. The world was in motion. The guitar had her by the throat and shook her delerious.

She spun her way to the couch, threw herself on it, grabbed the backrest and started to drive her hips into the cushion, fucking it to the double bass drum. She then jumped from the couch onto the coffee table, almost stepping on some of Avery's precious vinyl. Feeling the cool wood on her toes, she started thrashing about and slicing the air with her fists. She then leaned back and her hoodie fell to her elbows, putting her tits on display. She stared down. They weren't big, but they were great tits. Guys should love her tits more, they were perfect!

She stepped off the table and seductively marched towards Tony. She had a big smile, and Tony had one, too. Reaching him in the chair, her chest heaved furiously, her tiny ribs spreading out and her tits rising with them. She had great hair, layered in the back and four inches all around except for her bangs, which reached an eye concealing seven. When damp, as it was, her bangs would hang like long white needles. She dropped these soft needles on his face, letting the tips wipe across his skin and his crazy mutton-chops. He shut his eyes and chuckled. She could do this––she really could!

She grabbed his shoulders suddenly.

"You're crazy, girl!"

"Come on, you sick little Italian, let's do this!"

"You and Avery, you're the same damn kind of Looney Tunes."

She jumped into the air and landed kneeling on his thighs.

"Ummf! Fuck! Ow!"

Breathless and a little dizzy, she took two fistfuls of black hair, and she made him bob his head, while leaning her chest closer to his face. Right before his nose connected with nipple, he reached up his hands and held the sides of her head. He then brought it down, forcing her back to hunch outwards, and he kissed her.

Her heart was racing. She was hot and frisky and feeling good. They looked at each other through her damp bangs, she breathed heavy against his mouth, and they both grew the silliest smiles. But her eyes now held a steel-blue devil inside, and the devil grew hungry. She growled, and slid off him, landing with her knees at his feet. Tony could be cute when he wasn't being a jack-ass.Aw, he was cute even when he was a jack-ass.

She touched his hands where they clutched onto the heavy wood armrests of the throne, and it suddenly dawned on her that Tony had more going on in his mind than just Kim––he'd been dumped. She'd been so caught up in the mystery of this evening that she'd forgotten about that. She never liked Sue. Tony was cute enough and sweet enough to do better than that bitch. All he needed was some self esteem, something she could probably help cure. She would not only do this, she'd make it the best he ever had.

She reached out and unsnapped his grey striped shorts.

"You're fucking nuts Kim!"

Smiling, and addressing him with the steel-blue devil inside, down went his zipper, and then she pulled his shorts under his hips and to his ankles. He stroked her hair, losing some of his reluctance. Thankfully his cock had made allegations towards her antics and was now casting a stiff verdict. She took it gently, stroked it, moved her lips in close for the kill, and then faked him out by licking his stomach. He laughed. She smiled. Then she took him for real.

At fourteen she'd learned how to deep-throat a guy. She did it by stuffing a large condom with a row of ping-pong balls, and over a two month span she kneel on her bed and poke her toy at the spongy gooey flesh behind her tongue, her makeshift rubber lover leaving a sour plastic taste in the worst way. She'd slightly over estimated the size of a man's penis, however, and her toy was something like nine inches and fat. During those two months she threw up once, gagged so hard her esophagus swelled for a day, and fell on the floor drowning when she'd breathed in a pool of her own thick saliva. But it was worth all the trouble in the end. She had a gift to give that very few girls could––and certainly none at age fourteen.

Tony would never know about those two months, nobody would, but he'd know she was the hottest bitch he'd ever have. He'd never forget this. Ever! She tongued him for awhile, and clamped her lips around the first two inches, pleasuring him until she had him real nice and slippery. He moaned, still just lightly touching her hair. He was at least six inches in total, an easy prey. She went down, and his stomach jerked when the head of his cock hit the spongy wall. The psychotic guitars chugged on, Angela Gossow's howls tore at the night, and Kim's heart raced with them. But she needed to catch her breath and her body had to remain still.

