Singer Wants to Keep Her Job

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She reluctantly does what’s required.
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He punched the number of the Hotel Bar into the phone. Gerry, the Bar Manager answered, "Yea, Mr. Payne, what can I do for you?"

Gerry's voice sounded respectful. He had seen Jack Payne's room number appear on his screen. Jack smiled to himself. He had already reassured Gerry about his continuation as Bar Manager and now Gerry was keen to reassure Jack that he had made the right decision. In fact the decision had not been Jack's to make. Jack Payne was a mere messenger, sent by the Head Office of the Estoria Hotel Group to inform the local hotel staff as to which of them were being retained and which were being released. The decisions on how to make efficiency savings in the hotel had already been made by the Head Office Efficiency Team, who had been staying incognito at the hotel for the last few weeks. They were now gone and Jack's job was to inform the lucky staff being retained, often with a salary increase, and give the bad news to those being made redundant.

He had been given the role of conveying bad news as the Head Office had recognized him as being cold and callous and perfect for the hard task of telling staff when they were no longer required. When he had first been given the role as messenger, a couple of years previously, he had tried to make it clear to the staff that the decisions on who went and who stayed had not been his, but nobody believed him. It seemed ridiculous to him that the staff could think that he, a twenty three-year-old young man, could have been given such a level of responsibility, but he soon realized that was the case. If he'd had any sensitivity he would have felt annoyed and embarrassed about it, but as he was coldly indifferent he couldn't care. In fact he soon came to see the benefits.

It was a maid tidying his room at the first hotel that began his realization of how he could exploit his position. She had asked him if her job was safe. Looking at his list he could see that she was being retained but he was a bit slow in responding to her question. The next minute she was unzipping his pants and determinedly sucking the head of his cock. She was not a particularly attractive brunette and, being in shock as she pulled his pants down, his organ was flaccid. However, as she determinedly sucked his glans, his penis engorged with blood and he was soon groaning contentedly as he filled her mouth with cum. She then looked really pleased as he told her that her job was OK.

He didn't know whether she'd mentioned their encounter to anybody else, but the next day as he came out of the shower he found a blonde maid stripping her clothes off. She was a big girl, fatter than he would normally have been interested in. However, despite her size, he'd felt obliged to give her a good shafting and as her fat thighs, stomach and breasts were all wobbling to his thrusts, he decided, as he climaxed, that he could enjoy fucking women of all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds.

Nevertheless, he decided he would be picking out the best looking women to exploit. He particularly liked slightly mature women, mid-thirties, who had often reached a managerial grade and wore smart clothing, but he also liked the dancers and singers in the hotel entertainment areas. He knew he was an average looking guy who most women would not look twice at, but now he had access to good looking women far above his previous expectations.

Early on, he did make the mistake of fucking women who he'd then made redundant, but after he found his car smashed in with a crowbar or similar weapon, he decided that he would only take advantage when the member of staff was going to be retained. It meant he missed out on some gorgeous women, but 'hey', he said to himself, 'one can't have everything'. After that he regarded his encounters as a win-win, the employee kept her job and he got to sexually enjoy her.

Gerry, the Bar Manager, was waiting for him to respond to his question.

"Gerry, when Dolores has finished her act, send her up to my room please."

"Sure thing Mr. Payne."

There was no further comment from Gerry. Jack had interviewed staff in office rooms and other rooms around the hotel including his bedroom, but Gerry didn't think anything of it. Or, if he did notice that the best looking women were interviewed in Mr. Payne's bedroom, he kept it to himself.

Dolores was the main singer. She sang rather old fashioned songs, Broadway melodies and Ella Fitzgerald numbers, and dressed in a dated style. Her dress was long, tight fitting and sequined, narrowing at her waist. It showed her magnificent figure off to perfection. The skirt of the dress was split up the leg and there was a hint of darker nylon near her thighs, which could have implied thigh-highs or garter straps and stockings. She was a beautiful woman, her dark glossy hair and sparkling brown eyes indicating a trace of Latina, but her greatest attributes were her big voluptuous breasts and a big rounded firm ass. As she moved around the stage on her high heels, her breasts swung a fraction of a second behind the rest of her body causing boners to twitch appreciatively in her male audience.