Initially she'd learned to bring her tongue forward, open her throat and then try not to think about it, distracting herself with the prepubescent sounds of The Pixies playing through her headphones. But like the Pixies, that was kids stuff. As she bobbed on Tony again, her tongue flattened, her throat dipped back and away to open, and she pushed the head through. Those first two moves now brought to mind setting the safety on a gun, because they'd disengage her well trained gag reflex and it would simpley shut off. Her sinuses crawled with insecurity and her vision melted, but it passed quickly, and the muscles completely succumbed, letting Tony's hard-on enter at will. She no longer needed distractions––in fact, she became aware of nothing but the cock moving into her soft pipe. Her improved technique made it pleasurable for her too, and she was getting incredibly turned on as the first area of her neck began to expand and spark with strange sensations. She bobbed again, her nose touching his belly and the little hairs that snaked about it, while her neck-inflating-clog moved deeper.

"Oh god! Oh fuck, that's crazy!" His voice was barely a squeak. It was cute!Welcome to the unreal, Tony––welcome to deep-throating!

Losing all hesitation, he held her head and laced his fingers into her damp blonde hair. She pulled off and went down again––leaving his breath jagged and airy like he'd dived into ice water. With her nose glued to his belly, she looked up through her bangs. He was in shock, like, 'what the fuck did you do with Kim, you goddamned devil!' Then he moaned, "Ahhhhh!" It was the sound of someone begging to be tortured.

She started bobbing faster, her lips feeling his pubs, and his cockhead fully in her throat. She could hold off the gag reflex, but she couldn't stop her throat from secreting fluid. She stopped for a moment to jack him off and wipe the outside of her mouth.

"You're so beautiful!"

She smiled in response. and it was a fresh friendly smile, one hundred percent genuine.

"I'm serious, you're so fucking beautiful."

She took him in her mouth again and gave him another round of the same, then backed off once more. "Fuck my throat, Tony! Really fuck my throat!"

"What? I can't do that. You're too beautiful."

"I can handle it."

"No. I can't. You're too beautiful––so, so beautiful."

"I swear––I'll be ok."

"I just can't!"

There was something sweet in that he couldn't, and she let it go with a smile, then took him a third time and gave it her all. She bobbed to the blaring music. Her esophagus was all lined up proper and her forehead thudded against his abdomen. He started moaning and didn't stop. His hips left the seat. His hands pressed against her skull. She went through the motions of swallowing, causing her throat to grip his cock, as sound emanated from inside, gulping, gagging, gurgling. He screamed but hardly made a noise.

"I'm coming! Oh god I'm coming!"

She pulled back a little and felt the hot flow splash over her tongue. Tony's orgasm was a long one. He scrubbed his finger tips against her head, and when he final stopped and let her go, she came off his cock to confront his droopy face of pleasure. Three seconds later, without either of them moving a muscle, her throat rose and fell as she swallowed, leaving her mouth dry.

She stood up as he remained in the throne, his black and grey striped shorts still around his ankles. Her baggy army shorts ended just below her knee caps, her hoodie remained unzipped and partially open, and her drying hair was sticking out where he'd been holding on. She must have looked a teenage hesher right then, but Tony had to know better––she was inhuman, a twenty-two-year-old goddess––a goddess with a steel-blue devil inside. Giving your throat for someone to completely ravish might not sound like something one would be proud of, but she was one of the privileged few who could––and as for her equally privileged recipients, they'd cherish her devil's gift to the grave. A poem she'd written in high school leapt into mind, one she'd written out next to scribbles of little girls with black eyes and holding knives:

My hardened pain, my lovely, lovely soft heart

My hardened soul, my lovely, lovely soft heart

My hardened knees, my lovely, lovely soft heart

My hardened lover,

my lovely,




She led Tony by the hand and found Avery and Ray in the very back of the yard. They sat on the black metal fence along the back wall, staring down the hillside as Avery strummed on his guitar. The wind had picked up some. Ray had crossed his arms over his bare chest to keep warm and Avery danced his bare feet along the fence. Both of them were gorgeous. Avery was just too fucking cool! Ray wassoooodreamy, and would leave a ghost behind for sure.