Jack's intention, of which Dolores was unaware, was that he was going to be penetrating that luscious body in the near future. He wasn't going to bother to make her give him a blowjob. In fact his blowjob enjoyment had been satisfied earlier in the day by the Office Manager, Miss Holloway. A blowjob would be a complication that delayed getting his boner inside Dolores's more fundamental juicy hole. There were a couple of holes he was interested in, but he believed a gentleman should always call at the front door first.

As he was waiting for Dolores, Jack thought about his earlier encounter with Miss Holloway. She shared the responsibility for the hotel administration with the Head Receptionist, Mr. Gedge. It was evident to everyone that their roles would be combined in any restructuring. However, as Mr. Gedge was three months off retirement, the obvious candidate to be retained was Miss Holloway and this was what the Head Office Efficiency Team had decided. Miss Holloway was unaware that the decision had already been made, but assumed that she would move seamlessly into the new combined role with an appropriate increase in salary,

Her attitude irritated Jack. She was a haughty good-looking redhead in her mid-thirties who, he knew from her file, had recently got engaged. Her figure was slim, with no noticeable curves. However, what was her sexiest feature by far was a set a sensuous lips that looked to have been made to suck a boner. She knew she had extremely kissable-looking lips and applied a thick glossy red lipstick to accentuate them.

She believed that she was too good for the hotel and let it be known that she had been approached by Hilton Hotels with a possible job offer. So, when Jack asked her into the back office for a talk about her future, she strutted in confidently and, with a smirk, awaited the news of her promotion.

Jack allowed a few seconds of silence before he began his memorized script.

"Firstly, Miss Holloway, I would like to thank you most sincerely for your commitment and service to the Estoria Hotel Group. Your contract of employment sets out quite clearly your right to severance pay and I am pleased to confirm that there is no complication at all to you receiving your full entitlement. Of course there are two staff loans which you have taken out and which will now need to be repaid, but I'm sure your new employer will assist you on that. It now only remains for me to wish you luck for the future in which I am sure you will be very successful."

With the end of his oration Jack held out his hand for the traditional handshake, but was met with a stare of incomprehension from Miss Holloway.

"Surely Mr. Payne," she gasped, "you cannot be serious about releasing me."

Her attractive, blue-eyed, slightly freckled face was looking pale.

"Mr. Gedge has only three months to go before his retirement. How can you possibly pick him over myself?"

Jack was enjoying himself. He noticed how those luscious lips were slightly trembling. He tried to look as if he was puzzled. "But Miss Holloway, we knew that you were leaving anyway with an offer of a better job, so we thought that Mr. Gedge could cover for the next three months and then, as we would be taking bookings and checking-in online, we would start afresh with new management."

Miss Holloway was looking horrified. Her voice now was far less confident and conveyed consternation.

"Mr. Payne, although the Hilton Group has shown an interest, I have received nothing in writing. Indeed, if you make me redundant, I now would be out of work and the repayment of my two staff loans would be impossible."

Jack's face now showed a look of great concern. It was an expression he had practiced and used on a number of previous occasions. "Miss Holloway, I am so sorry. Had I known that your opportunity for other employment was so negligible," she winced at that word, "I would certainly have offered you the new post of General Manager of Operations with an increase in salary, as we certainly value your abilities."

She was now looking hopeful. "But Mr. Payne, surely you can now appoint me."

Suddenly Jack looked at her with a colder expression. "Miss Holloway, the paper work required would be considerable. It is now impossible for me to reconsider."

She looked devastated, and then he continued, "Unless, of course, you could help me to change my mind."

She was still looking woebegone, but was now also looking perplexed until Jack made it clear. "If you were to kneel in front of me and pleasure me, I believe I could do the paperwork required and appoint you as General Manager of Operations."

Suddenly, she was looking horrified. The issues were crashing around in her head -- she was going to lose her job -- she could retain her job if she fellated him -- what was she to do?

Jack helped her come to a decision. "The role of General Manager comes with a fifteen percent salary increase over your current role."

Her face was expressionless as she took in that information then, bracing herself, she resolutely stepped forward and knelt in front of him. He had won again. There were still a few stages to go before she was past the point of no return, but he felt he had her.

He looked down at her in triumph as he slowly undid the belt of his pants. She stared ahead fixedly, trying to ignore what he was doing. He pulled his zip down and then slowly pushed his pants down his legs and took them off. He was standing there in his boxers which were being pushed out by his boner. Grasping the elastic on both sides, he pushed his boxers down and off his legs. He was now standing there naked from the waist down. When he first had women kneeling in front of him, he had just pulled his zip down. Now, with a lot more experience, he knew that he needed his genitals unencumbered to have complete freedom to enjoy their treat.

Miss Holloway was breathing shallowly, but was now gazing in fright at the sight of his manhood swaying in front of her. He was bigger than most men. He also knew he produced more semen than most guys and he was lucky to be able to keep going for long periods. Miss Holloway was unaware of his last two abilities, but it was his size that now was causing consternation.

Jack lowered his voice to a gentle murmur. "Just take it slowly into your mouth, Miss Holloway. Imagine, I am your fiancé."

Miss Holloway's fiancé had never asked her for a blowjob and she'd never offered one. She muttered, "We don't, we haven't---", staring wide-eyed at his swaying boner.

Jack was surprised. It seemed almost criminal that she was not using those lips, which were so perfectly shaped to give oral stimulation, to provide pleasure for her fiancé.

As she wasn't moving, he gently placed a hand behind her head, keeping it still as he pushed forward and placed the tip of his knob head to her closed lips. The smell of his male musk was strong in her nostrils. Miss Holloway's mind was in turmoil. If she opened her lips, she knew it was a point of no return, but then if she lost her job it was unthinkable and there was no way she could repay the staff loans. Jack had experienced a couple of women who had suddenly jumped up at this point, but he was feeling fairly confident and was proved right. After a couple of long seconds, her lush lips slowly parted and slid around his mushroom head. He had never tired of enjoying that moment when his cock first entered a woman's mouth and Miss Holloway's mouth was as warm and wet as they come. The feeling of the flesh of her lips sliding over his hot glans was delicious. As she pulled back and started repeating the maneuver, he began to realize that this was not the first time she had delivered a blowjob. His experience of being pleasured by women's mouths was now considerable and, even as she claimed that she did not fellate her fiancé, Jack could tell that she was no blowjob virgin.

As she was now fully committed, with no escape, he began to tease her. "Miss Holloway, I can tell you've done this before, so you know how to hold my balls as you suck."

As she continued to suck him, there was a slight widening of her eyes and coloring of her cheeks that confirmed he was correct. She tentatively moved a hand forward cradling his balls. The way her fingers started jiggling and scratching them gave him further confirmation of her experience.

He decided to embarrass her even more. He liked to thoroughly humiliate the women he was forcing into sex. It made them very submissive and compliant, and acquiescent when, at a later date, he might choose to demand a repeat performance.

He wondered if she'd been giving blowjobs to her first boss at the hotel in order to achieve her current position. He decided to find out. "Would it have been Mr. Kline you sucked off by any chance."

Her face blushed pink to the roots of her hair as she continued to suck him. He chuckled, "Well, well, you naughty girl Miss Holloway, and of course your fiancé doesn't know."

The mortification was in her eyes as she realized he knew everything. She felt a tremendous guilt that this man knew her secret. Her shame made her feel less and less able to resist.

His voice was now sounding harsh, "OK, so you know how a man likes his glans licked and then sucked, so do it for me as you used to do it for Mr. Kline."

She yielded immediately to his command and licked the tender nerve at the base of his mushroom head, then trailed her tongue around the rim before she pushed it into the red eye at the tip. Then she returned to sucking his helmet before repeating the maneuver.

As she was replicating this action five or six times Jack gloated, " Oh yes Miss Holloway, you really are a dirty slut."

She moaned as she heard his words, feeling utterly humiliated. He then took it further, "I'm going deeper now Miss Holloway."