Tony couldn't get rid of his mindless grin if life depended on it. And when Avery realized he wasn't goofing around, that his best friend was actually left speechless in the after glow, he had an awesome laugh about it. "Oh man! Give it here!" He held out his fist and Tony brought his up to meet it.

"I think I'm going to take a walk, man. Grab some cigarettes at the liqueur store."

Kim scrubbed his head like he was a child. "Don't go and get lost."

"Bring me back some Gatorade, man. And some Snickers. And a Starburst."

"How am I going to remember all that shit?"

After Tony made a list and left, she leaned against Avery, who still sat on the three foot fence. He moved the guitar out of the way and set it beside her, then reached his hand under her hoodie to touch her lower back.

"Why are you still in your dress pants? They're going get ruined."

"Mama always said..."

She elbowed his leg.

"So Ray tells me he deals cards for a living."

"Like a hustler?"

"Ha, only when I'm not dealing cards for the Man on company party barges. You want any?" Ray held out a lighter and half a joint with no cherry––they must've smoked it earlier.

"I'm OK." She tugged at the bottom of her hoodie, bringing the unzipped flaps together and then swinging them apart, but not far enough that her tits were exposed.

"Feels great out here."

She finally swung her arms way out, her coral nipples making an appearance. Keeping her hoodie held out like that, she leaned her head back to see the stars and collect a kiss on the forehead from Avery. "Either of you care to follow the rabbit into the rabbit hole?"

She lay in the center of their king sized bed, her hoodie was discarded downstairs, and her arms were outstretched, which left her tits for the picking. The upstairs had a master bathroom towards the front of the condo with the bedroom set to the back. Like downstairs, the second-story back wall was all glass, taking advantage of the view, and the sliding doors leading to the balcony outside were open for the sake of a breeze. The dimmer switch sat at about twenty-five percent, meaning anyone on the neighboring hillside could make out vague shapes of people but not much more––unless, of course, they had star gazing equipment. But this hadn't prevented her and Avery from leaving the curtains drawn since they moved in, so why should it be any different now.

Neither of the boys had approached the bed yet. Ray seemed to be waiting for the couple to take the initiative, and Avery looked as if the gears in his head were spinning like mad.Thatmade for a frightening thought! She locked onto Ray, who stood at the foot of the bed. His Clark Gable eyes had been confronting her all night, from the very first moment he'd held the door at Valentine's until now, and she finally understood the influence they had on her. She was being owned––those black pupils nestled in glittery green and yellow shards, fixed upon her so intensely that everything around her dissolved into an unfocussed abyss, completely isolating her and leaving no chance of escape. She knew what he wanted, the eyes had articulated his thoughts perfectly and he was a lusty man. Herfearcame from the intensity itself––could she handle it?A fucking godlike-lover stood before her and this was her put-up-or-shut-up moment. Her nerve came crumbling down. A breeze picked up outside and chilled her exposed skin, and that's when she panicked.

She leapt to her feet. She had her youth and her fight, and both men were afraid of that. She took a wrestler's stance. They'd do this her way!

"This ismybed!"

"Is that right?"

"And nobody's allowed onmybed!"

"Like hell!" Avery jumped her.

She couldn't move fast enough and got tackled. "Noo!" He rolled over on his back so he was just crushing her by lying down. "Get off my bed!" She pushed at his neck until he had to move. Then she got a foot in his back and kicked him until he was off.

"I think she means it." Ray smirked, but wasn't quite ready to step into the game.

She stood up, widening her stance and hunkering down a bit. "My bed!"

Avery made another move, but this time she kicked his hand, and wasn't gentle about it.

"Fuck! Oh, you are asking for it, girl."

"Ha! Just try it. Try to take my bed and see what happens." She jerked her head towards Ray, putting the challenge on him.

"You can have your bed, I'd rather takeyou."

Avery made another move, landing solidly on the mattress. She got a foot in his stomach, but he was moving too fast and he just kept coming. He took her down with a bear hug, but her legs were going crazy. She lifted her knee up to her armpit, trying to hook that leg around his neck

"Shit Ray, grab the legs! Grab the legs!"

Ray finally moved, landing flat and making the bed grind an inch along the floor. His chest smothered her legs and it looked like it was over for her. But not so! She attempted to bite Avery, making him flinch and struggle to keep his arms away from her mouth.

"You want something in your mouth do you? Because I got something." She chomped her teeth like she'd bite it off. "Ok then," he retreated, "what about a fist? Can't bite a fist, can you!" He balled up his fingers and put it to her open mouth. She moved her head quick and got her teeth over the top of his knuckle and bit. "Fuck!" He pulled his hand away, shaking it.

She then felt Ray's hand on her feet as he proceeded to tickle her, and she started shouting, "No, no, no!" The same magic fingers that had introduced her feet to heaven were now experts in the art of torture. To silence her Avery risked putting the side of his hand in her mouth, hoping that she wouldn't actually try to bite through it. She bit, but he was right, she wasn't going take a piece of meat off. Her arm broke free and grabbed Avery's hair, and then she pulled hard.

"Goddamit! I'm getting killed up here, Ray!"

"I got her legs. That's about all I can do."

Avery pried open her grip on his hair. He slammed her wrist against the bed. Her other arm was starting to escape his weight, so he pulled his hand from her biting mouth, let the arm escape, and then caught it. He brought it up next to her other one. It only took him one hand to trap both of hers, and with the other he fetched a tee-shirt lying on the bed from earlier that day, and shoved it in her mouth. Ray still tickled her feet, but she was helpless to do anything.

"Holy shit you have one crazy girlfriend!"

Avery parted her bangs and kissed her forehead, which bore a mist of perspiration. Like almost anyone with a lot of fight inside, she had a weird thing for being pinned down. She needed Avery to break her spirit on occasion. She finally stopped squirming and went limp under the two men––no matter how unbearable the tickling had become, there was nothing she could do. She was made vulnerable and submissive––something the fighter had no tolerance for, and therefore left. In this state she could admit how she craved for Avery to call the wild shots, because there was no shame in pleasing, and the degenerate acts of the steel-blue devil would go un-judged.

"It's over! You and the bed belong to us. I'm pulling the shirt from your mouth." He did, and then ran his finger over her the tips of her teeth, tempting a bite. He pulled his finger away unscathed, and grew a cocky-ass smile. "Yep, it's over!"

He began kissing her throat next, which she obediently extended out to him. Her neck was on the svelte side, with a sexy little step down from her jaw. As she tilted her head back it grew to an amazing length, and she purred in her throat, making his soft lips tickle against it. Avery kept his lips firm as he smooched along the delicate fine arc up to her chin.

Ray had lifted her leg and kissed along her calf, holding her foot in the palm of his hand. Avery then caressed along the side of her breast and stroked her lithe button with his thumb, and in return she teased his back with her clear coat finger nails.

Ray's hand then climbed along her inner thigh and into her baggy shorts. A pre-coital tingling spread over her entire pubic area, as his hand massaged its way back out. Reaching up he unsnapped her shorts and tugged them just over her hip bone. The first of her fine blonde hairs were partially revealed. Ray kissed just above them as he held her hips, his fingers still hooked into her shorts. He took his time teasing that area with his long pointy tongue. Her guitar playing boyfriend ran his calloused prints along her neck, the roughness tickling her in a way that made her shiver. Or was she shivering because Ray was kissing closer and closer to the borderline? It was hard to tell. Finally she felt Ray tug, and she raised her bottom off the bed, letting him take her only clothing down to the knees. Lifting her legs in the air, he pulled them off towards the ceiling. He brought her legs down, spreading them enough to reveal the majesty of her treasure. The night was progressing wonderfully.