He pushed his boner to the back of her throat, but she was not making any further progress easy. He decided to be cruel.

"If I don't get everything I want with this blowjob, Miss Holloway, you will get nothing but your severance papers."

There was a muffled sound from her, which would have been a sob if his cock hadn't been filling her mouth. Then, bending her head slightly, she opened her throat, allowing his hot hard meat to slip to the back. Her nostrils were buried in his pubic hair. He pulled out carefully then pushed it right in again. Repeating the action more quickly he was now throat fucking her, gripping her hair with both hands.

He was able to enjoy this fabulous throat fuck for some time before he felt his climax building. He had been at this physical point many times before and now told his victim just what he wanted.

"Right, Miss Holloway, I'm going to cum. As I do I will pull my cock out of your throat into your mouth. You will then suck my helmet as hard as you can. As I cum in your mouth you will swallow my seed as quickly as possible as we don't want to spill any on this carpet."

Feeling his instructions were clear, he felt his orgasm bubble over. Miss Holloway began sucking his crown hard as his fiery cum spurted in her mouth, shot after shot. She swallowed as much as she could, not allowing even a trickle of jizz to escape.

He quickly dressed and walked towards the door. As he turned round to address her she was still kneeling, staring ahead. In a matter-of-fact tone he said, "The confirmation of your new appointment will be on your desk tomorrow morning. I'll be back in three months' time when I'll expect you to show your appreciation again for your good fortune."

With that he left the room and shut the door.

He was thinking about Miss Holloway as he waited for Dolores to come to his room. Miss Holloway was the archetypal Office Manager, efficient, but not particularly pleasant. Dolores on the other hand, was a very good natured woman. He knew, from talking to other members of staff, that she was a churchgoer who was faithful to her husband. A number of male patrons had made her offers, all of which she had ignored. She was nearly forty, worried about her age and whether she was too old fashioned for the hotel. She attended the hotel gym regularly to keep her body firm. She had a sixteen year-old daughter at a school which required some fees to be paid by the parents and as Dolores husband had a steady but low paid job, Dolores was the main breadwinner.

He knew that Dolores would be worried as she came up to his room. Being a callous man, he didn't care about her worries, feeling that they only made her more vulnerable for him to exploit. The hotel had another younger singer, Kerry, a sexy lithe blonde, who sang the numbers for the earlier part of the evening. Her songs were more modern, Beyonce etc. However, the hotel only needed one singer, so one of them would have to go.

The Head Office Efficiency Team had done a good job in analyzing the options. They had realized that it was Dolores who pulled in the punters who bought the most expensive drinks. So their solution was that Dolores would be kept on doing a longer but better paid routine, while Kerry would be transferred to a club in town, also owned by the group, which had a younger audience. Jack was looking forward to interviewing Kerry the following morning, but for now all he could think of was penetrating Dolores. Dolores knew none of the decisions that had already been made as she approached Jack's room and feared for her continuing employment.

Her knock on his door was hesitant, so he pretended not to hear it. It was then repeated a bit louder and he opened the door smiling at his guest. Dolores looked nervous. Jack was dressed in a tracksuit which would be easy for him to strip off for his sex session, but Dolores just saw him as a busy executive who was about to go to the gym. She believed that he saw her as a very minor cog in a big machine.

As she came into his room he walked back to his bed and turned around facing her. He didn't ask her to sit down, that would have put her more at her ease. He started as usual with his memorized script.

"Firstly, Dolores, I would like to thank you most sincerely for your commitment and service to the Estoria Hotel Group. Your contract of employment sets out quite clearly your right to severance pay and I am pleased to confirm that there is no complication at all to you receiving ---."

But he got no further. He was interrupted by a wail from Dolores who put her hand to her mouth. He tried to sound concerned, "Dolores, are you OK? As you probably guessed we only need one singer and Kerry is better placed to bring in a younger audience."

Dolores was still shaking. "I don't know what I'll do," she gasped. "My husband doesn't earn much and I have a child who depends on me."

He tried to look horrified. "Dolores, you have a daughter?"